Body ballet: I don't want to be a ballerina. What is Body Ballet and what are its benefits Who is training for and who is better off trying something different

Body Ballet is rightly called the shortest path to a perfect figure. Sports activities help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also make the figure more slim and fit. In addition, it is a great reason to stay in good physical shape, to be cheerful and cheerful. Workouts can be different, starting with regular running, exercising in the gym, and ending with jumping on a step or ball.

However, for creative people who always want to try something new, in 2005 experts have developed a new method - Body Ballet / Body ballet, which combines normal fitness with elements of classical ballet.

What is body ballet

Body ballet is an adapted set of exercises, consisting of choreographic steps, ballet and parterre gymnastics, stretching exercises, light jumps and strength movements. Various dance combinations and etudes are also included.

The key exercises of body ballet are performed at the barn, but the skills of a professional ballerina are not required from you: body ballet classes for beginners are adapted for those who have practically no training. Usually, the adapted complex contains:

  • Stretching elements - exercises for better muscle stretching.
  • Aerobic exercise.
  • Simplified ballet steps.

Why is Body Ballet better than other techniques?

In general, the technique is a colorful mixture of elements borrowed from classical ballet, Pilates, and even yoga. This type of training has a lot of advantages over others:

  • A variety of physical activities that involve the maximum number of body muscles.
  • An interesting sports activity that significantly outperforms its traditional counterparts in terms of entertainment and showiness.
  • If the "laurels" of Anna Pavlova and Maya Plisetskaya did not allow you to sleep peacefully, you have a real chance to try yourself in this role, even if you did not attend a ballet school as a child, and the tough diet of ballerinas is also beyond your power.

Any specialist will confirm the high efficiency of the exercises that make up a classic ballet set. Choreographic steps are primarily aimed at improving the body, while conventional strength training is more conducive to increasing muscle mass. That is why the "ballet" figure differs from the "sporty" one by its grace and grace. The body contours of those who practice ballet are smoother and smoother.

Who is the body ballet workout suitable for?

Body ballet training is suitable for people who are not recommended for heavy loads on the organs of the cardiovascular system, or for those who have suffered an injury or fracture. The fact is that the complex reduces the number of exercises associated with running or jumping loads, without which it is difficult to imagine ordinary fitness. If you want to achieve better coordination of movements, more flexibility or learn to control your respiratory system, you should also prefer Body Ballet.

There are various body ballet training programs to suit any level. Let's list the main ones?

Sports programs for adults.

They are mainly aimed at correcting the figure and muscles, developing dance plasticity and coordination of movements, improving flexibility, teaching dance "steps" used in ballet dance.

  • massage gymnastics, stretching, beautiful pumping of muscles.

Programs for children from 4 to 8 years old and more

It's no secret that children are much more flexible than adults. If your child has not decided between dancing and fitness, body ballet for children will be an excellent workout, and in addition, it will develop in the child a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, improve posture and strengthen the muscular skeleton. Body ballet classes in childhood will give babies a great start, so that they can then continue dancing classes or move on to more intense aerobic exercises.

Courses for the well-prepared

If you are a professional dancer, body ballet will help bring new elements to your technique. During group body ballet classes for professionals, you will learn complex supports, improve duet dance, develop your acting skills and make familiar dance techniques more interesting.

How are body ballet classes going?

Before starting classes - a compulsory warm-up for 15-20 minutes. The first exercises are usually intended for the legs, because it is the lower limbs that play an important role in ballet and serve as a support, on the stability and strength of which the graceful movements of the arms and body depend. For sportswear, you should choose elastic, breathable, moisture-permeable tops and trousers. On my feet - comfortable sneakers, gym shoes, ballet shoes.

You can find it on our website.

A standard workout is built on warming up muscles and flexibility in all joints and includes dance combinations and studies to develop danceability and plasticity, and also includes body ballet exercises to burn fat.

After ballet gymnastics, an abbreviated exercise at the stick follows. These are exercises for endurance, stretching and muscle tension. This is followed by exercises to develop balance (stability) and coordination of movements. Bodyballet trainers recommend completing the lesson by performing a dance combination of your choice with elements of ballet choreography at a slow pace, preferably to classical music.

Masha Botvinina went to body ballet classes to understand how much of ballet it really is.
I got used to the idea that the fine arts are not about me. To jump, to ride - it's all simple and understandable (relatively, of course). Even the dances I decided to choose non-standard -. Therefore, if someone had told me at least a year ago that I would stand at the machine with burning eyes, I would have laughed in his face. But as they say, never say never.

I accidentally went to body ballet in my own studio Plastilin (where I go in hope) - here it is one of the most popular directions. And she stayed! There are several body ballet coaches here - I got to Daria Soboleva, who, in my opinion, is simply magical. She graduated from the Academy of Choreography (MGAKh) at the Bolshoi Theater in two areas at once - as a ballet dancer and then as a teacher-choreographer. And she has been teaching for the seventh year. But the main thing is that you look at her and you want to do everything perfectly as well!

What is body ballet?

The choreographer and fitness expert Leah Sarago is considered the founder of the trend. In 2005, she released a video course Ballet Body (now in the AppStore), in which she mixed exercises from ballet, yoga and Pilates - it promises to make a figure fit and slender without intense training (and is still popular).

In Russia, the idea of ​​combining Pilates and ballet is supported. In general, the idea of ​​mixing ballet with other directions is quite popular (so our Olya went to the show last year).

The main part of the lesson is exercises from classical choreography. This is the base that gives you the strength and flexibility to dance complex steps. But here - with an eye to the age and training of students. Plus, exercises for general physical training and ass + press are given (we have already done such a lesson together with).

What did I understand after going to a few classes?

Preparation can be zero

You can come to body ballet with any preparation, and especially without it. If you have been sitting at the computer for twenty years, and then suddenly decided that you urgently need to make friends with sports, this is the place for you. Exercises are smooth, they spare the ligaments and joints (but not you, do not flatter yourself), so it is almost impossible to hurt yourself. In addition, all muscle groups develop evenly here. With the help of classes, you can recover from injuries (with the permission of the doctor, of course).

Even if you came without any preparation, you need to be ready to plow, do not expect concessions. Most of the exercises are done slowly and you need to manage to follow the correct, "ballet" position of the whole body: head, hands, knees - because of habit you constantly lose sight of something. And by the way, they don't cling to the machine, they just stick to it!

The first time after class you feel like a squeezed lemon. But after a month the body gets used to it and you start thinking whether to stay for the second hour of classes.

Clothes can be anything

Any sports form is suitable for training. Nobody demands from you ballet leotards, tutus and other things. And most of the students go to other studio classes (for example, twine -), wandering from hall to hall.

Pointe shoes are not needed

I was afraid that I would have to wear some nightmarish rubbing shoes (pointe shoes ?!). Or something awkward with ribbons. But it turned out that you can go to body ballet in general in socks. But it is better in special non-slip slippers (you can buy them right in the studio).

Stretching is a must in the lesson

Stretching is immediately followed after each strength exercise. And that's great! Because the muscles become strong and at the same time elongated, not pumped. In ballet, it is generally difficult to acquire bulging muscles because of the constant stretching exercises (after all, flexibility is critical) and the lack of weights. #openingyear

Every movement has a ballet term

All these passé, batman, you can. Just a squat is somehow ugly and uninteresting, but plie is already sublime. It's like the crouton and crouton from the movie What Men Talk About. But when it is sublime, you want to do everything better and more beautifully.

Classical music plays in the lesson (but not only)

Don't expect any "tyts-tyts-tyts" - not in this room. But the soundtracks for the films also go with a bang. For example, I recognized the main melody from the 1968 film “Romeo and Juliet”, and once I even cheerfully swung my leg to the soundtrack of the third part of “The Lord of the Rings” (put it on again!).

It is the music that sets the mood that some small miracle is about to happen. And you will be both part of it and the center.

You can feel graceful and graceful. You want a ballerina, you want a fairy, a squirrel, a dragonfly. But light and beautiful. Here it is, the very hook that everyone falls for and comes again!

They don't dance on body ballet

And after a while, it starts to get frustrating. Because the movements cease to be constrained and clumsy, and the body asks for a dance. However, sometimes Dasha gives us concessions, and if the general level of the group allows us, then we "dance" short cords. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Ballet habits will firmly enter life

Keeping your head and turning your shoulders, slightly pulling the toe in motion, walking smoothly ... It seems that this is the most valuable thing that will happen to you. For example, I began to sit upright much more often, and while standing in a subway car, I constantly unfold my socks. Mechanically.


Body ballet increases endurance, trains balance and improves stretching. And at the same time it strengthens the whole body. Stand on your leg, pull it up. And don't forget about the hands-head-ass. If you're not tired yet, stand on your toes. And repeat everything on the other leg 🙂

I asked Dasha about who and why attends classes

- Why do they go to body ballet at all?

- For many, ballet is a childhood dream. Especially those who went to a choreographic studio, but for some reason quit. Our classes are an opportunity to feel like a ballerina, to remember how it was.

Body ballet shapes a beautiful figure - a great alternative to boring fitness. It helps to straighten posture, strengthen muscles, make joints mobile, develop coordination and even musicality. Plus, it's a great way to lift your spirits, set aside negative thoughts, and immerse yourself in classical music.

- Will I have the famous ballet posture?

- Yes. Most girls come just for posture. Ballet exercises lengthen the spine and strengthen the back muscles because all movements are performed with a straight back, lowered shoulders and a long neck. So body ballet is the best choice if you are used to crocheting at the computer.

- Do you need to combine body ballet with stretching?

- With a stretch - yes. We have it in class, but it would be useful to add it separately. It lengthens the muscles and increases the range of motion.

- If a girl already has good physical fitness, won't she be bored or too easy?

- No, it's never boring and easy! On body ballet, those muscle groups work that are not involved in classical fitness, because the classes are based on eversion - the position of the legs when they are deployed from the hip. In addition, I give a lot of different exercises that are as close to ballet as possible (sometimes small dance ligaments). And this art can be comprehended for years and always find something interesting.

These days, children increasingly want to be top managers, millionaires, or programmers. In the days when "the trees were big", to the question "What do you want to become when you grow up?" most of the boys answered "Cosmonaut", and girls - "Ballerina". From the eighteenth century. the whole world admires the beauty and grace of white "swans", airy "sylphs" and weightless "sleeping beauties". Despite the fact that in most cities and now there are children's studios of classical choreography and dance circles of the peoples of the world, few of the dreamers managed to be a dancer even at an amateur level. Adults, on the other hand, were usually asked to get carried away with chess, football or knitting, and forget about classical dance and the dream of becoming a ballerina.

But times have changed - and ballet has ceased to be a closed caste of the elite. Teachers and trainers of various disciplines appreciated the benefits of ballet classes for adults and rushed to borrow the best for the benefit of mere mortals. This is how the direction of body ballet or ballet for adults appeared.

You can always recognize a ballerina even in ordinary clothes: regal posture, graceful flexible body, chiseled legs, eye-catching gait, soulful gaze ... Regardless of the origin, the ballerina looks like a true aristocrat. Body ballet allows you to acquire the qualities that distinguish a ballerina and, at the same time, without harm to health. On the contrary, ballet classes for adults bring many-sided benefits to their admirers. After all, classical dance classes have a beneficial effect on muscle flexibility and joint mobility, blood circulation, improve coordination of movements, help to achieve an ideal silhouette and beauty of lines. With the correct performance of ballet steps, the load on the bearing arch of the foot helps to cope with flat feet, "lifting" and eversion (mobility of the ankle and hip joint) increase.

The ballet program for adults is designed in such a way that the immersion in the atmosphere of classical dance occurs gradually. The movements of classical ballet training in body ballet are adapted for beginners with any physical data and are complemented by movements from yoga, Pilates, stretching. Whether it is at the barre, in the stalls (on the floor), but you have to sweat in any case - in terms of physical activity and an increase in endurance, body ballet is not inferior to powerful strength training. But it is unlikely that multiple approaches to the simulators will be able to give you not only a toned body, relief muscles and, possibly, self-confidence, but also flexibility, sensuality, grace, which can be found in abundance in body ballet.

The atmosphere of body ballet has a beneficial effect on the way of thinking, mood, mentality of its adherents, as its exercises - on the body. Ballet classes for adults are accompanied by calm, most often, classical music. The positive influence of classical music on a person has been repeatedly proven at a serious scientific level. In a body ballet lesson, she will set you up for proper breathing, a serious approach to training, distract from external troubles, help you to be collected and calm. Even if you have never been an admirer of the classics, the mood for a sublime intellectual wave will unobtrusively color your view of the world in bright colors. Moreover, during the ballet classes for adults, you will learn many words from French and will be able to speak the same language with professional ballerinas.

If you decide to go in for body ballet, rushing to the store for pointe shoes and a tutu is not at all necessary - training clothes in silhouette and soft shoes without a heel - dance ballet flats - are more suitable. Here, the requirements for those who go in for ballet and body ballet are similar: clothes should not conceal movements, mask inaccuracies. For those who dreamed of a ballet leotard or leotards, we say "Yes" - now many specialized stores offer a beautiful professional dance uniform for beginners in adult ballet. For those who decided to achieve quick results in ballet stretching with the help of body ballet classes, insulated overalls can be recommended: with their help, the muscles will stay warmed up longer and stretch better.

Body ballet does not promise to turn an adult beginner into a professional dancer. But when, in ballet classes for adults, you master the basic movements of classical choreography and learn how to perform albeit simple ballet steps with ease and grace, be ready to proudly wear the coveted title of Ballerina and accept admiration with aristocratic favor.




RUB 600
RUB 200

1 200 rub.
RUB 300

RUB 1,800
RUB 400


RUB 600


hour a week
4-5 hours per month
RUB 2,000
RUB 1,900
438 rub / hour

hours a week
8-10 hours per month
RUB 4,000
RUB 3,200
369 rub / hour

Reading time: 13 min

Body ballet is a fitness trend based on exercises from classical choreography, ballet, yoga and Pilates and adapted for a wide range of people. With the help of ballet training, you will make your body slim, develop flexibility, improve posture, gain flexibility and grace.

At all times, ballet and classical dances have been very popular. Many girls have dreamed of being ballerinas and performing on the big stage from early childhood. And today there is a great opportunity to become one step closer to the world of dance art. Body ballet has recently become a popular sporting trend, although its first appearance in fitness clubs dates back to the mid-90s.

Useful information about body ballet

Body ballet and ballet are two big differences. Body ballet is based on lightweight exercises from ballet and classical choreography, complemented by techniques from Pilates and yoga. This is an adapted fitness option that is suitable for most exercisers. The "ballet figure" is rarely given by nature, it needs to be worked on diligently and carefully. It is the classical choreography that improves posture and makes the forms more feminine and soft.

Body ballet training is based on various movements from classical choreography, such as pas, demi-plie, grand-plie, releve, batman. However, do not be afraid, the exercises are adapted as much as possible, so they will not cause difficulties even for people far from ballet. The proposed system of movements contributes to the development of the ability to control one's own body, while the body itself becomes beautiful, graceful and plastic.

Of course, every body ballet trainer builds classes at his own discretion. But, as a rule, a standard workout includes the following segments:

  • Warm-up, joint gymnastics
  • Exercises at the gymnastic bar
  • Standing exercises without support
  • Pilates floor exercises
  • Stretching, stretching

Such a set of exercises will tighten the muscles of your body, improve physical fitness, and make your figure slim and fit. But body ballet is useful not only for weight loss. Competent positioning of the legs, eversion of the hips, graceful posture, beautiful hand position, development of plastic skills, flexibility of the spine - all this you will get as a result of regular ballet training.

10 benefits of body ballet

What are the advantages of body ballet and why has this direction in fitness gained widespread recognition?

  1. Ballet-based exercises target the leg muscles, making them lean and graceful. They are especially effective in working on breeches and ears on the hips. Even imperfect legs acquire a chiseled silhouette as a result of ballet exercises.
  2. Ballet exercises are no less useful for strengthening the body and arms. During classes, you actively engage your arms and corset muscles, thereby tightening your abdomen and improving the shape of your arms and shoulders.
  3. During body ballet, you will pull on the toe, thereby forcing the muscles to lengthen along rather than across. The leg muscles will not expand in width, so you don't have to worry about swinging your hips like an athlete.
  4. Exercises from body ballet improve, straighten the spine, as well as develop the instep of the foot and get rid of flat feet.
  5. You will learn to control your own body, make it beautiful and mobile, and also work on gracefulness and flexibility of movements.
  6. Such ballet programs develop general physical fitness. If you think that bodyweight exercises are not worth your attention, then you are mistaken. Performing various plie and batman will make muscles burn even in experienced practitioners.
  7. Body ballet will help you improve stretching and develop elasticity in muscles, joints and ligaments. You will also work on opening the hip joints, which is especially useful in preventing diseases of the genitourinary system.
  8. Systematic body ballet exercises develop coordination and a sense of balance.
  9. Low-impact ballet load does not have a negative and traumatic effect on muscles, ligaments and joints.
  10. Body ballet stimulates the work of internal organs, activates blood circulation, develops and strengthens joints, rejuvenates the body.

Body ballet training

Body ballet can be practiced at any age without restrictions. Moreover, this type of fitness is suitable even for unprepared people who are far from sports, dancing, and even more so ballet. Body ballet training takes place in a gentle mode for the joints, so it is especially suitable for those who avoid intense shock loads.

There are no special contraindications for body ballet training. But classes are not recommended for people with heart failure, severe varicose veins, exacerbation of joint diseases.

Body ballet training will appeal to those who:

  • wants to achieve a toned slender body, without pumped muscles;
  • wants to improve stretching, flexibility and joint mobility;
  • who wants to improve their posture;
  • who wants to work on grace and plasticity.
  • who are looking for quality, versatile workouts to improve their physical fitness;
  • does not like or cannot perform high-impact or power loads.

Exercise technique

  1. At first, pay special attention to the technique of performing the exercises, monitor your posture and body. If necessary, it is better to slow down the speed of the exercises by honing the correct technique. In bodysuit ballet, quality is always more important than quantity.
  2. Throughout the workout, your body should be in good shape: the shoulders are down, the neck is straightened, the chest is looking forward, the stomach is tucked up, the buttocks are tense. Try to straighten the body, do not lift your chin up and do not raise your shoulders to your ears. Always stretch the crown of your head up, this will help a beautiful posture.
  3. When exercising with the machine, you do not need to lean on it and lean heavily on it: just touch it lightly to maintain balance. Constant control of your technique will help you maintain your posture, engage all your muscles, and perform the exercises as efficiently as possible.
  4. Body ballet training can take place not only with the weight of your own body, but also with the use of additional equipment: a rubber ball, light dumbbells (usually for the arms and shoulders), fitball, elastic tape. This includes additional muscle groups in the work and allows you to carry out the lesson even more productively.

What to wear for body ballet?

There are no special requirements for clothes for body ballet classes. In order to better control the exercise technique, it will be convenient to choose tight knitted models, for example, leggings and a T-shirt. This will help the trainer see if you are doing the exercises correctly.

In terms of the choice of shoes, there are also no strict requirements. You can practice barefoot or in socks, or you can buy special shoes: pointe shoes, gym shoes or light ballet flats. It is very important that your clothes and shoes are comfortable and comfortable for you.

Is body ballet effective for weight loss?

First of all, body ballet training will help you tone your muscles, get rid of flabbiness, and work on problem areas. If you want to seriously lose weight and shed excess fat, then ballet classes are not the most effective way to achieve this. For weight loss, you can achieve quick results, for example, with HIIT training, and body ballet is more conducive to improving the quality of the body.

In addition, weight loss results are highly dependent on the workout itself. As you can imagine, each trainer offers their own vision of body ballet, so the programs may differ in intensity, complexity and level of fat burning. Therefore, it is still impossible to give unambiguous characteristics in terms of the load from body ballet.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to lose weight in the first place. If you adhere to reasonable dietary restrictions, then you will lose weight, even doing only body ballet. To achieve quick results, it is recommended to do ballet workouts 3-4 times a week from 45 minutes to an hour.

Body ballet for practicing at home

You can also practice body ballet at home. Instead of a machine, use a chair, table, windowsill, or wall bars. You can also purchase a choreographic bar for home use: wall or floor. It is advisable to practice in front of a mirror to control the correctness of the exercises.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise # 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise # 6

5. Body Ballet for perfect legs and buttocks (9 minutes)

6. Body Ballet for beginners (8 minutes)

Your dreams of a ballet figure can come true. Now everyone can practice classical choreography, regardless of age and skill. Regular body ballet practice will help you achieve graceful posture, a slim body, beautiful leg muscles and great stretching.


What girl in childhood did not dream of becoming a ballerina? But, unfortunately, many are frightened by the long grueling years of training, the practically lack of free time and personal life associated with the daily dedication to ballet. In our dance school, any of you, regardless of age and physical data, can feel like a ballerina!

Bodysuit Ballet fundamentally different from classical choreography, although many of his movements were borrowed from the classics. Body Ballet classes combine dance and fitness, which is why it is often referred to as “fitness ballet”. Please note, body ballet is not dancing! This is a fitness direction based on ballet choreography. Both directions are represented in our school!

Branch at Novoslobodskaya. Body ballet. The lesson is led by Victoria Dmitrochenko.

Body Ballet workouts are available to absolutely everyone, regardless of age, weight, dance training, state of the cardiovascular system. This is a great alternative to exhausting strength and aerobic exercise!

Branch at the University. Body ballet + stretching. The lesson is led by Anastasia Golubeva.

BodyBallet lessons include the following elements:

  • parterre gymnastics
  • light jumps
  • exercises at the choreographic machine
  • special ballet stretch

Under the guidance of our experienced teachers, you will master the technique of performing basic ballet steps: batman, plie, adagio, fute, and at the same time effectively tighten your abs, hips, buttocks, lose extra pounds, acquire excellent posture and a flying gait!

At the same time, you will not be exhausted one hundred percent, as is required by classes in strength and aerobic fitness groups. Body Ballet gives a load of medium intensity, so after training our students do not feel wildly tired. In the process of the lesson itself and at its completion, you will feel only joy and aesthetic pleasure.

Stop dreaming about the perfect figure! Start creating it with Body Ballet!


* Use TABS to select a branch!

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Lyudmila Ilyina
BODY BALLET + STRETCHING , sign up - 7 places out of 8 left
Fitness training based on classical choreography and Pilates + stretching. Lyudmila Ilyina
Body ballet + stretching + strength , sign up - 8 places out of 10 left
m.Novoslobodskaya, Tikhvinskaya st., 9A
Load level: medium
13:00 13:00 19:00 19:00





* For citizens of privileged categories (students, pensioners, disabled people) there is a 10% discount on basic subscriptions and one-time lessons.

Clothes and footwear for training body ballet. The main thing is that clothes should not interfere with you to move freely, do stretching exercises - up a T-shirt, a T-shirt or a gymnastic leotard. It is important for the teacher to see how your knees and feet move, so leggings, shorts or bicycles are best down. On your feet - half shoes, ballet shoes, jazz shoes or barefoot.

It is often asked whether it is possible for completely beginners to come to the body ballet? Can! And even necessary! Body ballet classes are suitable for absolutely everyone!

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