How to develop vocal cords. How to restore your voice: vocal cords, after an illness, what to do, exercises Why does the voice disappear

Practice does not always lead to perfection, but it always leads to better results! There are many practical ways to improve the quality of your voice. To do this, you need to learn how to breathe properly, avoid certain foods, and do special warm-up exercises before you start singing or giving a speech. You can't achieve success overnight, but with a lot of effort and some time, you can certainly improve the quality of your voice.


Part 1

Proper breathing and body position

    Learn to breathe properly. To have a strong voice, you simply must be able to breathe correctly. The point is to breathe deeply.

    Use your abdominal muscles. With proper breathing, the lower muscles (diaphragm) above your belly should move forward, making room for even more air. While singing (speech or just for exhalation) use these muscles to push the air out.

    • Use the muscles above your lower back (around your kidneys) in exactly the same way to control your inhalation and exhalation.
    • While tensing your abdominal muscles, try not to lean forward.
  1. Learn to stand properly. Watch the position of your legs, knees, hips, abdomen, chest, shoulders, arms and head:

    Relax. When you get into the correct posture, make sure you are no longer tense. You should not feel any tension from sticking out your chest or keeping your back straight. Remember to relax the muscles in your face and neck.

Part 4

Lifestyle changes

    Drink more water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This number may be higher if you exercise or live in a hot climate (i.e. sweat a lot).

    Eat healthy food. Eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables helps keep the lining of your throat healthy, which means your voice will also be healthy.

    Relax. Stress affects everything negatively. Set aside time each day to do something that will help you relax. You can do yoga, meditation, go for a walk, watch your favorite series, read a good book or play a musical instrument.

    Try not to scream. This is especially important if you have a gig coming up soon. Yelling can harm your voice and degrade its quality for the next few days.

    Be patient. It may take some time to improve the quality of your voice. You will not get much improvement overnight, but after you warm up and learn how to breathe and keep your posture correctly, you will immediately feel how something has changed in you.

    • There is nothing wrong with doing everything gradually. First, learn to breathe deeply and stand properly. Once you've got that down, work on your mouth position and do some warm-up exercises.
  1. Ask for help. If the quality of your voice has recently deteriorated, for example, the voice has become more raspy, deep or tense, this may indicate health problems. Just in case, consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of illness.

Part 5

Learn from others

    Find a qualified teacher. A good teacher will be able to advise you on how to improve your voice. Find a teacher with a classical background, as this teacher will be familiar with a variety of styles.

    Listen to professional singers and announcers. Watch how they control their breathing, volume, articulation, modulation, vocal habits, and sonority. If you like their style, try imitating it.

    • Style imitation is a great way to learn how to sing because it forces you to do things you wouldn't normally do.
  1. Watch professional singers and announcers. Pay attention to how they breathe and how they hold notes with their breath. Look at their posture and body language. Watch how they use their lips to articulate the sounds and words they sing.

    Don't ignore professionals you don't like. Think about why you don't like this or that singer or announcer. What do they do differently from others? Are they doing something wrong, or is it just not your style?

A person's voice is one of the main means of communication with other people. That is why its loss creates a lot of inconvenience and problems. The vocal cords are responsible for the presence of a voice in a person - they are two elastic muscles that are located in the larynx and are attached to the cartilage of the larynx. For the appearance of sound, it is necessary that the ligaments completely close, unfortunately, there are many reasons that lead to problems with the voice and its complete absence.

There are many reasons that lead to loss of voice, the main ones are:

  • Various infectious diseases of the respiratory system in particular - the larynx, such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
  • Constant stress on the vocal cords - for teachers, military, singers.
  • Exposure to dust, smoke, cold air and drinks.
  • Burns, both chemical and thermal.
  • Tumors of the larynx.
  • Paralysis or paresis of the ligaments.

Symptoms of loss of voice

There are certain symptoms that are characteristic of diseases accompanied by loss of voice, these include:

  1. Appearance of hoarseness.
  2. Gradually, a person turns to a whisper.
  3. Complete aphonia - that is, the absence of a voice.

In children, papillomas, benign tumor-like neoplasms, which must be removed as soon as possible, can become the main cause of voice loss. The main symptom of this disease is the incessant hoarseness of the voice.

Treatment methods

The main factor in determining the methods of treatment for loss of voice is finding out the cause of this condition. Very often, treatment consists in eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease, which led to damage to the vocal cords and loss of voice.

To date, special sets of exercises are used to develop the vocal cords. They were mainly developed by phoniatrists (the so-called specialists who are engaged in voice restoration), therefore they are quite effective. However, it is often possible to achieve complete restoration of the voice only through complex treatment prescribed by a doctor.

The main thing that should be paid attention to patients who have lost their voice is the observance of silence.

In no case should one tear the ligaments and speak through force, this can lead to aphonia, after which it will be very difficult to restore the voice in full. In addition, hot, spicy, salty and cold foods should be avoided. You will also need to forget about alcoholic beverages, sour fruits, for example, citrus fruits, should be completely excluded from the patient's diet.

Ways to restore voice

As mentioned above, special breathing exercises are prescribed to restore the lost voice. To date, there are various complexes that help restore the voice and improve its sound.

    First you need to squat down, while the distance between the knees should be no more than 1-2 fists. The back should remain straight, hands should be placed on your knees. While in this position, you need to exhale, straining your arms, throat and neck as much as possible. After 6-10 seconds, you can relax and take a few regular breaths and exhale again.

    Similar exercises should be done 6-10 times, they can be repeated after a couple of hours.

  1. First you need to lie on your back and take breaths in such a way that the stomach participates in them, then you will need to hold your breath and exhale slowly, while pronouncing the sound “C”, this exercise is done for about 5 minutes. After that, as you exhale, you should pronounce the sounds "З" and "Ш".
  2. The next stage of this set of exercises is the pronunciation of the sound "M" on the exhale, while the body position remains the same as during the previous exercise.
  3. After that, try to hum the letter "M", making each sound as long as possible. The duration of this exercise is at least 5 minutes.
  4. Then you should pull the sound “H” with your mouth open, while making sure that the pronounced letters sound without rattling.

Other Ligament Recovery Methods

To restore the ligaments, first you need to relieve tension and relax them. For this, a special exercise is used, called the “Yawning Lion”. During this procedure, you need to tilt your head back and open your mouth wide, after that you need to try to make a sound similar to a loud yawn, while its tone should change. It is yawning, according to experts, that is the best way to relax the larynx, in which the vocal cords are located.

Another effective way to relax the ligaments is to relieve tension from the diaphragm, which is why many people have voice problems. In this case, special methods of breathing exercises are used, among them the Strelnikova system occupies a special place. This technique is used in leading clinics and centers of our country for the treatment of other diseases of the respiratory system.

How to strengthen ligaments

A good way to strengthen the ligaments is to gargle with a decoction of herbs, for its preparation you need to take: chamomile flowers, calendula and eucalyptus leaves.

A great way to strengthen the ligaments is to take a mixture of raw egg yolks pounded with sugar and butter.

Doctors with hoarseness recommend gargling every two hours with a solution of furacillin, sea salt or propolis tincture. Often they are alternated with taking antibacterial drugs, if infections are the cause of aphonia or hoarseness, this improves the patient's condition.

When carrying out therapeutic exercises and other procedures to restore the vocal cords, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude all factors that contribute to irritation of the larynx, in particular, to abandon long telephone conversations. This, according to experts, irritates the vocal cords more than ordinary live communication. It is also undesirable to leave a warm room in the cold. In addition, you should stop smoking, as inhaling nicotine irritates the ligaments.

With excessive tension on the ligaments, nodules are formed, which are growths, and they will interfere with the normal sound of your voice.

To strengthen the ligaments, you need to pronounce words only on the exhale. It is possible to improve the sound or completely restore the lost voice only if the doctor's recommendations are strictly observed and the prescribed treatment methods are regularly carried out, including the exact performance of breathing exercises.

A beautiful voice, melodiously deducing an amazing melody, and listeners who held their breath with delight - who has not dreamed of this? But not everyone succeeds in making the dream come true, despite the fact that scientists say that every person has singing talent to one degree or another, just not everyone develops it. How to make your voice stronger and more melodic? Here, perhaps, the advice of vocal teachers will come in handy.

How to improve your voice for singing? The simplest and most obvious solution is to study with a vocal teacher. Even if you plan to learn to sing on your own, one or two introductory lessons will not hurt, at least the specialist will hear your voice, point out mistakes and weaknesses, and you will already understand where you need to move.
But, as practice shows, there are a huge number of beautifully singing nuggets and self-taught, therefore, you can learn to sing yourself.

What needs to be done for this? To improve your voice, you need to sing. It is obvious.

Start with the simplest: sing along to your favorite artist, put on a record - and go! To get started, choose from among your favorite performers, at least one of the same gender as you, and preferably with a similar voice timbre. This "joint" singing, if practiced regularly, can significantly improve the voice.

The next stage will be karaoke - fortunately, this entertainment is now completely accessible: all the necessary equipment is inexpensive, and you can find “minuses” for almost any song. Start with songs you love and know well, and don't start with too complex ones.

Having mastered singing to the phonogram, you can move on to an even more difficult stage - singing a cappella (without musical accompaniment), so you will hear all your mistakes and shortcomings, you can work on the sound. Do not overstrain your vocal cords when you sing, it should be comfortable and easy for you to take each note, and in no case do not shout, such “exercises” will inevitably lead you to hoarseness and loss of voice. Sing as your voice allows - do not rush, from time to time they will increase. Begin each rehearsal by singing softly, gradually increasing the volume and range.

  • do not catch a cold;
  • do not "give concerts" in the cold;
  • not to shout (combining a vocal career and the lifestyle of a football fan is quite difficult);
  • Do not smoke;
  • don't talk much. The voice needs rest, at least for an hour twice a day you need to be in complete silence.
You should not sing in the same way, having taken a portion of alcohol - under its influence, the ligaments warm up and the voice sounds better, but later alcohol dries the ligaments, which in the long run will worsen the voice. Not the best friend for your voice and coffee, it is better to exclude it altogether.
  • seeds, chips and crackers;
  • chocolate;
  • cold ice cream;
  • spicy and hot dishes (too high and low temperatures reduce the elasticity of the vocal cords);
  • products with dyes;
  • fatty and sweet foods (sugar and fat will settle on the ligaments).
But you can drink water and even a lot. Juicy fruits with a high water content - peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears, etc. will also benefit.

Before you start singing, be sure to do breathing exercises. But when you sing, don't think about breathing.

No need to stretch or strain the neck while singing, the tension will be transferred to the larynx, and the sound will be compressed. The shoulders should also be completely free - this is the only way to get deep and voluminous low notes.

To hear you sing, record your voice and listen to the recording so you can work on your mistakes.

Try doing exercises to improve your singing voice.

  1. Take a breath, and as you exhale, say each of the sounds - as long as the breath is enough "and", "e", "a", "o", "u" - in that order. The sequence is important - we start with the sound of the highest frequency. It is enough to do the exercise three times - three deep exhalations for each sound.
  2. To activate the chest and abdomen area, we pronounce the sound “m” three times (as long as possible). The first time - quite quietly, the second - already louder, the third - as loud as possible.
For the development of musicality and hearing, it is important not only what you sing, but also what you listen to. Try to listen to as much music as possible. In order to catch shades and semitones, it is better to replace rather unpretentious (albeit cute) pop music in the player with classical works.

So, what is needed for the development of the vocal cords? First, you need to get your breath in order. Breathe through the diaphragm. The first time will be difficult, however, when you learn, you will be able to hit the highest notes. To practice breathing, try to breathe deeply and slowly. Frequent and intermittent breathing will not give the desired result, moreover, it leads to oxygen deficiency, which negatively affects the human condition. Therefore, even if you are not going to become a pop star, remember that deep breathing is the key to cheerfulness and well-being. Breathing can be practiced in a variety of ways. The next one is the best. Finding acceptable breathing exercises is not difficult. As a rule, all exercises are based on a bunch of inhalation-exhalation. Perform exercises lying or standing. It is best to spend them outdoors. After a few days of training, you can check the condition of the diaphragm. To do this, try to reach the tips of your toes while singing a verse of your favorite song. If the quality of singing suits you, and pain in the abdomen does not follow, then you did everything right, and your diaphragm is sufficiently developed.

How to prepare vocal cords for singing?

When you begin to practice singing, try not to overload your chords. Especially at first. When choosing a repertoire, try to correlate it with your abilities. Do not take too high and low notes, this can be fraught with ligaments. Experiment with your mind, remembering that it is not difficult to lose your voice. Always warm up before singing. This will warm up the ligaments and allow you to easily hit the highest notes. You can also warm up the ligaments with a massage. To do this, massage the throat with gentle movements, first in one direction and then in the other. Massage should be done very carefully, since the carotid artery is located on the neck, which cannot be touched. Some pop figures have a special tool for relaxing ligaments. As strange as it sounds, but for this you need to eat something spicy. If for some reason this is not possible, you can drink mint tea. As for dairy products, on the contrary, they are able to paralyze the action of the ligaments. Therefore, you need to eat them at least five hours before the performance.

Breath. The voice helps a person to convey information, to express their emotions and feelings. Thanks to him, you can convince or touch the interlocutor, so it can be called the main tool of persuasion. But not everyone has a pleasant melodic voice that others would like, but it can always be developed, since the vocal cords are ordinary muscles. In this case, breathing comes to the fore, it is with its help that you can develop a voice. When it is not correct, and there is also muscle stiffness, this leads to distortion. To make your voice beautiful and give it velvety, you can use simple exercises. First you need to try to walk slowly and watch your breathing. So, inhalation-exhalation should be 2 steps long, but this interval will subsequently need to be increased to 10. In addition, the following exercise will help develop the vocal cords: you need to stand up correctly, spread your legs a little, and raise your arms above your head and close into a lock. Then you need to lean back a little, inhale more air through your nose and exhale slowly, leaning forward. During this exercise, you need to repeat various sounds: “i”, “u”, “e”, “a”, “o”.

Powerful voice. A beautiful voice also needs to be made strong, so it should also be trained, and for this you can take note of simple exercises. They must be performed in the morning, like exercises, and best of all in the bathroom directly in front of the mirror, they will add self-confidence and charge you with cheerfulness for the whole day. First you need to take a deep breath, then exhale, while breathing is enough. It should be noted that on each breath you need to pronounce the vowels, in exactly the same sequence in which they are given here: “iii”, “uh”, “aah”, “ooh”, “uuu”. This set is not accidental, absolutely all singers use it when singing. Such training allows them to hit high notes, since the ligaments always remain in good shape. Of course, households and neighbors may not like such a chant in the morning, so you should think about this issue in advance, it may make sense to put good soundproofing in the bathroom so as not to disturb anyone.

Singing voice. To develop a singing voice, a slightly different instruction is required, since you will need to learn how to control your vocal cords in order to change intonation and tonality in the process of singing a song. You will need to start every morning with breathing exercises: first you should take 7 full breaths through your nose and exhale rapidly through your mouth. In addition, you also need to do a warm-up of the mouth, by biting the tongue, cheeks, lips. After a feeling of relaxation comes, you can begin to perform exercises for the vocal cords. First of all, you should pronounce syllables in which there are voiced and deaf consonants, but diluted with one vowel. You should use these: pkto, pkti, pkta, pkte, pkty, (bdi, bde, bda, bdo, bdu), but if you don’t like them, you can come up with your own, write them down on a piece of paper and read them during training.

As exercises, vocal teachers advise reading tongue twisters, only at first it should be done slowly, clearly pronouncing all the letters, you can gradually speed up the pace, but at the same time, the distinctness of pronunciation should not be lost. As soon as you manage to cope with tongue twisters, you can read your favorite literary works. To develop your voice, you will need to train a lot, but there is no way to do it without difficulty, so you should be patient and not stop there.
