Hockey show. Hockey show at the home tournament Show at the hockey match

A friendly match between the Zelenograd prefecture team and the USSR Legends national team took place last Sunday.

The meeting was timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the opening of the Zelenogradsky ice rink, located in the 20th microdistrict. The meeting was preceded by the speeches of the Deputy Prefect of Zelenograd Alexey Nemeryuk and the President of the Legends of the USSR team Alexander Yakushev. The prefect of the district Anatoly Smirnov visited the game. Young figure skaters performed before the match and during the breaks.

The duration of each period was 15 minutes. The match was full of scoring chances from the first minutes, goalkeepers Vladimir Morozov (ZelAO Prefecture) and Mikhail Shtalenkov (USSR Legends) never got bored. Zelenograd residents opened the scoring: the goalkeeper of Soviet legends did not react to the puck launched by Dmitry Danilov - 1: 0. But before the break, the guests' forward Vitaly Prokhorov scored a hat-trick by unsealing the Zelenograd goalkeeper, who had previously helped out a lot of his teammates. In the first case, Prokhorov made a protracted pass and launched the puck exactly under the far crosspiece. In the second, he received a pass from Roman Ilyin and sent the puck to the goalkeeper's house. In the third, having received a pass on someone else's blue line, he fled to a rendezvous with the goalkeeper and beat him clearly - 1: 3.

At the beginning of the second period, the “Legends of the USSR” attacked dangerously and Prokhorov issued “poker”, going one on one with the goalkeeper, he again clearly sent the puck to the “nine”. Prokhorov's series of goals was interrupted by Roman Ilyin, who passed from the right and threw it under the crossbar - 1: 5. Zelenograd residents were unable to immediately close the large gap, Dmitry Shamolin and Boris Shekalin did not manage to outplay Shtalenkov in the implementation of free throws, which were assigned in this game for each violation. But shortly after the second unsuccessful shootout, Gennady Artemyev played one goal with the transfer of Alexei Deev. Dmitry Zinin finished off the puck into the net, reflected by Shtalenkov after Oleg Kurbatov's throw - 3: 5.

At the beginning of the third fifteen minutes, Oleg Kurbatov and Vladimir Filippov scored goals against the Legends of the USSR and evened the score. But very quickly Prokhorov, after the transfer of Igor Boldin, again brought his team forward - 5: 6. A little time passed, and Prokhorov scored his sixth goal in the match, beating the Zelenograd goalkeeper Maxim Platonov. The defender of the “Soviet legends” Ilya Byakin could have scored another goal, but did not convert the bullet. Prokhorov, who also did not use the bullet, missed the chance to score another goal. Gennady Artemyev from Zelenograd reduced the gap to a minimum from the transfer of Vladimir Zhilin. The best scorer of the guests, Vitaly Prokhorov, did not convert the bullet, and Dmitry Shamolin used this hockey "standard position" on the second attempt, and the second seven appeared on the scoreboard.

After the end of the match, a series of free throws was carried out, which also ended in a draw - 2: 2.

Friendly match (three periods of 15 minutes).
"ZelAO Prefecture" - "Legends of the USSR" 7: 7 (1: 3, 2: 2, 4: 2), in shootouts - 2: 2.

Goals: Danilov (Filippov, Deev), 8 (1: 0), Prokhorov, 14 (1: 1), Prokhorov (Ilyin, Byakin), 14 (1: 2), Prokhorov (Ilyin), 15 (1: 3), Prokhorov (Byakin), 17 (1: 4), Ilyin, 18 (1: 5), Artemiev (Deev), 26 (2: 5), Zinin (Kurbatov), ​​28 (3: 5), Filippov (Lazutin, Danilov) , 32 (4: 5), Kurbatov (Mishukov), 34 (5: 5), Prokhorov (Boldin), 35 (5: 6), Prokhorov (Byakin), 35 (5: 7), Artemiev (Zhilin), 41 (6: 7), Shamolin, 45 (7: 7 - bullet).
Unrealized free throws in regular time: Shamolin, 20, Shekalin, 25 - Byakin, 40, Prokhorov, 43.
Post-match series: Artemiev (0: 0 - goalkeeper), Davydov (0: 1), Danilov (1: 1), Ilyin (1: 1 - goalkeeper), Filippov (2: 1), Byakin (2: 2).
"ZelAO Prefecture": Gorosov, Platonov, Morozov - Lazutin, Sukhanov, Khvostunkov, Parshkov, Shamolin, Gavrilov, Artemiev, A. Petrov, Deev, Vorobiev, D. Zhandarov, Stepin (K.), Filippov, Shekalin, Zhilin, Kurbatov, Danilov, Zinin, Mishukov, E. Petrov.
Head coach: Mikhail Sedov.
"Legends of the USSR": Shtalenkov, Shilkin - Gusev, Shatalov, Babinov, Byakin, Tyurikov, A. Golikov, V. Golikov, Davydov, Lebedev, Shalimov, Blinov, Volchkov, Prokhorov, Boldin, Ilyin, Babashov.
Head coach: Nikolay Karpov.
April 17th. Zelenograd. LDS "Zelenogradskiy". 400 spectators. The match starts at 14:00.

Alexander Timakov

You've probably seen the powerful light show that the hockey club Chicago Blackhawks put on in October for the start of the new NHL season. For three minutes on the ice, a technological frenzy was going on, which then spread all over the Internet with headlines in the style of "Pre-match show you will not forget." Then few noticed the main thing: the whole project in the NHL was handled by the Russian studio Radugadesign, which is based on the territory of Winzavod and which employs about 30 people.

In 2004, the founder of Radugadesign, Ivan Nefyodkin, still a student and interior designer at one of the architectural studios, came across a video about holograms from the Danish company Vizoo. Interested in technology, he and a friend wrote to the Danes that he wanted to represent their company in Russia. He was not answered - not from the first, not from the second, not even from the third attempt.

Despite the silence, three years later, in late 2007 - early 2008, Nefyodkin knocked on Vizoo again. By that time, he had opened his own studio, which dealt with interiors, graphic and web design.

“Suddenly a very cheerful answer came: come on, who are you, what are you? - recalls Nefyodkin in a conversation with Sport Connect. - They asked how many people work for us, what we do. We successfully said that we have a very serious studio, and after a meeting in Denmark they entrusted us with their first client in Russia: it was an installation at the Nissan stand. This is how we became the representatives of Vizoo in Russia. During 2008, when there was an economic crisis, we tried to sell technology to whoever possible - with it you could go through any door, show and tell. At that moment, everyone wanted her, but no one had money.

Gradually, we realized that dealing only with this product is not a panacea. Due to my experience in interior design and environmental design, we began to offer more sophisticated solutions for the decoration of events. Projections were used more and more, and video mapping became popular. In 2009 we made our first car projection at Volvo Fashion Week. It was the presentation of the Volvo C30 Yudashkin edition. "

Now the pool of clients of the Radugadesign studio includes the largest companies of Russia (Russian Railways, Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank), and car manufacturers (Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Audi), sports clubs and leagues, and many others.

Ivan Nefyodkin

- Over time, we more and more went into the multimedia design of events, - continues Nefyodkin. - Now we come to the site and offer: here you can use projections, here - LED, here - multitouch. This is how the slice of our services was formed on the combination of space, technology and design. We do not deal exclusively with projection installations or only interactive, or only VR. We always have different solutions depending on the task - we are a media design studio and employ different specialists in our work.

- When did you start doing sports projects?

- In 2011. Even when we just started doing projection shows, I really wanted to work with ice. I have been a hockey fan since childhood, and I have always understood that ice is what you need, especially since a projection indoors does not look alien. We made the first project for the KHL children's hockey tournament in Omsk. We tried to combine it with Free Format people and screens, which were additionally hung on the net behind the gate.

After this project, Radugadesign was noticed by Ilya Averbukh. He commissioned the studio to complete the projection design of the "Year Before the Games" show, which took place exactly one year before the start of the Olympics, including the countdown to the opening ceremony. This and the subsequent Olympic show ("The Year After the Games") became the most difficult sports projects in the history of the studio.

- It was important to make the show exactly for cameras, because it was broadcasted on Channel One almost live. Duration - almost an hour, an impressive amount of content, work on stage design, daily work with the director's team and technical services - and all this still needs to be linked into one complex story ... only worked with content.

We have developed a special preponderance in the direction of sports only in the last year.In 2016, we took part in the design of the world bandy championship, made the multimedia design for the world ice hockey championship in Moscow, prepared a video for Peter that was shown before each match, made three more shows for tennis tournaments together with the production center “Make Dreams ". We have prepared three projects in the USA: Chicago Bulls, Chicago Blackhawks, NHL History Museum.

- What is the peculiarity of working on sports shows?

- In the regulations. I'll tell you about the example of the hockey world championship. The players should warm up on the court, and then go to the locker room for about 20 minutes, while the match should begin immediately after the show. You have no way to put anything on the ice - no decorations. Everything should appear and disappear in the same way - there are no buildings, everything is suspended, mobile. This introduces its own difficulties, because we can build a show only around such elements as a car that left, transformed into a hockey player, then packed up and left.

Another difference is scale. Apart from more technique, there are many people involved in sports ceremonies. It is necessary that everyone exits at the same time and everything starts synchronously.

- How long does it take to make a show like that for Chicago?

- Clean work - from proof of concept to delivery - takes one and a half to two months, before that, we coordinated the concepts and worked on the preliminary stages for another month or two.

At the start, we proposed 2-3 concepts, they said that one should definitely be removed, because it concerned the Indians, and they treat this topic very reverently. We determined that we needed a story theme.

- How does development usually look like: do they come to you with a request to "make it beautifully" or set specific conditions?

- Always different. Someone knows what he wants, and someone does not. For example, "Chicago" did not know, and the representatives of the club immediately said: offer us options. With the World Ice Hockey Championship, everything is different: there were clear introductions about the sport of the future, a red car, and so on along the list.

Sometimes the introductory notes are contradictory. Often several people make decisions - and when you agree on something with a manager, agency or a person from the customer, this is not always the final opinion. Sometimes the brief can change several times. In this respect, the project with "Chicago" differs from the others, because we ourselves formed the brief and made a proposal. Therefore, the agreement went quickly.

- How many people are involved in one project?

- Producer, creative director, art director, a team of artists (depending on the tasks, different specialists are selected - a concept artist, a 3D modeller, and so on), a composer. We write music for almost all projects ourselves, so we work with several composers. We try to do everything on our own.

- What are your requirements for stadiums?

- Ideal for show - full blackout. There are very few tools for showing during the day, and in the evening and at night we have more opportunities to use light, projections, and additional screens.

The second is, of course, sports light. Now new stadiums are beginning to be made with LED lamps that can turn on and off instantly - they do not need to warm up for a long time, and this allows you to turn on the projection, then the light. All new stadiums, in an amicable way, should be done with such light. This is how football Juventus is already working: at its stadium, the light show is done using the same light that is used to illuminate the field.

Show for the Chicago Blackhawks

- Have clubs come to you who wanted a show, but realized that they did not have such equipment?

- Certainly. A lot of venues still work with conventional lighting. This is a novelty. In Europe, they began to install it just a couple of years ago; in Russia, no football stadium has ever worked with such light. We talked with Zenit, and they still don't have a certainty whether there will be such a light or not, at the Otkrytie Arena the light is not LED. Such light is, of course, expensive, and the new possibilities are still not fully understood. Now Juventus is setting an example for football stadiums, and several more arenas will be renovated in the near future.

- What is the problem with standard light?

- The problem is connected with time - it is necessary to wait until the moment when the light flares up to a certain level. You can't just turn it off and turn it back on for the show - you have to wait for the lights to light up. In 2011, we turned off the light during the show, then there was a presentation of the teams - gradually the light turned on and flared up smoothly, gradually covering the projection, overexposing it. And only then did the match begin. Of course, it's interesting to switch instantly: one or the other, one or the other. There is just such a light at "Chicago", and everything there suddenly turns off and on when necessary.

- Is sport more profitable for you than ordinary events?

- I would not say that. In terms of the cost of work, sports and non-sports events do not differ much, the only thing is that they are more voluminous, require more work, and, accordingly, may cost more. It all depends on the timing and complexity of the show, but a good show will cost from 50 thousand dollars.

- And the maximum?

- It all depends on desires. There are shows that are two minutes long, simple ones. There are those who want to do it for an hour. There are a lot of components: technical, content, whether additional work is needed.

To enter the American market, Radugadesign wrote to several NHL clubs and openly offered her services - the Chicago Blackhawks were the fastest to contact. The success of the debut show gave the studio new orders: projects have already been completed with the Chicago Bulls basketball club and the interactive museum of NHL history, and in the near future a show may be prepared for the start of the NHL playoffs for St. Louis. In Russia, the show with "Chicago" brought the studio the prize in the category "Event of the Year".

- Why did Chicago choose you?

- Probably because we had a good value for money (including because of the dollar exchange rate - approx. Sport Connect). The manager of "Chicago", who deals with such shows, believed in our persistence, he liked our ideas. We gave quite elaborate proposals, it was clear that we want to do something worthwhile. We made presentations with full descriptions, pictures - in general, we did it so that they would like to work with us.

- How was the work arranged? Have you regularly flown to the USA?

- No, we mostly corresponded by mail, communicated on Skype, there were meetings of our representative in the United States before the conclusion of the contract.

- The video of this show scattered all over the Internet, it was watched several times more than all your other shows. Has it brought in new clients?

- Yes, there were a lot of sports inquiries at once. People have asked a lot about hockey, but not all hockey clubs can financially afford the show that we do. There were requests in the style of "We want to do it for 300 thousand." But we cannot meet this amount. These clubs, as they worked with a couple of freelancers, will probably continue to work. If you do something thoughtful and more complex, then in any case it requires the work of a large team - accordingly, the cost of projects is higher.

Light is not such a problem, the big problem probably concerns projection equipment. Only a few clubs put it on a permanent basis, even in the KHL, they can be counted on one hand. One of these teams - "Barys", they have projectors, they bought them themselves. Renting such equipment is also expensive. Probably, the cost is the main reason why not everyone does it (a one-day rental of projectors for a powerful show, like that of "Chicago", will cost more than 600 thousand rubles, a full purchase - more than 50 million rubles - approx. Sport Connect).

- So now it is easier for you to work in America?

- No, we can work here too, I would not say that it is easier there. It's just that the budget here is less than there. In the US, the budgets for the show are completely different.

- What did you do for the NHL Museum and the Chicago Bulls?

- By the way, the NHL is just the project that came to us after the Chicago Blackhawks story. The agency that ran the NHL Travel Museum saw our project and a chain reaction ensued. We got the script and made one of the installations - a round LED table, on which the centenary history of the NHL is very briefly shown. The museum has a lot of different installations and content, our project is only a part.

For the Chicago Bulls, we made content for the show during the break - roughly speaking, the background art for a star or a band performing in the center of the venue. This is not a one-off show, but a kind of constructor of videos that can be mixed with each other, you can change the inscriptions. The videos are made in different intensities, they can be selected for specific musicians in a special library that we have created.

- It's interesting to work with sports shows. Not at the opening ceremony or before the match, but with a sports show such as the KHL All-Star Game. We see what we could bring new. It is also interesting to integrate technology and multimedia design into the sport itself. What limits us is not always a question of money, but a question of the conservatism of sports, which is not ready for such quick transitions.

- Are you talking about regulations?

- Yes, I'm saying that the problem is more in the regulations, but since all regulations depend on people, sooner or later changes await us. The future belongs to the entertainment of sports. In the future, we will be able to see more and more changes aimed at the "picture" - both in the broadcast and at the stadium itself. Some sports, of course, will remain classic, but there will be other impressive offshoots.

Details Evgeny Kamentsev January 22, 2017 Hockey

Representatives of the eastern conference of the NHL with the hockey players of "Progress" in the composition defeated the squad of the West.

Glazov has been on the country's hockey map for over 60 years. In the coming 2017, by the will of the organizers, the northern capital of Udmurtia is marked with a thicker point. Here, at the Glazov-Arena, for the first time, they held a "match of the stars" of the NMHL - the league in which the local "Progress" plays. Officially - Generation Cup. And even though this event was inferior in importance and entourage to the KHL “all-star match”, which was taking place at the same time only 430 kilometers away, in Ufa, for the Udmurt fans (far from only Glazov fans, there were also Izhstal fans on the podium) it came to the fore ... The hockey festival in the home arena with the participation of their favorites gathered full stands. Separate empty spaces are not counted.

Meanwhile, if the tradition of holding such matches came to us from North America, then the principle of organizing a show from them was transmitted only partially. It's the same here. The organizers did not plan to entertain the audience with some kind of hockey performances. We limited ourselves to a bright introduction in the form of a rental of the "Progress" mascot Wolf with the coveted cup in his hands and short congratulatory speeches.

Except that the visit to Glazov of the honored coach of the USSR and Russia, Vladimir Yurzinov Sr., can be noted separately. Before the match, he held a kind of master class for young hockey players. As the legendary mentor admitted in an interview with reporters, he was in Glazov for the first time.

The participants of the match themselves were in full seriousness. Which is probably not surprising. At this age, 17-20 years old, any fight becomes a matter of principle. Especially when at stake is quite a tangible trophy.

From the very first minutes a stubborn struggle began on the ice, in which the hosts - the national team of the NMHL Eastern Conference - looked better, fresher and more aggressive. And this fact even more turned on the already emotionally warmed up fans, since in the application of the East team there were four hockey players of Progress - Artyom Musalimov, Georgy Tukaev, Fedor Vedernikov and Kirill Afanasiev... And, of course, everyone expected heads from their favorites. And they waited. But already only in the third period. By that time, the preponderance of the East over the West was already overwhelming. And this resulted in three unanswered goals. The author of the 4th was the captain of the "wolves" Fedor Vedernikov, and the 6th, the last in this match, was his partner Kirill Afanasyev. Hockey players of the West in response did not manage to hit the gate of the owners. Thus, the East won a convincing victory with a score of 6: 0.

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