The effect of proper fasting on water. How to do water fasting Water fasting 14 days

Fasting is no longer only one of the effective methods of treatment used in medicine, but also fasting is actively supported by supporters of a healthy lifestyle. The world is no longer unaware of the tremendous benefits of fasting. The mechanism of starvation is an amazing process inherent in us by nature. Its essence lies in changing the course of some biochemical reactions in the body under stress conditions. This article will focus on a 14-day water fast.

The mechanism of "autophagy" was discovered by the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Osumi in 2016, which consists in a special transition of the body from receiving energy from the external environment to receiving energy from its own resources. You can starve for a different amount of time. Most often, for the prevention and maintenance of health, it is recommended to fast once a week. This method is widely used by many naturopaths and everyone who looks after their health.

This method can be carried out at home on your own, without the supervision of doctors. However, fasting for 14 days is already a serious method of treatment, which must be under the supervision of medical personnel. Therefore, before you start fasting for a long time, you need to consult with an experienced doctor, as you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to medical fasting.

Usually, in practice, a 14-day fast is used for certain chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, or simply as a powerful means for losing weight. Fasting includes 3 stages: entry, fasting itself, and exit. Keep in mind that getting in and out is just as important as fasting itself.

How to get started right?

To begin with, it should be noted that if you have not practiced fasting for at least 36 hours, then you should not immediately start a 2-week fast. It is necessary to prepare the body for this serious test and first try a 36-hour fast on water. After a week, you can start fasting for 2-3 days. After another couple of weeks, you can fast for a week, and only then start a 2-week fasting practice.

Entering fasting should begin first of all with the thought that you are planning not to eat food for 2 weeks. So you, having prepared yourself mentally, can significantly reduce stress and give yourself the installation to do everything possible to bring the matter to the end.

Choose an entry day and start preparing. 3 days before the start, you need to exclude from your usual diet all types of meat, fatty, smoked, sweet, flour, even if you are not vegetarians. Replace them with delicious and healthy fruits and vegetables, drink tea, coffee and juices. This will fill your body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Consume plenty of clean, mineral water. About 1.5-2.5 liters per day. According to yogis, most of the habits, beliefs and our attitudes are recorded in our liquid and the consumption of water during hunger contributes not only to the purification of the physical component, but also the spiritual, replacing old water with new one.

Put an enema on the day before going into fasting, since intestinal motility is active only when eating food. Enema will help to remove waste products and cleanse the intestines.

Fasting usually starts after dinner, which means that after 6:00 pm you don't consume anything. The first 1-3 days are most difficult to hold out, as hunger will be very noticeable, but you must remember that you are doing this for the health and beauty of your body. A leaflet where you write motivational messages to yourself and hang on the fridge, in case you suddenly want to look into it, can help very well.

The actual fasting process and its benefits. So, the fasting process itself is pretty simple. You don't consume anything other than water. The body lives off its own resources and switches to an endogenous type of nutrition. Due to this, fat is burned, old, dead and non-viable cells are removed. There is a complete cleansing of the body, all the cells of your organs are cleansed. All slags and toxins are removed.

Get out of hunger you need as much as the actual fasting process lasted. In our case, we will go out for 2 weeks. On the last day of fasting (usually it ends in the morning), you consume freshly squeezed juices, various purees (always liquid), teas, soups.

After 2-3 days, you can start eating porridge, cereals, bread, dried fruits, fruits, vegetables. In no case do not eat anything fatty, smoked, fried. Meat should not be eaten for 2 weeks, and after this period, steamed meat is allowed. Also avoid foods such as salt, sugar, mushrooms and animal fats. It is best to limit your protein intake to avoid stress on your kidneys. Eat small meals 2-3 times a day at first and gradually increase to 5-6 small meals.

14 day fasting for weight loss

This method is, indeed, very effective and before you start, be sure to carefully read the rules and recommendations above, in order to avoid health problems. Below are the reviews of people who were hungry for 14 days.

Many people ask the question: "How much can you lose kg after fasting on the water for 14 days?" There is no definite answer. After all, a lot depends on your physiological characteristics. The more the initial body weight, the more you can lose.

With a lot of excess weight, many manage to lose about 8-12 kg.

Fasting on is an alternative medicine method that is perceived by many as a diet. Hunger is often used not for medicinal purposes, but for weight loss. Developed several on the water, differing in duration and procedures. For weight loss, without the goal of treatment, it is better to choose fasting that lasts a week - this is a good experience and preparation for longer periods.

How long can you starve on water, is it good or bad for your health? We learn from the article.

Avoiding food for 7 days helps. After a cyclical repetition of the daily hunger on the water, a person must move on to observing a seven-day refusal to eat. One-day fasting is easy to endure, although it helps to lose weight, it does not sufficiently cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Excluding food for a week from your usual daily routine will help you lose weight and put in order the internal processes in the body.

By Paul Bragg

The system of refusal of food is on the water - 7 days. In this case, the liquid can be mineral or distilled.

4 Bragg Hunger Rules:

  • During fasting, the use of juices, broths and other liquids other than water is not allowed;
  • harmful;
  • Nature is the best place for a hunger strike. It is recommended to adhere to the method in solitude, observing an active lifestyle.
  • It is important to do the right ending of hunger.

The scheme followed by Bragg:

  • Fasting for one day - every 7 days;
  • Seven-day water fast - once a quarter;
  • Fasting for 21 days - annually.

As long as a person observes a 7-day fast, he is allowed to consume distilled water with additives. It is allowed to mix 5 grams of natural raw honey and 10 ml of lemon juice. The drink will help remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Fasting lasts 7 days, in some cases - 10 days or 3 weeks, the signal for completion is the appearance of appetite and the disappearance of bad breath.

Fasting for one day has its benefits, it will not help to cleanse the body qualitatively, but it will contribute to the restoration of the stomach.

There are results from the Paul Bragg method, especially for people who want to lose weight. There were reviews with photos about how people did it. To get out of hunger so as to consolidate the results of losing weight, you can use the method of Paul Bragg. After a seven-day fast on water, both the stomach and intestines decrease in size, so you need to return to your daily diet gradually.

In the afternoon snack of the last day of famine follows. To do this, take 4 tomatoes, cut and pour boiling water over them, so that the water covers the tomatoes. There are no restrictions on the amount eaten, but it is better to chew thoroughly.

Make a vegetable salad for breakfast the next day. To do this, take a medium head of cabbage, carrots, grate and season with citrus juice. The dish acts as a "brush", it is also favorable for losing weight and cleansing the body. Then you can eat thermally processed greens or 2 croutons. For lunch, cook carrots with celery and a couple of boiled vegetables. On this day, you will have to skip the evening meal.

On the 2nd day after hunger, make tomorrow from fresh fruit with a small addition of honey. Spend lunch in the same way as the day before. Dinner is allowed, but until 6 pm. It is advisable to eat lettuce in lemon juice as a meal.

Getting out of a hunger that lasted 10 days is similar.

  • We advise you to read:

By Marve Ohanyan

Marva Ohanyan is an experienced therapist. The woman has developed her own healing fasting system, which has distinctive features. The method is suitable for losing weight at home without medical supervision.

Refusal of food, according to Ohanyan, should last up to 14 days and be accompanied by cleansing procedures, however, to lose weight, it is enough to starve for a week. Fasting for one day according to the technique will not give tangible results.

Preparation for hunger is accompanied by the intake of laxative drugs: and decoction of hay. Magnesia is a saline laxative, hay is herbal. You need to drink both drugs that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract the day before the onset of hunger.

Prepare a heating pad with water before taking a laxative. You will need it to cleanse your liver. Immediately after using the laxatives, lie on your right side and apply a heating pad to the liver. You will have to lie in this position for 60 minutes, without a pillow, moving as little as possible. You can move to drink a decoction of hay. Until the evening (8-9 hours), you need to consume a liter of infusion.

The biological clock is of great importance: the human biorhythm must coincide with the solar cycle - to wake up at sunrise, fall asleep until 9-10 pm. However, if you use hunger only for weight loss, this rule can be ignored.

The scheme of the water fasting itself is clear: changes affect only the human condition, the regime remains the same.

Cleansing the body occurs by taking a decoction of herbs, and not mineral or distilled water. Partial fasting, it is allowed to add honey and lemon juice to the infusion. Decoctions are made from various mixtures: mint, plantain, thyme, nettle, valerian, etc.

Daily regime:

  • Cleansing enema in the morning;
  • Taking 250 ml of broth every hour;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Rubbing massage;
  • Non-burdensome activity;
  • Sleep from 9 pm until sunrise.

After the end of the hunger for another 4 days, it is allowed to eat only fruits and vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes. Be sure to continue taking the herbal decoction.

The exit is scheduled by the hour, again, in connection with the human biorhythm. Food intake is carried out in 3 approaches - at 10, 14 and 18 hours.

Products are introduced into the daily menu gradually; on the 5th day of release, you can add vegetable salads seasoned with citrus juice. For 6 - vegetables and fruits can be cooked, thermally processed. Butter, sour cream and fatty foods are allowed to be added to the diet only 15 days after hunger. Porridge - even later, after 40-60 days. Animal protein is added at will, but not before cereals, nuts, and legumes.

Coming out of hunger is sometimes more difficult than sticking to food refusal itself, but the results are worth it. After completing the course, the body will recover, the reviews speak of the benefits of the method for losing weight.

3 weeks fasting

According to Nikolaev

This is a 21 day water fast. According to the author of the methodology, preparation for hunger is divided into 2 stages: psychological and physiological.

Psychological stage: you need to convince yourself that fasting is a natural process that will not harm the body, but will help cleanse it.

Fasting on the water, lasting three weeks, is not an easy test for the psycho-emotional state of a person, it is difficult to get rid of clichés and clichés, to accept refusal of food. When there are no problems with this stage, you can proceed to preparing the body.

Physiological stage: taking a laxative. A significant dose of bitter salt is injected into the body, after which meals and medications are stopped.

The morning of the first day includes hygiene procedures and a laxative enema. After the cleansing enema, there are other procedures: water and pressure massage. After the massage is done and the bath is taken, you can proceed to "breakfast". You need to take an infusion (decoction) of wild rose.

All these actions are repeated daily, in general, on a day you need:

  • Give an enema;
  • To take a shower;
  • Get a massage;
  • Drink rosehip broth;
  • Relax;
  • Take a walk in the fresh air, doing breathing exercises;
  • Drink rosehip broth;
  • Undergo physiotherapy (in fasting for weight loss, this item is absent);
  • Do what you love;
  • Do not forget to drink the broth before bedtime;
  • Take a bath, clean your mouth.

For three weeks, while hunger lasts, you need to exclude heavy mental and physical work. Despite the fact that the body will be full of energy, give preference to light activities - reading, drawing, etc.

The experience of fasting will accumulate over time, while it is not there - it is better to observe the technique under supervision.

The room in which the person sleeps must be ventilated. Ideally, a new supply of oxygen is constantly introduced into the room. At the same time, a starving person may chill, so sleep well dressed or wrapped up. At the end of hunger, when there are no resources and energy left for heating the body, people sleep with heating pads.

A person who has gone through proper fasting is full of energy and active, able to cope with light physical activity. The only negative effect is that, in contrast to a non-starving person, an increased sensitivity to cold appears.

Appetite dulls or disappears altogether after the first 3 days of fasting, reflexes associated with food intake disappear. A person ceases to react to smell, is indifferent to the ringing of dishes. Thoughts about food bother you throughout the fast, so the daily routine should be scheduled by the hour.

One-day fasting according to the method will also bring results.

  1. On the first day, it is allowed to take grape and apple juice, but not pure, but diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. On the second day, it is allowed not to dilute. Days 4 and 5 are followed by fruit or vegetable puree. Porridge is introduced after a week of getting out of hunger. At the same time, cereals must be thoroughly boiled in water. Drink the juice in small sips, hold it in your mouth, do not swallow it right away.
  2. From 10 to 30 days of release, the diet becomes more varied. But the diet excludes products of animal origin: meat, fish, eggs. Nuts and seeds are best avoided or limited. The diet is also based on plant foods with a high content.
  3. Nothing bad will happen if fresh vegetables and fruits are replaced with canned or dried ones.
  4. It is permissible to use any fermented milk products, but preference is given to low-fat kefir.

Animal proteins are allowed to be introduced into the diet from day 40, but in small quantities and carefully, gradually increasing the intake.

According to Suvorin

Accompanied by physical training, cleansing procedures alone are not enough. Fasting is preceded by 3 preparatory days. In the first two, people exclude animal protein from food (meat, fish,). Preference should be given to products of dairy or vegetable origin. 3 preparatory days are characterized by taking a laxative instead of dinner.

6 rules of the Suvorin method:

  • Eliminate food;
  • Drink distilled water - up to 2 liters per day, exclude other liquid;
  • Cleanse the gastrointestinal tract daily, like other hygiene procedures;
  • Get rid of your medications;
  • Consult with your supervisor, because hunger on the water is primarily a healing method. If not, then control it yourself. Summarize the results at intervals of 3-4 days, make sure you follow Suvorin's method correctly.
  • Do not be afraid!

The duration of the hunger is determined by the healer himself. Curative food exclusion lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes the period is brought up to 9. For a complete cleansing of the body and weight loss, it will take from 1 week to 14 days.

The laxative taken at the dinner of the third preparatory day acts on the intestines in the morning or at night. After that, a two-liter enema is given from drinking water, without impurities. The temperature of the liquid is close to that of the human body. Cleansing is recommended using the Shchadilov technique.

The daily regimen, subject to the Suvorin method, includes:

  • Cleaning procedures;
  • Massage, rubbing;
  • Drinking fluids throughout the day;
  • Walking;
  • Morning exercises.

After a course of cleansing, you will feel appetite. The duration of the release is from 1 week to 14 days. Getting out of fasting correctly is important, it helps to prevent the return of large weight, loss of body cleansing or organ dystrophy.

The author of the method recommends not to stop cleansing procedures and enemas until 4 days of recovery when coming out of fasting. Laxatives should be excluded, but before each meal, you need to use a decoction of wormwood. It is recommended to take warm baths and do rubbing, all this will help prevent intestinal stagnation.

Clear your mouth of bitter saliva before eating for the first time. A piece of black bread and, which need to be thoroughly worn out and spit out along with saliva and bloom, will help you with this. Do not swallow under any circumstances.

  • 1, 2 days - carbohydrate;
  • 3, 4 - protein-carbohydrate. Protein in the body can come from both vegetable and dairy products;
  • Subsequent days - vegetable fats, proteins (as above), carbohydrates;
  • From the 10th day, meat and fish can be added to the diet.

According to Stoleshnikov

Fasting according to the Stoleshnikov method lasts 3-4 weeks, sometimes up to 40 days, the time for losing weight is reduced. Day 21 is the time for a complete cleansing of the body, one hundred percent removal of toxins and toxins.

For people who are unable to give up food for 3 weeks, Stoleshnikov offers the following option.

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14 day fasting is becoming one of the most lively topics on the weight loss and healthy lifestyle forums. Many consider this method to be correct and effective in the fight against excess weight and use this technique when conventional diets no longer help.

It is best to start with 1 day of fasting at first, eventually increasing the fast to 14 days. Pay attention to how your well-being changes as the fasting period increases. During the period of refusal to eat, chronic diseases can worsen. This problem is most often faced by people who have not previously cleansed the body or, during breaks, adhered to the usual eating pattern.

The correct course of the cleansing process is characterized by an improvement in mood and well-being, sharpening of attention, smell, tactile perception, a feeling of lightness and comfort. Fasting for 14 days should be carried out taking into account the individual constitution and age, biological rhythms.

So overweight people can feel a surge of energy and strength during cleansing. This is due to the elimination of excess fluid from the body. For those suffering from obesity, it is recommended to additionally visit a dry steam room. It is advisable for thin people to take hot baths several times a day, drink more hot water, otherwise the cleansing process will slow down, and weakness may appear. For people with a normal physique, a visit to a wet steam room is useful to enhance the effect.

Fasting for 14 days should proceed in a calm environment. Try to get more rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Unhurried walks in the fresh air, a short stay in the sun are useful. During the period of cleansing from toxins, the body can be weakened. Don't worry, this is a natural state. The main thing is to keep your state of health under control! During fasting, you can exercise if you feel a surge of strength and vivacity. If you feel even the slightest sickness or weakness, give up any stress.

Exit from fasting for 14 days

Exit from fasting for 14 days is equally important. A sharp change in the diet can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The main task is to establish the correct functioning of the digestive tract. Mistakes on the way out of fasting can be hazardous to your health!

In the early days, it is preferable to eat plant foods. This will allow in the process of restoring the body to continue the independent synthesis of protein, which is more useful than that obtained from food.

The correct way out of fasting will help to fix the obtained result, to give the body a mindset for further cleansing.

It is important to exclude from the diet in the next 3 months:

  • Salt,
  • Sugar, with the exception of natural sweets (honey, dates, raisins, figs),
  • Animal fats,
  • Mushrooms,

Limit protein foods (can disrupt kidney function). The safest way out of a 14-day fast is a juice diet. On the first day, drink vegetable or fruit juice diluted with water (1: 1), gradually increasing the concentration every two hours. After 2-3 days, include low-fat vegetable soups, salads, and fruits in your diet. Later, you can include kefir and porridge in the menu. It is better to temporarily abandon animal proteins, preferring legumes, seeds, nuts.

Don't be discouraged if you notice an increase in body weight after fasting. It does this by reducing adipose tissue and increasing muscle mass, which is more dense and weighs heavier than fat.

Read also:

  • How to carry out curative fasting?
  • 40-day water fast
  • What are the results of fasting?

Fasting for 14 days is not an easy test for the body. To withstand it, improve health and improve well-being, you must strictly adhere to the rules. Pay special attention to the first days of cleansing and coming out of it. Competent fasting will allow you to lose extra pounds, feel lightness and a surge of energy!

Many women believe that fasting for 14 days is beneficial for the body, nutritionists argue with this statement, but this diet shows very attractive results. If in one week without food a girl can eliminate more than five kilograms, then in two weeks more than ten kilograms of excess weight are eliminated.

It is very important before starting proper nutrition, to undergo some preparation, and it is also necessary to get out of the hunger strike correctly, if you start eating familiar foods right away, then weight gain is activated quickly.

The main rules for losing weight on the water Here we will tell you more about fasting on water for 14 days, reviews, results, before and after photos will also be considered here, because women should know what awaits them in the next two weeks of abstinence from food. It is very important to prepare for a hunger strike morally, since breakdowns occur precisely for the very reason that not all ladies are mentally prepared not to eat at all for such a long time.

It is very difficult, after daily consumption of food, to completely stop eating and drink exceptionally pure water, moral and physical preparation for the diet will help to ensure the correct entry, the well-being of the lady throughout the diet will depend on it.

If a girl does not know how to starve properly, it is worth starting with a strict diet, for a start, the body is prepared using simpler methods, all heavy, fatty and fried foods are eliminated from the menu, this must be done a couple of weeks before the start of the hunger strike. It is also worth significantly limiting the consumption of sweet treats and baked goods. But the menu must add as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible, while you can use all types of fruits, including tropical ones.

Not many can withstand even seven days without food, and a 14-day fast will generally be very difficult for every lady who has not tried this type of diet, it is for this reason that doctors recommend not to expose the body to such stress, it is better to start a hunger strike from one day, and then gradually increase the number of days to the required rate. After a woman withstands a day without food on the water, in a week she can add a couple more days to the diet, then it is allowed to increase the diet to one week, if desired, then they immediately switch to 2 weeks of hunger strike, but if the diet is still difficult to give, you can fast before this for ten days.

There is another very important rule, it is necessary to strictly observe the exit from the hunger strike, while such an exit lasts at least fourteen days, and it is even better to withstand about three weeks on a light diet. Such a way out will help the body to gradually recover and get used to food, and also the girl will not gain those kilograms that she lost during fasting. Since two weeks without food is a rather long period, it is worthwhile to expose your body to physical and emotional stress as little as possible, since weakness will certainly be felt in the body, dizziness and slight nausea may occur.

It is useful to spend more time in the fresh air while abstaining from food, ordinary walks in the park in the evening are suitable, it is advisable to take an accompanying person with you. During the period of complete abstinence from food, a woman should be under constant supervision by a doctor or a loved one, not everyone can tolerate such a long diet easily, severe dizziness, headaches can occur, sometimes women lose consciousness, in the latter case, the diet must be stopped immediately.

Such a hunger strike will have a beneficial effect on the body, while the woman will not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse all her organs of toxins and toxins. In extreme mode, at first the brain will send signals of hunger, this lasts from three to five days, but then the feeling of hunger passes, as the body begins to use its own resources for survival and full-fledged work. Before starting a hunger strike, doctors recommend carrying out intestinal cleansing procedures, for this, in the evening, before starting abstinence from food, an enema must be given.

The essence of fasting to cleanse the body is that a starving person has the opportunity to drink only two and a half liters of purified water per day, while any food is strictly prohibited, if desired, it is allowed to drink mineral water in which there is no gas. Many women say that during a hunger strike they feel a very strong breakdown and dizziness, in this case it is allowed to dilute a spoonful of honey in a glass of water, while the water should be warm.

They drink such a drink and go to rest a little, usually the symptoms quickly pass, but if this does not happen, it is necessary to urgently stop the diet. The drink will not harm the diet, but it will help the body adapt to the new work routine.

How to enter fasting correctly? Since the hunger strike will last for two whole weeks, it is necessary to prepare the body for this in advance, for this it is important to follow a diet before starting abstinence from food. To begin with, five days before the diet, a woman must eliminate fried, fatty, smoked and salty foods from the diet, replacing them with boiled and baked light ingredients. Chicken fillet, turkey meat is suitable, veal and rabbit are also used, meat is served with a garnish of vegetables and fresh salads. Also, the diet contains all types of fruits and a lot of fresh herbs; it is useful to add fermented milk drinks to the menu.

Three days before the diet, you will have to remove all animal products from the menu, only vegetables and fruits, herbs, and a small amount of vegetable oil remain. The day before the start of the diet, it is worth excluding all products from your diet, while it is allowed to drink fresh juices from vegetables and fruits, it is best to dilute them with water in half so as not to harm the stomach. In the evening, before the start of the hunger strike, they do a cleansing enema, and in the morning, strict fasting on water begins.

How to get out of a hunger strike correctly? Getting out of fasting is of great importance for the body, often women write negative reviews about this method of losing weight for the reason that the weight returns almost instantly. But usually the whole point is that the lady begins to eat the usual foods, not following the diet after coming out of complete starvation.

In no case should you start eating fatty and junk food immediately after cleansing the body, the stomach and intestines will simply not be ready for such a process, for this reason nausea and vomiting may occur. Nutritionists recommend starting out with light juices, which are diluted with water, they drink fresh juices for at least two days, and only after that they add other products to the diet and do it gradually.

If it's hard to drink only juices, you can add herbal decoctions, various types of compotes and berry fruit drinks to them. After that, vegetables are added to the menu, which are steamed, on the first day they are ground in mashed potatoes, and then you can eat them whole. For five days, you need to eat only boiled and baked vegetables, various types of light cereals in the water, and you are also allowed to eat a piece of boiled fish, but salt and spices are not used. Gradually, they begin to introduce boiled light meat, they switch to their usual diet at least after a couple of weeks of such a diet.

At the same time, while observing the most effective diet for the exit, it is also necessary to observe the regimen of ingestion of water inside, the woman's well-being will depend on this. Water should enter the body in the amount of one and a half liters, this will be quite enough, while juices and fruit drinks are not included in the amount of purified water drunk.

Usually, the result from the diet is very attractive, a girl can lose ten to fifteen kilograms of excess weight, but it is worth consulting with a therapist and nutritionist before starting the process of abstinence from food. It is worth remembering that starvation is strictly contraindicated in some types of disease.

Reviews on the method of losing weightAlena, 22 years old, Tomsk Initially, I wanted not only to lose weight, but to cleanse my body of all toxins and toxins that had accumulated in it, but besides that, I really wanted to remove those extra pounds. It was enough for me to lose only six extra pounds to restore the slimness of the figure. I went into fasting according to all the rules, because I knew that the body needs time to prepare, the first day of abstinence from food was quite simple, I almost did not want to eat, but I constantly drank water. On the second day, the feeling of hunger came in the morning, after drinking a glass of water, the sensation dulled a little, but by the evening the hunger seemed intolerable. This continued until the fifth day of the diet, by the evening the feeling of hunger subsided, while nausea and dizziness appeared, but I was ready for this, since I knew about the cleansing of all organ systems.

I was able to withstand the diet for all two weeks, the second week was especially difficult to keep, since the brain refused to work fully, my head was spinning and nausea arose. When the condition was unbearable, I brought warm water with a spoonful of honey and drank, usually at night. In two weeks I was able to remove all my extra pounds, while the body felt lightness, and the water acquired a completely different taste. I strictly observed the way out of the diet, at first I switched to diluted juices, fruit drinks and decoctions from herbs, then I introduced some grated vegetables into the menu, and a week later I began to add boiled and steamed meat to the diet. To maintain such a diet for two weeks turned out to be a rather difficult task, I coped with it, and now my weight is kept at a normal level. I can advise girls to try this method of losing weight on themselves, but it is better to first prepare the body for this.

Karina, 34 years old, Moscow I was at the reception of a variety of specialists who prescribed all kinds of diets, but nothing helped me to remove extra pounds, with an increase of 163 centimeters, my weight reached one hundred kilograms. I once learned about this diet from a good friend, but she could not hold out on a hunger strike for more than five days. For myself, I decided that I would endure all fourteen days, no matter how difficult it was to do it. At that time, I did not know if there was a need to prepare for a diet, so I just went into fasting. It was incredibly difficult to endure two weeks without food, but it worked out for me.

For a couple of weeks of hunger strike, fifteen extra pounds took off, I began to feel much better, it became easier to walk, shortness of breath disappeared, but things were definitely very small. Dizziness and weakness arose during the diet, but they quickly disappeared after rest. I will continue to adhere to this diet, but now I will starve not for fourteen, but for five days, in order to gradually reduce the weight to normal. Unfortunately, in order to hold out for such a long period, it is necessary to enlist a lot of support, it is advisable to starve with someone, this will become an incentive to continue. I am very pleased with the result, so I can advise other girls to use the diet on themselves.

Mikhail, 37 years old, Novokuznetsk My extra weight just interfered with my life, although I am quite tall, but the weight began to cross the 120 kilogram mark, it was difficult to climb the stairs, and my health began to deteriorate. For this reason, I decided on a strict diet in order to eliminate extra pounds and get rid of health problems, my wife supported me in this. The water hunger strike bribed me with the fact that in addition to weight loss, I can still get the whole body cleansed of harmful substances. I started to starve gradually, at first I went on a diet for one day, it seemed quite simple, then I was able to withstand five days without food at once, it turned out to be harder. Thus, in three months I lost twenty kilograms on temporary diets, after which I proceeded to a longer fasting, which lasted two weeks.

In a couple of weeks, I have eliminated another fifteen kilograms, my weight is currently normal, since I still switched to a more proper diet, excluding all soda, fast foods and fatty foods. I do not recommend starting fasting abruptly, as this can lead to negative health consequences, during the diet I often felt drowsiness, weakness and dizziness, but it was only a slight indisposition, the first hunger strike in five days was the most difficult for me.

Margarita, 26 years old, Moscow I don't have much excess weight, but still I really wanted to get rid of it faster, my friend suggested that I try the method of cleansing and losing weight with water. I read a lot of information about this method of losing weight, I started unloading one day for two weeks, then increased the diet time to a week, and after a month I decided to fast for fourteen days. Unfortunately, I cannot say that this method worked for me, because during strict abstinence from food I felt dizzy, had bouts of nausea, and on the tenth day of the diet I lost my creation.

As a result, I lost five extra pounds, but at the same time I cannot say that the hunger strike had a positive effect on my health, my hair began to fall out and faded, although the skin cleared up, it acquired a gray tint. I tried to walk a lot, but this did not improve my health in any way, my head ached constantly, and by the eighth day I could not even be present at work, as I was weak and wanted to sleep. I cannot recommend such a diet to girls, as it did me more harm than good!

Oksana, 20 years old, Voronezh I tried this method of losing weight on myself almost a year ago, not so long ago I decided to repeat the diet, since I gained a decent amount of excess weight during my studies. Last time I withstood only seven days of strict abstinence from food, but this time I was determined, especially since there were much more extra pounds. To begin with, I decided to switch to a lighter and healthier diet, replaced fatty meat with more useful ones, cooked rabbit meat and turkey, and also used boiled and baked vegetables. Before the day of the diet, I switched to juices, and also did cleansing enemas, as I knew that without cleansing the intestines, the state of health would deteriorate faster.

The first seven days passed, as expected, rather hard, I was very hungry, especially on weekends, as well as in the morning and evening hours, on the eighth day my head began to spin, but then everything went away. By the ninth day of fasting, I felt wonderful, I often walked and the feeling of hunger did not pursue me. The feeling of hunger returned only by the thirteenth day of the hunger strike, with a headache and mild nausea. During the diet, I lost eight kilograms, which I consider to be an excellent result, then I tried to get out of the diet correctly, but after a week I returned to my usual diet. I can recommend this method of losing weight, but you should count on your strength and learn more about your own health, so as not to bring more harm to the body than good.


Starvation- in this article we will consider the so-called voluntary fasting, performed to cleanse the body, treat diseases, lose weight, etc. Fasting has long been used by people to restore health and cleanse the body of toxins.

For therapeutic purposes, fasting is carried out for a duration of 1 to 40 days. The duration of fasting depends not so much on the goals set, as fasting adherents assure, but on your individual constitution. It is sometimes difficult for people of Vata constitution to endure even one day without food. Therefore, the recommendations will be 24-36 hour fasting once a week or on certain days - Ekadashi, which are most favorable for this. It is recommended for people of Pitta constitution to fast within 3 days, since the feeling of hunger is also difficult for them to endure. For people of the above constitutions and mixed types, the fasting period should not exceed 7 days, at least during the first year of getting used to fasting. Kapha people can fast for a fairly long period of time with minimal discomfort. However, they are also advised to carry out long-term fasting only after preliminary cleansing of the body and preparation by short-term fasting with a duration of 1,3,7,14 days. Only after the normal transfer of such fasting for 1 - 1.5 years, you can proceed to 21 and 40 day fasting.

It is worth noting that, contrary to the popular belief that over time, hunger subsides and the body does not require food - this does not always happen. There are many people whose hunger increases over time and reaches psychosis. And this is also a completely normal reaction of the body.

Types of fasting

  • Complete starvation.
  • Dry fasting.
  • Combined method
  • Fractional method. / According to G.A. Voytovich /
  • Step-by-step fasting before a crisis.
  • Urine fasting. / According to G.P. Malakhov /
  • Urine fasting according to V.A. Erofeev.
  • Mixed fasting. / urine and regular /
  • Fasting according to Nikolaev Yu.S.
  • Fasting according to Bragg.
  • Fasting according to Shelton.
  • Fasting for Suvorin

Fasting has a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect and is a unique way of feeding a person with his own reserves. in this case, toxins and toxins are released from the body.

Slags are usually called metabolic products that accumulate gradually both in individual cells of our body and in tissues. These are mainly the end products of protein metabolism - urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonium salts and other substances that are hardly soluble in water and are retained in the body.

Unhealthy diet, abuse of spicy foods, intoxication with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medicines, and a polluted atmosphere lead to the accumulation of toxins. But the most important factor is unhealthy diet and overeating, that is, the preponderance of energy "consumed" with food over its consumption and excretion of decay products through the lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines.

Nowadays, the inhabitants of large cities in the body accumulate such an amount of unnecessary elements and harmful substances that this suffers from breathing, blood circulation, excretion is disturbed, and more. A "slagged" person gradually and imperceptibly gets used to a state of increased fatigue. Ask him how he feels, he will answer: "Yes, it seems to be normal." He considers his frequent ailments and low energy levels to be normal.

Toxins more often accumulate in the connective tissue. It makes up the skeleton of any organ - it is like a skeleton or a backing of soft tissues. The frame holds, connects (which is why tissue is called connective) specific cells that do a certain job: for example, liver cells produce bile, cells of the salivary glands - saliva, spleen cells - blood, nerve cells transmit impulses. Connective tissue is ubiquitous in the body and is a kind of protective barrier for specific cells. Its role is to absorb toxins that at the moment cannot be processed and isolated, and then, at a convenient moment, give them to the blood and lymph flow.

Wastes can accumulate not only in connective tissue, but also in adipose and bone, in non-working or weakly working muscles, in the intercellular fluid, in the protoplasm of any cell, if the cell is unable to excrete them, either due to lack of energy, or due to too abundant supply, i.e. with excess nutrition.

Therapeutic dosed fasting is the best means of cleansing and healing, when the supply of food from the outside stops and the body switches to internal nutrition due to the accumulated reserves. Moreover, all the extraction systems work extremely efficiently. After all, only through the lungs about 150 different toxins are removed in a gaseous state. With medical fasting, the body gets rid of primarily fats, as well as stagnant water, table salt and calcium salts. Then toxins and slags are thrown out. And only after that it comes to the reserve substances of the cells themselves, in strict dependence on their vital necessity.

The processes of excretion through the kidneys can be visually recorded: the urine becomes very cloudy, precipitation appears in it, it acquires an unpleasant odor (analyzes show that protein, uric and phosphate salts, mucus and bacteria appear in it).

The liver, spleen, pancreas, after cessation of nutrition from the outside, are able to better process toxins, neutralize poisons and more efficiently perform their special functions. Changes in patients during fasting and intestinal microflora. The putrefactive dies, but the culture of fermented milk fermentation is healed and preserved (as in centenarians). As a result, the synthesis of vitamins, amino acids and enzymes by the intestinal microflora improves.

During therapeutic fasting, the human body does not immediately switch to endogenous nutrition. At the beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, “fats are burned in the fire of carbohydrates” (that is, they are split along with carbohydrates) completely. But as soon as the stores of glycogen (a form of carbohydrates) dry up (and this usually happens on the first, second day of fasting), acidic products of incomplete combustion of fat (butyric acids, acetone) begin to accumulate in the blood. Doctors call this phenomenon acidosis - a shift in the composition of the blood towards an acidic environment. Blood is usually alkaline.

Signs of the onset of acidosis - the appearance of headache, nausea, feelings of weakness, general malaise. This condition is the result of the predominance of the build-up of toxic products in the blood over their utilization (elimination). Should a person go out into the fresh air or do breathing exercises at this time, cleanse the intestines with an enema, take a shower - and all these symptoms disappear. In the first course of fasting, acidosis (self-poisoning) may occur for the first 6-8 days, and in the second course for the first 3-5 days. Manifestations of acidosis end in the fact that the body begins to adapt to internal (endogenous) nutrition. This adaptation consists in the fact that the body, placed in difficult conditions, begins to produce sugar from its own fat and protein, and in the presence of this sugar (carbohydrates), the fat is utilized without leaving incomplete combustion products.

Acidosis ceases to grow and manifest itself and a period of uniform internal nutrition sets in (the process of the predominance of the elimination of poisons from the blood over their formation - with the help of the excretory organs).

At this stage, there is an improvement in the quality of the synthesis of biologically active substances in the body (nucleic acids, amino acids, etc.). The main raw material for this synthesis is carbon dioxide CO2 (that is, the atmospheric air we breathe becomes a kind of "nutrient medium"), and additional "raw materials" are ballast proteins that are formed during the life of the body and are only an obstacle to it. The splitting of these ballast proteins, as well as foci of infection, pathological tissue and their transformation into substances necessary for the cells of the body is one of the most important elements of "detoxification" and healing of the body during therapeutic fasting.

Signs of the body's transition to the stage of uniform internal nutrition are: more rare breathing, a decrease in heart rate, normalization of blood pressure (with deviations before starvation), a decrease in weight loss - up to 500 grams daily.

  • Mandatory drinking regime is about 3 liters of clean water (only water!). During each hour of daylight hours - about 1 glass. The water should be clean, at room temperature or warm.
  • Do enemas until clean water appears 1-2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening (1.5-2 hours before bedtime).
  • Take a shower or bath every day as up to 1/3 of toxins are removed through the skin.
  • Regularly cleanse your tongue, tonsils and rinse your mouth with mint, thyme, chamomile, citrus peels, etc. to eliminate bad breath.
  • If possible, walk in the fresh air, do self-massage, stretch marks. You can practice yoga asanas in a calm rhythm, avoiding inverted and power poses.
  • It is advisable to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, not synthetic ones.
  • Contact with food as little as possible.
  • It must be remembered that during fasting, symptoms of disease may worsen, fever, headaches, abdominal cramps, nausea, irritation, weakness may appear - this is a sign of intense cleansing. To harmonize the process, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of hot water (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it) and make an extraordinary enema.
  • Usually fasting is accompanied by a state of cheerfulness, elation and joy, but if, despite the measures taken, pain, irritability, weakness and depression persist, then you should switch from water to fresh juices and get out of fasting.
  • During the recovery from fasting, it is very important not to overeat, chew food thoroughly, do not use medications and medicinal herbs, since during this period the sensitivity to them is increased and the effect is unpredictable.

Timing for fasting:

  • Seven-day fasting at the change of seasons (November, February, May, August). The body maintains an active tendency towards cleansing and self-healing.
  • You can fast: 1 day - once a week, 3 days - once a month, 1 week - once every 4 months.
  • Or 1st, 2nd, 3rd day of each month; one week - every 3 months; 2 weeks - every six months.
  • It is not recommended to fast for 3 days in a row if there has been no fasting for 1 day for 3 weeks.
  • Health-improving fasting is especially effective in spring and autumn, when the type of metabolism changes from protein-fat, typical for winter, to protein-carbohydrate, typical for summer. During these periods, all chronic diseases are exacerbated, and cleansing and healthy fasting accelerate recovery.
  • Women are better off fasting in the second phase of their monthly cycle.
  • Fasting is recommended after the full moon - on the decline of the moon, cleansing processes are better. After the new moon, recovery processes are activated.
  • Fasting on Ekadashi is especially effective since these days are auspicious for physical and spiritual purification.
One day fasting

For weekly fasting, you need to choose either a very busy day, or, conversely, a day when you can freely exercise on the street, go to a bathhouse, etc.
On the eve of fasting, it is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits, avoiding a hearty meal. You should refuse dinner or drink kefir. In the evening, take an enema to cleanse the intestines. On the day of fasting in the morning, do an enema. During the day, you can do your usual activities, but do not forget to constantly drink water. Water should be drunk in small portions, but often, drinking one glass every hour. On this day, it is good to go to the bathhouse, which will contribute to the intensive removal of toxins. It also quenches appetite and increases thirst. In the evening, you need to do an enema and take a shower or bath, if you have not visited the bathhouse. On the day of getting out of hunger, in the morning, make a cleansing enema. Then prepare 200 ml of a mixture of apple, beet and carrot juices. Dilute them with the same amount of water and drink 200 ml at intervals of 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, eat 200 g of panicle salad: grate carrots, beets, apple and chop the cabbage finely. Season the salad with salted seaweed, olive oil and lemon juice. After 2-2.5 hours, eat the same portion of salad. After 3-4 hours, you can eat 300 g of baked vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, etc.) or porridge cooked in water without salt. You can add honey and vegetable oil to the porridge. Of cereals, buckwheat and oatmeal are preferable. At night, you can drink 200 ml of compote and eat 100 g of various dried fruits. The next day - regular vegetarian food. In cases where fasting for 36 hours is difficult, you can limit yourself to a 24-hour fast, i.e. before dinner. In the evening, eat raw and boiled vegetables. The effect. With one-day fasting, some toxins are removed, the work of immune forces is restored, the digestive organs get a break, and the tone of the nervous system increases. The cosmetic effect is especially visible - acne, pustules, abscesses, spots, etc. disappear. Stress resistance, will and self-confidence increase. One-day fasting has practically no contraindications, especially after preliminary unloading on vegetables and fruits.

Three-day fasting

After starving for 3 months, one day a week, you can go through a 3-day fast.
3-day fasting rules:

  • Do cleansing enemas every day, 2 times a day - in the morning, after sleep, and at night before going to bed.
  • Drink at least two liters of water, preferably hot.
  • Be sure to move and take a shower. It is advisable to walk in the fresh air for at least 3-4 hours a day. Long walks activate the cleansing processes several times.

Getting out of 3-day fasting

First day drink juices. It is better to drink freshly prepared apple-carrot-beet juice, first diluted in half with water, and then, in the afternoon, pure juice, 100 ml (half a glass) every hour. If there are difficulties with juices, then in the evening you can pour 100 g of dried apricots and 100 g of prunes with a liter of cold water. In the morning, every hour, drink 1 glass of compote (without fruit). In the second half of the day, add water to another of the same portion.
Second day: Before lunch, every hour and a half, drink 100-200 ml of juice.
Lunch - salad-broom, not less than 200 g. You can eat soaked dried apricots and prunes.

Afternoon snack - fruits (apples, banana, orange).
Dinner - baked vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets).
Third and fourth day: regular vegetarian food without fried, spicy, salty, protein foods, confectionery, coffee, cocoa, chocolate.
the effect : 3-day fasting cures chronic and acute bronchitis, restores the liver, stomach and intestines. The number of T-lymphocytes increases by 30%.

It is indicated for people with chronic diseases or for achieving some personal goals after the obligatory experiments of 3 days of abstinence from food.
A 7-10 day fast is carried out in the same way as a 3-day fast.

The special features of 7-10 day exhaust gas are that:
From 2-3 days, artificial odors, tobacco smoke, the smell of alcohol, etc. become unpleasant. This must be taken into account when quitting smoking and alcohol.

On the 3-4th day, bad breath increases, which is accompanied by weakness, poor sleep, and apathy. This is a sign of the body's transition to endogenous nutrition with diseased tissues, regenerating cells, fat, etc. Weight is lost up to 1 kg per day in the first 5-6 days, and then 100-200 g. A clear pink tongue is a sign of cleansing from toxins.
Exit from 7-10 days of fasting

  • First day you need to drink juice diluted with water. You need to start with 100 ml (50 ml of juice + 50 ml of water). Every hour before lunch, drink such a composition. After lunch, increase the dose to 200 ml (100 ml of juice + 100 ml of water). In just a day, you need to drink 1 liter of juice and 1 liter of water.
  • Second day: in the morning drink 200 ml of juice with water, then drink pure juice every 2 hours.
  • The third day: Before lunch, drink juice every 1.5-2 hours. Lunch - pan salad. Afternoon snack - panicle salad. Dinner - raw fruit.
  • Fourth day: breakfast - salad-broom. 2nd breakfast - fruits. Lunch - baked vegetables. Afternoon snack - fruit or a salad brush. Dinner - vegetable stew or vegetable soup without oil and salt.
  • The fifth day: breakfast - salad panicle. 2nd breakfast - fruits. Lunch - buckwheat porridge. Afternoon snack - raw vegetables or fruits. Dinner - baked vegetables or porridge with butter, but no salt.
  • Sixth day and then during the week - vegetarian food with the restriction of spicy, salty, smoked, pickled, muffins, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, dairy products, including cottage cheese, cheese and eggs.

The effect: Fasting for 7-10 days does not cure serious illnesses, but it cleanses the joints well, resulting in significant flexibility. The work of the heart and blood vessels improves, headaches disappear, sleep is restored, many skin diseases, neurodermatitis, neuralgia disappear.

People who practice fasting in our days and in ancient times note the enormous benefits of this type of therapeutic effect, or, more correctly, abstinence on the body. Not everyone can easily tolerate fasting, so the duration should be varied in accordance with your psycho-physical constitution, not trying to chase records. Remember that water and stone wears away. Even if you regularly do one-day fasting once a week or once every two weeks, the effect will be huge due to the cumulative healing effect. the main thing to remember is that after fasting, you should adhere to the correct diet. You can read about how to eat right here... If even one-day fasting is still difficult for you, then on Ekadashi you should eat only fruits or freshly squeezed juices.

In general, the effect of starving will be something like this:

  • Fasting for up to 3 days activates the Central nervous system according to the principle of stress for a lack of nutrients; unloads the digestive system, gives it rest; cleans blood and intercellular fluid from toxins.
  • Fasting for 3 to 7 days additionally cleanses the intercellular fluid; relieves of pyogenic microorganisms; restores the epithelial tissue of the small intestine and stomach.
  • Fasting for 7-14 days will completely cleanse and restore the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract (if there is no serious pathology there); partially cleanses the liver and connective tissue (the body will become more flexible); the work of the cardiovascular system will improve; some infiltrates, tumors, polyps can dissolve.
  • Fasting for 14 to 21 days will cleanse and renew liver and kidney cells, most of the endocrine glands; can remove sand and stones from the gall and bladder; most deposits of salts, compressed mucus and tumors of various types will dissolve; connective tissue and skin will be cleansed and renewed; the bone tissue will be partially cleansed.
  • Fasting for 21 to 28 days will destroy almost all types of tumors and infections (especially in the genitourinary system), cleanse the maxillary and other cavities, remove old cells and tissues from the body, normalize adipose tissue, and cleanse bones by 1/3.
  • Fasting for about 40 days is carried out for complete cleansing and restoration of the body or for the purpose of spiritual growth with a clear understanding of what it is for and with preliminary preparation.

Dry fasting is carried out completely no water, no hand washing and no contact with water. Fans of dry fasting believe that in the process the destruction of foreign tissues and toxins is faster, not only the gastrointestinal tract is provided with rest, but also the urinary tract, and “heavy water” is more actively removed from the body. They believe that the appearance during dry fasting changes towards rejuvenation more intensively. This is attributed to the presence in the body of deuterium water containing heavy hydrogen. Deuterium water enters the body in small quantities, but it has the ability to accumulate, causing the body to age (folds on the body, wrinkled skin on the face, hands, etc.). It is dry fasting that helps to remove its excess from the body.

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases: pneumonia, prostatitis, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis deformans, polyarthritis.
  • Skin allergies (chronic urticaria, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), drug or food polyallergy.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Disovarial infertility.
  • Benign tumors (prostate adenoma, ovarian cysts, endometriosis)
  • Chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, chronic enteritis, colitis, constipation, colonic irritation.
  • Dry fasting enhances the processes of utilization by the body of abnormal and pathologically altered cells, cholesterol deposits on the walls of arterial vessels, softens deposits of "tartar" in the oral cavity, as well as internal organs, gallbladder, kidneys, joints).
  • Normalization of blood pressure, as well as the activity of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, improves tissue respiration and tissue metabolism.

Recommended scheme: last meal - no later than seven o'clock in the evening. In the morning, do an enema and rinse the stomach. Fast for no more than 36 hours.
Exit: Drink 2 glasses of water at room temperature in small sips. After a couple of hours, eat 1-2 glasses of yogurt or fermented baked milk. Fermented milk products stimulate peristalsis and bile secretion, activate the normal microflora in the intestines and promote water absorption. 2 hours after that, eat the broom salad. We recommend this type of unloading to those who are not satisfied with unloading days on the water. In our opinion, during dry fasting, there is no normal washing out of toxins from the body, an excess of nitrogen metabolism by-products is formed, which is stress for the body, and besides, the exit from fasting on protein products leads to an overstrain of the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, cardiac, renal and other systems.

Ayurveda and disease treatment

in this article we will consider the so-called voluntary fasting, performed to cleanse the body, treat diseases, lose weight, etc. Fasting has long been used by people to restore health and cleanse the body of toxins.

For therapeutic purposes, fasting is carried out for a duration of 1 to 40 days. The duration of fasting depends not so much on the goals set, as fasting adherents assure, but on your individual constitution. It is sometimes difficult for people of the constitution to endure even one day without food. Therefore, the recommendations will be 24-36 hour fasting once a week or on certain days - which are most favorable for this. People of the constitution are recommended to starve within 3 days, since the feeling of hunger is also difficult for them to endure. For people of the above constitutions and mixed types, the fasting period should not exceed 7 days, at least during the first year of getting used to fasting. People with a constitution can starve for a fairly long period of time with minimal discomfort. However, they are also advised to carry out long-term fasting only after preliminary cleansing of the body and preparation by short-term fasting with a duration of 1,3,7,14 days. Only after the normal transfer of such fasting for 1 - 1.5 years, you can proceed to 21 and 40 day fasting.

It is worth noting that, contrary to the popular belief that over time, hunger subsides and the body does not require food - this does not always happen. There are many people whose hunger increases over time and reaches psychosis. And this is also a completely normal reaction of the body.

Types of fasting

  • Complete starvation.
  • Dry fasting.
  • Combined method
  • Fractional method. / According to G.A. Voytovich /
  • Step-by-step fasting before a crisis.
  • Urine fasting. / According to G.P. Malakhov /
  • Urine fasting according to V.A. Erofeev.
  • Mixed fasting. / urine and regular /
  • Fasting according to Nikolaev Yu.S.
  • Fasting according to Bragg.
  • Fasting according to Shelton.
  • Fasting for Suvorin

Fasting is a mechanism actions

Fasting has a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect and is a unique way of feeding a person with his own reserves. in this case, toxins and toxins are released from the body.

Slags are usually called metabolic products that accumulate gradually both in individual cells of our body and in tissues. These are mainly the end products of protein metabolism - urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonium salts and other substances that are hardly soluble in water and are retained in the body.

Unhealthy diet, abuse of spicy foods, intoxication with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medicines, and a polluted atmosphere lead to the accumulation of toxins. But the most important factor is unhealthy diet and overeating, that is, the preponderance of energy "consumed" with food over its consumption and excretion of decay products through the lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines.

Nowadays, the inhabitants of large cities in the body accumulate such an amount of unnecessary elements and harmful substances that this suffers from breathing, blood circulation, excretion is disturbed, and more. A "slagged" person gradually and imperceptibly gets used to a state of increased fatigue. Ask him how he feels, he will answer: "Yes, it seems to be normal." He considers his frequent ailments and low energy levels to be normal.

Toxins more often accumulate in the connective tissue. It makes up the skeleton of any organ - it is like a skeleton or a backing of soft tissues. The frame holds, connects (which is why tissue is called connective) specific cells that perform a certain job: for example, liver cells produce bile, cells of the salivary glands - saliva, spleen cells - blood, nerve cells transmit impulses. Connective tissue is ubiquitous in the body and is a kind of protective barrier for specific cells. Its role is to absorb toxins that at the moment cannot be processed and isolated, and then, at a convenient moment, give them to the blood and lymph flow.

Wastes can accumulate not only in connective tissue, but also in adipose and bone, in non-working or weakly working muscles, in the intercellular fluid, in the protoplasm of any cell, if the cell is unable to excrete them, either due to lack of energy, or due to too abundant supply, i.e. with excess nutrition.

Therapeutic dosed fasting is the best means of cleansing and healing, when the supply of food from the outside stops and the body switches to internal nutrition due to the accumulated reserves. Moreover, all the extraction systems work extremely efficiently. After all, only through the lungs about 150 different toxins are removed in a gaseous state. With medical fasting, the body gets rid of primarily fats, as well as stagnant water, table salt and calcium salts. Then toxins and slags are thrown out. And only after that it comes to the reserve substances of the cells themselves, in strict dependence on their vital necessity.

The processes of excretion through the kidneys can be visually recorded: the urine becomes very cloudy, precipitation appears in it, it acquires an unpleasant odor (analyzes show that protein, uric and phosphate salts, mucus and bacteria appear in it).

The liver, spleen, pancreas, after cessation of nutrition from the outside, are able to better process toxins, neutralize poisons and more efficiently perform their special functions. Changes in patients during fasting and intestinal microflora. The putrefactive dies, but the culture of fermented milk fermentation is healed and preserved (as in centenarians). As a result, the synthesis of vitamins, amino acids and enzymes by the intestinal microflora improves.

During therapeutic fasting, the human body does not immediately switch to endogenous nutrition. At the beginning of fasting, when the body still has reserves of animal sugar - glycogen, “fats are burned in the fire of carbohydrates” (that is, they are split along with carbohydrates) completely. But as soon as the stores of glycogen (a form of carbohydrates) dry up (and this usually happens on the first, second day of fasting), acidic products of incomplete combustion of fat (butyric acids, acetone) begin to accumulate in the blood. Doctors call this phenomenon acidosis - a shift in the composition of the blood towards an acidic environment. Blood is usually alkaline.

Signs of the onset of acidosis - the appearance of headache, nausea, feelings of weakness, general malaise. This condition is the result of the predominance of the build-up of toxic products in the blood over their utilization (elimination). Should a person go out into the fresh air or do breathing exercises at this time, cleanse the intestines with an enema, take a shower - and all these symptoms disappear. In the first course of fasting, acidosis (self-poisoning) may occur for the first 6-8 days, and in the second course for the first 3-5 days. Manifestations of acidosis end in the fact that the body begins to adapt to internal (endogenous) nutrition. This adaptation consists in the fact that the body, placed in difficult conditions, begins to produce sugar from its own fat and protein, and in the presence of this sugar (carbohydrates), the fat is utilized without leaving incomplete combustion products.

Acidosis ceases to grow and manifest itself and a period of uniform internal nutrition sets in (the process of the predominance of the elimination of poisons from the blood over their formation - with the help of the excretory organs).

At this stage, there is an improvement in the quality of the synthesis of biologically active substances in the body (nucleic acids, amino acids, etc.). The main raw material for this synthesis is carbon dioxide CO2 (that is, the atmospheric air we breathe becomes a kind of "nutrient medium"), and additional "raw materials" are ballast proteins that are formed during the life of the body and are only an obstacle to it. The splitting of these ballast proteins, as well as foci of infection, pathological tissue and their transformation into substances necessary for the cells of the body is one of the most important elements of "detoxification" and healing of the body during therapeutic fasting.

Signs of the body's transition to the stage of uniform internal nutrition are: more rare breathing, a decrease in heart rate, normalization of blood pressure (with deviations before starvation), a decrease in weight loss - up to 500 grams daily.

  • Mandatory drinking regime is about 3 liters of clean water (only water!). During each hour of daylight hours - about 1 glass. The water should be clean, at room temperature or warm.
  • Do enemas until clean water appears 1-2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening (1.5-2 hours before bedtime).
  • Take a shower or bath every day as up to 1/3 of toxins are removed through the skin.
  • Regularly cleanse your tongue, tonsils and rinse your mouth with mint, thyme, chamomile, citrus peels, etc. to eliminate bad breath.
  • If possible, walk in the fresh air, do self-massage, stretch marks. Can be done in a calm rhythm, avoiding postures.
  • It is advisable to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, not synthetic ones.
  • Contact with food as little as possible.
  • It must be remembered that during fasting, symptoms of disease may worsen, fever, headaches, abdominal cramps, nausea, irritation, weakness may appear - this is a sign of intense cleansing. To harmonize the process, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of hot water (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it) and make an extraordinary enema.
  • Usually fasting is accompanied by a state of cheerfulness, elation and joy, but if, despite the measures taken, pain, irritability, weakness and depression persist, then you should switch from water to fresh juices and get out of fasting.
  • During the exit from fasting, it is very important not to overeat, chew food thoroughly, not to use medications and medicinal herbs, since during this period the sensitivity to them is increased and the effect is unpredictable.

Fasting contraindications

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation in mothers.
  • Advanced forms of serious diseases (cancer, tuberculosis, etc.) with immobility.
  • Acute surgical diseases.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Dementia and severe forms of mental and neurological disorders.

Timing for fasting:

  • Seven-day fasting at the change of seasons (November, February, May, August). The body maintains an active tendency towards cleansing and self-healing.
  • You can fast: 1 day - once a week, 3 days - once a month, 1 week - once every 4 months.
  • Or 1st, 2nd, 3rd day of each month; one week - every 3 months; 2 weeks - every six months.
  • It is not recommended to fast for 3 days in a row if there has been no fasting for 1 day for 3 weeks.
  • Health-improving fasting is especially effective in spring and autumn, when the type of metabolism changes from protein-fat, typical for winter, to protein-carbohydrate, typical for summer. During these periods, all chronic diseases are exacerbated, and cleansing and healthy fasting accelerate recovery.
  • Women are better off fasting in the second phase of their monthly cycle.
  • Fasting is recommended after the full moon - on the decline of the moon, cleansing processes are better. After the new moon, recovery processes are activated.
  • Fasting on Ekadashi is especially effective since these days are auspicious for physical and spiritual purification.

One day fasting

For weekly fasting, you need to choose either a very busy day, or, conversely, a day when you can freely exercise on the street, go to a bathhouse, etc.
On the eve of fasting, it is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits, avoiding a hearty meal. You should refuse dinner or drink kefir. In the evening, take an enema to cleanse the intestines. On the day of fasting in the morning, do an enema. During the day, you can do your usual activities, but do not forget to constantly drink water. Water should be drunk in small portions, but often, drinking one glass every hour. On this day, it is good to go to the bathhouse, which will contribute to the intensive removal of toxins. It also quenches appetite and increases thirst. In the evening, you need to do an enema and take a shower or bath, if you have not visited the bathhouse. On the day of getting out of hunger, in the morning, make a cleansing enema. Then prepare 200 ml of a mixture of apple, beet and carrot juices. Dilute them with the same amount of water and drink 200 ml at intervals of 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, eat 200 g of panicle salad: grate carrots, beets, apple and chop the cabbage finely. Season the salad with salted seaweed, olive oil and lemon juice. After 2-2.5 hours, eat the same portion of salad. After 3-4 hours, you can eat 300 g of baked vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, etc.) or porridge cooked in water without salt. You can add honey and vegetable oil to the porridge. Of cereals, buckwheat and oatmeal are preferable. At night, you can drink 200 ml of compote and eat 100 g of various dried fruits. The next day - regular vegetarian food. In cases where fasting for 36 hours is difficult, you can limit yourself to a 24-hour fast, i.e. before dinner. In the evening, eat raw and boiled vegetables. The effect. With one-day fasting, some toxins are removed, the work of immune forces is restored, the digestive organs get a break, and the tone of the nervous system increases. The cosmetic effect is especially visible - acne, pustules, abscesses, spots, etc. disappear. Stress resistance, will and self-confidence increase. One-day fasting has practically no contraindications, especially after preliminary unloading on vegetables and fruits.

Three-day fasting

After starving for 3 months, one day a week, you can go through a 3-day fast.
3-day fasting rules:

  • Do cleansing enemas every day, 2 times a day - in the morning, after sleep, and at night before going to bed.
  • Drink at least two liters of water, preferably hot.
  • Be sure to move and take a shower. It is advisable to walk in the fresh air for at least 3-4 hours a day. Long walks activate the cleansing processes several times.

Getting out of 3-day fasting

First day drink juices. It is better to drink freshly prepared apple-carrot-beet juice, first diluted in half with water, and then, in the afternoon, pure juice, 100 ml (half a glass) every hour. If there are difficulties with juices, then in the evening you can pour 100 g of dried apricots and 100 g of prunes with a liter of cold water. In the morning, every hour, drink 1 glass of compote (without fruit). In the second half of the day, add water to another of the same portion.
Second day: Before lunch, every hour and a half, drink 100-200 ml of juice.
Lunch - salad-broom, not less than 200 g. You can eat soaked dried apricots and prunes.

Afternoon snack - fruits (apples, banana, orange).
Dinner - baked vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets).
Third and fourth day: regular food without fried, spicy, salty, protein foods, confectionery, coffee, cocoa, chocolate.
the effect : 3-day fasting cures chronic and acute bronchitis, restores the liver, stomach and intestines. The number of T-lymphocytes increases by 30%.

7-10 day fasting

It is indicated for people with chronic diseases or for the achievement of some personal goals after the obligatory experiments of 3 days of abstinence from.
A 7-10 day fast is carried out in the same way as a 3-day fast.

The special features of 7-10 day exhaust gas are that:
From 2-3 days, artificial odors, tobacco smoke, the smell of alcohol, etc. become unpleasant. This must be taken into account when quitting smoking and alcohol.

On the 3-4th day, bad breath increases, which is accompanied by weakness, poor sleep, and apathy. This is a sign of the body's transition to endogenous nutrition with diseased tissues, regenerating cells, fat, etc. Weight is lost up to 1 kg per day in the first 5-6 days, and then 100-200 g. A clear pink tongue is a sign of cleansing from toxins.
Exit from 7-10 days of fasting

  • First day you need to drink juice diluted with water. You need to start with 100 ml (50 ml of juice + 50 ml of water). Every hour before lunch, drink such a composition. After lunch, increase the dose to 200 ml (100 ml of juice + 100 ml of water). In just a day, you need to drink 1 liter of juice and 1 liter of water.
  • Second day: in the morning drink 200 ml of juice with water, then drink pure juice every 2 hours.
  • The third day: Before lunch, drink juice every 1.5-2 hours. Lunch - pan salad. Afternoon snack - panicle salad. Dinner - raw fruits.
  • Fourth day: breakfast - salad-broom. 2nd breakfast - fruits. Lunch - baked vegetables. Afternoon snack - fruit or a salad brush. Dinner - vegetable oragu or vegetable soup without oil and salt.
  • The fifth day: breakfast - salad panicle. 2nd breakfast - fruits. Lunch - buckwheat kasha. Afternoon snack - raw vegetables or fruits. Dinner - baked vegetables or porridge with butter, but no salt.
  • Sixth day and then during the week - vegetarian food with the restriction of spicy, salty, smoked, pickled, muffins, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, dairy products, including cottage cheese, cheese and eggs.

The effect: Fasting for 7-10 days does not cure serious illnesses, but it cleanses the joints well, resulting in significant flexibility. The work of the heart and blood vessels improves, headaches disappear, sleep is restored, many skin diseases, neurodermatitis, neuralgia disappear.

Fasting reviews

People who practice fasting in our days and in ancient times note the enormous benefits of this type of therapeutic effect, or, more correctly, abstinence on the body. Not everyone can easily tolerate fasting, so the duration should be varied in accordance with your psycho-physical constitution, not trying to chase records. Remember that water and stone wears away. Even if you regularly do one-day fasting once a week or once every two weeks, the effect will be huge due to the cumulative healing effect. the main thing to remember is that after fasting, you should adhere to the correct diet. You can read about how to eat right. If even one-day fasting is still difficult for you, then on Ekadashi you should eat only fruits or freshly squeezed juices.

In general, the effect of starving will be something like this:

  • Fasting for up to 3 days activates the Central nervous system according to the principle of stress for a lack of nutrients; unloads the digestive system, gives it rest; cleans blood and intercellular fluid from toxins.
  • Fasting for 3 to 7 days additionally cleanses the intercellular fluid; relieves of pyogenic microorganisms; restores the epithelial tissue of the small intestine and stomach.
  • Fasting for 7-14 days will completely cleanse and restore the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract (if there is no serious pathology there); partially cleanses the liver and connective tissue (the body will become more flexible); the work of the cardiovascular system will improve; some infiltrates, tumors, polyps can dissolve.
  • Fasting for 14 to 21 days will cleanse and renew liver and kidney cells, most of the endocrine glands; can remove sand and stones from the gall and bladder; most deposits of salts, compressed mucus and tumors of various types will dissolve; connective tissue and skin will be cleansed and renewed; the bone tissue will be partially cleansed.
  • Fasting for 21 to 28 days will destroy almost all types of tumors and infections (especially in the genitourinary system), cleanse the maxillary and other cavities, remove old cells and tissues from the body, normalize adipose tissue, and cleanse bones by 1/3.
  • Fasting for about 40 days is carried out for complete cleansing and restoration of the body or for the purpose of spiritual growth with a clear understanding of what it is for and with preliminary preparation.
Dry fasting

Dry fasting is carried out completely no water, no hand washing and no contact with water. Fans of dry fasting believe that in the process the destruction of foreign tissues and toxins is faster, not only the gastrointestinal tract is provided with rest, but also the urinary tract, and “heavy water” is more actively removed from the body. They believe thatthe appearance during dry fasting changes towards rejuvenation more intensively. This is attributed to the presence in the body of deuterium water containing heavy hydrogen. Deuterium water enters the body in small quantities, but it has the ability to accumulate, causing the body to age (folds on the body, wrinkled skin on the face, hands, etc.). It is dry fasting that helps to remove its excess from the body.

  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases: pneumonia, prostatitis, bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis deformans, polyarthritis.
  • Skin allergies (chronic urticaria, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema), medicinal or food polyallergy.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Disovarial infertility.
  • Benign tumors (prostate adenoma, ovarian cysts, endometriosis)
  • Chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, chronic enteritis, colitis, constipation, colonic irritation.
  • Dry fasting enhances processes utilization by the body of abnormal and pathologically altered cells, cholesterol deposits on the walls of arterial vessels, softens the deposits of "tartar" in the oral cavity, as well as internal organs, gallbladder, kidneys, joints).
  • Normalization of blood pressure, as well as the activity of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system, improves tissue respiration and tissue metabolism.

Recommended scheme: last meal - no later than seven o'clock in the evening. In the morning, do an enema and rinse the stomach. Fast for no more than 36 hours.
Exit: Drink 2 glasses of water at room temperature in small sips. After a couple of hours, eat 1-2 glasses of yogurt or fermented baked milk. Fermented milk products stimulate peristalsis and bile secretion, activate the normal microflora in the intestines and promote water absorption. 2 hours after that, eat the broom salad. We recommend this type of unloading to those who are not satisfied with unloading days on the water. In our opinion, during dry fasting, there is no normal washing out of toxins from the body, an excess of nitrogen metabolism by-products is formed, which is stress for the body, and besides, the exit from fasting on protein products leads to an overstrain of the immune, lymphatic, circulatory, cardiac, renal and other systems.

Ecology of health: Fasting on water is a complete rejection of food (in solid or liquid form). Simply put - we do not eat anything and drink only clean water ...

There are 2 types of fasting:

  • dry fasting,
  • fasting on the water.

Some long-term fasting methods involve the use of both types. Sometimes fasting is called fasting days on juices and vegetable broths, which is essentially not true. In this article we'll talk about water fasting - the least extreme type of fasting.

A water fast is a complete rejection of food (in solid or liquid form). Simply put - we do not eat anything and drink only clean water at room temperature in sufficient quantities.

Important: The amount of water that you drink with your regular diet will not be enough during fasting! After all, solid food also contains water - during fasting, you should replenish the amount of water that usually comes with food! It is impossible to give precise recommendations on how much water to drink. Just drink often. Adequate water intake helps eliminate toxins and prevents possible complications from fasting.

Something else important: During fasting, do not use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your teeth - the enamel can be damaged due to changes in the composition of saliva during fasting. Wipe your teeth with gauze and rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort so as not to remove the plaque that protects the tooth enamel.


Fasting in some cases can be dangerous to health and life. At the same time, fasting is such an effective way of cleansing and healing the body that it can help to gain perfect health and youth, heal from many diseases, including the most serious ones, and save lives. This article is for informational purposes only and the author is not responsible for the use of this information.

Fasting can last from one day to ... several months, or even years. True, in this case, this is no longer fasting, but a certain way of eating - life without food. The determining factor is duration fasting on the water.

How many days fasting lasts depend on:

  • Operating principle fasting on water - what processes occur in the body.
  • Result fasting on water - cleansing the body, losing weight, improving and rejuvenating.
  • Danger fasting on water - precautions and possible negative consequences of fasting, which can be extremely serious if these precautions are not taken.
  • Exit from fasting on water - an extremely crucial moment.

So, let's take a look at what happens at each stage of the water fast (for different durations of the fast).

1. Food break up to 24 hours.

A food break of less than 24 hours is not fasting.

2. One-day fasting on water.

The health benefits of one-day fasting:

  • increased immunity,
  • cleansing the body,
  • rejuvenation of the body,
  • improvement of intestinal microflora.

The health benefits of one-day fasting accumulates with regular repetition, but the results are noticeable after the first fast. Regular one-day fasting on water, practiced weekly for 1 to 3 months, is, among other things, a good preparation for longer fasts.

What happens with a one-day fast:

  1. One day fasting gives rest to the digestive system... A lot of energy is spent on the digestion process. When the constant supply of food is interrupted, the body gets the opportunity and energy to begin cleansing processes.
  2. Putrefactive intestinal microflora dies, and the flora of lactic fermentation is healed and preserved, as a result, the synthesis of biologically active substances improves in the intestine.

Preparing for a one day fast:

  • During the week Avoid the most unhealthy foods with a lot of food additives before fasting and cut back on meat, eggs and dairy products. Drink plenty of clean water, completely cut off alcohol and beverages with unhealthy food additives.
  • In a day before fasting, do not pass on and give up meat (if you have not done this before) - among other things, it greatly slows down the digestion process and will be digested during the fasting period, which will reduce the positive effect of fasting, increase the feeling of hunger and other unpleasant side effects that occur during fasting ...
  • Plan your first fast for the weekend. It is good if you are not at home, next to the refrigerator. Don't do your first fast at work! And the second thing too :) When fasting becomes a habitual thing for you, you can go hungry at work - no one will notice.
  • In a day fasting you can do an enema to cleanse the intestines. Spend more time outdoors. It is good to do physical exercises (they will help cleanse the body of toxins). But don't overexert yourself. Do water treatments.

What to expect during a one-day fast?

Those who have ever followed a low-calorie diet will be pleasantly surprised to find that the feeling of hunger during a water fast is much weaker. As you know, appetite comes with eating, so it's not at all easier to eat than to eat a little.

The blood supply to the brain is improved, which has a beneficial effect on mental performance and creativity.

The appearance of such unpleasant sensations during the fasting period is possible, such as:

  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • feeling of nausea
  • plaque on the tongue, odor from the mouth (sometimes from the body),
  • Bad mood.

With practice (with regular one-day fasting), unpleasant phenomena will decrease, some of them will disappear. The effect of fasting on mood is likely to be positive - mood stabilizes, fasting will increase mood.

Exit from one day fasting:

  • End your fast in the evening. Fasting for one day should last for at least 24 hours, and preferably at least 2-3 hours longer.
  • To exit from one day fasting best fit fresh vegetables, fruits, and vegetable and fruit juices. It's good to eat a salad (for example, cabbage and carrots) with a spoonful of quality vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, etc.). You can also eat boiled or steamed vegetables.
  • In the evening and the next day try not to eat animal products such as meat, eggs, milk and dairy products.
  • After coming out of fasting try not to overeat- this is the most difficult and at the beginning almost no one succeeds.
  • Keep drinking more clean water and do not eat foods with harmful food additives.

Small mistakes and deviations from the rules when leaving a one-day fast do not really matter.

The Dangers of One Day Fasting:

Fasting for one day is practically not dangerous for a healthy person, even if it is carried out without proper preparation. For example, in Judaism there is a fast (the day of judgment), which is observed by almost everyone, even non-religious residents of Israel - on this day, dry fasting is carried out (without food and without water). The "preparation" and "exit" from this one-day fast is a lavish feast that does not correspond to the above recommendations. Such fasting does not give a health-improving effect, rather the opposite. But it also does not pose a particular danger, despite the fact that it is carried out without water, in hot climatic conditions.

With minimal adherence to the recommendations for preparing and overcoming fasting and regular practice, the healing effect will not be long in coming.

3. 2 and 3 day water fast.

When can I fast for 2-3 days?

There is not much difference between a 1 day fast and a 2 day fast. If you feel good before leaving the one-day fast (no severe headaches, nausea, etc.), you can postpone the exit from fasting the next morning (you get a 36-hour fast) or evening (2-day fast).

Based on how you feel, you can continue to abstain from food for up to 3 days, even if you have no previous experience of fasting or have little experience. But it is advisable to conduct more thorough preparation for a 3-day fast.

If the state of health unexpectedly worsens and the measures taken do not help, you should immediately get out of fasting, without waiting for the planned time. An additional signal to quit fasting is very dark or very cloudy urine.

If you are fasting on your own and doubt that everything is going well, for safety reasons it is worth interrupting the fast and trying again later. It may take several one and two days of fasting before you can fast for 3 days.

The health benefits of 2-3 days of fasting:

  • Wellness effect: 2-3 day fasting, as well as one day fasting, increases immunity, cleanses and rejuvenates the body, heals the intestinal microflora.
  • Benefits of fasting for appearance: The benefits of 2-3 days of fasting are noticeable to the naked eye - the skin after fasting is cleansed, becomes smooth, acquires a healthy shade and fresh appearance.
  • Getting rid of addiction: During a 3-day fast, you can get rid of physical addiction to drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

What happens with a 2-3 day fast:

On the second or third day, the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract changes qualitatively:the release of hydrochloric acid stops,the stomach begins to secrete proteins and unsaturated fatty acids, which:

  • promote the secretion of bile throughout the digestive system, even in the large intestine,
  • suppress hunger.

The process of the body's transition to internal nutrition begins:

  • the digestion process slows down,
  • the mechanisms of splitting its own fats are activated.

But a complete transition to internal nutrition during fasting on water does not occur on the second or third day.

Preparing for a 2-3 day fast.

Preparing for a 2-3 day fast is no different from preparing for a one day fast, but it is becoming more important. In addition, by the time of the 3 day fast, it is desirable to have experience of several 1-2 day fasting.

What to expect during a 2-3 day fast?

1. On the second or third day, the craving for food decreases, but short-term bouts of hunger are possible.

2. The likelihood of such unpleasant phenomena as headache, nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant phenomena arising from fasting increases.

3. During 2-3 days of fasting, from one to several kilograms is lost. But don't be fooled - about half of the weight lost comes back the day after coming out of fasting. In order not to gain the second half of the lost weight, you need to follow the recommendations for getting out of 2-3 days of fasting.

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