Throwing a hockey puck through the zones. What does "probros" mean in hockey? What is Playoffs

Let's try, without too much verbiage, to answer the basic questions about the rules for holding hockey matches.

How long is a hockey game

Hockey match lasts 60 minutes – three periods 20 minutes plus two breaks for 15 minutes. That is, taking into account breaks, hockey match goes 90 minutes.

The team that scores the most goals against the opponent wins.

Overtime (extra time) in ice hockey

It is appointed in case the teams played a draw during the regular time. According to the rules of the regular season, there is only one overtime, they play 3 on 3, the duration is 5 minutes. If during this time the puck has not been scored, not in one goal, a series of shootouts (free throws) is held.

Overtimes in the playoffs are different, the duration here is 20 minutes, they play 4 on 4, the number is unlimited, the game is played until the first goal is scored.

How many people are on the hockey team

Six players enter the field, one goalkeeper and five field players - 2 defenders and 3 forwards (forwards). In total, 20-25 players usually come to the match. Substitutions are possible at any time, during pauses and directly during playing time, as well as the team can replace the goalkeeper with another player.

Each player must be appropriately equipped, hockey equipment consists of skates, sticks, uniforms and protection.

Throw in hockey

A icing is a situation where a player from one of the teams sends the puck from their half of the court (because of the red line), it goes through the entire field and crosses the goal line of the second team without touching a single hockey player. After the icing, the puck is put into play in the defensive zone of the team that made it.

Forwarding is not fixed if:

  • At that moment, when the player sent the puck forward, the offending team played in the minority;
  • The icing occurred immediately after the face-off;
  • An opposing player (excluding the goaltender) had the opportunity to pick up the puck before it crossed the goal line, but did not do so;
  • The goalkeeper, being outside the goal area, moved towards the puck;
  • The puck flies into the goal (in this case, a goal is counted);

Offside in ice hockey

If the rule for entering the zone is violated, it is fixed - offside (offside position). Assigned if the puck enters the zone of one of the teams, and a player of the opposite team is in this zone (if both of his skates are completely behind the line defining the boundary of the zone).

The assistant referee raises his hand and if a player of the attacking team touches the puck or it goes on target, the game is stopped. Assign a throw-in in the middle zone. If the puck has not been touched, play continues but the offside continues until all attacking players are out of the opponents' area or the puck is out of that area. If any of the conditions are met, the assistant referee must lower his hand and the teams will continue the game.

Hockey infractions

Violations are considered:

  • Push to board (power reception)
  • Hitting with the end of the stick
  • Wrong attack
  • Opponent attack from behind
  • Cut (power hold in the manner of cutting or at or below the level of the opponent's knees)
  • Stick push
  • Elbow strike
  • Exceptional rudeness (an act not permitted by the rules that results or may result in injury to an opponent, team official or referee)
  • Fights or rudeness
  • High stick
  • Delaying an opponent with hands
  • Handholding the opponent's stick
  • Club hold
  • Attacking a player not in possession of the puck (blocking)
  • Kick
  • Foul using the knee
  • Club hit
  • Thrust
  • Step
  • Attack on the head and neck
  • Unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of the players
  • Unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of team representatives
  • Violation of the strength
  • Deliberate release of the puck
  • Deliberate gate shift
  • Violation of equipment rules
  • Deliberate game delay
  • High stick game
  • Hand pass
  • Puck delay

Depending on the severity of the violation, one of the following types of fines is assigned:

  • Small
  • Awarded for minor infractions. The player is removed for 2 minutes without the right to substitute. If the penalty is awarded to the goalkeeper, the penalty is served by any player who is on the court at the choice of the coach of the offending team. Can be removed ahead of schedule by a goal scored.

  • Command
  • Gets the whole team. Usually for a violation of the numerical strength, when, as a result of an incorrectly carried out change of fives, an extra field player appears on the ice. Any player of the coach's choice is serving a penalty. Can be removed ahead of schedule by a goal scored.

    In the penalty time statistics - 2 minutes.

  • Big
  • The player (at the choice of the captain) is removed for 5 minutes without the right to substitute. Additionally, a disciplinary fine may be imposed. Cannot be withdrawn early.

    In the penalty time statistics - 5 minutes.

  • Disciplinary
  • The player is removed for 10 minutes with the right to substitute. At the end of the penalty time, the penalized player may leave the penalty box at the first stoppage of play. Repeated infraction by one player is punishable by a disciplinary penalty until the end of the game.

    In the penalty time statistics - 10 minutes.

  • Discipline to the end of the game
  • The player or team official is sent off until the end of the game with the right to substitute and goes to the under-tribune room. After the game, the referee must submit a report and the organizer of the competition may impose an additional penalty.

    In the penalty time statistics - 20 minutes.

  • Match penalty
  • The player is removed before the end of the game with the right to substitute after 5 minutes, is disqualified for the next match and sent to the under-tribune room. Any player on the court, at the choice of the captain, is serving a penalty of 5 minutes. After the game, the referee must submit a report and the organizer of the competition may impose an additional penalty. The 5 minute penalty cannot be removed early.

    In the penalty time statistics - 25 minutes.

  • free throw
  • A free throw (shootout) is awarded to the offending team. The goalkeeper of the offending team and the field player of the opponent remain on the court. The puck is placed in the center of the field in front of the field player, the main referee blows a whistle, after which the player starts approaching the goalkeeper and delivers one shot on goal without the possibility of finishing.

KHL Championship

Continental Regular Championship hockey league is held once a year. To compete for victory on ice, teams from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Latvia, Slovakia, and Finland converge.

During the championship, each team plays 56 matches - two matches with each of the opponents, plus four additional games.

As a result of these games is determined:

  • winner of the KHL Regular Championship - the owner of the Continental Cup. V.V. Tikhonov;
  • division winners (total 4);
  • the order of places taken by the clubs in the Conferences (two conferences East and West), to determine the teams advanced to the playoffs.

What is Playoffs

The playoffs are the second stage of the KHL Championship - the knockout game.

Based on the results of the regular KHL Championship, the winner of the Viktor Tikhonov Continental Cup is determined. According to the results of the playoffs, the champion of Russia is determined, who becomes the best Russian club, and the champion of the KHL - the owner of the Gagarin Cup.

8 teams from the conferences go to the playoffs, that is, a total of 16 teams that took first places in standings, which are determined by the sum of points scored in all matches of the First Stage of the Championship. The teams are divided into pairs, the one with the highest place in the table plays with the one that took the least, the second in a row with the penultimate one, and so on. This is the quarter-final - the first stage. Teams meet until one of them reaches 4 wins.

The next stage is the semi-finals. The winners go to the semi-finals - 8 teams, 4 from each Conference. This is followed by the Super Final and Conference Finals, a series of games between the strongest teams in East and West. There will be only one winner - the Champion of the KHL and the winner of the Gagarin Cup.

If a player sends the puck forward from his own half of the field (before crossing the middle red line) and the puck crosses the other's goal line without touching anyone along the way, then the linesman counts forwarding(eng. Icing). After the icing, the puck is dropped in the defending zone of the icing team. In this case, the forwarded team does not have the right to change its composition.

This violation is illustrated in Fig. one.

in European and international hockey an icing whistle sounds as soon as the puck crosses the goal line.

Since the 2013/2014 season, the NHL has introduced hybrid broaching. Under hybrid icing, the linesman stops play if the puck crosses the goal line and a defensive player crosses the imaginary line at the faceoff points first. If this imaginary line is first crossed by a player of the attacking team, then the icing is not fixed and the game continues.

Forwarding is not fixed if:

  • the batting team was shorthanded when the player sent the puck forward
  • the icing occurred immediately after the face-off
  • an opposing player (excluding the goaltender) had the opportunity to pick up the puck before it crossed the goal line, but did not do so
  • the goalkeeper, being outside the goal area, moved towards the puck
  • the puck flies into the goal (in this case, a goal is counted)

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The icing in hockey is one of the situations in which the game is stopped and resumed after a face-off. The icing signal is given by the linesman by raising his fully extended arm above his head.

In this situation, either the whistle sounds or the icing is not fixed and the game continues. This is done in order not to destroy game combinations and not to slow down the pace of the game. In this way, the number of unnecessary stops is reduced, the game becomes more spectacular and interesting. It is not at all necessary for the players and fans to know what icing in hockey means, but such knowledge will not hurt anyone.

When is icing considered in hockey?

  • When the puck is rebounded with a stick or any part of the player’s (goalkeeper’s) body after a toss, it goes to the opponent’s half of the court and crosses the goal line.
  • When the linesman believes that a player on the defending team, for whatever reason, is unable to play the puck before it crosses the goal line.
  • When the puck, after a toss, flies past a defending player more than the stick is outstretched, or when the puck flies through the air.
  • When the goalkeeper is behind the goal area, and at the moment of the shot, because of the red center line, he comes back and does not even try to take the puck.
  • When the puck, after a face-off, touches one of the lines that form the goal area, or passes directly through the goal area.

In order for an icing situation to be called, a player on the defensive team must have possession of the puck before the opponent, and the linesman must make the correct decision.

The referee makes the decision to pass:

  • On skates, no later than when a player of the defending team reaches the imaginary line between the throw-in points in the end zone.
  • When a defending player and an attacking player reach the line between the face-off spots in the end zone at the same time.
  • According to the situation - when an attacking player or a defending team player is closer to the puck (safe distance for taking right decision is 10-12 m).

The referee must know not only what icing means in hockey, but also in what situations it is not fixed. A icing in hockey does not occur when the puck, after being tossed, is beaten off with a stick or any part of the player's (goalkeeper's) body, goes to the opponent's half of the court and crosses the goal line of the powerplaying team. The puck is in the opponent's half when it touches the red center line.

A icing in hockey is a situation when a player of one of the teams sends the puck from behind the red line from his own half of the ice, and it goes through the entire field, crossing the goal line of the second team. The puck must not touch any hockey player. After the icing, the puck is put into play in the defensive zone of the team that made it. The interpretation of this rule by the refereeing team is aimed at minimizing unnecessary stoppages of the match as much as possible.

In some cases, if all the above conditions are met, the forwarding is not fixed:

  • if the icing team is shorthanded;
  • if the icing occurred immediately after the throw-in;
  • if a player of the opposing team did not recover the puck before it crossed the goal line, although he had the opportunity to do so (an exception to this rule is the goalkeeper of the opposing team);
  • if the goalkeeper of the opposing team was outside the goal area and was heading towards the puck to intercept it;
  • if the puck hits the goal (in this case, a goal is recorded).

The team that has made the icing has no right to change lineups until the match is resumed, that is, until the moment of the throw-in. In case of violation of this rule, the team shall be penalized with a two-minute penalty. The roster change prohibition rule is not repealed if the team that has thrown the puck takes a thirty-second break. However, she is allowed to replace an injured hockey player or goaltender with an outfield player. A complete replacement of the squad is allowed only if, at the time the game was stopped, a bench penalty was imposed on the team, and it remains in the numerical minority.

A signal of a possible icing is a straightened arm raised above the head by the rear linesman. The referee must hold his hand until the icing is canceled or whistled. After the icing has been called, the back linesman must fold his arms in front of him at chest level, and then point one of them to the point of the upcoming face-off.

If the whistle is blown but the icing is called by mistake, the puck is put in play at the center faceoff spot.

High stick game

How is high stick play punished in hockey? What actions in hockey are interpreted as "playing with ...

What is in hockey 1) icing, 2) offside? Is it really THE SAME ??))) Inspired by ... and got the best answer

Answer from IL-koleso™***[guru]

Thus, it can be said that icing is fixed when the puck passes 3 or more zones, not counting the one from which the pass or shot was made.
In European and international ice hockey, the icing whistle is blown as soon as the puck crosses the goal line. In the NHL, only if the field player of the opposing team touches the puck (after it crossed the goal line), if this did not happen (that is, the player of the scoring team got to the puck first), then the icing is not counted and the game continues.
Forwarding is not fixed if:
■the batting team was shorthanded when the player sent the puck forward
■An opposing player had the opportunity to pick up the puck before it crossed the goal line, but did not do so
■ the puck flies into the goal (in this case a goal is counted)

"Outside the game" is not fixed if:
■ The player in control of the puck enters the zone ahead of it (i.e. brings the puck into the attacking zone while already in it, but did not receive a pass while in the attacking zone (“attacking zone entry rule”)
■ Players on the defensive team themselves drop the puck into their own defensive zone.
Source: Vekepedeya

Answer from Yom[guru]
1) Throwing (aka deflection), this is when one Kazakh radically opposed to a hockey player throws him over his shoulder on the ice
2) See point 1. After the deflection, the hockey player is in an offside position. tobish is off.

Answer from Seryoga[guru]
The main difficulty in hockey is determining the offside position.
Canadian experts have developed an accessible methodology for studying the main provisions of "offside" and icing the puck. It lies in the fact that the explanation of the rules begins with the study of zones and markings on the hockey rink. Further, the positions of "offside" and icing the puck in various game situations are sequentially studied.
Offside on the blue line
An offside position on the blue line occurs when an offensive player crosses the opponent's blue line before the puck has completely crossed it. The determining factor in the offside position is the position of both skates of the attacking player relative to the opponent's blue line at the moment it is completely crossed. If at least one skate of the attacking player is in the middle zone or on the blue line at the moment the puck completely crosses the blue line, the offside position is not fixed and the game continues.
Puck on the blue line
In a situation where the attacking team is in the opponent's zone and the puck is passed back to the blue line and then re-passed deep into the zone, the offside position is not fixed if the puck did not cross the blue line AND go into the middle zone. It must be remembered that if the puck is in the defensive zone, the entire width of the blue line is considered part of the defensive zone, and if the puck is in the middle zone, it is part of the middle zone.
Passing the puck with a rebound from a player
If both skates of one of the attacking players are in the opponent's zone at the moment when, after a partner's pass, the puck hits a player of the other team, bounces off him or his stick and completely crosses the blue line, an offside position is fixed. The introduction of this rule was the result of too many scoring chances being created at the opposing blue line and helped prevent situations where one of the attacking team's forwards is sent into the opposing zone and then deliberately rebounded by an opposing player.
In ice hockey, if a player sends the puck forward from their half and the puck crosses the opposing goal line without touching anyone along the way, then the linesman counts icing. After the icing, the puck is dropped in the defending zone of the icing team.

Answer from ? ? ? Asterisk Clear Me? ? ?[guru]
In ice hockey, if a player sends the puck forward from their own half and the puck crosses the other's goal line without touching anyone along the way, then the linesman counts the icing.
Offside (offside position) - in ice hockey, it is appointed if the puck enters the protection zone of one of the teams, and a player of the attacking team is in this zone. A player is considered "in the zone" if both of his skates are completely behind the line defining the boundary of the zone. In the event of an offside position, the assistant chief referee of the match raises his hand up, and if the puck is touched by a player of the attacking team, the game stops and a face-off is assigned in the middle zone. If the attacking players do not touch the puck, play continues, but an offside position continues until all attacking players have left the opponents' zone or the puck is out of the defending side's zone. If one of these rules is followed, the assistant chief arbiter lowers his hand and the game continues as usual.
