"Growing onions on the windowsill" outline of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. The project "Planting and growing onions" in the preparatory group Planting onions with children in kindergarten

Project for children of primary preschool age "How we planted onions"

Prepared by the teacher: Zolotukhina N.G. 2017
The name of the project:"How we planted onions"
Project type: cognitive - research project for children of the first younger group.
Duration: short term. (1 month)
Relevance: in today's world, environmental problems are in one of the leading places, and at the moment the main task is to educate an environmentally literate person. In the upbringing and education of preschool children, many techniques and methods are used to solve this problem, but the most promising is the method of project activity. Both children and their parents participate in the project. To achieve this goal, children use the knowledge and skills acquired in various activities, which naturally contributes to the comprehensive development of the child himself, forms the skills of cooperation. A huge role in the environmental education of children is played by practical, research activities. City children do not have a very close contact with nature. They, of course, know the plants and animals that live next to them. Not all children see how parents plant onions, harvest them in the fall, use them in various forms and for various purposes. The project will give children the opportunity to think about how onions grow, what conditions are necessary for their growth, and why they are useful. The ability to plant onions themselves, care for them, grow green onions, observe how and how quickly it grows into a feather, while taking into account that planting onions on a feather can be done in a variety of ways, instills in them a sense of pride and victory. And most importantly, it's a good way to eat your own organic produce.
Objective of the project: Expanding children's knowledge of how to plant onions and care for bulbs; activate the child's initiative, attention and memory, enrich the child's vocabulary, involve children, educators, parents in the work of the project.
1) Introducing children to the process of planting onions. Raising children's desire to participate in work activities.
2) To consolidate ideas about the bow, the features of the external structure, to find the “bottom” with roots and the top;
3) To arouse in children an interest in a particular object - a bow, through poetry, riddles, design and research activities.
4) To form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the need for light, heat, soil moisture for the growth of bulbs.
5) Watch for changes in bulb growth in a glass of water and in a container of soil.
6) Teach children how to care for onions daily at room conditions.
7) Involving parents in active participation in the project. Get them interested in the life of the kindergarten.
8) Teach children to see the result of their work.
Participants of research activities: children of the first junior group, educator, parents of pupils.
Location: group room of the kindergarten.
development line me: ecological.
Object of study: onion.
materials: earth, water, onions, a container and cups for planting, a watering can for watering, a shoe for loosening the earth, aprons.
Working methods: observations, conversations, experiments, productive activities.
Expected Result:
1) Children learn that onions are a source of vitamins.
2) Children will get acquainted with the process of planting onions and learn how to perform the simplest labor operations necessary for this.
3) Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the growth of green onions in room conditions, both in a container with soil and in a glass of water.
4) Children will enrich their vocabulary at the expense of words (bottom, onion, husk).
5) Get acquainted with sayings, proverbs, riddles, poems about onions.
6) Find out where and for what purposes the bow can be used.


1) Acquaintance of parents with the idea of ​​the project.
2) Selection of fiction: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles about onions.
3) A selection of illustrative and demonstrative material about the bow. Creation of the folder "All about onions".
4) Preparing the soil for planting onions.
5) Preparation of planting material (bulbs).
6) Acquisition of a tray and cups for planting onions.
7) Creation of didactic games "Tops - roots", cut pictures "Vegetables, fruits, berries".
8) Consultation for parents "Benefits of onions".


1) Examination and study of planting material; folder "All about onions".
2) Experimental activities: "Onion structure", "Taste and onion tears".
3) Conversation "What do plants need to grow?".
4) Guessing riddles, reading poems about onions.
5) Joint activities: planting onions and caring for seedlings.
6) Productive activities: "Onion is our friend!" (sculpting, coloring, drawing).
7) Didactic games "Tops - roots", cut pictures "Vegetables, fruits, berries", "Put it in order."
8) Homework for parents and children - watching and discussing the cartoon “Luntik. Onion"; draw a proverb about onions
9) Collective work "Onion garden".


1) Exhibition of collective work "Luchok our friend".
2) We treat ourselves to onions from our miracle garden.
3) The game of medium mobility "Grow, onion!".
4) Exhibition of parental drawings "Proverb about onions".
5) Presentation on the topic "How we planted onions."
During the project implementation:
1) Children learned how to plant onions and take care of them.
2) In the process of working on the project, preschoolers considered the growth of onions, noted its role as a medicinal raw material.
3) Children got acquainted with fiction about onions: sayings, poems, riddles.
4) Children have formed knowledge and ideas about the growth of green onions in room conditions.
5) The horizons and mental activity of children have expanded. The process itself and the result of the project brought satisfaction to the children, the joy of experience, awareness of their own skills.
6) Thanks to the work done, our children can consciously answer the question why a bow is needed.
7) The children's vocabulary has expanded: bulb neck, dry scales, fleshy scales, bottom, heel with roots.
8) Parents took an active part in the Onion Patch project

About onions - for children

Who among us does not know what an onion is? Most likely, there are no such strangers. And you do not have to be an experienced onion grower to grow this plant. White, purple, yellow - this is the most ancient vegetable crop on earth.
The homeland of onions is the mountainous regions of Central Asia. As a cultivated plant, the inhabitants of India and Afghanistan were the first to learn to use it. Then he began his "victorious march" to other countries of the world.
It was such an old custom.
When a wedding procession moved down the street in the southern villages, it was led by a peasant with a huge wreath of onions - a symbol of the well-being of a young family. A festive wreath was worn around the neck. Shiny bulbs sparkled in the sun, and "whispered" among themselves in their special "onion" manner. Until now, wreaths, braids, wickerwork from onions are in use.
Individual conversations with children about the benefits of onions
The beneficial properties of onions have been noticed by man for a long time. Onion crops benefit everyone, especially their green leaves, which contain vitamin C and carotene. Fresh onion greens are a good antiscorbutic agent, it stimulates the appetite, improves digestion. Green onions of all kinds are useful for patients with acute respiratory illness or influenza, as it contains phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on pathogens. Leek is recommended for metabolic disorders.


Abstract of the lesson in the 1st junior group. Planting onions

Topic of the lesson: Planting an onion
Program content. Introduce children to the properties of onions: round, hard, bitter, makes you cry. Report that you can grow green onions from it, very healthy and vitamin. Teach children to plant bulbs in the ground.
Greenery needs water to grow.
Lesson material: bulbs according to the number of children and for the teacher, cells with earth, scoops, a watering can.
Lesson progress
Educator. Children, today I received a package from our Grandfather. Do you want to see what's there?
Then let's open it. What's this? Take an onion each.
Can you tell me what color the bow is?
What shape is it? Show how round it is.
Touch it with your finger and say: is the onion hard or soft?
Now I will cut the onion, smell the onion. What does he smell like? (Bow.)
Why are you crying? Yes, onions sting your eyes and make everyone cry.
Who wants to treat themselves to onions? What does onion taste like? (Let the children eat the onions.)
Onion is bitter, but it is very useful, it has a lot of vitamins.
This is an onion, if you plant it, then green leaves, green onions will grow out of it. Green onions are also rich in vitamins. The onion has a top (shows it), green onions grow from here. But the bottom of the bulb is the bottom (shows). Let's say all together - bottom.
Show me where the bottom of your bow is? Show me where the green onions will grow from?
Onions should be planted upside down.
But onions can also be planted in the ground.
Let's play the game "Grow, grow onion" with you.
Everyone get up, you'll be the bow. I plant the onion in the ground, bottom down. Everyone sat down.
Now I take a watering can and pour water on it. Here the onion begins to grow, it has green leaves. All the children rise quietly. The bow keeps growing and growing. Green onions are getting bigger and bigger. Here is our green onion.
(Knock on the door. Grandfather comes.)
Grandfather. Hello children! Did you receive my gift?
Educator. Thank you, Grandpa, for the bow. We want to plant it so we can grow green onions out of it for our dinner.
Grandfather. Come on, I'll help you. I can grow onions.
Educator. Children, go to the box with the earth, take onion. Find the bottom of the bow. It is necessary to plant an onion in the ground with a bottom like this. (The teacher shows the reception of planting onions. Children take turns planting each of their onions.)
Grandfather. Well, well done. That's right, plant bottom down.
Educator. Grandpa, what should we do now?
Grandfather. And now, in order for the onion to grow, it must be poured with water from a watering can.
Educator. Dasha, field onions. Water carefully, do not pour a lot of water.
Grandfather. Everyone did a good job planting onions, just great. Well, I have to go.
Goodbye, kids.
Educator. Guys, I have a Lukovka toy. Let's put it next to our bow and see which one grows the fastest.


Summary of modeling classes in the first junior group

Theme: "Bow for borscht".
: Consolidation in children of knowledge of generalized concepts. Vegetables.
1. To consolidate in children the ability to sculpt round shapes using the technique of flattening, stretching.
2. To form in children an interest in modeling.
3. To educate children in attention, diligence.
Preliminary work:
Examining illustrations depicting different vegetables, onions, riddles, play store.
Plasticine, plank, stack, dummies of vegetables, pictures.
Lesson progress:
Teacher: Hello guys! How glad I am to see you.
Children: hello
Teacher: Guys, do you know why I came to visit you today? I had a misfortune, vegetables grew in my garden: beets, onions, carrots. Today it snowed and all the vegetables froze, and I have to cook borscht. Guys, maybe you can help me? Let's make a bow out of plasticine.
What are these guys? (bow) What is he? (round) and what is the top of it?
(stretched out a little). Touch it with your hands.
Each child feels the bow, saying that it is round.
Teacher: Well, guys, do you think you can handle it?
Children: Yes
Teacher: Let's make a bow. It is round and yellow. Take the yellow plasticine and put it between the palms. We roll the ball. And from above with our fingers we will pull off a small nose. Like this!
Show children how to sculpt, help someone who can't cope, continue - pronouncing actions.
Guys let's see what we got. The beauty! Well done! Do you want to play?
Children: yes.
Physical education minute
We have a vegetable garden where green onions grow.
Here is such a height, here is such a width.
You, onion, hurry here
And dance a little.
- Well done boys.
Teacher: Guys, how did you help me today. You are good children, smart. I went to cook borsch for my grandchildren, and in the evening you tell moms and dads what you sculpted for grandmother today.
What did we mold? What shape, color? (children respond in unison)
Thanks guys for the help! Goodbye!
We are organizing an exhibition.


Abstract of the lesson on "Artistic Creativity" (drawing) in the first junior

Goals: Development of aesthetic perception of surrounding objects.
Formation of the ability to distinguish the color of paint (green), correctly name them; draw with palm.
Leading children to drawing objects of a rounded shape.
Formation of the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not lean low over a sheet of paper, the free hand holds the sheet of paper on which the child draws).
Formation of the ability to carefully treat materials, use them correctly.
Materials: onion or onion dummy, pictures depicting onions, Kolobok toy, green paints, brushes, napkin, glass of water.
Lesson progress: Educator: Guys, I'll give you a riddle:
Doesn't upset anyone
And makes everyone cry. (Onion)
Our friend Kolobok came to us again. Shall we show him our garden? That's what kind of onion grows with us !!! But Kolobok wants to show this bow to grandparents .... And let's draw it.
Do we need green paint for this? What else is green? (The teacher offers to put green toys in a basket, the children complete the task. You can go through the group, inviting the children to show green objects).
The teacher shows drawings of onions and says: “Here are the images of the onions of other children who sent Kolobok. Let's make him happy too!
Children begin to draw onions by placing their hands on the onion.

Physical education minute"Let's go to the garden..."
Let's go to the garden children walk in a circle holding hands
We'll harvest
One, two, three, four, five
We start collecting.
We carry carrots "drag"
And dig up potatoes "digging"
We cut a head of cabbage "cut off"
Round, juicy, very tasty show circle with hands(three times)
Let's pick a little sorrel "tear"
And we'll be back on track. They walk in a circle holding hands.
At the end, the teacher puts the children's drawings on the stand. “What a beautiful onion we got for Kolobok !!!

One, two, three, four, five
We are going to plant onions!
Friendly, fun work,
Watered - not lazy!

When the snow doesn’t melt outside the window, and it’s still a long time before the first green grass, it’s so nice to see fresh greens on the windowsill! And there is nothing more pleasant when the first greens ripen right in front of the guys. It could be an onion. Who among us does not know what an onion is? Most likely, there are no such strangers. And you don't have to be an experienced gardener to grow this plant. The beneficial properties of onions have been noticed by man for a long time. Onion crops benefit everyone, especially their green leaves, which contain vitamin C and carotene. Fresh onion greens are a good antiviral agent, it stimulates appetite, improves digestion. Green onions of all kinds are useful for patients with acute respiratory disease or influenza, as it contains phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on pathogens.

The guys and I decided that it would be within our power to grow green onion feathers. To do this, we took the land for vegetables and put them with scoops in containers for planting onions. Well, diligently, carefully watered.

The bulbs were examined with interest. Children got acquainted with the properties of onions: round, hard, bitter, makes you cry, and learned how to plant bulbs in the ground. Onions should be planted upside down. So that the kids do not confuse where the bottom is, a cheerful face appeared on the bulb.

And what should be done now? For the growth of greenery, water is needed, for the onion to grow, it must be poured with water from a watering can. The kids promised that they would take care of the onions so that green feathers would appear sooner.

A delicious, vitamin, green friend will grow in our "bed"!

Natalya Vadimovna Makhneva, Svetlana Alexandrovna Vdovichenko, teachers of the 1st junior group

Elena Lityago

View project: research and information

Members project: children, parents, educators.

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about vegetables, cultivated plants, ways growing and caring for them. Generate Usage Ideas Luke a person in different spheres of life, the ability to decorate a garden on the window.

Involving parents in the creation of a mini-garden.

Stage 1:

Discussion with parents project;

Assistance in the process of caring for crops;

Looking with children Luke(shape, color, size);

Planting onions;

Seedling monitoring;

Onion care (the need for watering, light).

Practical part:

Growing onions;

Sketch observation Luke;

Registration project;

Representation of information about the bow "Onion from seven ailments".

Presentation for children:

Green vitamins (usage onions for food)

For parents:

Benefit presentation Luke.


1. Teach children how to plant and care for onions, familiarize them with the conditions of its maintenance;

Try to give knowledge about the benefits of green onions in winter.

1. Formation of knowledge and ideas about the growth of green Luke at room conditions both in a container with soil and in a glass of water.

2. Get knowledge about the structure Luke.

Application Methods: observation, conversations, experiments.

Cooperative activity children: « Planting onions» .

Observation: "First Green", "Vitamins for children".

Didactic games: "Where does it grow?", "What's extra?", "Wonderful bag", "Know by touch", "Know the Taste", "What is it?".

Learning poems, riddles, sayings about vegetables, reading poems about vegetables.

Examination of illustrations, pictures depicting vegetables.

Implementation project.

Project arose on the initiative of the children themselves groups. Pursuing planting a vegetable garden on the window As a rule, we plant onions first. During the conversation with the children, it turned out that all know: onion is useful, it must be eaten so as not to get sick. And what is useful in it and how can it be used again? The children were unable to answer this question.

They searched for information about onions with their parents in books, the Internet, through TV shows; observed the growth and development of the bulb, looked after it, conducted an experiment to determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, as well as a competition for the best design of the garden.

results project.

Cognitive activity of children, which is reflected in the book "All About the Bow" with stories of children and parents, photographs;

The development of fine art, manifested in children's drawings for the book "All About the Bow";

A variety of design solutions for decorating a garden on a window;

Children showed a desire to plant other useful plants in the garden and create a book about them "Vitamins in the Garden".

Work on project contributes to the improvement of the microclimate in group. The children gained confidence in themselves and their abilities, in their eyes one could see the joy and satisfaction from the opportunity to show independence and initiative in the ongoing research cognitive activity. Design activity helps to accumulate social experience: the ability to communicate with peers in joint activities, outline a plan for joint action, evaluate the actions and actions of peers. This, in turn, will become the foundation for further successful schooling.

Finished products

We made beds in our garden

Everything is in order on them, green onions rise,

Everything is in order on them, the onion grows beautifully,

We weeded the beds not in vain.

Gloriously we worked - watered plenty,

The onion has grown tall, they couldn’t see better.

In the garden in the morning

Look at the garden

Green onions in the wind

Makes a charge.

How wonderful in the garden

Work on a clear day.

Warm onions roam the garden,

Black earth smells like onion.

Onions have been born today -

Round for joy and resilient.

Let's go to the garden with you.

We have a lot of worries there!

We pour a beam from a watering can

And we sit on the bench.

Tears hail, I cut onions

Round and round, round and round,

A ball in a ball, a ring in a ring,

There will be rain on your face.

Like a living fence around

Peaks green put out a bow.

Vitamins all year round

Oh, how necessary

So that we don't get sick

Flu and sore throat.

I'm the spice in every dish

I am always helpful to people.

Yes, I'm not against the vitamin,

But in the soup they are not visible,

Only one bow floats there.

Here's what's embarrassing.

Golden and useful

Vitamin, although sharp,

It has a bitter taste...

Tanya came in a sundress:

They began to undress Tanya,

Let's cry and cry.

Answer: Bulb.

Doctors believe that green onions should be eaten every day. Firstly, it causes the release of a large amount of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid, which contributes to the process of digestion and better absorption of food. Secondly, in 100 g of green Luke contains about 50 mg of vitamin C. This amount is enough to satisfy the daily requirement of an adult. It is worth noting that green onions, unlike onions, contain chlorophyll, which is necessary for hematopoiesis. Therefore, it is especially necessary for people suffering from various types of anemia.

It should be remembered that the most valuable thing in a green onion is a white fleshy leg, feathers up to 10 cm from the white part are useful. The rest of the green Luke may cause some adverse effects such as stomach fermentation, headache, irritability or drowsiness. So, let's throw out everything superfluous and proceed to treatment!

Related publications:

Photo report “Garden on the window. Growing onions ”Teacher Bylkova Yuliana Yuryevna Purpose: To interest children in growing onions on the window.

Synopsis of the GCD "Planting onions" in the second junior group Abstract of the GCD on the topic "Planting onions" in the second junior group. Compiled by educator Pechkareva T.P. Purpose: creation of stimulating conditions.

OOD on labor education in the senior group on the topic "Planting onions" Program content: to involve children in growing plants; teach.

"Planting an onion". Experimental activities in the senior group Purpose: To introduce children to the process of planting onions. To learn to use words in speech, focusing on the gender of the word when determining the subject according to it.

Planting an onion. One, two, three, four, five We are going to plant onions! They worked together, cheerfully, Watered - they were not lazy When outside the window.

Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge of the properties of onions; learn how to plant bulbs in soil and water.



  1. Clarify children's knowledge of what plants can be grown from.
  2. Clarify children's knowledge about the characteristic features of onions
  3. Exercise children in the correct methods of planting bulbs.


  1. Develop mental processes.
  2. Develop and maintain activity, initiative and independence in

cognitive activity.


1. Cultivate a desire to care for onions grown by one's own hands.

Material: bulbs, earth, water.

Equipment: disposable cups, sticks 20-25 cm, mayonnaise jar, watering can, magnifying glass, hero "Why" .

The course of the lesson-experimentation:

The teacher makes a riddle.

The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.
- Bulb.

Educator: You have plates on the table covered with a napkin. Do you want to see what's there?

Teacher: Then let's open it. But before we start working, we need to remember the safety rules:

  1. Do not take onions and earth in your mouth.
  2. Do not put dirty fingers in your mouth and do not rub your eyes with them.

Educator: Pick up an onion. Can you tell me what color the bow is? (children's answers)

What shape is it? (children's answers)

Touch it with your finger and say: is the onion hard or soft? (children's answers)

Now I will cut the onion, smell the onion. What does he smell like? (children's answers)

Why are you crying? (children's answers)

Yes, onions sting your eyes and make everyone cry. Who wants to treat themselves to onions? What does onion taste like?

Children: Onion is bitter, but it is very useful, it has a lot of vitamins.

What do you think will happen to the onion if it is planted in water or soil? (children's answers)

The teacher shows a sprouted bulb.

Do you want to try yourself in the role of gardeners and grow green onions? After all, it also has a lot of vitamins.

Educator: Let's try to plant onions in water. But first, we need to determine where the bow has the top. Take a magnifying glass in your hand and carefully look at the bulb. Try to determine where the green onions will grow from?

Children: Onions have a top, green onions grow from here. (Show)

Educator: But the bottom of the bulb is the bottom. (Show) Let's say together: "Donets" . (Children repeat) Examine the bottom with a magnifying glass. What do you see?

Little roots.

Educator: Onions should be planted upside down. Let's plant one bulb in a jar of water.

The teacher asks one child to give water, and the other to give a watering can.

Look, I'm pouring water into a jar from a watering can. Now we need to plant the onion. Remind me how to plant onions. (children's answers) Show me where the bottom of the bow is? (Children show)

The teacher invites one of the children to plant a bow. (Child planting a bow)

Now let's take a break and play a game "Grow, grow onion"

You will be the bow, and I will plant the bow in the ground, bottom down. Everyone sat down. Now I take a watering can and water the onion with water. The onion begins to grow, it has green leaves. Green onions are getting bigger and bigger. Here is our green onion. (Children get up)

There is a knock on the door. The teacher introduces the hero "Why" and asks on his behalf what the children are doing. (children's answers)

Then the teacher, on behalf of the hero, says that he knows another way to plant onions (to the ground).

Do you want to know this way?

Come to the table. Take a glass, scoops and fill the glass with earth. Now take the onion in your hands. Find the bottom of the bow. Onions should be planted upside down. Make a depression in the ground with the help of sticks, place the onion in it with the bottom down and press the ground tightly around the bulb.

The teacher, together with the hero, praises the children for the work done.

Educator: What do you think needs to be done to start growing green onions.

Right. Take a watering can and pour gently. Don't pour a lot of water.

The teacher on behalf of the hero says: “Well done! You all did a good job planting the bow. Well, it's time for me, goodbye, kids" .

Educator: Let's put the onion on the windowsill and observe where the onion grows faster in water or in the ground? Let's put sticks in glasses with onions and when the onion is the same height as a stick, you can cut it for dinner.

Summary of the lesson.

What did we consider? (onion)
What shape is the bulb? (Round, oval)
What is it: hard or soft? (solid)
What does onion taste like? (Bitter)

How to plant onions? (bottom down)

What conditions are necessary for the growth of greenery? (Water)

Children watch the growth of onions and record the results in an album.

Project time: February 2014

Project duration: 3 weeks.

Project type:short-term, practice-oriented project.

Project participants: children of the middle group, teacher Shalnova Tatyana Alekseevna

Direction of work: research.

Objective of the project:

1. To form a careful attitude to the surrounding world of nature, a desire to take part in experimental activities.

2. They brought up a caring attitude towards plants as living beings, empathy for them, understanding the need for their protection based on their own observations.

3. Introduce onions, show the development of bulbs at various stages of growth.

4. Show the importance of light, water and heat for development and growth.

5. Develop observation, the ability to experiment, draw conclusions.

Program tasks:

1. To form an idea of ​​​​bulbous and their purpose.

2. Arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing this garden crop.

3. To form a desire to observe changes in the bulbs depending on the conditions.

4. To teach to create a situation of experience, to make the necessary sketches together with the teacher.

5. Generate interest in experimentation and research activities.

Expected Result:

After the experiment, draw a conclusion, what factors contribute to the growth and development of plants. (light, water, heat)

Forms of work:

Consideration, comparison, experience, observation, care, watering, loosening, cutting, eating.

Forward planning:

1. Examination and comparison of bulbs by size, color.

2. Determining under what conditions the bulbs will germinate.

3. Observation of the germination of bulbs. Determine which one sprouted first.

4. Comparison of bulb growth rates.

5. Cut green onion feathers and eat.


Large and small bulbs, jars, watering cans with earth, pallets with earth, aprons for work.

Lesson progress:

Vos-l: Guys, all come to the table and stand around it. I want to show you what I found at the door of our group today.

(I open a napkin from the box in which the onion lies)

What's this?

That's right, it's an onion. But look, it's different in size. In one they are all the same - solid to the touch. (I suggest that the children carefully consider, feel the bulbs)

I also want to tell you an incredible story. As I was walking up the stairs, I heard someone's voices. At first I thought it was one of the children, but when I listened, I realized that it was the onions in the box arguing.

Large bulbs shouted:

We are big, our hostesses love us, we have the most vitamins, we grow quickly and give a lot of green feathers.

The little ones weren't far behind.

We are small, but this does not mean that we have few vitamins and we are less useful. We are also growing very fast and no one has yet complained about the taste of our green feather.

But then the bulbs fell silent, apparently they realized that someone was watching them.

Guys, you want to settle the bulb dispute. Find out which of them will germinate faster, give green feathers, taste and compare them. Are you willing to participate in the experiment?


Growing onions in water.

Grow onions in water.

For the growth of the plant there is light, heat, water.Large and small bulbs have released a huge number of roots into the water, but the green feathers are not the same. We conclude that even in the presence of the same conditions for growth (light, water, heat, the onion does not germinate at the same time, regardless of size.

Consider an onion grown in water.

We see that roots and sprouts have appeared. Some time after germination, the onion feather begins to turn yellow, after cutting it grows weakly again. Why? Plants need land to grow.

After three days!!!

Do not forget to water, remember that plants need water to grow.

Summary of work

Conducted experiments where children watched the growth of onions. Established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - man. The results of the experiments were recorded in the drawings, in the photo. We formed ideas about the basic needs of onions, the conditions that are necessary for its growth (water, earth, light, heat). Developed the skills of planting onions on the ground and in a glass of water;

Here is our onion and ready to eat.

In the process of working on the project, she informed the pupils of new knowledge about vegetables, specifically about onions. Onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fights viruses and accumulates the life-giving energy of the earth. Onion improves appetite, assimilation of food, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
