With a transport system. What is creatine with a transport system? How to take creatine by the transport system

Good day to all. In this issue we will talk about creatine with the transport system. This is a type of sports nutrition that combines creatine itself and other beneficial substances that improve and accelerate the process of absorption and its transport to the muscles. Almost all creatines with a transport system are included in various pre-workout complexes.

Transport Supplemented Creatines Are Incredibly Potent! There is currently no creatine supplement on the market for sports abundance that outperforms creatine with a transport system. As I said, these supplements have no drawbacks, perhaps a decent price, but it's worth it!

When buying this type of sports nutrition, absolutely always pay attention to its shape. Those. the most effective composition is creatine monohydrate. Now on the market for sports abundance, manufacturers are releasing a bunch of new forms, which they claim are better than monohydrate, do not pay attention to this. It's a lie! I wrote about this in more detail in the main article, be sure to read it if you haven't already!

I want you to understand, because chances are you get confused.

Creatine monohydrateit is a form of creatine and does not contain transport systems. And here creatine with transport system - contains creatine and other useful substances (transport systems) i.e. this is a ready-made option, as opposed to monohydrate.

What kind of transport systems?

  1. Creatine and Protein
  2. Creatine and carbohydrates
  3. Creatine and Taurine
  4. L-glutamine
  5. L-arginine
  6. Alpha lipoic acid
  7. Creatine and Vitamin E
  8. Creatine and D-pinitol

And here are the very transport systems that I talked about. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Creatine and Protein - an alternative to protein can be amino acids. This combination facilitates the transport of creatine to the muscles.... + if we also consider carbohydrates, then improved insulin release and water retention.

Creatine and carbohydrates - this combination gives the improvement in training results is about 20-30% more than regular pure creatine.(). Moreover, such a combination improves the absorption of creatine by the muscles by about 50%, and also improves the formation of glycogen in the muscles.

Creatine and Taurine - improves the intensity of training, it has a kind of activating effect on the body. Muscles recover more quickly after exercise, and the substance also acts as an anti-catabolic effect, in addition, this substance enhances the secretion of insulin. Very positive qualities.

L-glutamine Is an amino acid. This supplement is included in the transport systems of creatine, increases cell volume and muscle growth. Also additive improves brain function, acts as an excellent antacatabolic agent, and moreover can prevent

L-arginine- mega effective additive, acts in the processes of nitrogen metabolism. This supplement enhances the supply of creatine to the muscles, improves blood flow to the muscles for faster transport of nutrients (including creatine itself). This supplement is useful for weightlifters, because they often have high blood pressure, and l-arginine lowers it, i.e. the supplement can be an excellent remedy (prevention) for hypertension.

In addition to the above, l-arginine improves immune processes in the body, increases insulin sensitivity (and therefore improves the acceleration of transport systems), also promotes rapid healing from injuries, reduces the risk of heart disease and many other useful functions.

Alpha lipoic acid - also included in the transport systems of creatine, because it enhances insulin metabolism even in those with insulin insensitivity. (2 types)

Creatine and Vitamin E - studies were carried out, where after it was proved that vitamin E contributes to the improvement of creatine in the muscles.

Creatine and D-pinitol - effectiveness has not been proven, however, there were studies where it was said that taking D-Pintol 2 times a day, 0.5 grams, increases creatine retention. However, according to the same studies, with an increase of up to 4 times a day for 0.5 grams, the concentration of creatine did not increase. Therefore, the devil only knows what 😀

That's all, now you know what kind of transport systems. The only question remains is what to choose just monohydrate or creatine with a transport system?

So you essentially have a CHOICE:

Or buy just creatine monohydrate - this is a very effective form of creatine, and the price / quality ratio is also very pleasing, and combine it with the above listed transport systems separately. OR buy a ready-made creatine blend that already contains all of these transport systems (it is slightly more expensive, but the effectiveness has been reliably proven).

In principle, both supplements are very effective. Who is more convenient, who has what finances, who has what supply of sports nutrition. It's up to you to decide.

About creatine monohydrate everything is clear, according to statistics and experience - the best is Creatine Powder from Optimum Nutrition. The company is proven, the additive is working, if you decide on a monohydrate, you will not regret it, take this one.

But what about creatine with the transport system?

Here the matter is difficult. A lot of big companies produce one bullshit, advertising it as some kind of deity. However, it is not. About 80-90% of creatine with a transport system is bullshit, but there are supplements that deserve attention, i.e. are effective. These supplements have a good balanced composition, and even the price / quality ratio is also on the level!

And so the best creatine with a transport system is

  1. Fierce by SAN
  2. NO Shotgun by VPX

From myself I recommend only 1. I took it and used it, the effect is worthwhile. In general, I recommend! I did not take the other two creatines, but according to statistics, they are more or less. However, it is better if you take only the first option - NO-Xplode from BSN.

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that creatine with transport systems - should be taken not after training, BEFORE IT! Because creatine with a transport system has many specific features that relate to the timing and frequency of administration. Those. as opposed to creatine monohydrate, which must be taken after training, CREATINE WITH TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IS BETTER TO TAKE BEFORE TRAINING because it contains many active ingredients that will enhance your training. However, once again look at the packaging that the manufacturers recommend - it will not be superfluous.

By the way, see the dosage in the main article: The dosage is the same for both monohydrate and creatine with transport systems, the main difference is if you have monohydrate then take it after training, and if you have creatine with transport systems then take it before training.

Best regards, administrator.

With the transport system, not all beginner athletes understand what it is. Find out what the pros and cons of creatine with the transport system.

Recently, many companies have begun to actively release the so-called transport creatine. Not everyone knows how these supplements differ from the usual. Today we will talk about what this type of sports nutrition is and whether it makes sense to use it in bodybuilding.

Creatine with a transport system: what is it?

These supplements differ from simple monohydrate in the presence of an additional ingredient. The task of the second substance is to accelerate the delivery of creatine molecules to targeted tissues. Let's take a look at the transportation systems actively used by manufacturers.


The combination of creatine with carbohydrates allows you to accelerate the absorption of the former and accelerate its delivery. Note that the effectiveness of this bundle was proven in the course of research and additives with a transport system began to appear on the market precisely after the publication of their results. On average, carbohydrates can speed up the absorption of creatine by 50 percent.

In addition, it is important to remember that creatine is a synthetic product, but its properties are completely similar to the natural substance. The body of some athletes is not able to effectively absorb the monohydrate and the problem is solved with the help of carbohydrates. It is not for nothing that all specialized web resources recommend dissolving a spoonful of sugar together with creatine or using sweet juice while making a cocktail.


The effectiveness of this transport system has also been proven in the course of research. Very often, due to the combination of creatine with protein supplements, the effectiveness of the course is significantly increased. First of all, such a bundle is suitable for athletes working on terrain. This is due to the lower rate of protein compounds in comparison with carbohydrates.


These products have appeared on the market relatively recently. You probably know that taurine is one of the components of energy drinks. By combining this amine with creatine, the builder will be able to slow down catabolic reactions, invigorate after strenuous exercise, and accelerate the delivery of the monohydrate to the muscles.

Alpha lipoic acid

It is a great way to speed up insulin production. Alpha Lipoic Acid can help even those athletes who have metabolic problems. Although the substance does not have serious anabolic properties, it is very effective as a transport system.


Every athlete knows that arginine is a powerful nitrogen donor and helps to increase the pumping effect. It should be recognized that the substance has recently appeared in sports and scientists continue to study the effects of arginine in relation to athletes. But the fact that the amino acid promotes increased blood flow already speaks of possible efficacy when combined with creatine. If you search the network for reviews of professionals, then many consider this particular bundle to be the most effective.


This is one of the most popular amines in sports and, perhaps, only BCAA have recently been able to get around it in this. For many years, athletes have been actively using L-glutamine, which has a number of beneficial properties. If the amino acid is used in conjunction with creatine, for example, the effectiveness of the training will definitely be increased.


This supplement is not known to many bodybuilding enthusiasts and has recently been used as a transport system for creatine. It is a natural plant-derived substance with insulin-like effects. It is difficult to say so far how well d-pinitol is doing its job of delivering creatine to target tissues. Note that in the course of research it was found that not every organism perceives d-pinitol.

Tocopherol or vitamin E

Here we can say with full responsibility that tocopherol promotes the rapid delivery and accumulation of creatine in the muscles. This has been proven in independent research. Back in the middle of the last century, vitamin E was recommended for athletes in preparation for competitions. Recall that the substance accelerates carbohydrate-protein metabolism, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the gonads. Based on the results of scientific research, we can say that it is tocopherol that is the best transport system for creatine.

Creatine with a transport system: to buy or not?

Very often, novice builders cannot decide which creatine to choose? Today we can say for sure that the following substances are effective transport systems:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Amino acids.
  • Glutamine combined with arginine.

If the issue of cost is important to you, then in such a situation it is definitely worth taking a simple monohydrate, for example, Micronized Creatine Powder, and use it in combination with a gainer or other proven transport systems. If the budget is not limited, then you can experiment and experimentally determine which of the additives will be more effective. However, to do this, use additives that contain one of the above substances as a transport system.

Remember, there are no standardized routines in bodybuilding. Only through experimentation will you be able to find the optimal training methods and create the right training program. Do not be afraid to work in this direction, because everything is learned by comparison. Do not trust advertising unconditionally. We recommend that you study research results to always be in trend. This is the only way to achieve the set goal.

Creatine with a transport system is a type of sports nutrition that combines creatine and substances that improve the absorption of creatine and accelerate its transport to the muscles. In addition to the transport function, transport systems can have individual effects (anabolic effect, improved muscle nutrition, etc.). Most creatines with a transport system (sports supplements) are included in the group of pre-workout complexes.

Most often, it makes sense to use creatine supplements with a transport system only on training days.

Creatine supplements with a transport system have virtually no disadvantages, except for the higher cost, and most importantly, they are reliably effective. There is currently no better choice on the sports nutrition market than creatine with a transport system.

There are a large number of additives of this kind, which differ not only in quality but also in composition. And you can often find such additives that simply frighten the illiteracy of the scientists who worked on their creation. All this is done in order to somehow stand out from the general row, and to attract the attention of the buyer. But such "innovations" lag far behind in effectiveness when compared to well-balanced creatine supplements with a transport system. When choosing the best supplement, first of all pay attention to the form of creatine. Better that it is creatine monohydrate. The most effective carrier substances will be discussed in more detail below.

Creatine and carbohydrates

Independent studies from Creighton University have documented the positive effects of a creatine and carbohydrate combination on exercise performance. These studies have shown that this combination provides an average of 20 to 30% improvement in exercise performance than pure creatine.

Another interesting study, conducted by Dr. Green and colleagues, showed that people taking a combination of creatine and carbohydrates not only improve the absorption of creatine by muscle cells by 50%, as previously shown by Dr. Greenhaff, but also improves the formation of muscle glycogen. This study also showed that the results are improved even in those athletes whose bodies do not respond to pure creatine.

* Degree of trust: high

Creatine and Protein (Amino Acids)

Scientists have suggested that the stimulating effects of carbohydrates are associated with insulin, the level of which increases not only under the influence of carbohydrates, but also amino acids. Recent studies have confirmed that insulin can increase the accumulation of creatine in skeletal muscle, but only at concentrations close to or exceeding 100ml / l. Insulin-like factor 1 (IGF-1) has a similar effect.

The goal of a recent experiment by Dr. G.R. Steenge and colleagues was to find out if protein intake would increase creatine retention to levels found in simple carbohydrates. The results of the study showed that the consumption of creatine along with 50 grams and 50 grams of carbohydrates was also effective in stimulating insulin release and creatine retention, as was the intake of creatine along with 100 grams of carbohydrates. That is, creatine can be mixed with a gainer. In this case, not only the summation of their actions will occur, but also mutual potentiation. Plus it's pretty handy.

They can serve as a good alternative to proteins. Their advantage lies in the fact that they are less caloric in comparison with proteins, and this is important for people who are losing weight, at the same time they are absorbed much faster, since they do not require enzymatic catalysis, which leads to a powerful release of insulin, and this in turn helps to facilitate the transport of creatine.

* Type of research: commercial and independent

* Degree of trust: high

Creatine and Taurine

For bodybuilding, the most important of the many beneficial effects of taurine is its activating effect, which makes training more intense, and consequently, improves athletic performance, faster recovery after training, and the ability to increase insulin secretion.

In addition, taurine has a direct anti-catabolic effect, which is why it is included in many creatine supplements for increasing cell volume and muscle growth.

* Degree of trust: low

Alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid enhances insulin metabolism even in the presence of insulin resistance (insulin insensitivity). Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body produces enough insulin in response to an increase in blood glucose levels, but does not respond properly to insulin. This disorder has become quite common these days.

Alpha lipoic acid is included in a number of creatine transport systems because it has a powerful effect on insulin metabolism, even in people who have metabolic disorders.

* Type of research: commercial

* Degree of trust: medium


Arginine takes an important part in the processes of nitrogen metabolism. Several qualitative properties of L-arginine at once provide a powerful stream delivery of creatine into muscle cells. L-arginine is a precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide, which has pronounced vasodilatory properties. This improves blood flow to the muscles for faster and more voluminous transport of nutrients, including creatine. The more blood flows through the muscle capillaries per unit of time, the more nutrients will be delivered to the muscle cells. Also, nitric oxide helps to lower blood pressure, which will be a good prevention of hypertension, which is quite common in weightlifting athletes. Finally, nitric oxide increases sexual potency by improving blood flow to the genitals.

L-arginine increases insulin sensitivity, which is the second important factor in accelerating creatine transport.

In addition, L-arginine activates the secretion of growth hormone, improves the body's immune function, reduces the healing time of injuries (including tendons), reduces the risk of heart disease, improves the reproductive properties of sperm, and much more. Such a wide range of positive qualities of L-arginine simply cannot be overlooked, especially when it comes to bodybuilding.

* Type of research: commercial

* Degree of trust: high


The amino acid L-glutamine is the most important participant in insulin metabolism at the cellular level. Experiments have shown that fortification of the diet with L-glutamine can even prevent the onset of insulin imbalances in the body. L-glutamine is included in many creatine transport systems for cell expansion and muscle growth. It also prevents overtraining, improves brain function and is finally well known for its anti-catabolic and immunostimulatory properties. In general, glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids in the human body. Skeletal muscle consists of 60% of it. In addition, in the structure of freely circulating amino acids, it is 20%.

* Type of research: commercial

* Degree of trust: medium

Creatine and D-pinitol

D-pinitol is an herbal extract with insulin-like properties. In a study by Dr. Greenwood (M. Greenwood) and colleagues, it was found that the consumption of creatine with small doses of D-pinitol (2 times 0.5 grams per day) can increase creatine retention. However, consumption of higher doses of D-pinitol (4 times 0.5 grams per day) did not increase creatine levels. Further research is needed.

* Type of research: commercial

* Degree of trust: low

Creatine and Vitamin E

One recent study led by G. B. Gerber found that vitamin E promotes the absorption of creatine into the muscles. The experiment was carried out on mice in which vitamin E deficiency was artificially induced. In this condition, at the initial stages, a higher level of free creatine in serum was determined, compared with the control group, which then decreased to a level lower than in the control group. Scientists concluded that the absorption of creatine by the muscles decreases with a lack of vitamin E, as a result of which the pool of free creatine increases.

The most pronounced and proven effectiveness in accelerating the transport and absorption of creatine are carbohydrates and proteins (amino acids).

Each athlete has two options: you can buy creatine monohydrate - the most profitable and effective form of creatine, with a high price / quality ratio and combine it with the various transport systems listed above, or you can take a ready-made mixture of creatine and transport systems.

Currently, the market is replete with supplements that fall under the category of creatine with a transport system, almost every reputable company produces several types of such supplements. Most of them have a very diverse composition, which often contains more than 30 components, especially MuscleTech.

At first glance, this may seem attractive, but if you analyze the composition from a physiological and biochemical point of view, then such a variety is not always successful and appropriate, since many components are poorly compatible, others are used in small doses that are not able to provide the desired effect, some components generally it is better to take at different times and so on.

In addition, many supplements include cheap components (for example, carbohydrates with an unfamiliar name, for example, although in essence it is no different from a mixture of glucose and starch in biological effects), while the price increases several times. In these cases, it is much more profitable to take a regular monohydrate and mix it with carbohydrates on your own, even regular sugar will do.

90% of all creatines with a transport system are a way to cheat customers by attracting their attention with a variety of compositions and incredible effects, most of the components of such complexes (up to 95% of the composition) are not effective at all. For less money, you can buy several single-component supplements (for example: creatine monohydrate, glutamine, arginine), while the effectiveness will be almost the same as that of widely advertised complexes, and given the separate administration time and the possibility of balancing doses, the effectiveness may be even higher.

Despite the fact that the vast majority of complexes can be considered as unsubstantiated profanation, there are additives worthy of attention, which have a well-balanced composition, synergistically interacting ingredients and a high price / quality ratio.

The best

* NO-Xplode from BSN

* Fierce by SAN

* NO Shotgun by VPX


* Trac Extreme-NO by MHP

* Xpand Xtreme Pump by Dymatize

* Anabolic HALO by MuscleTech

Today, creatine monohydrate is arguably the most popular dietary supplement for both professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts. And this is no coincidence. Creatine users can train harder for a longer period of time, but increased training intensity results in faster strength gains and increased lean muscle mass. But, as evidenced by a number of scientific studies, three to four out of every ten users who used creatine monohydrate did not improve either strength or muscle mass. What is the reason for this?

The fact is that creatine that has entered the stomach can be converted into creatinine (due to the instability of this substance in the stomach), which, like a slag, is excreted through the kidneys and, entering the bloodstream, does not have the necessary effect on the human body. And since it is the preservation of the natural structure of creatine during its absorption from the stomach into the blood that ensures the effectiveness of creatine's action on muscle cells, this action can be improved due to its more complete absorption. Scientific studies have shown that with an increase in the level of insulin in the blood, the accumulation of creatine in the muscles significantly increases (insulin is a hormone, one of the functions of which is to regulate the movement of creatine, amino acids, etc. into muscle cells). It is to interact with insulin that creatine transport systems have been developed. They may be better than regular creatine monohydrate at delivering more creatine to muscle tissue.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that within 1 hour after taking creatine transport systems, the content of phosphocreatine (a source of ATP formation) in the blood increases by about several times compared to all previously known creatine products. In parallel, reliable facts of an increase in explosive strength and lean muscle mass were recorded. Phosphaplex (Cytodyne Technologies), Swole (Syntrax Innovations), Creatine Glycerol Phosphate (Metabolic Nutrition) and other creatine products in recent years are different combinations of one or more forms of creatine with phosphate salts, taurine, protein peptides, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, etc. L-glutamine.

A significant difference between such products from their predecessors is the minimum content or complete absence of carbohydrates in their composition. Most of the former creatine transport systems worked by stimulating the body's production of insulin with simple sugars like dextrose (accelerating the flow of creatine through the stomach wall by raising insulin levels in the blood).

Yes, the carbohydrate component of the old creatine products, among other things, made it possible to quickly restore glycogen levels after exercise (which gives the body the energy it needs after the end of the workout for muscle recovery and growth). However, an abundant intake of simple carbohydrates (sugars) often causes the body to release more insulin than it can use.

And an excess of insulin can act like a poison. Therefore, in self-defense, the body converts the excess into triglycerides (fats), which are then stored as fat. This is why many carbohydrate-heavy athletes have problems with excess fat. Read labels carefully: In the old transport systems, creatine was often sugar up to 80 percent. For this reason, people with excess body fat should avoid the creatine dextrose transport systems. The above factors were taken into account by the developers of the new generation of creatine transport systems.

Let's take a look at the basic building blocks of modern creatine transport systems. The various forms of creatine release "creatine citrate" and "tricreatine malate" are the more bioavailable and soluble forms of creatine. They promote maximum creatine absorption through a pH-balanced absorption system and do not have the side effects of creatine monohydrate such as bloating and discomfort.


Taurine in combination with creatine can increase (up to 50%) insulin sensitivity. Increased insulin sensitivity means that creatine, together with taurine, increases the efficiency of insulin release into the blood. In addition, the amino acid taurine in most foods has an anti-catabolic effect, which is why taurine is included in creatine formulas to increase cell volume and muscle growth. In addition to increasing the efficiency of insulin release into the blood, taurine is also required to volumize (increase in volume) muscle cells and increase protein synthesis in the body and increase anabolic activity. Taurine is also an effective stimulator of growth hormone production and a powerful antioxidant, incl. partly preventing injuries to the ligamentous-articular apparatus.

Alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid enhances insulin metabolism even in the presence of insulin resistance (or insulin insensitivity). Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body produces enough insulin in response to an increase in blood glucose levels, but does not respond properly to insulin. This disorder has become quite common these days.

Alpha lipoic acid is included in a number of creatine transport systems because it has a powerful effect on insulin metabolism, even in people who have metabolic disorders. Studies in diabetics with insulin-dependent diabetes have shown that alpha-lipoic acid significantly increases tissue utilization of glucose from the blood, while improving mitochondrial functionality associated with age-related changes. In addition, alpha lipoic acid is essential for the formation of a favorable stomach environment for better absorption of creatine. All this means that the use of alpha lipoic acid promotes a more complete absorption of creatine. Also, alpha lipoic acid increases the production of glutathione (one of the most powerful natural antioxidants that prevents catabolic processes in the body).


The amino acid L-glutamine is the most important participant in insulin metabolism at the cellular level. Experiments have shown that fortification of the diet with L-glutamine can even prevent the onset of insulin imbalances in the body. L-glutamine is included in many creatine transport systems for cell expansion and muscle growth. It also prevents overtraining, improves brain function and is finally well known for its anti-catabolic and immunostimulatory properties.

Phosphate group

Various phosphate salts (disodium, magnesium, potassium) are another group of substances that can improve the penetration of creatine into the blood. The phosphate salts in many creatine products work to convert creatine to ATP, allowing you to increase strength and endurance with these supplements.


Glycerol accelerates the absorption of creatine by the body, feeding each muscle cell more creatine than conventional forms of creatine release. Glycerol acts as a holistic approach to dehydration and volumizing your muscles (not water retention like many common forms of creatine release).

In addition, glycerol improves the taste of creatine powder. Proteins and amino acids Due to the fact that in some transport systems of creatine there is a protein component (mainly amino acids and peptides that are ready for absorption into the blood, and therefore a very high content of BCAAs), the use of such products in terms of supplying muscles with amino acids and their anti-catabolic action on the body immediately after training is fully justified. All of the above leads to the following conclusion: the use of transport systems as a supplement to the usual diet allows you to achieve better results in gaining lean mass and strength compared to using regular creatine.

On store shelves, you can find various sports supplements, in order to find the right product, you need to clarify what types of creatine are. Mostly they buy the "pure" form, the composition of creatine monohydrate is the simplest formula of the water molecule and creatine itself. Its effect is reduced to an increase in body weight, indicators of endurance and strength. A relative novelty is creatine with a transport system, not everyone knows that this is the same substance, only its composition is enriched to increase the effectiveness of the drug.

The concept of "Transport creatine"

The types of creatine and their properties differ not according to the main active ingredient, but on the basis of the additives in the complex. Transport creatine is a combination of an active ingredient and other substances that promote more complete absorption and faster absorption of substances into the target muscle tissue.

Creatine with transport system Olimp Sport Nutrition Creatine xplode

There are varieties of creatine with a transport system, since the term has the collective meaning of any supplements that, in addition to the pure chemical element creatine, have auxiliary components. Depending on what the drug is made of, it can have an anabolic effect, can improve protein absorption, its excretion by the body, or increase muscle tone.

To determine the best creatine with a transport system, it is necessary to consider in detail the main substances that make up the composition, from this properties can be very different.

Creatine with the transport system: pros and cons

To choose creatine monohydrate or transport creatine, you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the second variant of sports nutrition, since everyone knows about the properties of a "pure" supplement.

The description of sports nutrition with a transport system allows us to conclude about the main advantages of the drug:

  • increases protein digestibility;
  • accelerates the penetration of creatine into muscle fibers;
  • promotes muscle gain;
  • reduces energy consumption for digestion and slow transport;
  • covers the deficit faster;
  • reduces the duration of recovery after training;

Creatine Transport System Reduces Post-Workout Recovery Time

  • increases strength indicators during classes. For one-time efforts and intense complexes, the body releases more energy;
  • helps to do more reps;
  • prevents catabolism;
  • protects muscles from destruction.

An added benefit is the ability to choose which creatine tastes best. Most manufacturers add special flavors.

The selected group of additives has only a few disadvantages:

  • it is based on ordinary creatine, only additional amino acids, carbohydrates, etc. are added to the complex, which do not always synergize well;
  • some transport substances do not have full-fledged studies regarding their effectiveness and safety;
  • the cost is higher than the "pure" form;
  • to cover the need for creatine, you need to take a large dose of the supplement, since the concentration of the main substance decreases in favor of the auxiliary components;
  • the effectiveness of transport substances and creatine separately is slightly higher, and the dosage selection is also easier.

You can choose which creatine is better - monohydrate or transport creatine, taking into account the listed characteristics of each group. An important role is played by the form of creatine, the most popular are powder, tablet and liquid types.

Creatine with the Creatine Quick Start Transport System

Transport system for creatine: types

The best creatine with a transport system is a sports nutrition with the most effective and safest supplement in the composition. Many different components are used today, some of which lack scientific and logical justification. The race of innovations and original solutions can negatively affect the quality of the substance.

Carbohydrates help to improve the quality of exercise, since creatine in combination with carbohydrate compounds is absorbed to a greater extent. In addition, the system of accumulation of glycogen in the muscles is activated. Glycogen is a compound that the body receives when processing glucose, it is the main source of energy for muscle performance.

An important advantage of drugs with carbohydrates is a high-quality study and a complete understanding of the principle of work. The manufacture of this group began after independent research confirming the effectiveness of the combination. Based on the experiments, it was found that when combining substances, it was possible to increase the absorption of creatine in the muscles by 50%. In terms of training performance, a 20-30% increase in muscle gain has been proven when compared to the pure form of the substance.

Glycogen is a compound that the body gets when it processes glucose

The advantages of this direction include the possibility of obtaining significant results even with problems with the absorption of creatine. As part of the entire sports nutrition, an exclusively synthetic form of the substance is used, since obtaining natural creatine is an extremely expensive production. The largest amount of the natural element is found in beef, salmon and trout, but even here the share does not exceed 0.6%. Synthetic creatine is a complete analogue of natural, but some people have difficulty absorbing it.

With the addition of carbohydrates, the result from creatine occurs almost always, even in people with resistance to the synthetic analogue.

Creatine and Protein (Amino Acids)

The second best creatine with a transport system is the amino acid added formulations from which the protein is made. Amino acids are broken down proteins, they are absorbed faster by the body and penetrate into muscle fibers. It is common for such supplements to increase the effectiveness of the monohydrate, even in poorly responsive people.

Carbohydrates and amino acids lead to an increase in the dosage of insulin in the bloodstream, this provides the onset of a stimulating effect. The greatest efficiency from the protein transport system is observed in athletes who work not for a set of muscles, but for "drying". It is often used by anyone looking to lose weight, as protein has a minimal amount of calories.

The best creatine with a transport system is formulations with added amino acids

Creatine and Taurine

Relatively recently, a sports food with taurine has appeared on the market. In a short time, creatine with a taurine transport system was ranked for its ability to release energy. Most energy drinks contain it in a dosage of 200-400 mg per 100 g. For bodybuilding, the agent can form the basis of a "pre-workout" that provides increased muscle productivity.

Taurine further slows down the catabolism that occurs after heavy exercise and leads to the destruction of muscle tissue. By combining creatine and taurine, you can increase endurance, strength, psychologically invigorate and recover faster.

The substance is distinguished by the ability to significantly increase insulin synthesis, and the effect occurs even with pathologies in the field of metabolism. In sports, acid is valued due to its strong antioxidant effect; after using the supplement, athletes can exercise much more intensively without worrying about significant damage to the muscles. When receiving less damage, a person recovers faster.

There is no noticeable anabolic effect after taking alpha-lipoic acid, but when combined with creatine, you can protect against negative oxidative reactions. Additionally, the complex enhances glucose synthesis. The acid can be used for numerous substances as a vehicle, which allows accelerating the absorption of various sports nutrition.

Solgar, Alpha Lipoic Acid, 600 mg, 50 Tablets


The action of arginine is invaluable in the processes of nitrogen exchange. At the same time, there are many positive effects from the addition of a substance:

  • it belongs to the precursors for the release of nitric oxide, which has a strong vasodilating effect. Due to the described property, blood flow in muscle fibers is significantly increased, this contributes to the fastest and most abundant transportation of various nutrient components, creatine is no exception. There is a simple rule - the more blood flows through the capillaries, the more nutrients will be transferred;
  • the substance reduces pressure, respectively, acts as a prevention of hypertension;
  • improves potency, this effect occurs due to increased blood flow in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • increases insulin sensitivity, such an effect is the most important factor in stimulating the transport of creatine;
  • promotes the release of growth hormone, which enhances immunity, helps repair damage, reduces risks to the heart muscle, increases the quality of semen, etc.

Due to a number of important influences, the substance is one of the best transport components. Its use in bodybuilding is justified and recommended by many professional athletes.


Glutamine is an amino acid that is involved in insulin metabolism at low levels. Studies have found that with enough amino acids, insulin imbalances can be prevented. Glutamine is found in many supplements because it promotes muscle growth and increases muscle cell size.

L-Glutamine, Jarrow Formulas, 500 grams

Other positive influences include:

  • restores psycho-emotional state;
  • reduces the risks of overtraining;
  • has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect.

Due to the prevalence of amino acids in food, the substance almost never causes allergies and is well absorbed by humans. Its amount among other amino acids reaches 20%. In the structure of skeletal muscles, the concentration of glutamine reaches 60%.

Creatine and D-pinitol

The substance is a plant extract with insulin-like characteristics. Studies have shown that the use of D-pinitol (1 g / day for 2 doses) can increase the retention of creatine in the body. With increasing concentration, no increase in creatine was observed. The only drawback is the minimal amount of information about the effect on the body.

Scientific work has long established that vitamin E is important for the quality uptake of creatine. In the course of research by G. B. Gerber, it was found that vitamin E increases the amount of absorbed creatine in muscle tissue. During the experiment, muscles with a deficiency of the vitamin were examined. Initially, the amount of free matter increases slightly, but then decreases. In sports experience, since the middle of the 20th century, vitamin E was given due importance, it was prescribed during the competition to obtain the greatest strength indicators.

Solgar, Vitamin E, 400 IU, 100 Softgels

The component is involved in the regulation of protein-carbohydrate metabolism in muscle tissues, and also restores the healthy function of the glands of the reproductive system. Deficiency leads to significant decreases in performance, and when a sufficient amount is obtained, it is possible to improve the quality and rate of absorption of tocopherol.


Monohydrate is the optimal form of creatine. In total, there are about 20 varieties of creatine, among them it is monohydrate that is most often used, since it has the greatest benefit. At the heart of the transport company of the composition, the same element is used with the only difference that its transportation and capture is accelerated, and additional positive effects from excipients are achieved.

Monohydrate is quite effective, but only in the spheres of influence. For the complex effect of drugs, it is recommended to buy transport creatine or buy additional transport substance separately and use it in parallel with the "pure" formula of creatine.


Among the listed options, the most effective and best creatine with a transport system is a complex with carbohydrates and amino acids.

Sports nutrition - creatine with transport system

Every athlete is faced with a difficult choice: buy a pure form of creatine and focus on the benefits and effectiveness, combining it with other sports supplements, or purchase an already prepared complex. Today, counters are literally bursting with a variety of supplements, including creatine with transport substances. All sports food companies have at least several similar complexes in their assortment. They are very different, since they can simultaneously include over 30 different components.

Creatine Trac Extreme-NO - from the MHP manufacturer

Initially, it seems that such an abundance of elements in the composition will bring a lot of benefits. From the point of view of physiology and biochemistry, diversity is not a guarantee of a successful combination of components, since some simply come into conflict with each other. Another potential problem is that the dosage of individual components is so small that no effect comes from their use. Many formulations have to be taken in large doses in order to consume enough substances.

In the composition of many complexes, cheap and of little use chemicals are used, despite their low price, the additive immediately increases in cost by 2-3 times. Taking into account the listed characteristics, it is worth concluding that it is better to use a standard monohydrate, and add the rest of the substances yourself with the help of another sports food.


Unfortunately, 9 out of 10 drugs with a transport system are a waste of money, the manufacturer deliberately pulls funds from customers. Despite the diversity of the composition, the body does not receive a sufficient amount of the main substances, but consumes low-effective or useless components. In some complexes, up to 95% of the entire composition is completely ineffective.

In order to save money, it is better to buy 2-3 supplements with one component and use them together. Thanks to the ability to independently adjust the dose of each substance, an increase in efficiency, a higher quality of raw materials and the separation of drugs at different times of the day, it is possible to get more benefits for less money.

Creatine NO Shotgun - VPX Manufacturer

Rating of the best creatines with a transport system

Even taking into account the spread of misinformation and poor balancing of the composition, there are individual complexes that clearly stand out from the crowd. The best synergy of effects is achieved in them, and only high-quality raw materials are used. The cost of the compositions is quite consistent with the quality.

The best:

  • NO-Xplode - manufactured by BSN;
  • Fierce - SAN production.


  • Anabolic HALO is a drug made by MuscleTech;
  • Xpand Xtreme Pump is a modern product of the famous Dymatize brand.

How to take this or that composition should be determined by the trainer or attending physician. In the initial stages, you should follow the instructions on the package.

Creatine with a transport system: to buy or not?

The beginning of a bodybuilding sports career should start with the correct selection of sports supplements. We can say with confidence that the most effective substances for transportation are:

  • amino acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • glutamine;
  • vitamin E;
  • arginine.

In terms of price, one of the best complexes is Micronized Creatine Powder, and its effectiveness can be supplemented with a quality gainer. It is not recommended to conduct independent tests of effectiveness, trying the funds in turn, it is better to prefer well-known and proven drugs or to combine several single-component funds.

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