Us open semifinal men. Favorites of the male part

US Open 2017 - US Open Tennis Championships. The competition is held at the junction of summer and autumn. In 2017, the tournament will be held from August 28 to September 10. The fourth and final Grand Slam tournament of the season. Traditionally held in American New York at the courts of the National Tennis Center in Flash Meadows.

According to the results of the US Open, winners are determined in nine categories: in five for adults (men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles, as well as mixed) and in four juniors.

The first tournament in 1881 was held in the city of Newport, the first winner was Richard Sears (then only the men's singles tournament was organized). In 1887 a women's singles tournament was organized, a women's doubles tournament was added in 1889, and a men's doubles tournament in 1900. Later, mixed doubles competitions appeared.

In 1968, all the championships were combined into a single tournament called the US Open. The US Open was then held at the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills. Ten years later, the US Open moved to Flash Meadows, where it is held to this day.

Where will the US Open 2017 be held?

The main court of the 2017 US Open is Arthur Ash Stadium (named after the American tennis player who won the US Open in 1968, when the so-called "Open Era" began in tennis). The stadium has a capacity of 23 thousand spectators. In addition to the main court, the US Open matches are played on three more courts with stands and 13 courts without stands.

The tournament is organized by the United States Tennis Association. From 1881 to 1974, the tournament was held on grass, from 1975 to 1977 - on ground, from 1978 - on "hard" (hard surface).

In 2016, the US Open had over $ 46 million in prize money.

US Open record holders

In the men's singles, Richard Sears, Bill Larned and Bill Tilden have won the most - 7 each. In the "Open Era", Jimmy Connors, Pete Sampras and Roger Federer won 5 times. Most of all victories in a row - 7 - were won by Sears.

Molla Mallory won a record 8 wins in the women's singles. In the "Open Era", Chris Evert and Serena Williams won 6 wins each. Mallory, Evert and Helen Jacobs have won the most in a row - 4 each.

The United States Open Tennis Championships is one of four Grand Slam tournaments currently held in the American city of New York on the courts of the local National Tennis Center.

The main draws of the competition are traditionally held in a two-week period at the turn of summer and autumn, identifying the winners in nine categories: five for adults and four for senior juniors.

The tournament was first held under the name of the US National Men’s Singles Championship in August 1881 at Newport Casino, Newport, Rhode Island and in men's singles only. Only member clubs of the US National Lawn Tennis Association could participate in the tournament. The first singles winner was Richard Sears.

The total prize pool in 2017 is $ 50.4 million.

September 9, 2017.

proved to be stronger than American Danny Thomas in the quarterfinals of the US Open among juniors - 6/3, 6/1.

The match lasted 1 hour and 9 minutes. During this time, 16-year-old Skatov never filed right through, made two double mistakes and made five breaks, and 18-year-old Thomas performed one ace, made a mistake four times when serving and converted one break point.

Skatov's next opponent is 18-year-old Argentinian Axel Geller, number one of the tournament.

Sofia Lancere and Kamilla Rakhimova beat Pole Maya Khvalinskaya and Aniya Gertel 6/3, 7/5 in the quarterfinals in doubles.

In the semifinals of the junior US Open, Lanceray and Rakhimova will face Serbian Olga Danilovich and Ukrainian Marta Kostyuk.

September 4, 2017.

Andrei Rublev defeated Belgian David Goffin in the 1/8 finals.

The meeting ended with a score of 7: 5, 7: 6, 6: 3 in favor of the Russian. Goffin was the ninth seed in the tournament.

The current performance at the US Open is the most successful in the career of the 19-year-old Russian. Previously, Rublev did not go beyond the first round in Grand Slam tournaments. Andrey is the youngest quarterfinalist of the US Open since 2001, when Andy Roddick did it.

In the quarterfinals of the US Open, the Russian will play with the first racket of the world, Spaniard Rafael Nadal. The match will take place on September 6.

In the second round of the junior US open:

Timofey Skatov, Anastasia Kharitonova, Elena Rybakina, Kamilla Rakhimova, Alina Charaeva, Sofia Lansare.

Photo US open.

In Catholicism, Christmas is one of the three most important holidays, along with Easter and Pentecost. Every year on December 25, believers celebrate this solemn event - Catholic Christmas, which commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.

It is known that Jesus was born at night, so the main celebrations are also held at night. The most popular question is when does this happen: from December 24 to 25, or from December 25 to 26, 2019?

In the Roman Catholic Church, the celebration is held according to the Gregorian calendar on the night from December 24 to December 25... Several masses are held, such as the Midnight Mass, the Dawn Mass of Aurora, and the Day Mass.

That is, when Catholic Christmas is celebrated in 2019:
* Date - December 25, 2019
* Celebration - on the night of December 24-25, 2019

Here's what should be on the New Year's table in the Year of the Rat:

* So, a pie on the table is required! Whether with cabbage, meat, fish, or sweet, any pie is attractive to a rodent.

* Salads can be decomposed in portions in tartlets.

* We recommend stuffing baked poultry (goose, duck or chicken) in addition to apples and prunes with rice, and when serving it on the table, decorate it beautifully fresh herbs and nuts.

* Considering your mouse preferences, do not forget grated cheese salad or cheese platter... Lean, well-cooked and thinly sliced ​​meats can also brighten the table.

* Do not forget about fruit... A vase with beautifully arranged apples, pears and grapes will really please the mouse.

* Dishes from potatoes and carrots... The owners of the cellars, who store winter supplies there, know not by hearsay about the love of rodents for these vegetables.

How to arrange a New Year's table for 2020:

In table decoration give preference to white, serving - crystal and silver cutlery. The tablecloth on the table is also desirable white, because the color of the coming year is white!
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