Diving basics. Ways to enter and exit the water

There are two ways to dive: the first is to jump or push off something, the second is to dive under the water, already in it (without pushing).

In addition, diving (1) in the pool, (2) in open water has its own characteristics. Consider below how to learn to dive using all these methods.

If you are standing on the surface and can dive into the pool, then there are four options for such a dive described below (note that not all pools allow this).

Simple jump head first

We stand on the edge of the side of the pool, bring our feet together, grab the edge of the side with our toes. Stretch your arms forward, then tilt the body, bend your legs slightly, push off the board and slowly enter the water.

Extend your arms forward so that your head is parallel to your arms. Place your hands so that they are directed forward, and do not go beyond the line of projection of the head and neck.

Dive from the pedestal

It is used to perform a start in the pool from a pedestal for subsequent swimming in sports styles. This is the variant used by professional swimmers:

  1. We put the supporting leg forward, fixing the position with the fingertips.
  2. We move the second leg back and put it on the end of the cabinet.
  3. We tilt the body and grab the cabinet with our hands.
  4. We shift the body a little back, as if for acceleration, and push with the front foot, immediately putting the back foot to it.
  5. After you wave your hands, they should be in front of you and before you dive head first, your hands should cut through the water.

This technique is shown step by step here:

When flying, the body must be level, it is not necessary to enter the water deeper than 110 cm.

Schematically, this option is also shown in this illustration:
Jump from the pedestal

This way of jumping has a clear advantage and is the most optimal for a quick start. This method of starting in swimming is also called athletics.

Jumping into the water

We stand on the edge of the board, press our hands to the body along the body, take a step forward with one foot, then tear off the second from the surface and quickly attach it.

Be sure to pull the toes, we do this for a good dissection of the water.

Support push

This option is used when you are already in the water and you can push off from something, a classic example is from the wall in the pool.

To do this, take air into the lungs and group so that the knees are bent. Being in a horizontal position, push off strongly with your feet from the wall of the pool, at the same time put your hands forward, as shown in the picture:

Push from the side

At the moment of the push, you need to dive under the water and then slide under the water, it is possible to work with your feet. Usually butterfly footwork is used, but crawl and breaststroke can also be used.

How to learn?

First of all, you need to decide which of the above methods suits you and start practicing it. The more practice you have, the sooner and better you will learn.

Diving into water without support

If you are already in the water - in the sea, other open water or pool, then you will need to make free dive.

Such immersion in water without support can be done three different ways:

Upside down

In order to dive head down, you need to group the body, gain enough air, put your head in the water and to start moving towards the bottom you should connect legs.

It looks like this:
Diving upside down without support

For greater effect and fast promotion you can connect your hands in the style of a breaststroke. When diving out again, you need to group the body, and use the breaststroke style to swim to the surface.

Beginners or amateurs in this case often cover their nose with their hand so that water does not get into it. However, in this case it is inconvenient to swim, therefore, instead, it is recommended not to raise the nose up - then air will not come out of it and water will not get into it, or exhale through the nose - in this case, again, water will not get into it.

Downside down

In another way, this option is called "soldier".

We take a vertical position, we take air into the lungs. Then with the help of the movement of the hands, starting from the pelvis and continuing stroke from bottom to top, diving deep.

We get out with the help of quick movements of the arms and legs in the breaststroke style.

Dive in length

With the help of fast and rhythmic crawl-style footwork, at the moment when one arm is in front of the outstretched one, we make a sharp stroke with the other hand and enter the water in a horizontal position.

The legs work as a crawl, and with your hands you control: either dive lower or emerge from the water.

What to do if glasses fly off?

Glasses - "glass"

In general, competitive swimming is swimming with goggles:

  1. Firstly, this is due to the fact that in the pool water is disinfected with bleach or other non-chlorine preparations that can cause eye irritation.
  2. Secondly, swimming (and especially diving) involves immersing your head in water - and few people know how to be under water with their eyes open.

However, a problem immediately arises here: if you make a jump from a support, then during the entry into the water, glasses fly off your head from a blow. In the pool, this disrupts further swimming, and in open water it threatens to lose them.

This problem cannot be completely eliminated, but you can do the following:

  1. Wear goggles under your swim cap. At least from the head, they definitely won’t go anywhere then, this will significantly increase their “perseverance” in front of their eyes during the jump.
  2. Tighten the rubber bands to the maximum from glasses. But keep in mind that this option is only suitable for jumping, but will not work for a long swim - the glasses will put pressure on your face.
  3. Try glasses - "glass"(without silicone seal). According to reviews, they fly off less (although for normal swimming they can pass more water - but this is strictly individual and depends on the model).

Safety is very important when diving. Be sure to read these guidelines before you take action:

  • Deciding to learn how to hold your breath underwater for a long time, you must be able to float(about learning this skill and swimming in general), conduct regular training and most importantly, remember - you need to start small.

    In no case do not exhaust yourself sitting without air under water, suffocating in order to withstand the cherished seconds or minutes. This issue should be approached gradually.

    You can start even with a couple of seconds of being under water without air, gradually increasing your time. The main thing is not to work on speed, but on the result. Patience, diligent training - and soon you will be able to conquer the underwater surface.

  • Make sure that when you emerge not covered by a wave- it is dangerous.
  • When diving into the depths, do not overdo it, because if you go too deep, you can feel a big water pressure on the ears.
  • In open water, before diving, it is worth paying great attention to inspecting the bottom. Check is there enough depth in order to dive and not hurt your head or any other part of your body. You should also look so that there are no logs, sticks and other things which could injure you.
  • Regarding the pool - in the pool bowl, maybe in some place chip off tile, and when pushing off the edge of the pool, you can easily slip and injure your leg, because. the edges of the pool can be slippery - so this point must be carefully monitored.
  • Before learning how to dive in open water, train your nose, because when diving water can enter the nostrils and cause very unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx.
  • If you are diving in the sea or any other body of water where there are waves, dive under them.
  • If you dive in a body of water where there is a current, start diving from the shore and do not go further than waist-deep. So that you can confidently stand at the bottom, and have complete confidence that the current won't carry you away.
  • Categorically forbidden diving in places where is the boat stop.

Prepositions are single-valued and multi-valued. For example, the preposition about denotes a place (near a house) and an approximate number (about a hundred). Polysemantic prepositions can be used with several cases. For example, the preposition under is used with the accusative case, denoting the direction (to go near Moscow), the destination (to take control), the time (to come in the evening), the state (under threat); the same preposition is used with the instrumental case, denoting space (to settle near Vyatka), reason (to sag under weight).

331. Make phrases "verb + noun with a preposition in or on the". What do these prepositions mean? With what cases did you use them? Indicate the cases of nouns and highlight the case endings.

Work, bring (factory, plant, hospital, library, shop, stock exchange, workshop). To study, to enter (school, technical school, courses, lyceum, institute, faculty of history). Live, travel (Siberia, Arctic, Urals, Altai, Moscow).

332. From these words, make up phrases with a preposition on. In what style are these phrases predominantly used? With any of them, make a sentence with homogeneous members.

To enroll, graduating (?) from school. Meet, arrival. Discuss return. Entrance, presentation of an invitation letter. Report the end(?) of the transfer. Talk, pr..driving home.

at the end
on arrival

333. Make up phrases, putting in the right case the nouns given in brackets. Write case over nouns.

Mistake .. beat on (carelessness, ra .. absent-mindedness, (negligence). Absent for (illness, good reason). Enroll after (graduating from school). Get off (horse). (3, s) run from (forest ..nitsa). Meet with (comrade). Enter the water along (knee, belt). A bird the size of (sparrow, dove).

334. Make up phrases, putting the underlined nouns in the right number and case.

Reverse..shchat vn..mania (for what?), remove..lyat vn..mania (what?) - little things. Feedback (about what?), Review (of what?) - book. Reply .. to report (in what?), make a report ..t (about what?) - Job. Superiority (what over what?), etc. property (what before what?) - new technology and old technology. Ex .. warn (from what?), pr .. warn (about what?) - danger (?). Confidence (in what?), Faith (in what?) - fairness. Inform (about what?), information (about what?) - event.

335. Using suitable prepositions, make up and write down phrases. Write the abbreviated case above dependent nouns. Enclose the prepositions in a box. In case of difficulty, refer to the "Explanatory Dictionary". In which phrases the connection between words is expressed only with the help of endings?

Told, (not) wealth; pointed out (not) affluence; mentioned, (not) wealth; stopped, (not) wealth. To be sure, (not) guilty; to believe, (in) guilt; to believe, (in)guilt. Confidence, rightness; faith, righteousness; conviction, correctness; make sure it's right. Pay, travel; pay fare.

336. Analyze phrases. Find errors in the use of prepositions and cases of nouns. Write the word combinations in the corrected form.

1. Pay for the ticket. 2. Confidence in p..trouble. 3. Depict..zit about the Borodino battle ... 4. D..pour about your achievements. 5. Prove that you are right. 6. Indicate about (not) wealth. 7. Report .. about work. 8. Raz..explain about the rules of conduct. 9. Pills for headaches.

Hi friends

Today's article is for diving enthusiasts and those who decide to join them.

For everyone who first came to the blog, first of all I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this type of recreation for practicing.

If everything is in order with your health, at the next step it would be nice to get acquainted with, and operate.

You will also find a lot of interesting things in the articles from the heading.

For those who already know everything without me and are eager to dive under water, I inform you that starting from today's article, we will get acquainted (or remember) with diving techniques.

In future articles, we will look at ways to swim, dive, and more, and today we will start with ways to enter and exit the water.

It would seem, what is so difficult?

I answer: - Really, nothing! There are only a few nuances, depending on what surface you are going to dive from.

So let's go...

Before entering the water

First of all, we determine where it is better to enter the water, in what way and where it is better to leave it.

The sequence of actions is approximately as follows:

  • we collect scuba gear and carry out a working one;
  • we put the equipment on ourselves and help our friend to put it on;
  • we open the shut-off valve of the cylinder, insert the mouthpiece into the mouth and take a couple - three breaths, making sure that air is supplied to the regulator;

This applies to general preparation for entering the water. Further, depending on the place from which you dive, there are some differences.

Entrance from the dive boat (pier)

In addition to the equipment we put on, we put on a mask and fins.

Before entering the water, we make sure that there is no one under us.

Firstly, if someone is under you, you can injure him with a balloon or with your own body, a person can lose consciousness, release the mouthpiece from his mouth and choke.

Secondly, you yourself can get injured.

So, we made sure. You can now enter the water in one of the following ways:

a) giant step

This method is suitable for entering from a high board (or pier), as the easiest and safest.

Holding the buckle with one hand (if there is one), and with the other hand, we take a big step forward, starting from the side.

If you do not hold the weight belt, when it hits the water, it can unfasten and sink, and if you do not hold the mask with the regulator, you can be left without a mask and front teeth.

Taking a giant step, we look forward - to the horizon.

After splashing down, we roll over onto our back and swim away from the boat a little so as not to hit the side and allow other divers to freely take their step into the abyss.

b) a soldier

If the board is very high from the water, when even a giant step is fraught with the repulsion of important parts of the body, we use the entrance as a soldier.

As in the first case, we hold the mask with the regulator with one hand, the weight belt with the other, push off from the side and bring our legs together in flight, slightly bending them at the knees. In this case, the flippers should take a horizontal position.

When entering the water, the fins soften the blow and slow down the dive.

We also sail to the side.

c) somersault back

This method is more suitable when diving from a low side, such as a boat or catamaran.

To enter the water with a somersault, we sit on the side (edge) of the boat, with our backs to the water and, holding the mask with the regulator with our hand, we move further to the edge of the side, doing a somersault back.

We do all this carefully so as not to hit the board with our backs and not to catch on the balloon. At the same time, we bend our free arm in front of us, and tilt our head slightly to the chest.

On small boats, we enter the water somersault back simultaneously from two sides, otherwise we risk turning it over.

Having plunged, we also sail a little from the boat.

d) controlled entry from a sitting position

The method is suitable for entering calm water from a board or pier.

We sit on board (pier), facing the water, hanging our legs into it. We take the edge of the side (pier) with our hands and, adhering to them, smoothly slide into the water with a turn.

At the same time, we control our position, trying not to catch on the edge of the equipment.

We sail away from the board (pier) to the side.

d) going down the ladder

There is nothing complicated in this method either, its only feature is that you should not put on fins before entering the water.

Firstly, it will be inconvenient for you to go down the ladder, and secondly, you can slip in fins, break (tear, break) equipment and leave a lot of unpleasant marks on your body.

After descent into the water, a partner or instructor will give you fins (which, of course, you agreed in advance).

Sail a little to the side, put on fins and get ready to dive.

Entrance from the shore

Shore diving is one of the easiest in calm weather and at the same time one of the most difficult in heavy seas.

When the water is calm, we put on an aqualung and a weight belt on the shore, we take everything else with us. Having entered waist-deep, we equip ourselves in the water.

When excited, we additionally put on fins and enter the water with our backs forward (facing forward is unlikely to work). As soon as we have reached a depth sufficient to swim, we also swim backwards from the edge of the surf (there the excitement is not so strong) and put on a mask.

At the same time, it is advisable to keep the mouthpiece of the regulator in your mouth - this will not allow you to choke on water in which case.

In case of strong excitement, we put on all the equipment, including a mask and fins. We breathe through the regulator and, holding hands with a partner, we enter the water with our backs.

All this time we are watching the surf: when the wave rolls up, we stop and meet it, when it rolls back, we move on. As soon as the depth becomes sufficient for diving, we turn around, let go of our hands and swim away from the shore, avoiding the ridges (diving under them).

Getting out of the water

To get out of the water, we determine the most accessible and safe place.

a) to the bot

When entering a boat equipped with a ladder, it is best to remove the fins first. Pass them on to a partner on the bot or hang them on your hand.

If it is possible to remove the rest of the equipment and transfer it to the bot, we do it immediately, otherwise, we climb the ladder without removing the equipment and without pulling the mouthpiece of the regulator out of our mouths.

We completely remove the equipment only on the deck of the boat.

b) on the beach

When going ashore, we swim up to a depth where you can remove the fins, while standing on the bottom. We take off our flippers and, without taking off our equipment, go ashore.

Only after that we remove the equipment.

In heavy surf, let the waves carry you to the point where you can stand up. When taking off your fins, do not turn your face to the waves, you will be overturned.

In both cases, we keep the compensator inflated: even if you accidentally stumble and fall into the water, it will allow you to stay afloat.

That's all in a nutshell about how to get in and out of the water.

I hope I didn’t tell anything complicated and you shouldn’t have any problems.

That's why I say goodbye for today. Good luck with your diving.

Sincerely, Sergey Drozdov.

P. S. If you have any questions after reading the article, feel free to ask in the comments.

P. P. S. You can find the topics that will be revealed in the near future at.

The most interesting thing about set expressions is their history. Everything else a native speaker knows and either can guess if he thinks properly. Today we will consider the meaning of the phraseological unit “as if looking into the water”, its history and discuss a little about the foundations of predicting the future.


The topic is actually mystical, because it is about divination. Water is not only one of the main elements on planet Earth, but also a great adviser to man. Of course, we are talking about the prediction of fate. You can, of course, think that the expression is related to the transparency of water. For example, when we swim in the sea, and the water there is clear enough, we can easily see the bottom, and so it is with the fate of man: some easily and freely see the future, relying either on their intuition or on rational knowledge. But it's not like that.

The history of the phraseological unit “as if looking into the water” and its meaning date back to pagan times, when people believed sorcerers and witches, and they were able to discern the fate of a person in water. But one should not think that this was the privilege of only those who mastered the dark art. Since ancient times, the Russian people have successfully guessed themselves using water.

It is difficult to say how effective such methods are, because all the stories that have remained to us from our ancestors cannot be recognized as factual. They already contain a fair amount of myths. For history as a science, this is bad, but for us it is good, because we have enough realism in everyday life.


Understanding the origin, it is not difficult to establish the meaning of the phraseological unit “like looking into the water”: this is what they say when a person predicts the course of events. The main thing is that the phenomena that happen are not obvious, then the “prophet” will become famous for his By the way, if a man or woman can predict certain events in public life or in the behavior of the market, then this skill can be fully monetized.

But usually they say this about everyday things, but not always obvious. Knowing the psychology of people and having some facts on hand, you can easily “tell fortune”. For example, a student who has spent years of apprenticeship in idleness is unlikely to succeed in life and become a respected person. A windy subject is unlikely to be able to find a solid foundation in the form of a family and children and take root in social soil, even if this happens, his nature will eventually sweep away all this foundation. A person usually succumbs to the inertia of habit. These are weak predictions that anyone can think of, but there are others.

Mystical and rational predictions

Johnny Smith, the protagonist of Stephen King's "Dead Zone", and Sherlock Holmes, who needs no additional introduction, will help us to fully reveal the meaning of the phraseological unit "like looking into the water". What can be common between heroes from different eras? Of course, a prophetic gift. Johnny Smith has a mystical nature, Johnny just knows that something is going to happen, and Sherlock owes his abilities to training and fantastic powers of observation. As a result, any non-mystical prediction can be reduced to three components:

  • the ability to observe;
  • draw conclusions based on the material;
  • to model and design the future based on the obtained conclusions.

This is probably why everyone likes Sherlock so much, because he is unique. This level of development and prognostic function is too tough for a person. If you need an illustration for the meaning of the phraseologism “like looking into the water”, you always know who to remember and cite as an example.

Mystic seers are a different sort of people. Viewers and readers like them because prophets give the addressee hope that the future can be controlled and is predetermined. Nothing can be said about the latter. Someone believes that everything has long been decided by the heavenly office, and we just have to play the role, while others believe that a person is the master of his own destiny.

The ability to mystical insight into the future cannot be explained by powerfully developed analytical abilities. There is a hypothesis that S. King reproduces in his novel that extrasensory perception is a very ancient human skill and it can return to him if he receives various craniocerebral injuries.

The reader is free to take any position on this issue. The main thing is that he remembers: the meaning of the phraseological unit “as if looking into the water” comes down to predicting the future.

Water in the knee is a very unpleasant ailment that often causes severe pain and contributes to dysfunction of the knee joint. If you notice any warning symptoms of fluid in your knees, see your doctor. We offer some ways to solve the problem that will bring you relief while waiting for an appointment with a specialist.

Water in the knee: symptoms

The appearance of fluid in the knee is facilitated, in particular, by sprains and dislocations. The joint in this place is a relatively sensitive structure, prone to injury and overload.

Water in the knee is an effusion in the knee joint, which appears as a result of the inflammatory process.

The synovial membrane produces a special mucus, thanks to which the knee joint can work freely. Injury to these areas irritates the synovial membrane, and the synovial membrane reacts by producing too much synovial fluid.
What are the symptoms that might suggest that excess water is accumulating in the joint?

  • Severe, pressing pain is the result of damage to the joint. The disease is especially evident when a person moves his knee or stands on the affected leg (which is why you will notice difficulty in moving).
  • Sometimes a knee injury makes it impossible to bend or straighten the knee.
  • Puffiness appears, the knee increases in size, and this is especially evident in comparison with a healthy leg.
  • In case of mechanical damage, edema is accompanied by a hematoma.
  • Surely you will feel a sharp heat localized in this area. And the overproduction of fluid just leads to cooling of the tissues and a decrease in pain.

Water in the knee: treatment

So, the fluid in the knee joint is manifested by severe pain, swelling and difficulty in movement - this should not be ignored. If you are concerned about these symptoms, see your doctor. In the meantime, while you are waiting for your appointment, try alleviating the unpleasant symptoms of water in the knee with affordable home remedies.

  • Swelling will be removed by a cold compress: wrap ice cubes in a clean towel or napkin and place on your knee. Due to the low temperature, the damaged vessels will narrow, which will slow down the blood flow. In addition, pain and swelling will decrease and be less irritating.
  • It is also worth taking an anesthetic drug with ibuprofen.
  • Compresses from a solution of ordinary vinegar have a calming effect on a swollen knee. You can buy ready-made preparations containing aluminum acetate in the pharmacy.
  • If there is also a bruise next to the swelling, help your knee with arnica. Compresses and ointments should bring relief.
  • Another way, known from time immemorial, is to apply a chilled cabbage leaf to a sore knee.
  • If you have an elastic bandage handy, wrap it around your knee. By supporting the joint in this way, you will avoid further damage.

If there is water in the knee, treatment in a medical facility will be next. Your doctor will likely refer you for an x-ray or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and recommend getting rid of the fluid in your knee by tapping the joint.
