Compatibility of a woman's horse and a man's horse. Eastern horoscope: men born in the year of the Horse

The compatibility of the Horse and the Horse in marriage and love can be good if both partners pursue common goals and do not become in a confined space for a long time. They value freedom very much, so they can get bored and depressed within the walls of the house. Sometimes they need to take a break from each other in order to keep the family together. Let's take a closer look at the character of a man and a woman born in the year of the Horse and understand how compatible they can be in family life.

What is the character of a man born in the year of the Horse?

The Horse man is a free nature and a vulnerable soul. He is bold and courageous. This person simply cannot live without travel and adventure, but sometimes very much opens up to strangers who are able to hurt him painfully. The Horse man always looks very good, as he carefully monitors his appearance. He knows how to impress a woman.

He is not averse to making fun of his friends and often becomes the soul of the company.

But this man does not perceive other people's advice in any way and prefers always and in everything to listen only to himself and no one else. Often this man is quick-tempered, which interferes with his communication with people around him. He appreciates family traditions and his father's behavior is often seen in his actions. The parents of the Horse boy should pay special attention to sharing their behavior with the child in order to raise him to be an honest and respectable person.

The Horse man takes the family very seriously and for a long time selects for himself a suitable woman as a spouse.

He believes that you need to marry once in your life. He knows how to keep his family together and does everything to make his marriage last. But a woman of such a man should be submissive and calm, because a man of this sign of the Chinese horoscope cannot stand when a woman in a family takes a leadership position and leads her spouse.

Good family men can be men.Horses of the following signs of the zodiac:

  1. Taurus;
  2. Virgo;

What is the nature of the Horse woman?

The Horse woman has an attractive appearance and always monitors her image and figure. This is especially true for a woman born in the year of the Fire Horse. She is sexy and charming. She does not allow herself to leave the house without makeup or with a shock of hair on her head. She will never wear an old tracksuit on the street, even if she just goes to throw out the trash. She will always find something to talk about with the opposite sex, as she reads books and generally loves literature very much. Friends do not have to get bored next to such a woman.

Women of the following zodiac signs are especially attractive for the opposite sex:

  1. Aries;
  2. Scales;
  3. Twins;
  4. Sagittarius
  5. Aquarius.

In family life, the Horse woman is sometimes somewhat selfish and demands too much from her man. But if she really loves her partner and he is very close in spirit to her, then she is even able to quit her job, friends and relatives for the sake of her chosen one. A man whom a woman has fallen in love with a Horse should appreciate his companion and do not skimp on gentle words addressed to her and small gifts. She really appreciates the attention from her spouse.

But you should not limit the freedom of your companion, born in the year of the Horse, as this can greatly strain her.

She will not often leave home to meet with her friends, but there she will be charged with energy and carry it to her home and her relationship with her beloved man. Constant hugs with pans and pots depress her and spoil her mood.

Such a woman is very trusting and can give all of herself without a trace to her beloved. If a man strongly offends a Horse woman and disappoints her very much, then as a result the Horse woman can get angry with all men in the world and it will be very difficult for her to build a new relationship. Here you can advise such a woman to be more careful with unfamiliar people and not rush to open her soul and heart to them.

Horse man and Horse woman: Compatibility in marriage and love relationships

The Horse woman and the Horse man are well compatible in family relations, as they perfectly understand each other. In their home, there should be a personal space for each of the spouses, and then their relationship will be even stronger and closer. They are drawn to each other by an irresistible force. In their pair, scandals and quarrels rarely occur, because both partners do not like this very much and strive for peace.

To prevent quarrels, both partners should leave the house more. It can be going to friends, to a restaurant, just walking in the park, and so on. If they sit at home alone with each other for a long time, they may get bored and this will inevitably lead to a quarrel. A few more words should be said about housekeeping. Both partners do not like to completely and completely give themselves up to household duties. They believe that for this there are modern household appliances that wash clothes, dishes and the floor. And you can eat deliciously at your mother's or in a restaurant.

But the Horse woman cannot be called a bad mistress.

She loves to cook when she is in the mood for it. She also does the cleaning according to her mood. It's just that both partners in a pair of Horses believe that everyday life can destroy the family idyll and do not allow themselves to go headlong into household chores. To some extent, this very much unites them. They find common interests and are able to have fun even together without the involvement of a noisy company.

One more piece of advice I would like to give to a couple where both the man and the woman were born in the year of the Horse. They should be a little more restrained. Often representatives of this sign are quick-tempered towards each other and, in a fit of feelings, can say a lot of nasty things. To prevent this from happening, they should restrain their emotions, otherwise such outbursts can lead to a quick breakup. This will be primarily useful for people born in the year of the Metal Horse.

If you feel that a scandal is brewing, then it is better to go out into the fresh air and cool down, do not let emotions take over you, so that you do not have to regret what you have done later.

Children will help strengthen such a marriage. For the sake of their child, the parents of the Horse are able to learn to yield to each other in arguments and behave more calmly. They give the child all the best in life and strive to provide him with everything he needs. Horses are not afraid of hard work and know how to make money. This character trait allows them not to feel the need for things necessary for life. And since both partners love to travel, then the Horse family will have enough money for this.

Does the Horse know how to be friends?

People born in the year of this animal, like no one else, know the value of friendship. They are not capable of betraying a friend, but sometimes they themselves are betrayed and Horses are painfully worried about it. The point is the breadth of their souls and too kind hearts. Such people are able to go for serious deeds for a friend and do not regret their last shirt for him, but in return they rarely receive the same attitude.

Only a friendly union of two Horses can be long and strong. Both representatives of this sign will trust each other 100% and will not build intrigues against their comrade. Such friendship can be an example for the rest of the signs of the Chinese horoscope. Friendship between people of this sign can be even stronger than compatibility in love between a man and a woman Horses.

Now you know the main character traits of a man and a woman born in the year of the Horse and you can use this in building relationships or simply in communicating with representatives of this sign.

The compatibility of the signs man Horse and woman Horse is based on a strong mutual attraction. They are fascinated by each other. This union is conducive to mutual understanding, which does not bring with it any special problems, even in those moments when partners need some personal space.

Horse man

He has a strong will, romantic in love, open-minded and generally sensitive. He cannot be subdued, so marriage will not be perceived by him as a prison if everything matches his scenario. He strives for the foundation of the clan and his love is enough for everyone.

Horse woman

She is unusually active and temperamental. She is a strong personality and is prone to logical thinking. She is characterized by romantic beauty, humanism and openness. She naturally knows how to raise children and be a companion to her husband, but her complete openness can be a reason for conflicts in the family.

Possible conflicts

Boredom and the feeling of a vicious circle can become the reason for quarrels. If they manage to get through this together, then the relationship will become even more harmonious. Household obligations can also become a stumbling block. Both the Horse man and the Horse woman consider housekeeping too tedious, but someone will still have to take it upon themselves, it is better if it is a woman. Both of them should work on themselves, in the sense of curbing their independence and wild nature, if they want to start a family.

Such a couple will always find new adventures and entertainment. Distance is not a hindrance to them, since neither of them will worry too much about what the other is doing in his absence. In difficult moments of family life, friends can come to the rescue or understanding and sympathy shown in time. Both partners are quick-tempered, temperamental and sensitive, so if at one moment they do not stop in time, a break may await them.

If together

The union of two Horses will be bright and passionate. They easily create a lot of noise around themselves. Relationships are established quickly, without much difficulty. They can stay together for many years, while blindly loving. Sometimes, of course, they will see clearly, and see the unpleasant sides of their partner. It is at such moments that their relationship deteriorates, since none of them wants to give in.

A prerequisite for a long-term relationship in this couple is the creation of a strong family and the birth of children. Then, even if big disagreements arise, they will maintain their union.

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Do you like freedom-loving bikers in black bandanas on big, heavy bikes? Do you like directness and openness? Then the Horse man is most likely suitable for you.

general characteristics: the Horse man is characterized by a strong will, the ability to overcome obstacles, non-recognition of strangers, imposed rules. He is characterized by truthfulness and a sincere rejection of lies from loved ones. In any trouble, he remains optimistic and, drawing lessons, moves on.

In a career matter, the Horse man will give odds to many signs of the eastern horoscope. His amazing resistance to stress and the ability to learn from mistakes will allow him to climb to the top of his profession after a while, and his habit of not being satisfied with what has already been achieved will help him to be versatile in earning money.

To create a long-term relationship, such a person is suitable for women who are accustomed to a strong man's shoulder, those who value home comfort and material security, and those who are ready to put up with a somewhat authoritarian method of communication in a pair. It will be difficult with a Horse man for women who are imprisoned for a career or who want to command a family ship. Seekers of romance and intellectual controversy have turned to the wrong address.

The Horse man loves his children very much, he will do everything so that your common child is provided with everything, from things and toys to the spiritual component of upbringing.

Your union with a man born in the year of the Horse

Horse Man and Rat Woman: strong sexual attraction can arise and this will tie partners to each other for a long time. But, no matter how long this connection lasts, it will be extremely difficult to achieve real harmony. The Rat and the Horse have completely different worldviews and an incompatible spiritual basis.

Horse Man and Ox Woman: it will be very difficult for a Horse man to accept the character of a Bull woman, since her conservatism and desire to dominate the family Olympus will strain his freedom-loving character. If a man is very attached to a woman, he will endure, but even his feelings will not last for a long time, and the gap will certainly come.

Horse man and Tiger woman: in this case, there is an opportunity to create a favorable union. It is important that the Tiger woman be able to control the manifestations of her jealousy and feelings of ownership. She also needs to pay attention to the opinion of her horse man, since it is ignoring him that can lead to conflict.

Horse Man and Rabbit Woman: favorable union. The Rabbit woman will be able to create comfortable conditions for the existence of the Horse man with her peacefulness. She herself will be glad to have such a firm and decisive partner.

Horse man and Dragon woman: the union has the right to exist. The Dragon Woman will tend to take care of her partner in every possible way. The Horse man will be in admiration for the appearance and life qualities of the Dragon, with this they will delight each other.

Horse man and Snake woman: Compatibility is difficult. A sincere and straightforward Horse appreciates in a partner frankness and the ability to openly express complaints, which the Snake just does not have, since its field of activity is mystery and intellectual constructions. It is possible to come together only with strong mutual efforts.

Horse man and woman: it will be difficult for both partners. There will be a lot of passion, a lot of mutual reproaches and quarrels, jealousy, and mutual attraction. If this style of relationship suits both, then the union is durable.

Horse man and Goat woman: the union is possible and favorable for both. Both signs have a similar worldview, and their habits are also common. With mutual respect and support, universal happiness will come if the Horse man provides a material base for the family.

Horse man and Monkey woman: it is very difficult for these signs to converge even for a fleeting flirtation. Their worldview has such a lack of common ground that it is strange to expect even a simple friendly understanding from them.

Horse man and Rooster woman: the union is extremely unlikely. For the freedom-loving Horse, the Rooster's attempts to impose his understanding of life and force him to exist within this framework are very unpleasant. The Rooster will not at all appreciate the positive qualities of the Horse, so parting is very likely.

Horse man and Dog woman: this couple can find happiness. To do this, they have all the makings: mutual respect, warmth, understanding of each other and actions, common views on life. The main thing for the Dog is to restrain his jealousy, and the Horse is to be less windy, and then there will be harmony in the relationship.

Horse man and Pig woman: the union is one-sided. The Horse man will be pleased with his partner, her epicurean outlook on life and relationships. But the Pig woman will not be satisfied with the frivolity and love of freedom of the partner. Therefore, the union will last as long as the patience of the Pig woman is enough.

Many people believe in horoscopes. And, perhaps, the most common of them: Zodiac and Eastern horoscopes. The eastern horoscope is more than four centuries old and people still turn to it to get advice in interpersonal relationships. According to the horoscope, every year passes under the sign of some kind of animal. The time of birth has a great influence on a person's character, as well as on compatibility with other people.

Horse and Horse in love

The Horse Man and the Horse woman have a good compatibility in love. The relationship will be based on support and consideration for each other. They are very similar and many thoughts and actions will be understood by the spouse and normally perceived than if there was a person of a different sign nearby. The union can be very passionate.

Marriage compatibility

There are a number of difficulties in marriage. A struggle for leadership between spouses is possible. Both are very strong-willed people. The fact that they are careerists is not excluded. At first, the wife may well concede the role of leader to her husband. But the husband should not forget that the wife, like him, wants to be realized in some kind of business.

Both are quite independent, and the marriage will be happy only when each of them tries to "not get out of the harness." Taking care of children and a certain selfishness of both people will allow these people to keep their families.

He and she in bed

In bed, Horses are well compatible, since they do not require their partners to give full dedication and regularity of this kind of relationship. Some Horses are the most relaxed, some are more tight, but they are not particularly fixated on intimacy. Sometimes Horses can seek out adventures on the side, in search of perfect compatibility. But usually, in a Horse-Horse pair, betrayal is not frequent.

Compatibility in love of a woman Horse and a man Horse is a potentially pleasant, but unstable combination. Two restless Horses may have a lot in common, but it will be doubly difficult for them to calm down finally in a marriage union. Although it is quite possible joint professional activities and business cooperation. In any case, it is better that two Horses were born in different years or at least months: this can diversify their relationship and there is a chance that one of the Horses will be able to control and guide the other.

This is a good combination of signs for love and marriage. The couple has a lot of activity and love of life, fun and pleasure. Both easily relate to difficulties and troubles of all kinds, not taking them to heart. This is the key to success in a couple. Two Horses under the same roof will not compete with each other - on the contrary, they will become more active in helping each other in business, housework, etc. They may have common interests, one circle of friends, the same goals and objectives.

The Horse is also a great companion for another Horse. Together they can discuss anything for hours. Despite his irascibility, it usually does not come to major quarrels - the Horse knows how to stop in time and switch his attention to something else. Knowing himself, a person quite easily forgives the same shortcomings of a partner. Both are "slightly unreliable" and don't bother too much.

Horoscope woman Horse and man Horse

Horse-man and Horse-woman, it would seem, are simply made for each other, they have good compatibility. They perfectly understand the partner of the same sign of the Chinese horoscope, they feel great in their small company. People born in the Year of the Horse can love like no other. In their lives, they are guided, first of all, by emotions and strong feelings, they are always looking for true love, which gives meaning to their whole life.

Relationships in a love couple, in a Horse and a Horse marriage are very dynamic, together such partners travel a lot, go in for their favorite sports, take new ideas with great enthusiasm and try to bring them to life. With all this, with this seemingly excellent compatibility, the Horse-woman and the Horse-man rarely go through life together. This is explained by the fact that passionate impulses of hearts are quickly lost and fade away in the gray everyday reality.

A horse according to the eastern horoscope, regardless of gender, needs freedom, loves to discover new pleasures for itself, she quickly becomes bored, she gets bored with everything at once when she faces failure. When the Horse does not succeed in something, she takes her legs in her hands and, full of optimism, takes off in search of new impressions. In addition, she needs the support of the other half, who, day after day, should be more practical and organized than herself. But can we hope for this when the partner is her mirror image?

In a word, in most cases, a woman-Horse and a man-Horse, despite compatibility and similarity, can count on a fiery, stormy romance, which, most likely, will not end in marriage - at least, a long one.

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