All players of the USSR national football team. All players of the USSR national football team Qualifying matches of the USSR national football team 1982

Football: USSR national team Yesenin Konstantin Sergeevich


The draw for the World Championship was not “free”. Among the 24 teams participating in the final tournament, 6 "queens" were selected. The six teams, in which they were supposed to see outsiders, were, like the "queens", scattered into 6 groups, in which (according to the results of single-round tournaments) 12 teams were identified - participants in four quarterfinal tournaments (3 teams in each). A miniature ball with the inscription "USSR" remained in the lottery drum when the scoreboard had already highlighted the "places" of all the other 23 teams in the groups. Remained "empty" only place at number 22, next to which stood: 21. Brazil ... 23. Scotland. 24. New Zealand.

The game schedule has already been drawn up. On June 14, ours had a match with the Brazilians, on June 19 - with the New Zealanders and on June 22 - judging by all forecasts, the decisive game against the Scottish national team.

The participating teams prepared differently for the start of the World Championship. The coach of the Brazilian national team, Tele Santana, planned to hold a one and a half month training camp on the eve of leaving for Spain. The hosts of the championship conducted fundamental training with full use of the “emergency” rights granted to the team's management. The Scots preferred a “run-in” in playing conditions.

The USSR national team experienced certain difficulties in the preparation process: Dynamo Kiev and Tbilisi maintained their positions in European club tournaments, and it was important for them to acquire the best form by March. And since most of the main squad of the national team was recruited from the players of these teams, the interests of the leading clubs were in conflict with the interests of the main team of the country. The impression of playing the national team in several test matches in the spring was less bright than in the matches in the fall.

On March 10, the Greek national team was defeated (2: 0). But this success in a friendly match only unleashed the trauma inflicted two and a half years ago by the defeat in the most important game of the preliminary stage of the European championship. On April 14, in Buenos Aires, the USSR national team drew (1: 1) with the world champions - the Argentine team.

But, as it was said in one of the reports, the Argentines came to "their own unit" after many attacking operations, shots off the goal and into the post, after several sensitive responses from Dasaev to the ball flying into the target. Our team acquired its "unit" thanks to an effectively played combination that suddenly flashed in the middle of its prosaic defensive pursuits.

Yes, Oganesyan's goal was beautiful. The game was not that upsetting, but very alarming ... And yet there was some consolation - after all, this is a draw on the opponents' field. And the opponent - neither more nor less - the world champion.

May 5 won the match against the GDR national team - 1: 0. However, the sparring partners played the game sluggishly, and it did not bring much benefit. The dress rehearsal took place on June 3 in Sweden. It just so happened that the African heat was then in northern Europe. And this fact was seen as a useful test of the national team's physical readiness for the Spanish heat in July.

Our footballers played well on Swedish soil. After a long break, Bessonov played in the team again. Everyone in the team loved and appreciated this footballer. It was he who owes the merit that Blokhin managed to open an account: the goal was preceded by an excellent breakthrough and an excellent pass. Nevertheless, after the free kick, aptly shot by Nilsson, the home team managed to recoup.

A week later, after the match USSR-1-USSR-2 (2: 1), Muscovites in an upbeat atmosphere accompanied our players to the final stage of the fight for the world championship.

Unfortunately, in mid-May, Buriak was seriously injured, and on the day of the departure of the national team for the Pyrenees, Khidiyatullin was a victim of his own incontinence. Both were, as they say, key players: Buryak is one of the "pillars" of the middle line, and Khidiya-Tullin in his best matches always showed very outstanding technique and temperament (and in terms of physical condition he was very close to the team). Both were included in the list of the USSR national team for the world championship, but ... neither one nor the other were ready for the main games of the year.

On Sunday, June 13, at the Nou Camp stadium in Barcelona, ​​the celebration of world football was colorfully and solemnly opened. The day ended with an unexpected defeat of the world champions - Argentines - from the Belgian national team (0: 1). And on Monday, the championship flag was hoisted in two more cities - in Vigo and Seville.

In Seville, the tournament was opened by the national teams of the USSR and Brazil. The match received "big press". And not only because it became, perhaps, the main game of the first round. The point is that ... the Spanish referee Castillo was very bad at managing the game.

He made a gross mistake during the game several times: at least twice the South American defenders deserved penalty kicks, but ... the referee's whistle was silent both times. Castillo did not dare to assign a penalty (except perhaps as partial compensation for his own mistakes?) And into our goal.

The game, however, was initially successful for the Soviet team: at the end of the first half, Perez unexpectedly missed the ball after Bal's long-range strike. This goal was not very logical, but its illogicality faded against the background of even just listed (and how many there were!) Mistakes of the referee. The Brazilian national team had a hard time adjusting the game, although the excellent technique and the huge potential of the world champions were visible, as they say, even with the naked eye.

Dasaev played well, our defenders also tried not to fail, but ... Still, the growing pressure of players in yellow shirts ended up being crowned with goals - in the 75th and 87th minutes.

And although the final offensive of the South Americans looked very impressive, you must agree: a team that managed to retaliate 15 minutes before the end of the game, and come forward only 3 minutes before the final whistle, looks more successful under any circumstances (even when it comes to world champions) than the rival (even if inferior to the favorites in most components of the game). So this match was perceived then. This is how he is perceived even now - a year after the hot events in Spain: he is seen as a failure of the USSR national team, and not as a natural defeat, inevitable in a meeting with a better rival. Well, the class of the Brazilian team was much more vividly manifested in all its subsequent matches. The USSR - New Zealand game was held with the indisputable advantage of the Soviet team, and, probably, only ill-wishers or too upset fans retroactively scolded our players for this match as well. By that time it was already known that it was enough for the USSR national team to beat the New Zealanders with a score of 3: 0 or 4: 1 in order to gain an advantage over the Scottish national team with equal points for both.

Our team secured a "necessary" advantage of three goals by the middle of the second half (Gavrilov, Blokhin, Baltacha). The immediate task was solved by her, and therefore ...

I would like to some extent to take under protection from too harsh criticism and the game of the USSR national team with the national team of Scotland. The strength of this rival has been well known at all times. The preference of this team to the attacking style is also known. Of course, it was not very pleasant to see the passivity of Soviet footballers at the beginning of the meeting. But it would be impossible to completely exclude the expectant nature of the game from the tactical plans of single combat with a strong rival, who was only content with victory!

No, neither those who watched it on TV nor those who were lucky enough to be in Malaga that day did not like the game of the USSR national team. Everything is correct. But, having finished the game with a score of 2: 2, our footballers completed the task! After the first 15-20 minutes of extreme caution and from the last minutes of the match, when the Scots literally "crushed" our defense, frantically trying to score the decisive goal, a negative impression from the game of the Soviet national team remained after the first 15-20 minutes. Yes, at these moments the footballers of the USSR upset. But the problem was solved! Let it not be as confident as we would like, but it has been resolved. On the other hand, what did we want? So that our team can easily and confidently outplay a very venerable opponent, who is determined only to win?

After this meeting, our team had 8 “clean” days of rest, which could be used both for polishing the game and for developing tactical options for the upcoming meetings (especially since the rivals of the USSR national team in these meetings had already become known).

As an eyewitness to the second stage and the final games of the championship, I will say: against the background of magnificent matches at the Espanyol stadium, each time bathed in the sun, filled to the brim with exalted, temperamental fans from Brazil and Italy (much less from Argentina), against the backdrop of football in graceful yet courageous performance of the world champion - Argentina, as well as the future champion on the way to a third victory, the Italian national team - and three-time world champion Brazil - a team that everyone predicted to be champions, consisting of masters, all as if on selection, to whom only Pele could keep company "- against the background of these dazzling feasts of football art, the meetings at the Nou Camp, where the national teams of Poland, the USSR and Belgium played, noticeably faded. It so happened that the Belgian team in the last match of the preliminary stage lost two key defensive players: goalkeeper Pfaff and right-back Gerets. She went to the game with the Poles without them. And then there is the obvious confusion of the reserve goalkeeper - and two of his elementary mistakes. The Polish national team, in which Boniek, Lato and Majewski stood out, wins a convincing victory - 3: 0 (Bonek makes a hat-trick).

No matter what they say, the USSR national team faces the problem of the obligatory victory not in one, but in two matches in a row at once.

Hardly anyone doubted that a team of such a class as the Belgian national team, which won the world champions on the opening day, confidently excelled in its subgroup, still formally retaining the honorary title of "vice-champion of Europe", would not want at least in the final match rehabilitate yourself.

So the victory of the USSR national team over the Belgians with a score of 4: 0 was ruled out as a possible option by the evening of June 28. And it was on June 28 that the task of two victories arose: playing a draw with the Belgian national team would be not only unreasonable, but also risky.

The match with the Belgians, which took place on July 1, does not deserve a special description: neither the participants in the game, nor the spectators, nor TV fans doubted, on the one hand, that the USSR national team would win, and on the other, that there would be no 4: 0. The defense of the Belgian national team managed to stabilize the game even in comparison with the previous match, and now the team was not upset and lost faith in itself, but the vice-champion of Europe, who had won great football prestige for himself two years ago. The game as a continuous change of interesting combinations, as an alternation of attacks and poignant moments that day did not work for either the vice-champions or our team. And yet the USSR national team won. The victory was brought by a very good blow from Hovhannisyan. Lucky? Yes, lucky. But this is the case when luck rightfully accompanies stronger ones.

So, two matches with the participation of the Belgian national team made it "third extra" in one of the quarterfinals, this time played out not between two teams, but between three. By the way, in other quarterfinal "tournaments" the "extra third" were revealed after the first two games: in Barcelona - in the group where world champions of different years played - the national teams of Brazil, Italy and Argentina, on July 2, the world champions -78. For nine days, the football world lost its "king".

In Madrid, in the group France - Northern Ireland - Austria, the Austrians were already out of work on the evening of July 1, and in the group that played at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium, after the second game (the FRG national team won against the Spanish national team and scored 3 points ) The championship hosts “dropped out of the game”. If we compare the results of our team in 1982 with the results of the performances of the USSR national teams in the final tournaments of the previous world championships, it turns out that the result was better only in 1966 - fourth place and bronze medals. But still, of course, July 4, when Soviet footballers dropped out of the fight for the XII world championship awards, became a day of great grief for everyone who was rooting for our national team.

How did it happen?

The sports and non-sports press in July, August and the following months was full of critical reflections, comments, and conclusions. Almost all observers and experts agreed that the final purely sporting result of the USSR national team can be satisfied, but the team's game turned out to be clearly weaker than expected. What happened on July 4th? Our team was only satisfied with the victory over the Polish national team (see the position of the teams of our group before the final match of this stage).

The USSR national team could dominate in the subgroup only by winning the match against the Poles (in case of a draw, the goal difference would have become the decisive factor. And it would have remained the best among our rivals from Poland).

It is impossible, however, to consider the situation in absolute isolation from the events that took place, from the general position of the tournament, from the prospects, finally.

The rival of the winner of our group was determined only the next day in the match between the national teams of Brazil and Italy. I am not going wrong by saying that the chances of these teams before the start of the “internecine” match were estimated at about 4: 1 (if not 5: 1).

The Brazilians found "their" game (4 wins in 4 matches, 13 goals scored), they felt confident and calm, supported by an almost 15-thousand crowd of compatriot fans.

The prospect of a semifinal match with them was clearly discouraging for the USSR national team. And then there is the gentleman's agreement with the Poles that the game should not be harsh, all the more rude, since the players should not fall under the grip of excessive emotions. It can hardly be called the correct setting of the team to not lose in the first place, and as a derivative task - to try to win. There were other omissions in terms of the psychological preparation of our team for the game for the right to enter the top four teams in the world.

All the pre-game disadvantages very quickly came to light on the field: none of the opponents dared to escalate, there was no pace or chances to score. Only a rather daring attempt by Sulakvelidze to score a goal “from the second floor” remains in my memory. The only one in the whole game. In the reports on this match, our newspapers also mentioned the moments that Bessonov and Gavryloz had. But these moments, apparently, were not so acute, since not everyone remembered them. The Polish national team practically did not go on the attack at all.

At the very end of the game, the Poles started something like children's "cat and mouse" at the corner flags, which caused a fair displeasure from the stands. This is how the USSR national team turned out to be on the sidelines at the XII World Championship.

Well, the bright series of events at the World Championship continued. On July 5, the Brazilians in a magnificent match were unable to “tame” the Italians. The victory of the Italian national team in the dispute with the owners of the “Golden Goddess” became, of course, sensation No. 1. From a retro perspective, this very match is remembered as the final of “Mundial” -82. An excellent game in the semifinals was presented to the world by the teams of Germany and France. It came first to extra time, and then to penalty shootouts. In the other semifinals, the Polish national team gave way to Squadre Azzurre without much resistance, and in the final the Italians, who played decisively and enthusiastically, without scoring a penalty in the first half, after the break managed to hit the gate of the FRG national team three times and only "under the curtain" allowed the rivals " check. The 1982 World Cup remained in the memory of everyone who saw it as a bright football festival. Unfortunately, it passed without the participation of our team in its most memorable stages.

Upon returning to their homeland, the players of the national team “on the move” joined the struggle at the national championship. To look for the main culprit of the inexpressive game of the national team is a thankless task. Apparently, the unification of three mentors, different in their vision of football, played a positive role only at the first stage of preparation in the fall of 1981, after which it became obsolete. It was this moment that one had to be able to, if not foresee, then at least see.

However ... the wheel of life was inexorably approaching the start of the qualifying tournaments of the next European Championship.

K. Beskov asked to be released from work with the national team. The nearest candidate for the post of head coach suggested itself: V. Lobanovsky.

The head coach of Kiev "Dynamo" did not refuse the offer to head the national team. But he handed over the leadership of the country's leading club to others. In our football V. Lobanovskiy has long been considered the best expert in training programs. He is inquisitive and always peculiar in his search for ways to enhance the game. For 9 years, during which he was at the helm of Kiev "Dynamo", his wards 5 became champions of the USSR. In the first match of the next continental championship (the final part of which will be held in 1984 in France), the USSR national team met on October 13 with the Finnish team and won - 2: 0. In 1983, the qualifying tournament matches with the national teams of Poland and Portugal and the return leg will be played with Finnish footballers.

Year follows year, tournament follows tournament. In the 80s, two more European Championships, two Olympiads and the XII World Championships are coming. So, our football players are given new opportunities to prove the legitimacy of claims to success in these tournaments.

251.26.III. USSR - Bulgaria 3: 1 (1: 1) (T). Sofia. Stadium them. V. Levsky.

5 thousand viewers. Judge - K. Sherel (GDR).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Rodin (Sulakvelidze, 75), Khidiyatullin, Chivadze, Roman-tsev, Cherenkov (Fedorenko, 59), Bessonov, Shavlo (Oganesyan, 62), Gavrilov (Sidorov, 82), Andreev, Chelebadze.

Goals: Cherenkov (20), Chelebadze (60 and 65).

252.29.IV. USSR-Sweden 5: 1 (4: 1) (T). Malmo. Malmö Stadion.

16 thousand viewers. Judge - S. White (England).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Rodin (Sulakvelidze, 60), Khidiyatullin, Chivadze, Romantsev, Cherenkov, Bessonov, Gavrilov (Oganesyan, 65), Shavlo, Andreev, Chelebadze (Fedorenko, 55).

Goals: Andreev (7 and 25), Gavrilov (17), Chelebadze (39), Fedorenko (85).

253.23.V. USSR-France 1: 0 (0: 0) (T). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

55 thousand viewers. Judge - S. Kuti (Hungary).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Rodin, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Shavlo, Andreev, Bessonov, Gavrilov, Cherenkov, Chelebadze.

G about l: Cherenkov (85).

254. 15.VI. USSR - Brazil 2: 1 (2: 1) (T). Rio de Janeiro. Maracanã stadium.

130 thousand viewers. Judge - O. Cuello (Brazil).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Cherenkov, Bessonov, Gavrilov (Evtushenko, 75), Shavlo, Andreev, Chelebadze (Oganesyan, 66).

Goals: Cherenkov (32), Andreev (38).

255 12. VII. USSR-Denmark 2: 0 (0: 0) (T). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

45 thousand viewers. Judge - V. Sonchev (Bulgaria).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Baltacha, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Shavlo (Oganesyan, 76), Andreev, Bessonov, Gavrilov (Chelebadze, 76), Cherenkov (Prokopenko, 72), Gazzaev.

Goals: Cherenkov (58), Gazzaev (76).

- / 48. 20.VII. USSR - Venezuela 4: 0 (3: 0) (Olympic Games). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - F. Vehrer (Austria).

Goals: Andreev (3), Cherenkov (25), Gavrilov (34), Oganesyan (51).

256/49. 22.VII. USSR -Zambia 3: 1 (1: 1) (OI). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Arafat (Syria).

Goals: Khidiyatullin (9, 51), Cherenkov (87).

257/50. 24.VII. USSR - Cuba 8: 0 (5: 0) (Olympic Games). Moscow. Dynamo stadium.

52 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Valentine (Scotland).

Goals: Andreev (8, 27 and 44), Romantsev (20), Shavlo (43), Cherenkov (55), Gavrilov (75), Bessonov (77).

258/51. 27.VII. USSR-Kuwait 2: 1 (1: 0) (OI). Moscow. Dynamo stadium.

51 thousand viewers. Judge - V. Rubio (Mexico).

Goals: Cherenkov (30), Gavrilov (51).

- / 52. 29.VII. USSR-GDR (Olympic) 0: 1 (0: 1) (Olympic Games). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

90 thousand viewers. Judge - W. Ericsson (Sweden).

- / 53. 1.VIII. USSR - Yugoslavia (Olympic) 2: 0 (0: 0) (Olympic Games). Moscow. Dynamo stadium.

51 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Valentine (Scotland).

Goals: Oganesyan (67), Andreev (82)

259.27.VIII. USSR - Hungary 4: 1 (2: 1) (T). Budapest."Nepstadion".

12 thousand viewers. Judge - L. Vlaich (Yugoslavia).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Shavlo (Oganesyan, 67), Andreev (Rodionov, 84), Bessonov, Gavrilov, Buryak, Blokhin.

Goals: Blokhin (33), Sulakvelidze (43), Buriak (81), Rodione (85).

260. 3.IX. USSR - Iceland 2: 1 (1: 0) (World Cup). Reykjavik. Laugardalsvelur stadium.

15 thousand viewers. Judge - O. Donnelly (Northern Ireland).

Goals: Gavrilov (35), Andreev (80).

261. 15.X. USSR - Iceland 5: 0 (2: 0) (World Cup). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

31 thousand viewers. Judge - A. Sukhanek (Poland).

Goals: Andreev (9 and 78), Oganesyan (39 and 58), Bessonov (84).

262. 4.XII. USSR - Argentina 1: 1 (1: 1) (T). Mar del Plata."Estadio Mundialista".

45 thousand viewers. Judge - X. Romeo (Argentina).

USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Bubnov, Roman-tsev, Buryak (Shavlo, 63), Andreev, Oganesyan, Tarkhanov (Shvetsov, 70), Cherenkov (I. Ponomarev, 56), Kaplun. Goal: Hovhannisyan (21).

XXII Olympic Games Moscow, 1980

263.30.V. USSR-Wales 0: 0 (World Cup). Wrexham. Wrexham Stadium.

30 thousand viewers. Judge - B. Haller (Switzerland).

264. 23.IX. USSR-Turkey 4: 0 (3: 0) (World Cup). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

41,500 spectators. Judge - D. Matovinovich (Yugoslavia).

Goals: Chivadze (4), Demyanenko (20), Blokhin (26), Shengelia (49).

265. 7.X. USSR-Turkey 3: 0 (2: 0) (World Cup). Izmir. Stadium them. Ataturk.

6125 spectators. Judge - V. Eschweiler (Germany).

Goals: Shengelia (17), Blokhin (38 and 54).

266.28.X. USSR - Czechoslovakia 2: 0 (1: 0) (World Cup). Tbilisi. Dynamo stadium.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Vautro (France).

Goals: Shengelia (28 and 41).

267. 18.XI. USSR-Wales 3: 0 (2: 0) (World Cup). Tbilisi. Dynamo stadium.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - J. Keizer (Holland).

Goals: Daraselia (13), Blokhin (18), Gavrilov (64).

268. 29.XI. USSR - Czechoslovakia 1: 1 (1: 1) (World Cup). Bratislava. Slovan Stadium.

50 thousand viewers. Judge - K. White (England).

Goal: Blokhin (14).

XII World Championship Preliminary competition (1980-1981)

269.10.III. USSR-Greece 2: 0 (1: 0) (T). Athens. Stadium "Karaiskakis".

8 thousand viewers. Judge - J. Machere (Switzerland).

the USSR: Dasaev (Vik. Chanov, 87), Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Baltacha, Demyanenko, Cherenkov, Buryak, Oganesyan (Andryushchenko, 87), Gutsaev (Gavrilov, 60), Shengelia (Andreev, 60), Blokhin.

Goals: Cherenkov (39), Buriak (50).

270. 14.IV. USSR - Argentina 1: 1 (0: 1) (T). Buenos Aires. River Plate Stadium.

60 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Arpi Filho (Brazil).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Demyanenko, Baltacha, Daraselia, Oganesyan, Bal, Gavrilov (Shengelia, 61), Buryak (Khizanishvili, 82), Blokhin.

Goal: Hovhannisyan (69).

271. 5.V. USSR - GDR 1: 0 (1: 0) (T). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

39 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Pad (Hungary).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Baltacha (Ramantsev, 87), Oganesyan (Demyanenko, 83), Shengelia (Andreev, 83), Bal, Gavrilov (Susloparov, 73), Buryak, Blokhin.

Goal: Shengelia (20).

272. 3.VI. USSR-Sweden 1: 1 (0: 0) (T). Stockholm."Fotballstadion".

13 thousand viewers. Judge-T. Maanson (Denmark).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Baltacha, Khidiyatullin. Demyanenko (Borovsky, 84), Bal (Daraselia, 66), Shengelia (Andreev, 69), Bessonov, Gavrilov, Susloparov (Oganesyan, 52), Blokhin.

Goal: Blokhin (50).

273. 14.VI.the USSR- Brazil1:2 (1:0) (World Cup). Seville. Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium.

70 thousand viewers. Judge - L. Castillo (Spain).

Goal: Bal (34).

274. I9.VI.the USSR- New Zealand3:0 (1:0) (World Cup). Malaga. La Rosaleda stadium.

20 thousand viewers. Judge - Y. ElToul (Libya).

Goals: Gavrilov (25), Blokhin (47), Baltacha (68).

275.22.VI.the USSR- Scotland2:2 (0:1) (World Cup). Malaga. La Rosaleda stadium.

39 thousand viewers. Judge - N. Rainea (Romania).

Goals: Chivadze (60), Shengelia (85).

276 1.VII.the USSR- Belgium1:0 (0:0) (World Cup). Barcelona. Nou Camp stadium.

40 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Vautro (France).

Goal: Hovhannisyan (48).

277. 4. VII.the USSR- Poland0:0 (World Cup). Barcelona. Nou Camp stadium.

30 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Valentine (Scotland).

From the author's book

From the author's book

Season 1982 SECOND LEAGUE. ZONE 2 The fruits of Mikhailov's work made themselves felt in 1982, when the Kazan team came close to the first league. Almost the entire season Rubin and Lokomotiv fought for the only ticket to the top, then one team led the standings, then

The 1982 FIFA World Cup was the first in which 24 national teams took part.

1982 FIFA World Cup

  • Tournament hosts: Spain.
  • Dates: June 13 - July 11.
  • Number of participants: 24.
  • Champion: Italy.
  • Top scorer: Paulo Rossi (Italy) - 6 goals.
  • Best Player - Paulo Rossi (Italy).

Qualifying tournament

The increase in the number of tournament participants allowed FIFA to expand the quota for the countries of Africa, North and Central America - they received two tickets each. Two places went to the still combined zone of Asia and Oceania.

24 vouchers were distributed as follows.

  • Europe - 14 countries.
  • South America - 4.
  • North and Central America - 2.
  • Asia - 1.
  • Africa - 2.
  • Oceania -1.

European weeds were divided into 6 groups of 5 teams (two first places gave the right to advance to the final), and one group with three teams (one ticket). Another one was automatically received by the hosts of the tournament - the Spaniards.

The qualifying tournament in Europe was quite predictable. The surprises include not getting to the world championship of the Dutch national team, but reaching the final part of the Northern Ireland team, ahead of Sweden and Portugal. But the Dutch had a strong enough group, and the fate of the second ticket was decided in the last round in Paris, where they lost to the French national team 0: 2.

The USSR national team in their group won an unconditional victory, winning six matches and ending two in a draw. The gap from the nearest pursuer was four points.

In South America, 9 teams were divided into 3 groups, the winners of which went to Spain (Argentina's national team, as the world champion, qualified without qualifying games). In group number 2, unexpectedly for many, the Peru national team managed to bypass Colombia and Uruguay, and the Peruvians beat the latter at a party.

In the CONCACAF zone, according to tradition, the qualifying tournament was the continental championship, and here there was a big surprise - Honduras and beat the Mexican team in the table, and the Mexicans in the last round could not beat Honduras, which had solved its problems. Thanks to this, El Salvador went to the World Cup.

In Africa, this time they decided not to be smart, and held a qualifying tournament according to the Olympic system with matches at home and away. Since there were two tickets, respectively, two finals were played, in which Algeria and Cameroon defeated Nigeria and Morocco, respectively.

In the finals of the qualifying tournament in Asia, China and New Zealand each scored 7 points with the same goal difference and goals conceded. Therefore, they played an additional match in Singapore, where the New Zealand footballers won - 2: 1.

Final part of the 1982 FIFA World Cup

The tournament formula was the most difficult in the world championships - two group stages, the winners of the second groups formed semi-final pairs.

At the preliminary stage, the following teams came together.

  1. Italy, Poland, Cameroon, Peru.
  2. Germany, Austria, Algeria, Chile.
  3. Argentina, Belgium, Hungary, El Salvador.
  4. England, France, Czechoslovakia, Kuwait.
  5. Spain, Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, Honduras.
  6. Brazil, USSR, Scotland, New Zealand.

First round

Group 1

It was probably the most boring group in the history of the world championships, with five of the six games ending in a draw. And if we take away the six goals scored in the Poland - Peru match, it turns out that in the remaining five meetings the teams, by joint efforts, only hit each other's goal four times.

Cameroon's national team brought a sensation, having not lost a single match. In the last round, the Cameroonians needed a victory over Italy. Cameroon's national team responded to Graziani's accurate shot in the 60th minute with a shot from Mbida, and the fate of the match hung in the balance until the last second.

As for the Peru national team, it was a pretty strong team, but it had some kind of failure in the short segment of the second match with Poland, when the Poles scored four goals in 12 minutes.

Group 2

In this group, the most scandalous match in the history of world football was played. However, about everything in order. Already in the match of the first round, a sensation thundered: the FRG national team lost to the Algerian team 1: 2.

Austria managed to win both starting matches and by the third round secured a way out of the group, which could not be said about the West German footballers.

In the first match of the third round, Algeria snatched victory from Chile 3: 2, and a day later in Gijon, the German and Austrian teams met. Horst Hrubesh opened the scoring already in the 10th minute of the match, after which the teams simply stopped playing football, and for 80 minutes they rolled the ball across the field.

Neither the indignant whistle of the 40,000-seat stadium, nor the calls of the TV commentators, nor the curses of the Algerian fans had any impact on the players - they calmly finished the meeting with a score satisfying both teams.

This match went down in football history as the "Shame of Gijon" or the "Gijon pact of no attack", and FIFA did what it should have done a long time ago - decided that the matches of the third round would start at the same time.

In principle, both before and after that there were such matches, and I am sure there will be - remember at least the Argentina-Peru meeting in or the famous "Scandinavian conspiracy" in.

By and large, the Germans and Austrians are not to blame for WHAT they did, but for HOW they did it - cynically, without pretending to be a struggle and without staging a performance.

Group 3

The fights of this group began with a sensation - the Argentine world champions began their title defense with a defeat against the Belgian national team. However, the Argentine national team, unlike the Germans, coped with their problems on their own, winning the remaining two matches.

The Belgians, despite two starting victories, could not have made it out of the group - in the match of the last round they lost to the Hungarian national team and ended up in third place by the goal difference. The Belgians were saved by Alex Chernyatinski, who scored in the 76th minute.

Hungary's 10-1 victory over El Salvador was the largest in the final stages of the World Championships.

Group 4

The British won all the matches in the group, and France and Czechoslovakia in the last round match-up determined the "third superfluous". The French defended the draw they needed.

However, the Czechoslovak footballers have only themselves to blame - they drew with Kuwait and never hit the gate in three matches - both goals.

Group 5

Here the main sensation came from the Northern Ireland national team, which, after two draws, managed to defeat the hosts of the championship.

However, this score suited the hosts of the championship, since the result of the Yugoslavia - Honduras match was already known. True, it cannot be said that the Spaniards did not try to win, only they could do nothing with the defense of the Northern Irishmen.

Group 6

The opening match in this group almost ended in a sensation. The USSR national team, after a long-range strike by Andrei Bal, 15 minutes before the end of the match, was leading in a duel against Brazil, which brought a really strong team to the championship.

Only at the end of the match, goals from Socrates and Eder allowed the Brazilians to snatch victory. True, on at least two occasions the Spanish referee Augusto Castilla should have awarded a penalty kick to our opponents' goal, but both times his whistle was silent.

After mutual victories over the teams of the USSR and Scotland, the second ticket was contested in a face-to-face meeting. Soviet footballers were happy with a draw, and therefore, when Ramaz Shengelia scored 2: 1 in the 85th minute, it seemed that ours would have no problems. But the Scots evened the score in the 87th minute, and the rest of the match hung on goal, but the USSR national team held out.

Round two

  1. Poland, USSR, Belgium.
  2. Germany, England, Spain.
  3. Italy, Brazil, Argentina.
  4. France, Austria, Northern Ireland.

The second group stage did not provide for relegation matches, but the third matches in all groups without exception were held in a tense struggle, since after the first two games only the Spanish national team lost their chances for the semifinals.

Group "A"

After victories over the Belgian team, the national teams of the USSR and Poland met. The Poles, naturally, were happy with a draw. And they got it. If in the first half Soviet football players played sharp and could open an account, then in the second half the Poles gave practically nothing to create at their goal, and they themselves could score more than once against Dasaev.

Not the least role in the unsuccessful performance of the Soviet national team (they did not reach the semifinals, what a failure! How wild it sounds now) was played by the fact that it was led by three mentors - Konstantin Beskov, Valery Lobanovsky and Nodar Akhalkatsi. An unprecedented event in world football.

Group "B"

The Spanish footballers, after being defeated by the FRG national team, immediately lost their chances of getting into the next stage, because the Germans already had three points. But the England national team, in the event of a victory over Spain with a difference of two goals, got into the semifinals.

But to the honor of the Spaniards, they did not give up and, in the presence of 75 thousand spectators at the Santiago Bernabeu, fought the British, eventually not allowing them to enter the next stage of the tournament.

Group "C"

World Champions - Argentina's national team resigned, losing first to Italy and then to Brazil.

Therefore, in the third match, these two teams determined the semi-finalist. And this is where the star of Paulo Rossi rose. Having been drafted into the national team only a month after the end of a two-year suspension, Rossi did not show himself in any way at the tournament.

And then - at once a hat-trick, but not to anyone, but the Brazilian national team. Twice the Brazilians equalized the score, but they had no arguments for the third goal of Rossi.

Group "D"

The French national team reached the semifinals without any problems, having won two victories on the case.

If the Northern Irishmen, who only needed a victory in the final match, had any illusions, then they dissipated by the beginning of the second half, when the French took the lead 2: 0. And they allowed themselves to score only after they brought the score to a large one.


Italy - Poland 2: 0 (1: 0)

The Italians have added great in the course of the championship, and Paulo Rossi was already unstoppable. Two of his goals in the 22nd and 73rd minutes sealed the fate of the match in the half of the Italian national team.

Germany - France 3: 3 (1: 1, 0: 0, extra time 2: 2), on penalties 5: 4

The second semi-final became one of the most outstanding matches in the history of world football. Although it all started rather mundane - in the first half, the teams exchanged goals by Pierre Littarski and Michel Platini, and the second half ended in a goalless draw. At the same time, it was in the second half that the goalkeeper of the Germans Tony Schumacher deliberately went to the joint with Patrick Battiston, causing him a serious injury.

The most interesting thing began in overtime - in the 98th minute the Frenchman was led 3: 1. Then Jupp Derval threw Karl-Heinz Rummenigge into battle, who did not end up healing his injury. And it was he who reduced the lead, and in the 102nd minute, Klaus Fischer equalized the score.

The first penalty shootout in the history of the World Championships consisted of 12 shots and ended with the victory of the FRG national team 5: 4.

3rd place match

Poland - France 3: 2 (2: 1)

Frustrated by the French, although they opened the score in the match with the Polish team, in the end they lost.

1982 FIFA World Cup Final

Italy - Germany 3: 1 (0: 0)

In the final, the sympathies of the majority of those present at the stadium were in favor of Italy - the Spanish public was often cheering against Tony Schumacher because of his famous foul.

As for the match itself, the Italian national team won on the case. Paulo Rossi scored again, opening the score in the match. Only when the score was 3: 0, the Italians allowed to print their goal.

And their goalkeeper, having become the world champion at the age of 40, set, perhaps, a record for all time.

The draw for the World Championship was not “free”. Among the 24 teams participating in the final tournament, 6 "queens" were selected. The six teams, in which they were supposed to see outsiders, were, like the "queens", scattered into 6 groups, in which (according to the results of single-round tournaments) 12 teams were identified - participants in four quarterfinal tournaments (3 teams in each). A miniature ball with the inscription "USSR" remained in the lottery drum when the scoreboard had already highlighted the "places" of all the other 23 teams in the groups. Remained "empty" only place at number 22, next to which stood: 21. Brazil ... 23. Scotland. 24. New Zealand.

The game schedule has already been drawn up. On June 14, ours had a match with the Brazilians, on June 19 - with the New Zealanders and on June 22 - judging by all forecasts, the decisive game against the Scottish national team.

The participating teams prepared differently for the start of the World Championship. The coach of the Brazilian national team, Tele Santana, planned to hold a one and a half month training camp on the eve of leaving for Spain. The hosts of the championship conducted fundamental training with full use of the “emergency” rights granted to the team's management. The Scots preferred a “run-in” in playing conditions.

The USSR national team experienced certain difficulties in the preparation process: Dynamo Kiev and Tbilisi maintained their positions in European club tournaments, and it was important for them to acquire the best form by March. And since most of the main squad of the national team was recruited from the players of these teams, the interests of the leading clubs were in conflict with the interests of the main team of the country. The impression of playing the national team in several test matches in the spring was less bright than in the matches in the fall.

On March 10, the Greek national team was defeated (2: 0). But this success in a friendly match only unleashed the trauma inflicted two and a half years ago by the defeat in the most important game of the preliminary stage of the European championship. On April 14, in Buenos Aires, the USSR national team drew (1: 1) with the world champions - the Argentine team.

But, as it was said in one of the reports, the Argentines came to "their own unit" after many attacking operations, shots off the goal and into the post, after several sensitive responses from Dasaev to the ball flying into the target. Our team acquired its "unit" thanks to an effectively played combination that suddenly flashed in the middle of its prosaic defensive pursuits.

Yes, Oganesyan's goal was beautiful. The game was not that upsetting, but very alarming ... And yet there was some consolation - after all, this is a draw on the opponents' field. And the opponent - neither more nor less - the world champion.

May 5 won the match against the GDR national team - 1: 0. However, the sparring partners played the game sluggishly, and it did not bring much benefit. The dress rehearsal took place on June 3 in Sweden. It just so happened that the African heat was then in northern Europe. And this fact was seen as a useful test of the national team's physical readiness for the Spanish heat in July.

Our footballers played well on Swedish soil. After a long break, Bessonov played in the team again. Everyone in the team loved and appreciated this footballer. It was he who owes the merit that Blokhin managed to open an account: the goal was preceded by an excellent breakthrough and an excellent pass. Nevertheless, after the free kick, aptly shot by Nilsson, the home team managed to recoup.

A week later, after the match USSR-1-USSR-2 (2: 1), Muscovites in an upbeat atmosphere accompanied our players to the final stage of the fight for the world championship.

Unfortunately, in mid-May, Buriak was seriously injured, and on the day of the departure of the national team for the Pyrenees, Khidiyatullin was a victim of his own incontinence. Both were, as they say, key players: Buryak is one of the "pillars" of the middle line, and Khidiya-Tullin in his best matches always showed very outstanding technique and temperament (and in terms of physical condition he was very close to the team). Both were included in the list of the USSR national team for the world championship, but ... neither one nor the other were ready for the main games of the year.

On Sunday, June 13, at the Nou Camp stadium in Barcelona, ​​the celebration of world football was colorfully and solemnly opened. The day ended with an unexpected defeat of the world champions - Argentines - from the Belgian national team (0: 1). And on Monday, the championship flag was hoisted in two more cities - in Vigo and Seville.

In Seville, the tournament was opened by the national teams of the USSR and Brazil. The match received "big press". And not only because it became, perhaps, the main game of the first round. The point is that ... the Spanish referee Castillo was very bad at managing the game.

He made a gross mistake during the game several times: at least twice the South American defenders deserved penalty kicks, but ... the referee's whistle was silent both times. Castillo did not dare to assign a penalty (except perhaps as partial compensation for his own mistakes?) And into our goal.

The game, however, was initially successful for the Soviet team: at the end of the first half, Perez unexpectedly missed the ball after Bal's long-range strike. This goal was not very logical, but its illogicality faded against the background of even just listed (and how many there were!) Mistakes of the referee. The Brazilian national team had a hard time adjusting the game, although the excellent technique and the huge potential of the world champions were visible, as they say, even with the naked eye.

Dasaev played well, our defenders also tried not to fail, but ... Still, the growing pressure of players in yellow shirts ended up being crowned with goals - in the 75th and 87th minutes.

And although the final offensive of the South Americans looked very impressive, you must agree: a team that managed to retaliate 15 minutes before the end of the game, and come forward only 3 minutes before the final whistle, looks more successful under any circumstances (even when it comes to world champions) than the rival (even if inferior to the favorites in most components of the game). So this match was perceived then. This is how he is perceived even now - a year after the hot events in Spain: he is seen as a failure of the USSR national team, and not as a natural defeat, inevitable in a meeting with a better rival. Well, the class of the Brazilian team was much more vividly manifested in all its subsequent matches. The USSR - New Zealand game was held with the indisputable advantage of the Soviet team, and, probably, only ill-wishers or too upset fans retroactively scolded our players for this match as well. By that time it was already known that it was enough for the USSR national team to beat the New Zealanders with a score of 3: 0 or 4: 1 in order to gain an advantage over the Scottish national team with equal points for both.

Our team secured a "necessary" advantage of three goals by the middle of the second half (Gavrilov, Blokhin, Baltacha). The immediate task was solved by her, and therefore ...

I would like to some extent to take under protection from too harsh criticism and the game of the USSR national team with the national team of Scotland. The strength of this rival has been well known at all times. The preference of this team to the attacking style is also known. Of course, it was not very pleasant to see the passivity of Soviet footballers at the beginning of the meeting. But it would be impossible to completely exclude the expectant nature of the game from the tactical plans of single combat with a strong rival, who was only content with victory!

No, neither those who watched it on TV nor those who were lucky enough to be in Malaga that day did not like the game of the USSR national team. Everything is correct. But, having finished the game with a score of 2: 2, our footballers completed the task! After the first 15-20 minutes of extreme caution and from the last minutes of the match, when the Scots literally "crushed" our defense, frantically trying to score the decisive goal, a negative impression from the game of the Soviet national team remained after the first 15-20 minutes. Yes, at these moments the footballers of the USSR upset. But the problem was solved! Let it not be as confident as we would like, but it has been resolved. On the other hand, what did we want? So that our team can easily and confidently outplay a very venerable opponent, who is determined only to win?

After this meeting, our team had 8 “clean” days of rest, which could be used both for polishing the game and for developing tactical options for the upcoming meetings (especially since the rivals of the USSR national team in these meetings had already become known).

As an eyewitness to the second stage and the final games of the championship, I will say: against the background of magnificent matches at the Espanyol stadium, each time bathed in the sun, filled to the brim with exalted, temperamental fans from Brazil and Italy (much less from Argentina), against the backdrop of football in graceful yet courageous performance of the world champion - Argentina, as well as the future champion on the way to a third victory, the Italian national team - and three-time world champion Brazil - a team that everyone predicted to be champions, consisting of masters, all as if on selection, to whom only Pele could keep company "- against the background of these dazzling feasts of football art, the meetings at the Nou Camp, where the national teams of Poland, the USSR and Belgium played, noticeably faded. It so happened that the Belgian team in the last match of the preliminary stage lost two key defensive players: goalkeeper Pfaff and right-back Gerets. She went to the game with the Poles without them. And then there is the obvious confusion of the reserve goalkeeper - and two of his elementary mistakes. The Polish national team, in which Boniek, Lato and Majewski stood out, wins a convincing victory - 3: 0 (Bonek makes a hat-trick).

No matter what they say, the USSR national team faces the problem of the obligatory victory not in one, but in two matches in a row at once.

Hardly anyone doubted that a team of such a class as the Belgian national team, which won the world champions on the opening day, confidently excelled in its subgroup, still formally retaining the honorary title of "vice-champion of Europe", would not want at least in the final match rehabilitate yourself.

So the victory of the USSR national team over the Belgians with a score of 4: 0 was ruled out as a possible option by the evening of June 28. And it was on June 28 that the task of two victories arose: playing a draw with the Belgian national team would be not only unreasonable, but also risky.

The match with the Belgians, which took place on July 1, does not deserve a special description: neither the participants in the game, nor the spectators, nor TV fans doubted, on the one hand, that the USSR national team would win, and on the other, that there would be no 4: 0. The defense of the Belgian national team managed to stabilize the game even in comparison with the previous match, and now the team was not upset and lost faith in itself, but the vice-champion of Europe, who had won great football prestige for himself two years ago. The game as a continuous change of interesting combinations, as an alternation of attacks and poignant moments that day did not work for either the vice-champions or our team. And yet the USSR national team won. The victory was brought by a very good blow from Hovhannisyan. Lucky? Yes, lucky. But this is the case when luck rightfully accompanies stronger ones.

So, two matches with the participation of the Belgian national team made it "third extra" in one of the quarterfinals, this time played out not between two teams, but between three. By the way, in other quarterfinal "tournaments" the "extra third" were revealed after the first two games: in Barcelona - in the group where world champions of different years played - the national teams of Brazil, Italy and Argentina, on July 2, the world champions -78. For nine days, the football world lost its "king".

In Madrid, in the group France - Northern Ireland - Austria, the Austrians were already out of work on the evening of July 1, and in the group that played at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium, after the second game (the FRG national team won against the Spanish national team and scored 3 points ) The championship hosts “dropped out of the game”. If we compare the results of our team in 1982 with the results of the performances of the USSR national teams in the final tournaments of the previous world championships, it turns out that the result was better only in 1966 - fourth place and bronze medals. But still, of course, July 4, when Soviet footballers dropped out of the fight for the XII world championship awards, became a day of great grief for everyone who was rooting for our national team.

How did it happen?

The sports and non-sports press in July, August and the following months was full of critical reflections, comments, and conclusions. Almost all observers and experts agreed that the final purely sporting result of the USSR national team can be satisfied, but the team's game turned out to be clearly weaker than expected. What happened on July 4th? Our team was only satisfied with the victory over the Polish national team (see the position of the teams of our group before the final match of this stage).

The USSR national team could dominate in the subgroup only by winning the match against the Poles (in case of a draw, the goal difference would have become the decisive factor. And it would have remained the best among our rivals from Poland).

It is impossible, however, to consider the situation in absolute isolation from the events that took place, from the general position of the tournament, from the prospects, finally.

The rival of the winner of our group was determined only the next day in the match between the national teams of Brazil and Italy. I am not going wrong by saying that the chances of these teams before the start of the “internecine” match were estimated at about 4: 1 (if not 5: 1).

The Brazilians found "their" game (4 wins in 4 matches, 13 goals scored), they felt confident and calm, supported by an almost 15-thousand crowd of compatriot fans.

The prospect of a semifinal match with them was clearly discouraging for the USSR national team. And then there is the gentleman's agreement with the Poles that the game should not be harsh, all the more rude, since the players should not fall under the grip of excessive emotions. It can hardly be called the correct setting of the team to not lose in the first place, and as a derivative task - to try to win. There were other omissions in terms of the psychological preparation of our team for the game for the right to enter the top four teams in the world.

All the pre-game disadvantages very quickly came to light on the field: none of the opponents dared to escalate, there was no pace or chances to score. Only a rather daring attempt by Sulakvelidze to score a goal “from the second floor” remains in my memory. The only one in the whole game. In the reports on this match, our newspapers also mentioned the moments that Bessonov and Gavryloz had. But these moments, apparently, were not so acute, since not everyone remembered them. The Polish national team practically did not go on the attack at all.

At the very end of the game, the Poles started something like children's "cat and mouse" at the corner flags, which caused a fair displeasure from the stands. This is how the USSR national team turned out to be on the sidelines at the XII World Championship.

Well, the bright series of events at the World Championship continued. On July 5, the Brazilians in a magnificent match were unable to “tame” the Italians. The victory of the Italian national team in the dispute with the owners of the “Golden Goddess” became, of course, sensation No. 1. From a retro perspective, this very match is remembered as the final of “Mundial” -82. An excellent game in the semifinals was presented to the world by the teams of Germany and France. It came first to extra time, and then to penalty shootouts. In the other semifinals, the Polish national team gave way to Squadre Azzurre without much resistance, and in the final the Italians, who played decisively and enthusiastically, without scoring a penalty in the first half, after the break managed to hit the gate of the FRG national team three times and only "under the curtain" allowed the rivals " check. The 1982 World Cup remained in the memory of everyone who saw it as a bright football festival. Unfortunately, it passed without the participation of our team in its most memorable stages.

Upon returning to their homeland, the players of the national team “on the move” joined the struggle at the national championship. To look for the main culprit of the inexpressive game of the national team is a thankless task. Apparently, the unification of three mentors, different in their vision of football, played a positive role only at the first stage of preparation in the fall of 1981, after which it became obsolete. It was this moment that one had to be able to, if not foresee, then at least see.

However ... the wheel of life was inexorably approaching the start of the qualifying tournaments of the next European Championship.

K. Beskov asked to be released from work with the national team. The nearest candidate for the post of head coach suggested itself: V. Lobanovsky.

The head coach of Kiev "Dynamo" did not refuse the offer to head the national team. But he handed over the leadership of the country's leading club to others. In our football V. Lobanovskiy has long been considered the best expert in training programs. He is inquisitive and always peculiar in his search for ways to enhance the game. For 9 years, during which he was at the helm of Kiev "Dynamo", his wards 5 became champions of the USSR. In the first match of the next continental championship (the final part of which will be held in 1984 in France), the USSR national team met on October 13 with the Finnish team and won - 2: 0. In 1983, the qualifying tournament matches with the national teams of Poland and Portugal and the return leg will be played with Finnish footballers.

Year follows year, tournament follows tournament. In the 80s, two more European Championships, two Olympiads and the XII World Championships are coming. So, our football players are given new opportunities to prove the legitimacy of claims to success in these tournaments.

1980 g.

251.26.III. USSR - Bulgaria 3: 1 (1: 1) (T). Sofia. Stadium them. V. Levsky.

5 thousand viewers. Judge - K. Sherel (GDR).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Rodin (Sulakvelidze, 75), Khidiyatullin, Chivadze, Roman-tsev, Cherenkov (Fedorenko, 59), Bessonov, Shavlo (Oganesyan, 62), Gavrilov (Sidorov, 82), Andreev, Chelebadze.

Goals: Cherenkov (20), Chelebadze (60 and 65).

252.29.IV. USSR-Sweden 5: 1 (4: 1) (T). Malmo. Malmö Stadion.

16 thousand viewers. Judge - S. White (England).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Rodin (Sulakvelidze, 60), Khidiyatullin, Chivadze, Romantsev, Cherenkov, Bessonov, Gavrilov (Oganesyan, 65), Shavlo, Andreev, Chelebadze (Fedorenko, 55).

Goals: Andreev (7 and 25), Gavrilov (17), Chelebadze (39), Fedorenko (85).

253.23.V. USSR-France 1: 0 (0: 0) (T). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

55 thousand viewers. Judge - S. Kuti (Hungary).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Rodin, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Shavlo, Andreev, Bessonov, Gavrilov, Cherenkov, Chelebadze.

G about l: Cherenkov (85).

254. 15.VI. USSR - Brazil 2: 1 (2: 1) (T). Rio de Janeiro. Maracanã stadium.

130 thousand viewers. Judge - O. Cuello (Brazil).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Cherenkov, Bessonov, Gavrilov (Evtushenko, 75), Shavlo, Andreev, Chelebadze (Oganesyan, 66).

Goals: Cherenkov (32), Andreev (38).

255 12. VII. USSR-Denmark 2: 0 (0: 0) (T). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

45 thousand viewers. Judge - V. Sonchev (Bulgaria).

THE USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Baltacha, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Shavlo (Oganesyan, 76), Andreev, Bessonov, Gavrilov (Chelebadze, 76), Cherenkov (Prokopenko, 72), Gazzaev.

Goals: Cherenkov (58), Gazzaev (76).

- / 48. 20.VII. USSR - Venezuela 4: 0 (3: 0) (Olympic Games). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - F. Vehrer (Austria).

Goals: Andreev (3), Cherenkov (25), Gavrilov (34), Oganesyan (51).

256/49. 22.VII. USSR -Zambia 3: 1 (1: 1) (OI). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Arafat (Syria).

Goals: Khidiyatullin (9, 51), Cherenkov (87).

257/50. 24.VII. USSR - Cuba 8: 0 (5: 0) (Olympic Games). Moscow. Dynamo stadium.

52 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Valentine (Scotland).

Goals: Andreev (8, 27 and 44), Romantsev (20), Shavlo (43), Cherenkov (55), Gavrilov (75), Bessonov (77).

258/51. 27.VII. USSR-Kuwait 2: 1 (1: 0) (OI). Moscow. Dynamo stadium.

51 thousand viewers. Judge - V. Rubio (Mexico).

Goals: Cherenkov (30), Gavrilov (51).

- / 52. 29.VII. USSR-GDR (Olympic) 0: 1 (0: 1) (Olympic Games). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

90 thousand viewers. Judge - W. Ericsson (Sweden).

- / 53. 1.VIII. USSR - Yugoslavia (Olympic) 2: 0 (0: 0) (Olympic Games). Moscow. Dynamo stadium.

51 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Valentine (Scotland).

Goals: Oganesyan (67), Andreev (82)

259.27.VIII. USSR - Hungary 4: 1 (2: 1) (T). Budapest."Nepstadion".

12 thousand viewers. Judge - L. Vlaich (Yugoslavia).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Romantsev, Shavlo (Oganesyan, 67), Andreev (Rodionov, 84), Bessonov, Gavrilov, Buryak, Blokhin.

Goals: Blokhin (33), Sulakvelidze (43), Buriak (81), Rodione (85).

260. 3.IX. USSR - Iceland 2: 1 (1: 0) (World Cup). Reykjavik. Laugardalsvelur stadium.

15 thousand viewers. Judge - O. Donnelly (Northern Ireland).

Goals: Gavrilov (35), Andreev (80).

261. 15.X. USSR - Iceland 5: 0 (2: 0) (World Cup). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

31 thousand viewers. Judge - A. Sukhanek (Poland).

Goals: Andreev (9 and 78), Oganesyan (39 and 58), Bessonov (84).

262. 4.XII. USSR - Argentina 1: 1 (1: 1) (T). Mar del Plata."Estadio Mundialista".

45 thousand viewers. Judge - X. Romeo (Argentina).

USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Bubnov, Roman-tsev, Buryak (Shavlo, 63), Andreev, Oganesyan, Tarkhanov (Shvetsov, 70), Cherenkov (I. Ponomarev, 56), Kaplun. Goal: Hovhannisyan (21).

XXII Olympic Games Moscow, 1980

1981 year

263.30.V. USSR-Wales 0: 0 (World Cup). Wrexham. Wrexham Stadium.

30 thousand viewers. Judge - B. Haller (Switzerland).

264. 23.IX. USSR-Turkey 4: 0 (3: 0) (World Cup). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

41,500 spectators. Judge - D. Matovinovich (Yugoslavia).

Goals: Chivadze (4), Demyanenko (20), Blokhin (26), Shengelia (49).

265. 7.X. USSR-Turkey 3: 0 (2: 0) (World Cup). Izmir. Stadium them. Ataturk.

6125 spectators. Judge - V. Eschweiler (Germany).

Goals: Shengelia (17), Blokhin (38 and 54).

266.28.X. USSR - Czechoslovakia 2: 0 (1: 0) (World Cup). Tbilisi. Dynamo stadium.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Vautro (France).

Goals: Shengelia (28 and 41).

267. 18.XI. USSR-Wales 3: 0 (2: 0) (World Cup). Tbilisi. Dynamo stadium.

80 thousand viewers. Judge - J. Keizer (Holland).

Goals: Daraselia (13), Blokhin (18), Gavrilov (64).

268. 29.XI. USSR - Czechoslovakia 1: 1 (1: 1) (World Cup). Bratislava. Slovan Stadium.

50 thousand viewers. Judge - K. White (England).

Goal: Blokhin (14).

XII World Championship Preliminary competition (1980-1981)

1982 year

269.10.III. USSR-Greece 2: 0 (1: 0) (T). Athens. Stadium "Karaiskakis".

8 thousand viewers. Judge - J. Machere (Switzerland).

the USSR: Dasaev (Vik. Chanov, 87), Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Baltacha, Demyanenko, Cherenkov, Buryak, Oganesyan (Andryushchenko, 87), Gutsaev (Gavrilov, 60), Shengelia (Andreev, 60), Blokhin.

Goals: Cherenkov (39), Buriak (50).

270. 14.IV. USSR - Argentina 1: 1 (0: 1) (T). Buenos Aires. River Plate Stadium.

60 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Arpi Filho (Brazil).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Demyanenko, Baltacha, Daraselia, Oganesyan, Bal, Gavrilov (Shengelia, 61), Buryak (Khizanishvili, 82), Blokhin.

Goal: Hovhannisyan (69).

271. 5.V. USSR - GDR 1: 0 (1: 0) (T). Moscow. TsS them. V.I. Lenin.

39 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Pad (Hungary).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Chivadze, Khidiyatullin, Baltacha (Ramantsev, 87), Oganesyan (Demyanenko, 83), Shengelia (Andreev, 83), Bal, Gavrilov (Susloparov, 73), Buryak, Blokhin.

Goal: Shengelia (20).

272. 3.VI. USSR-Sweden 1: 1 (0: 0) (T). Stockholm."Fotballstadion".

13 thousand viewers. Judge-T. Maanson (Denmark).

the USSR: Dasaev, Sulakvelidze, Baltacha, Khidiyatullin. Demyanenko (Borovsky, 84), Bal (Daraselia, 66), Shengelia (Andreev, 69), Bessonov, Gavrilov, Susloparov (Oganesyan, 52), Blokhin.

Goal: Blokhin (50).

273. 14.VI.the USSR- Brazil1:2 (1:0) (World Cup). Seville. Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium.

70 thousand viewers. Judge - L. Castillo (Spain).

Goal: Bal (34).

274. I9.VI.the USSR- New Zealand3:0 (1:0) (World Cup). Malaga. La Rosaleda stadium.

20 thousand viewers. Judge - Y. ElToul (Libya).

Goals: Gavrilov (25), Blokhin (47), Baltacha (68).

275.22.VI.the USSR- Scotland2:2 (0:1) (World Cup). Malaga. La Rosaleda stadium.

39 thousand viewers. Judge - N. Rainea (Romania).

Goals: Chivadze (60), Shengelia (85).

276 1.VII.the USSR- Belgium1:0 (0:0) (World Cup). Barcelona. Nou Camp stadium.

40 thousand viewers. Judge - M. Vautro (France).

Goal: Hovhannisyan (48).

277. 4. VII.the USSR- Poland0:0 (World Cup). Barcelona. Nou Camp stadium.

30 thousand viewers. Judge - R. Valentine (Scotland).


1980-1982(until September) - TO. AND. Beskov;

With september1982 G . – V. V. Lobanovsky.

C a p and tans:

1980 -O. Romantsev;

1981-1982 yy. – A. Chivadze; in the match272 – O. Blokhin.

XII World Championship Final Tournament (1982)

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Brazilian national team before the World Cup match against Argentina (3: 1), July 02, 1982, Barcelona (Spain), "Estadio Sarria" stadium. Back row: Valdir Perez, Leandro, Oscar, Falcao, Luisinho, Junior
Front row: Socrates, Toninho Cerezo, Serginho, Zico, Eder

World Championship stats

Brazil squad at the 1982 World Cup


№ 1

Jose LEANDRO de Souza Ferreira
№ 2

Jose OSCAR Bernardi
№ 3


Luis Carlos Ferreira (LUISINHO)
№ 4


Antonio Carlos CEREZO
№ 5

Leovegildo Lins Gama JUNIOR
№ 6


№ 7


SOCRATES Brasileiro S.S. Vieira de Oliveira
№ 8


Sergio Bernardino (SERGINHO)
№ 9

Arthur Antunes Coimbra (ZICO)
№ 10

EDER Aleixo de Assis
№ 11


№ 12


EDEVALDO de Freitas
№ 13

Alcides Fonseca Junior (JUNINHO)
№ 14

Paulo Roberto FALCAO
№ 15

Edino Nazareth Filho (EDINHO)
№ 16


Pedro Luis Vincescotti (PEDRINHO)
№ 17

Joao BATISTA da Silva
№ 18

Carlos RENATO Frederico
№ 19


Carlos ROBERTO (DINAMITE) de Oliveira
№ 20

DIRCEU Jose Guimaraes
№ 21

CARLOS Roberto Gallo
№ 22

Preparation of the Brazilian national football team for the 1982 World Cup

Brazil squad played qualifying against Venezuela and Bolivia and, as expected, won all four of the four matches. The 1982 team is called one of the best Brazilian teams in history (other teams - 1970 and 1958). She combined talented players and an ambitious coach.

Tele Santana came to Selesao in 1980. His philosophy was that football is a show and both teams should play spectacular football. He was radically opposed to rough play. All the teams led by this great coach (both clubs and national teams) have always been focused only on the opponents' goal.

Tele Santana had several players who helped him promote his ideas. Such as Zico, with his record in a celesao shirt and the most goals scored; Paulo Roberto Falcao, who helped his team ("Internationale" from Porto Alegre, Brazil) to achieve three victories in the national championship (he was also called "King of Rome", and this nickname he received for his performances in the Italian "Roma", with which he won "scudetto"); Socrates - with the name of a philosopher and with the education of a doctor, combined talent and knowledge of the game. Toninho Serezo, in addition to technique, had a high efficiency. Falcao, Zico and Socrates eventually made it to the top 10 players in the 1982 World Cup. Other strengths of the team include Eder's excellent left-handed strikes, Junior's agility and Oscar's experience.

But the goalkeeper Valdir Perez did not inspire confidence even among the fans of his club team - “Sao Paulo”. Many insisted that this position be taken by Emerson Leao, who played for the Celesao in the 1974 and 1978 world championships, and later played in 1986 in Mexico. According to the Brazilian torsida, it was Leao who should have played in Spain.

Center forward Serginho was tamed by Santana: this player, thanks to his skills, using feints, ruffled the nerves of the defenders, creating moment after moment. In the Tele Santana team, this was unacceptable. Serginho, one of the best strikers of the day, lost much of his potential. The favorite of the coach in this position was Kareka, who would later play at the 1986 and 1990 World Championships. Kareca suffered a serious injury and was replaced by Roberto Dynamite, who had been a striker for the Seleção back in 1978. There were absolutely delusional rumors - allegedly the wife of Roberto Dynamite, with the help of black magic, set up Kareka's injury.

Before the start of the World Cup in Brazil, there was a lot of talk about which of the four forwards would take a place in the starting lineup. The problem with the line-up was complicated by the absence of Serezo, who could not play due to the disqualification received in the last official match. His place was taken by Paulo Isidoro, who plays well as a right forward. But four powerful forwards drove him out of that position, and he was given another.

Tele Santana continued to adhere to his point of view, and the Brazilians played according to his scheme. In 1981, after winning all qualifying matches, Brazil embarked on a European tour, beating England, France and Germany. Before the start of the World Cup “Selesao” did not suffer more than one defeat. The Brazilians have arrived in Spain as favorites.

World Cup matches

The Brazilians won the first match against the USSR national team with a score of 2: 1. Although Soviet footballers did not deliver more than one dangerous blow, one day Vadir Peres was still mistaken. He unsuccessfully took the ball and he ended up in goal. In the second half, Socrates evened the score in the 73rd minute, and then Eder brought the Brazilians forward two minutes before the end of the match. The Brazilians played well, but the victory was not easy for them.

In the second match, as planned, Paulo Isidoro gave way to Toninho Cerezo, who had served a suspension. Brazil, having shown an excellent game, beat the Scottish national team with a score of 4: 1. Zico, Oscar, Eder and Falcao distinguished themselves. Fans and the press approved of the Brazilians' game plan, and Paulo Isidoro was forgotten.

The next match against New Zealand turned out to be very easy. "Kiwi" (the nickname of the New Zealanders), after the defeat, asked the Brazilians for autographs. In this meeting, Zico scored twice, as well as Falcao and Serginho. The fans and the press continued to arrive in euphoria.

Further, the Brazilians met with the traditional rival - the Argentine national team. The Argentines at that time were the reigning world champions, and most of the team played in the "albiseleste" back in 1978 at the world championship in their homeland. In addition, they brought a young guy to the championship, who later will make the whole football world respect himself - Armando Diego Maradona. The Argentines had already lost to the Italians earlier, but for the Brazilians - Argentina was the only obstacle on the way to the final.

The match turned out to be easier than expected. Zico once again distinguished himself at the very beginning of the first half. Brazil was in complete control of the game, with Serginho and Junior bringing the score to 3-0. Argentina was able to score only a prestige goal in the last minutes of the meeting. Maradona was expelled from the field for rough play.

The Brazilian team played incredible and thrilled fans around the world. Who can stop the celesao? The rivals cover Zico and Socrates, but they don't have time to keep track of Falcao and Eder. Toninho Cerezo can hit from long range, and Junior can surprise you at any time. The team's form is incredible. Tele Santana did what he wanted, sticking to his tactics.

On July 5th, 1982, the Brazilians entered the Sarria Stadium in Barcelona to fulfill only a small formality - to beat Italy. Even if the match ended in a draw, the Brazilians would still go on. Then their rival in the semifinals would be the Polish national team with the main star - Zbigniew Bonek. However, the Polish leader would still not be able to take part in the game due to disqualification.

The Italians had three draws in three matches in the group stage matches (against Poland, Cameroon and Peru). However, they went further thanks to a better goal difference than Cameroon. True, they were lucky in the victorious match with Argentina, but, as a rule, the shell rarely hits the same place.

Italy hosted the 1980 European Championship and finished fourth in the tournament. In qualifying for the 1982 World Cup, the Italians took second place, losing the first line to the Yugoslavs. Even the most incredible optimists could not believe that Italy would defeat the Brazilians.

Italy scored four goals in four matches, while the Brazilians - 13. The hero of this match was destined to become Paulo Rossi, who was convicted of fraudulent activities related to the tootolizer. Before the World Cup, he spent two years outside football, serving a suspension. Rossi did not score a single goal before the match with Brazil, and the latter did not pay enough attention to him. The players and the coach of the “celesao” were worried about the game Gentile, who took care of Maradona in the match with Argentina and set a new “record”, breaking the rules 23 (!) Times during the match.

The match began overwhelmingly. Already in the 5th minute, the Brazilian defense failed, and Paulo Rossi scored the first goal from outside the penalty area. Such a blow was from the category not taken for any goalkeeper. Valdir Peres was no exception. Seven minutes later, Zico passed the ball to Socrates, who evened the game, returning the game to normal. However, in the 25th minute, the Italians took the lead again. After a high ball pass into the Brazilians' penalty area, Valdir Perez made a mistake, who was not a great specialist in playing at the exits. Paulo Rossi did not even jump, but simply sent the ball with his head into the net. By the end of the first half, the Brazilians had time to understand that the match would not be as easy as expected. According to rumors, Toninho Cerezo and Leandro had a nervous breakdown during the break.

The nervous play continued in the second half. The Italians acted only on the defensive, holding back Serginho more carefully. They had no choice but to play on counterattacks, which posed a danger to the gates of Perez. In the 68th minute, when despair was very close, Falcao relieved the tension. He beat the Italian goalkeeper Dino Zoff with a cannon shot and, as always, celebrated his success like a madman - with his hands raised high and incredible joy on his face.

The game began to follow the scenario of the Brazilians, what could be better? The match ends in a draw, and the time is running out. A draw suited Brazil, and the Italians seemed to have lost hope. Tele Santana could further strengthen the lineup. For example, by releasing Edinho (who will be the team captain at the 1986 World Cup) on the field, or Batista, who held back Maradona in a match against Argentina. If Serginho and Eder appeared on the field, it would be very difficult for the Italian defenders.

But the coach of the Brazilians was Tele Santana. He did not replace anyone and continued to play with the same tactics, sticking to his plan: to play attacking football and win. But in the 75th minute, the same Paulo Rossi scored his third goal in this match. Italy won 3-2 and Brazil left the championship. FIFA would later call this match one of the best matches ever played in all World Cup final tournaments.

In the semifinals, Italy defeated Poland 2: 0, and Paulo Rossi again scored a double here. Then there was the final, in which the "Squadra Azzurra" beat the German national team with a score of 3: 1 and deservedly became the world champion in 1982.

  • After the match with the Italians, Tele Santana stood in front of the exit, hugged and thanked each player leaving the field. He took responsibility for this defeat. The coach left the national team after the 1982 World Cup, but the popularity of Tele Santana brought him back to the team for the 1986 World Cup.
  • Along with Tele Santana, several players from the 1982 team will return to the national team to help it at the 1986 World Cup. These are Zico, Falcao, Junior, Socrates and some other players.
  • Brazilian fans and the media acknowledged that this team was the best in years. What happened to Brazil in 1982 also happened to Holland in 1974 and Hungary in 1954. The best teams in the tournament didn't win gold. No matter how much newspapers write about the strength of the Brazilian team, one headline will forever remain in the hearts of Brazilian fans: "Brazil underestimated Italy, it represented more danger than they thought."
  • Several Italian players including Dino Zoffa, Cabrini, Gentile, Antonioni and Rossi have played in the 1978 World Cup when Brazil beat Italians 2-1 in a third-place match.
  • And yet there was a Brazilian presence in the final match. The final as the chief arbiter was judged by the Brazilian Arnaldo Cesar Coelho. To this day, he is considered one of the best football referees in Brazil. In 1986, the final match was judged by another Brazilian referee - Romualdo Arppi Filho.

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