A fitness mat - a stylish accessory or a necessity? How to sew a simple yoga mat cover. Master class How to make a yoga mat

If you decide to do yoga, then you need to buy a special mat for training. This device will help to significantly soften the working surface, protect it from the cold floor and eliminate the moment of slipping of the arms and legs during exercise. This indispensable assistant will allow you to concentrate properly, without being distracted by possible discomfort. Therefore, you need to consider all factors when choosing this product. Such a rug can be made independently at home. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to make a yoga mat with your own hands, what you need to pay attention to when buying it, and how to properly care for such equipment. If you want to know more information, then stay with us, it will be interesting!

Yoga mat cover

Most people dedicate their free time spiritual development - yoga classes. Classes are held individually or in general groups. Let's say you already have a yoga mat, but it's worth considering how to transport it. It is extremely inconvenient to fold the rug into a regular bag or package, because you need to leave room for suitable clothes and shoes. And in this case, there is a solution. For your favorite accessory, you can sew a special case that will be compact and very convenient when transporting to your destination. Moreover, it is not always possible to buy a rug with a cover or a special bag for carrying it. We will help you make a fitness mat with your own hands and sew a comfortable bag for it.

For work, we need the following materials and tools:

  • Suitable fabric.
  • Threads to match the product.
  • Scissors.
  • Tailor's pins for chipping.
  • Chalk for marking.
  • Iron and ironing board.
  • Sewing machine.

Important! A yoga mat is a personal and rather intimate thing that not only contacts the physical body of a person, but also absorbs its energy.


For such a cover, a sufficiently durable material, such as cotton or a combination of cotton and polyester, is best suited. If you do not have a solid canvas, then in this case you can use different pieces of fabric. If they are not large enough, then you will have to sew them together several times.


For these purposes, they usually use an ordinary stationery ruler and chalk, but for the convenience of cutting, roller scissors can also be used.

Important! If you plan to sew a closed bag, then add another 10 cm to the length of the pattern.


In order for the belt pattern to be the desired length and width, choose a whole place on the pattern, without tearing the fabric or seam. After that, the belt must be folded in half and stitched on a typewriter.


The pockets on the yoga case are very convenient to use. You can put a membership card to attend classes, a light lunch and a bottle of water in them.

First, make a rectangular blank, taking into account the seam allowances. After that, carefully trim the corners and add a button or drawstring at the end. Thus, your things will be well fixed and cannot accidentally fall out.


First you need to sew the lining inside bags, and then sew the outer fabric cover.


Step-by-step instructions for creating a drawstring:

  1. It is necessary to bend the fabric about 1.5 cm wide, and then iron it.
  2. Now you need to unfold the body of the case and make an exit for the cord.
  3. Next, we bend the lining material on the sides.
  4. We stretch the cord through the hole with a pin and fix it.

A handy DIY yoga mat bag is ready to use!

How to make a yoga mat with your own hands?

If you are thinking about how to sew such an accessory yourself, you have to decide on the material and size. Otherwise, there will be nothing difficult in creating such a little thing, because it has the correct shape.

What should be the dimensions of the rugs?

First, about the length and thickness:

  • There are products of standard width - 1.8 meters.

Important! Stores offer even larger rugs.

  • If classes will be held indoors, then a thickness of 5–6 centimeters is sufficient. If on the street, then you need to choose a thicker rug so that it is comfortable and warm when doing exercises.

To choose correct dimensions, you need to measure your height, and then add another 30 centimeters - this will be the right size for a do-it-yourself yoga mat. Thus, your whole body will lie on the product, including legs and arms in a raised position.

Varieties of yoga mats - materials

Used in the manufacture of yoga mats various materials. Based on the type of fabric, there is more than one type of this product.

PVC floor mats

These products are made from synthetic materials. This type is the most popular at the moment. Many people who practice yoga choose it. It has high hygienic properties, consists of a fairly porous material that covers its entire surface. This makes it easy to keep clean.

Such a versatile rug can be faithful assistant at least 2 years. If you find a similar material on sale, you can safely take a cut of the desired size.

But there are also weaknesses of this accessory. When performing some exercises, the PVC material mat may slip.

Important! Manufacturers have solved this problem by releasing polyvinyl chloride mats, which are slightly sticky to the touch, so it is convenient to use for any kind of exercise.

Thermoplastic mats

They are very easy to use:

  • do not slip during exercise;
  • very soft, elastic and perfectly absorb moisture.

Applying them once, you can say that they are created for yoga. And the service life of such an attribute is at least 3 years.

Important! You are unlikely to find such material, so you will have to limit yourself to other options.

Rugs made from natural materials

For the production of such an accessory, materials such as cotton, rubber or rubber are used. Worth paying Special attention rubber or rubber products, as they do not slip at all and are not electrified. They stick to the surface and are completely environmentally friendly. Working on them is a pleasure. Buying what is cotton, what is a rubber sheet is, in principle, not a problem. So the choice is yours!

But there is a significant drawback of this product - it is big weight, because of which it is not at all easy to carry it to training. The price of such a rug is also quite high.

Important! Professionals advise using cotton rugs, as they are made from natural materials that are not capable of harming human skin, they do not sweat the body so much, as they do an excellent job with moisture.

Now you know what fitness mats are made of. With this information, you can choose the right product that will only benefit you.

Which yoga mat to choose?

It is necessary to have information on how to choose a yoga mat, because the sellers in the store offer different products in which you can get confused and unknowingly take the wrong mat at all. Such an accessory must meet certain requirements.

If you are determined to buy a yoga mat, then consider the following nuances:

  • It should cope well with moisture without leaving it on the surface of the product. It is during intensive training that a person sweats a lot, and it is simply impossible to avoid this. Therefore, if you do exercises on a wet surface, then you will constantly be accompanied by discomfort and inconvenience, and not feelings of relaxation and spiritual harmony. And if a child is engaged in yoga, then on a wet rug you can even get injured.
  • A do-it-yourself yoga mat should be made of a dense and, at the same time, flexible material that should not stretch. Therefore, if you select material or will buy such a product, we advise you to pull it well. If after such tests it is very stretched, then pay attention to another product.
  • The mat should be tightly fixed in one place, in other words, not slip. If you choose the opposite option, then it will be extremely inconvenient for you to constantly correct it, and the exercise will be ineffective.
  • Such a product should be soft to the touch, but not so soft as to feel the hard surface of the floor.
  • If the rug is of high quality, then washing it with soapy water will not be difficult at all.

Important! There are some rugs that need to be cleaned with special wet wipes, so consider if you need extra care.

  • This accessory is used to perform exercises, so it should not have different patterns that can distract attention. In this case, we recommend using not very bright colors, but giving preference to calmer and discreet colors.
  • Pay special attention to the weight of this accessory. It is better - that it be light, but of high quality.

Proper care is the key to a long life

To start using such a product, just unfold it and you can start spiritual development. After training, you need to slowly and correctly fold the mat. In addition, do not forget that such an indispensable assistant can become dirty over time. If you take good care of it, it will last a few more years.

In order to extend the life of its operation, it is necessary to adhere to several basic rules:

  • Consider the fact that the purchased rug cannot be used immediately, as manufacturers cover it with special compounds so that they do not stick to each other during transportation. Therefore, first wash the mat with soapy water, where laundry soap is the main component.
  • When cleaning the rug, do not use washing powder or ordinary toilet soap.
  • In our article, you learned how to make a yoga mat with your own hands. Following our recommendations, you will be happy to perform the exercises. We wish you peace of mind and personal harmony!

What thickness, length and width should be the ideal rug? Is there a difference between "foam" and a yoga mat? How to wash them and why should they be kept away from pets? How to choose a mat for classes that will last you forever, says Vika Bazoeva.

Olga Saplygova

To choose the most comfortable fitness mat for yourself, you need to choose the right thickness. To do this, it is important to understand where and for what you will use it. For a house, 4.5-6 mm is the ideal thickness so as not to freeze, not to dig your elbows and knees into the floor and at the same time not to slip (the fact is that thicker mats, unfortunately, are not so stable). If you plan to conduct classes on the street, then an 8-16 mm thick mat is ideal for this, and when choosing a travel mat, it is better to pay attention to those models whose thickness does not exceed 3 mm - they are most convenient to transport and store.

Tonya Arno

NYM Yoga instructor

When buying a sports mat, you should be guided primarily by what kind of activity it will be intended for. For abs or ballet warm-ups, for example, a regular short mat can fit just your back or legs, depending on the exercise. But in any case, I want the material to be pleasant on contact, namely, fitness mats are practically not made of good fabrics, usually these are unnatural fibers, but they repel moisture, so the fitness mat does not get wet and does not smell after a workout. If you are doing stretching, then you need to understand how sensitive your body is to hard surfaces, that is, it can be any simple thin rug. But if you have a long way to the twine, and your knees are already making themselves felt, then it is important to take care of the thickness of the inventory in advance. Yoga is a little more difficult. On the similar practice you spend the whole lesson on the mat, so it’s really important that it be individual, selected exactly taking into account your characteristics. You should not order a rug on the Internet if you have never seen such a model before, you need to make sure for yourself that the fabric and thickness are exactly what suits you. It is a big misconception that yoga is a simple static practice with minimal energy expenditure. In most practices, you will lose a lot of water, even if this is not a very dynamic direction of yoga, the body begins to sweat from a non-standard load.


Basic rules for choosing a rug

  1. The right gymnastic mat should not slide on the floor and stretch - good mats are always reinforced (equipped with an internal frame made of lavsan threads), which, by the way, makes them much stronger.
  2. The rug must be made of quality materials, which is usually confirmed by the relevant certificates.
  3. Be sure to check the mat for “stickiness” before buying: firstly, it should not slide on the floor, no matter how actively you move on it. This is the guarantee of your safety during intensive training or yoga practice. Secondly, your hands should not slide on the mat. Usually a good rug has two different sides: one for gripping the floor, the other for gripping the hands.
  4. Ideally, the rug should be symmetrical, without rounded corners - a regular rectangle.
  5. The optimal length of the mat is your height plus 10-15 cm, although a 220 cm mat is more suitable for more intense workouts and practices.
  6. Consider if you will be traveling with a mat. If so, then special, lightweight options are suitable for you - such, for example, are often labeled as Travel Mat.
  7. Some practitioners use special extra towels that are placed on top of the fitness mat: this way their hands slip less and the mat gets less dirty. However, if you are willing to buy an antibacterial mat or wash it regularly, you have nothing to fear.


Tonya Arno

NYM Yoga instructor

Hand slipping on the mat is a common problem, even on the most rugged rugs. good materials. With experience, this goes away, but for now, just take a small towel with you to class and put it under your arms.

  1. Do not choose a rug that is too wide: it is inconvenient to carry and simply not needed.
  2. Do not confuse mats for sports and travel mats, they are completely different things. The so-called tourist foam is designed to protect from the cold, it glides and does not repel moisture. This is at least uncomfortable, but, even worse, traumatic.
  3. Color is also important, because your eyes will often be on the rug. So choose the shade that will delight you not only on the first day.

Olga Saplygova

Reebok brand product manager

There is practically no difference between mats, for example, for yoga and fitness, so you need to choose a mat that is right for you, depending on what intensity of training you plan to do on it. Nevertheless, varieties still exist: for example, ab mats are small, thick and hard rugs adapted for pumping muscles. abdominals and completely unsuitable for other types of training. There is also workout mats - folding mats, consisting of several segments and convenient for gymnastic exercises, and mind body, which have excellent cushioning - they are suitable for both fitness and yoga.

What material to choose from

Olga Saplygova

Reebok brand product manager

Rugs are made from natural or synthetic materials, sometimes in combination (for example, polyvinyl chloride mats with cotton).

Natural rugs are made from rubber and rubber, as well as jute fibers and cotton threads, which serve as an excellent frame for mats. By the way, it is these mats that are especially convenient for fitness, since they are thicker than others and, moreover, do not slip at all and are not electrified. The only negative is that they are usually heavier than their artificial "brothers".

Synthetic sports mats are usually made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) - this is a fairly durable and resilient material, but nevertheless, the quality of mats made from this polymer can be very different - depending on how much the manufacturer added certain components.

There is also TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) - this is also a polymer, but biodegradable, of better quality. Mats made from TPE are softer, do not absorb moisture and keep their shape perfectly.


How to care for your rug

A new mat must be thoroughly wiped - the fact is that they are coated with a special lubricant in production so that they do not stick together.

After each intense workout it is recommended to wipe the rug with a damp cloth or a cloth moistened with alcohol, but they should be washed no more than once a month, and preferably without the use of detergents. The fact is that they are rinsed out of the rug with difficulty, as a result of which it begins to slip - you can use a little soda for a thorough cleaning, but you need to rinse the rug very well.

Washing the rugs in a typewriter is not worth it - this significantly reduces their service life (especially for models made from natural materials), and it is recommended to dry them in the air, preferably in a suspended state, since drying on a battery greatly deforms them.

Rugs are best stored rolled upside down inside, otherwise the edges will subsequently begin to bend. If they are folded several times, then creases quickly form at the place of the folds, and the rubber is wiped off. The most convenient way is to store the rug in a case specially designed for this: the rug itself will collect less dust, and it will become much more convenient to transport it.

Beginner classes definitely need a yoga mat. And there is a temptation to sew a yoga mat with your own hands. At first glance, the rug is an ordinary bedding. However, this is not quite true. What should it be? There are several rules.

  • The rug should be soft so that you can sit comfortably on the floor.
  • It should absorb moisture, and not repel it, like a mat.
  • The rug should stick to the floor.
  • Hands and feet should not slide on it.

Now we come to the main question - what to make a yoga mat from. There are mats available in PVC, rubber, TPE and jute. None of these materials are sold in rolls. Therefore, if you have not yet decided whether you will do yoga or not, you can first take a karemat (for a trial lesson). And then it's better to buy a real yoga mat. The most convenient for visiting the hall is a light PVC rug that can be washed periodically.

But the cover for the rug is quite possible to sew with your own hands. If you have a sewing machine, then this is very easy to do. Sew a pipe that looks like a trouser leg from jeans (you can also cut off a trouser leg from old jeans. Cut out two circles with the same diameter as the pipe. You can calculate it like this: fold the pipe in half (already sewn) and measure its width. Multiply by two - this is is the length of our circle... Knowing the length of the circle, we simply calculate the diameter of the bottom (school mathematics.

Diameter = Circumference: 3.14.

For example, if the circumference is 40 cm, then the diameter will be 12.75 cm - feel free to cut out a circle with a diameter of 13 cm.

We pin the bottom with tailor's pins, we outline it, and then we sew it. It turned out to be a bottom. We proceed to the part that will be open.

We sew on the drawstring and tuck it in to draw the lace. You can do without a lace - in our first photo there is such a cover for the rug. It remains only to sew the handle and get a wonderful cover.

A person who practices yoga must have a mat and a special cover for it. How to choose a cover, and what it is for, will be described in this article.

A cover designed for a yoga mat is a necessary accessory that protects it from various damages from the outside. Why is it important to have "clothes" for the rug?

  • It's hygienic.
  • Any rug for sports absorbs not only the sweat of a person, but also his energy.
  • Use someone else's or state rug against the rules of hygiene and you are charged with a different, not always positive, energy.
  • The rug will always be aesthetically complex.
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Great for long distance travel.

Cover selection criteria

The range of covers and bags for the rug is currently quite rich. It is not easy to choose a high-quality and comfortable case for yoga practice. But, following certain criteria, you can easily cope with the task.

The size

It is important that the size of the bag matches the size of the rug. If you order it in an online store, you need to carefully read the indicated parameters and try them on your rug. When the length of the cover is less than the width of the rug, it will look ugly, which will cause inconvenience. But it is very convenient if you buy a cover a little bigger size, because this way the rug fits easily and there is an opportunity to put something else in it.

The best-selling covers are with length parameters of 60, 66, 80 cm.

Fabric quality

The strength of a bag for a rug can be easily determined by the quality of the material, the solidity of the straps, well-stitched lines and, accordingly, a considerable cost. But a sturdy cover has weight, which is good for a light rug. This option is acquired mainly by those who carry it on foot. And who moves by car, or stores a mat in the gym, in most cases, choose a light cover.

For travel, bags made of waterproof fabric are well suited.


It all depends on the taste of the person. Usually they are chosen so that the color of the cover fabric matches the color of the clothes. Now in special stores or online stores, you can buy "clothes for the rug" in a variety of colors and shapes.


The most common manufacturers of such products are Thailand or China. Usually the goods are made in large quantities, so you need to carefully check the quality before buying.


A yoga bag is a great choice for storing and moving your yoga mat. The case is mostly light in weight, made of thin material with a minimum number of pockets, no zipper.

The yoga bag has its advantages:

  • made of more durable fabric;
  • with lightning;
  • many pockets, sometimes with hidden compartments;
  • comfortable to wear rug.

Often a yoga bag is used for outdoor events.

Usually, not only a rug is placed in it, but also other things necessary for a person. What to choose? It all depends on the goals of the person and the volume of the rug.

Do-it-yourself rug bag

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made bag for the rug, you can make it yourself. How to quickly sew a do-it-yourself yoga mat cover? We offer a step by step manufacturing method:

  1. Prepare dense matter. If its width is 150 cm, then its length is 50 cm.
  2. Roll up the rug and measure its dimensions. Add 6 cm to the circumference for seams and a loose fit.
  3. Measure the length and add 7 cm (2 cm for the seams, 5 cm for the assembly on both sides). The result will be 12 cm.
  4. Cut out a rectangle for the handle and fold the material inward in four for better tightness.
  5. Sew on the handle at such a distance that it is comfortable to place the bag on the shoulder.
  6. Tuck the fabric for the base of the bag and make a line, retreating 2 cm from the top (place for braid).
  7. Turn the fabric to the wrong side and sew the side seam. Do not sew holes on the sides, for the convenience of retracting the braid.
  8. Fold the bottom of the rug bag in four and sew up.

For example, in finished form:

  • product length - 75 cm;
  • handle length - 60 cm;
  • width - 5 cm;
  • braid length - 87 cm;
  • fabric width-40 cm.

Another option for sewing a bag for a rug can be seen in the video clip:
