Interesting on the web! Guinness records.

Guinness World Records has unveiled a collection of the most impressive world records in its new 2016 edition. After many months of research and travel around the world, the publication has recognized a range of human achievements and talents in the animal world that can surprise people of all ages and interests. Here are the most amazing records that we learned about:

1. The largest number of teeth in the mouth

Vijay Kumar V.A. (Vijay Kumar V.A) from India is the owner of 37 teeth.

2. The largest ballpoint pen

The largest ballpoint pen reaches 5.5 meters in length and weighs about 37 kg.

3. Farthest distance a pea has been blown away

Andre Ortolf of Germany set the record by blowing a pea 7.5 meters away on July 12, 2014 at gym in Augsburg, Bavaria.

4. Fastest 100-meter run with wooden shoes

This record was set by André Ortolf in 16.27 seconds.

5. Fastest 100m run ever ski boots

Germany's Andre Ortolf ran the 100m in ski boots in 17.65 seconds.

6. The fastest turtle

The world's fastest tortoise is considered to be Bertie the tortoise, which ran 0.28 meters per second, which is almost twice the average speed of a tortoise.

7 The Biggest Boot Sculpture

Bob Wade erected a 10.74-meter sculpture of cowboy boots in San Antonio, Texas.

8. The longest coat on a rabbit

The English Angora rabbit Francesca boasts a 36.5 cm long coat.

9. The biggest feet

Jason Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez (Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez), 20 years old from Venezuela, is the owner of the largest feet, reaching 40.1 cm in length at the right foot and 39.6 for the left foot.

10. Biggest horn span

The spotted bull Big Red 907 has a horn span of 292.1 cm.

11. The biggest hot dog cart

Marcus Daily of Missouri, USA owns the largest hot dog cart, reaching 2.81 meters wide, 7.06 meters long and 3.72 meters high.

12. The largest number of balls caught by a dog with its paws

Purin, a 9-year-old dog from Sakura, Japan, was able to catch 14 balls with her paws in one minute, breaking her own record of 11 balls. The talented dog also rides a skateboard, walks on two legs and jumps rope.

13. Tallest married couple

Sun Mingming, 33, and his wife Xu Yan, 29, from China, are the tallest married couple. Sun's height is 236.17 cm, and Xu's height is 187.3 cm.
Guinness World Records: People

14. The largest number of beer mugs carried at a distance of 40 meters

Oliver Struempfel managed to carry 27 full beer mugs over a distance of 40 meters.

15. Most fast time, for which watermelons were crushed with their hips

Olga Lyashchuk crushed 3 watermelons with her hips in 14 seconds.

16. The largest number of telephone directories torn in one minute.

Tameru Zegeye ran 100 meters on crutches in 57 seconds.

20. Most throws and pickups while juggling 3 chainsaws

Ian Stewart, 36, from Halifax, Canada, did it 94 times.

On September 10, 2016, the next edition of the Guinness Book of Records was released. It is worth noting that this year the publication turned 60 years old! To date, the Guinness Book of Records is the record holder for the number of publishing copies! Here are some bright and interesting records this year.

We are proud of ours! Ukrainian Olga Lyashchuk crushes three watermelons with her hips the fastest - in 14.65 seconds.

Bertie is the fastest turtle in the world, accelerating to a speed of 28 centimeters per second.

Japanese Takahiro Ikeda managed to make 83 revolutions around his axis on BMX in one minute, thereby setting a record for the number of “time machine” tricks.

The tallest married couple in the world are Chinese athletes Sun Mingming and Xu Yan. Their total height is a record 423.47 centimeters. Mingmin is a basketball player and Yan is a handball player.

A moment of cuteness. A 9-year-old beagle named Purin holds the record for the most balls caught by her paws - 14 per minute.

Do not believe?! Here is a video of this four-legged goalkeeper playing!

Love to have a snack? How do you like this record? The largest hot dog cart was created by 44-year-old American Marcus Daly. Its dimensions - 3.72 meters high, 7.06 meters long and 2.81 meters wide - allow serving up to 300 people a day. There is even a toilet inside the cart.

The next record was set by the American Calavelo Kaiwi in Hawaii. The diameter of the largest tunnels in the lobes of his ears is 10.5 cm (4.14 in).

Jason Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez, 20, from Venezuela, has the biggest feet in the world. His right foot is 40.1 centimeters long and his left foot is 39.6 centimeters long.

A minute of strange records… Andre Orltof from Germany ran the fastest 100 meters in ski boots (17.65 seconds)…

in wooden shoes (16.27 seconds) ...

2-year-old English Angora rabbit Francesca holds the record for longest fur. The length of the animal's coat is 36.5 centimeters.

Acharya Makunuri Srinivasa from India created the largest ballpoint pen - its length is 5.5 meters, and it weighs 37 kilograms.

27-year-old Indian Vijay Kumar has the largest number of teeth in his mouth - 37.

Dominique Lacasse from Canada set the record for the longest stay in the flag position.

Takeru Kobayashi ate 6 hot dogs in 3 minutes...

... and 12 hamburgers.

German Oliver Strümpfel managed to move 25 mugs of beer to 40 meters.

Joel Miggler from Germany has the largest number of tunnels on his face. He has 11 of them.

In the Guinness Book of Records, you can often find quite amazing records and achievements. Next, you will find the most unusual features and features of people and animals that appeared in the new edition of 2016.

Guinness Book of Records

The largest number of teeth in the mouth - Vijay Kumar V.A. (Vijay Kumar V.A) from India is the owner of 37 teeth.

The largest ballpoint pen reaches 5.5 meters in length and weighs about 37 kg.

Farthest pea blown away - Andre Ortolf of Germany set the record by blowing a pea 7.5 meters away on July 12, 2014 at a gym in Augsburg, Bavaria.

The fastest run for 100 meters in wooden shoes - this record was also set by Andre Ortolf, who managed to run a hundred meters in 16.27 seconds.

Fastest 100-meter run in ski boots - he (André Ortolf) ran a hundred meters in 17.65 seconds in ski boots.

The world's fastest tortoise is considered to be Bertie the tortoise, which ran 0.28 meters per second, which is almost twice the average speed of a tortoise.

The largest boot sculpture - Bob Wade (Bob Wade) erected a 10.74-meter sculpture of cowboy boots in San Antonio, Texas.

Guinness World Records

The longest coat on a rabbit is the English Angora rabbit Francesca, boasting a coat of 36.5 cm long.

The biggest feet - 20-year-old Jason Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez (Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez) from Venezuela is the owner of the largest feet, reaching 40.1 cm in length at the right foot and 39.6 for the left foot.

The largest span of the horns - in the spotted bull Big Red 907, the span of the horns reaches 292.1 cm.

The largest hot dog cart - Marcus Daily from Missouri, USA owns the largest hot dog cart, reaching 2.81 meters wide, 7.06 meters long and 3.72 meters high.

Most balls caught by a dog with her paws - Purin, a 9-year-old dog from Sakura, Japan, was able to catch 14 balls with her paws in one minute, breaking her own record of 11 balls. The talented dog also rides a skateboard, walks on two legs and jumps rope.

The tallest married couple - 33-year-old Sun Mingming (Sun Mingming) and his 29-year-old wife Xu Yan (Xu Yan) from China are the tallest married couple. Sun's height is 236.17 cm, and Xu's height is 187.3 cm.

Guinness World Records: People

The largest number of beer mugs carried at a distance of 40 meters - Oliver Struempfel (Oliver Struempfel) managed to carry 27 full beer mugs at a distance of 40 meters.

The fastest time during which watermelons were crushed with her hips - Olga Lyashchuk crushed 3 watermelons with her hips in 14 seconds.

The largest number of telephone directories torn in one minute - American Lindsey Lindberg tore 5 directories at the Central Market in Austin, Texas. At the age of 25, she took up power extreme sports, and here are the results!

The largest number of hoops rotated in 1 minute - Marawa Ibrahim from Australia managed to scroll 160 hoops around him 3 times.

The largest number of fingers and toes - Devendra Suthar has 25 fingers (12 on the hands and 13 on the feet).

The fastest 100-meter run on crutches - Tameru Zegeye (Tameru Zegeye) was able to run 100 meters on crutches in 57 seconds.

The greatest number of throws and pickups when juggling with 3 chainsaws - 36-year-old Ian Stewart from Halifax in Canada was able to do this 94 times.

Guinness World Records has unveiled a collection of the most impressive world records in its new 2016 edition. After many months of research and travel around the world, the publication has recognized a range of human achievements and talents in the animal world that can surprise people of all ages and interests.Here are the most amazing records that we learned about:

Guinness Book of Records (photo)

1. The largest number of teeth in the mouth

Vijay Kumar V.A.(Vijay Kumar V.A) from India is the owner of 37 teeth.

The largest ballpoint pen reaches 5.5 meters in length and weighs about 37 kg.

3. Farthest distance a pea has been blown away

André Ortolf(Andre Ortolf) from Germany set the record by blowing a pea 7.5 meters away on July 12, 2014 at a gym in Augsburg, Bavaria.

4. Fastest 100-meter run with wooden shoes

This record was set André Ortolf in 16.27 seconds.

5. Fastest 100-meter run in ski boots

German André Ortolf ran a hundred meters in 17.65 seconds in ski boots.

The world's fastest tortoise is considered to be Bertie the tortoise, which ran 0.28 meters per second, which is almost twice the average speed of a tortoise.

Bob Wade(Bob Wade) erected a 10.74-meter sculpture of cowboy boots in San Antonio, Texas.

Guinness World Records

The English Angora rabbit Francesca boasts a 36.5 cm long coat.

9. The biggest feet

Jason Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez(Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez), 20 years old from Venezuela, is the owner of the largest feet, reaching 40.1 cm in length at the right foot and 39.6 for the left foot.

10. Biggest horn span

At the spotted bull Big Red 907 the span of the horns reaches 292.1 cm.

Marcus Daly(Marcus Daily) from Missouri, USA owns the largest hot dog cart, reaching 2.81 meters wide, 7.06 meters long and 3.72 meters high.

12. The largest number of balls caught by a dog with its paws

Purin, a 9-year-old dog from Sakura, Japan, was able to catch 14 balls with her paws in one minute, breaking her own record of 11 balls. The talented dog also rides a skateboard, walks on two legs and jumps rope.

San Mingming(Sun Mingming), 33 years old and his wife Xu Yan(Xu Yan), 29-year-old from China is the tallest married couple. Sun's height is 236.17 cm, and Xu's height is 187.3 cm.

Guinness World Records: People

14. The largest number of beer mugs carried at a distance of 40 meters

Oliver Strumpfel(Oliver Struempfel) managed to carry 27 full beer mugs over a distance of 40 meters.

15. The fastest time for which watermelons were crushed by the hips

Olga Lyashchuk crushed 3 watermelons with her thighs in 14 seconds.

16. The largest number of telephone directories torn in one minute.

The Guinness Book of Records has unveiled a collection of new world records in its new 2016 edition. After many months of research and travel around the world, the publication has recognized a range of human achievements and talents in the animal world that can surprise people of all ages and interests. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them:

Guinness Book of Records (photo)

1. The largest number of teeth in the mouth

Vijay Kumar V.A. (Vijay Kumar V.A) from India is the owner of 37 teeth.

The largest ballpoint pen reaches 5.5 meters in length and weighs about 37 kg.

3. Farthest distance a pea has been blown away

Andre Ortolf of Germany set the record by blowing a pea 7.5 meters away on July 12, 2014 at a gym in Augsburg, Bavaria.

4. Fastest 100-meter run with wooden shoes

This record was set by André Ortolf in 16.27 seconds.

5. Fastest 100-meter run in ski boots

Germany's Andre Ortolf ran the 100m in ski boots in 17.65 seconds.

The world's fastest tortoise is considered to be Bertie the tortoise, which ran 0.28 meters per second, which is almost twice the average speed of a tortoise.

Bob Wade erected a 10.74-meter sculpture of cowboy boots in San Antonio, Texas.
Guinness World Records

The English Angora rabbit Francesca boasts a 36.5 cm long coat.

9. The biggest feet

Jason Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez (Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez), 20 years old from Venezuela, is the owner of the largest feet, reaching 40.1 cm in length at the right foot and 39.6 for the left foot.

10. Biggest horn span

The spotted bull Big Red 907 has a horn span of 292.1 cm.

Marcus Daily of Missouri, USA owns the largest hot dog cart, reaching 2.81 meters wide, 7.06 meters long and 3.72 meters high.

12. The largest number of balls caught by a dog with its paws

Purin, a 9-year-old dog from Sakura, Japan, was able to catch 14 balls with her paws in one minute, breaking her own record of 11 balls. The talented dog also rides a skateboard, walks on two legs and jumps rope.

Sun Mingming, 33, and his wife Xu Yan, 29, from China, are the tallest married couple. Sun's height is 236.17 cm, and Xu's height is 187.3 cm.
Guinness World Records: People

14. The largest number of beer mugs carried at a distance of 40 meters

Oliver Struempfel managed to carry 27 full beer mugs over a distance of 40 meters.

15. The fastest time for which watermelons were crushed by the hips

Olga Lyashchuk crushed 3 watermelons with her hips in 14 seconds.

16. The largest number of telephone directories torn in one minute.

17. Most hoops run in 1 minute

Marawa Ibrahim from Australia managed to spin 160 hoops around him 3 times.

18. Most fingers and toes

Devendra Suthar has 25 fingers (12 on the hands and 13 on the feet).

19. Fastest 100-meter run on crutches

Tameru Zegeye ran 100 meters on crutches in 57 seconds.

20. Most throws and pickups while juggling 3 chainsaws

Ian Stewart, 36, from Halifax, Canada, did it 94 times.
