The Exorcism of the Devil Jerrod Wyatt: The MMA Fighter's Scary Crime. The Exorcism of the Devil Jerrod Wyatt: The Scary Crime of the MMA Fighter Monstrous Insolence in McDuck

On October 25, it became known that the Russian mixed-style fighter Alexander Emelianenko would never be able to take the long-awaited revenge from Mirko "Krokop" Filippovich. The Legend promotion company terminated the contract with the eminent Russian fighter because of a fight in which Emelianenko took part. We will remind, after the incident in the capital's cafe "Faina", a 63-year-old man was taken to the hospital with beatings.

the site recalls the most famous fighters who ruined their careers with scandalous and truly scary antics.

Iron Mike and his weakness for girls

Mike Tyson began to show his complex character and enormous talent almost simultaneously - in the mid-80s. In 1987, when Mike made a name for himself, he made history in a parking lot. The boxer began to pester the girl, for whom his acquaintance stood up. As a result, the head of a friend experienced a powerful left hook. Tyson was accused of assault, the case was taken to court. However, the injured party withdrew the statement, having received 105 thousand dollars from the boxer.

It all ended much worse for Tyson in 1991, when he was accused of rape. According to the prosecution, Mike in one of the hotels attacked a girl who bore the title "Miss Black America". Tyson was found guilty, although many argued that that evening between the boxer and the girl, everything went by mutual agreement. Tyson received six years in prison, of which he served three. He converted to Islam behind bars and never returned to his previous level.

Lover of drugs and alcohol

Former world light and welterweight champion Briton Ricky Hatton (45-2-0) has been stripped of his boxing license for damaging the sport's reputation with alcohol and drug abuse.

In 2009, the British press published an eyewitness account that the famous boxer was taking drugs. Athlete's friend Emma Bowe scrupulously calculated that Hatton consumed seven lines of cocaine during the night and drank a lot of alcohol in the form of beer, vodka, wine and several cocktails. At a hearing on September 22, the British Council found Hatton guilty of misconduct and found that his actions were detrimental to the interests of boxing and the public interest in him.

According to, Ricky was also fined £ 20,000. From now on, he has no right to even be an assistant in the corner of the ring. However, Hatton continues to be in the boxing world. He has a promotional company Hatton Promotions.

Fight Kostya Tszyu - Ricky Hatton

Accidental death at the hands of the "Black Tiger"

Rasul Mirzaev began boxing as a child, studying at a sports boarding school. Rasul often fled from there, but he explained this not by bad influence, but by the desire to show character. In the third grade, he tried alcohol and cigarettes for the first time, but, in his words, he quickly realized that this was "the road to nowhere." In the boarding school, he behaved undisciplined, and soon his uncle took him to him, who, seeing a very active boy, sent him to the free-style wrestling section.

Growing up, Mirzaev went to serve in the army. He got into the tank troops, where he began to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Returning to civilian life, he became interested in sambo. Then he began to practice mixed martial arts and reached great heights: the champion of Russia in MMA in the weight category up to 60 kg, the winner of the World Cup in pankration, the world champion in combat sambo, the world champion in the weight category up to 65 kg according to Fight Nights as part of the tournament "Battle under Moscow - 4 ".

At 4 am on August 13, 2011, near the Garage nightclub, Rasul Mirzaev, after a verbal skirmish, struck a short sharp blow to the cheekbone of 19-year-old Ivan Agafonov. During the fall, Ivan hit the asphalt, lost consciousness, but soon woke up. Friends took the victim to the hospital №1. After examination, the doctors diagnosed her with cerebral edema and subsequent pulmonary edema. Soon Ivan fell into a coma. On the night of August 18, he died without regaining consciousness.

On January 12, 2012 it became known that the charge against Mirzaev was changed to a less serious one, to Article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). On February 13, 2012, the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow made a decision to release Mirzaev from custody under the minimum bail stipulated by the current legislation of 100,000 rubles. The decision made by the court aroused indignation first in the courtroom, and then on the Internet.

After his release from custody, Mirzaev immediately began to prepare for a title fight, an agreement on which was reached even before the start of the criminal case. The preparations were carried out for four months in Derbent. On March 31, 2013, within the framework of the Great Battle tournament, Mirzaev fought a title fight against the world champion in pankration, Kazakhstani Yerzhan Estanov. By unanimous decision of the judges, the victory in the three-course duel was awarded to Mirzaev. In his victory speech, Rasul Mirzaev said that he wants to "dedicate this victory to his relatives, the team, as well as his native Dagestan and Russia!"

Monstrous insolence in McDuck

Rustam Khabilov was a promising fighter of the Rostov club "Legion". But one day he showed his true face, having committed a not entirely masculine act - he insulted a girl at McDonald's.

At first, he showed an insulting and humiliating gesture to the girls sitting at the table opposite, and then demonstratively leaving the institution, he poured juice into the girl's face, throwing an empty bag into her. All were filmed, either friends or acquaintances of Rustam.

Nevertheless, the fighter continued to perform in MMA, spoiling his image of a real man and an athlete.

Russian bully

The middle brother in the Emelianenko family - Alexander - is the most scandalous fighter in Russia. In recent years, we have heard more than once about his unsportsmanlike antics. In November 2011, Emelianenko got into a row with the Polish promotion company Strefa Walk. Alexander was supposed to fight in Poland against one of the local fighters, but the show did not take place. According to the outraged Polish side, the multiple world and European champion in combat sambo did not fulfill his obligations to the company, and, taking a fee for the fight (the amount of about 40 thousand dollars appeared in the Polish media), refused to compete. Simply put, "threw" his partners.

Emelianenko himself stated that the reasons for the cancellation of the fight lie in "illegal and unscrupulous ways of promoting the tournament by its organizers" - in promoting their brand, the owners of "Strefa Walk" illegally used the image of Alexander's older brother, Fedor, and promised that the famous Russian fighter would come to the tournament as a guest of honor. Emelianenko Sr. himself strongly denied this information.

Then there was a scandalous skirmish with the Russian fighter Sergei Kharitonov. Sergey commented on three defeats in a row to Fedor Emelianenko. Alexander, apparently, did not like them and he sharply answered Kharitonov: "Seryozha is no one to call him." This was followed by a series of mutual reproaches and curses. Kharitonov called Emelianenko an alcoholic and drunkard, accused him of crime. Alexander offered to cut off his own finger, if this is really the case. If Kharitonov turned out to be wrong, then, of course, Kharitonov would have lost his finger.

This story did not receive further development - apparently, the fighters were tired of attacking each other through the press.

Over the past two years, Emelianenko has found himself in the center of scandalous stories three more times. In 2012, he made a riot on board a Moscow-Barnaul flight, and also held a drunk workshop, according to eyewitnesses.

In the summer of 2013, a young girl applied for him, accusing Alexander of rape. In October, a Russian fighter got into a fight in a cafe, after which a 63-year-old man found himself in an ambulance. Who is to blame for this story is still unknown, but Emelianenko was removed from the Legend tournament, where in November he was supposed to fight the Croatian fighter Mirko Fillipovich. By the way, the promotion company broke the contract with Alexander for life.

Rape at gunpoint

In 2008, mixed-style fighter Jeremy Jackson was charged with breaking into his ex-girlfriend's house and raping her at gunpoint. Later, the victim began to withdraw her testimony, and Jackson had a great chance to be released. But then the athlete himself, contrary to the advice of his lawyer, suddenly pleaded guilty. The court sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

According to the prosecutor, Jackson confessed to one case of rape and penetration into someone else's home for the purpose of sexual assault.

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The british robbery

Renowned mixed-style fighter Lee Murray was the mastermind behind the biggest bank robbery in British history.

The crime was committed in February 2006. Murray, along with accomplices, kidnapped a bank manager and his family. Then, changing into police uniforms and threatening the manager with reprisals, they forced him to take them to a bank vault. Together with accomplices, they took out $ 77 million.

Prior to that, Lee managed to beat Tito Ortiz in a bar and win one fight in the UFC. Murray is currently serving a prison sentence in Morocco. By the way, less than half of the stolen money was returned to the police.

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Casting out the devil

American fighter Jerrod Wyatt, under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms, decided that his friend and sparring partner Taylor Powell was possessed by the devil, and brutally killed him.

An MMA fighter was detained at the scene of the crime in the nude, holding a fragment of Powell's hand and his eyes. As reported by the American media, Wyatt also tore out the unfortunate heart and burned it, as well as cut out most of the face, tongue and other organs.

Wyatt's lawyer claims that his client, having drunk tea with hallucinogenic mushrooms, was under the influence of psychotropic substances, not realizing what was happening. The athlete was facing the death penalty.


M-1 Global decided to disqualify Ibragim Ibragimov for life for unsportsmanlike behavior after the fight with Denis Smoldarev at the M-1 Challenge 39 tournament. Dissatisfied with the outcome of the fight, Ibragimov first expressed his outrage verbally, and then struck his opponent with a headbutt.

“We decided to disqualify Ibragim Ibragimov for life and to break the contract with him for unsportsmanlike behavior in the ring,” the president of the organization, Vadim Finkelstein, is quoted by - If a fighter does not know how to lose with dignity, then he has no need to enter the ring.

Also, M-1 decided to punish the Legion club, for which Ibragimov is playing. None of the athletes from the mentioned club participated in the next tournament.

The famous mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko got into a fight on October 23 in a cafe in Moscow. We remembered how MMA fighters came into conflict with others, not hesitating to apply their professional skills

Alexander Emelianenko

In the capital's cafe "Faina" Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexander Emelianenko once again demonstrated to everyone his explosive character and strong fists: for reasons unknown to anyone, he was outraged by the behavior of the company, which was celebrating its anniversary at the next table. For a start, the athlete decided to simply enter into a verbal skirmish with those present, and then got involved in a fight. As a result, a 63-year-old man was hospitalized, and Emelianenko hurried to escape from the scene - and a day later, being detained, he said that he himself had become a victim of an attack. The police comment on the events evasively, but admit that the athlete can become a defendant in a criminal case.

Rasul Mirzaev

Three-time MMA world champion in mixed martial arts Rasul Mirzaev also darkened his glory with an evil deed. On August 13, 2011, near a nightclub in the center of Moscow, the athlete could not keep his emotions under control and with one strong blow to the cheekbone ended the life of a young student Ivan Agafonov.

It all started innocuously enough: a student with friends stood near an entertainment facility and played with a typewriter on the remote control. Then the toy drove up to the girl, and Ivan jokingly offered her a ride. Mirzaev did not like this, and he decided to enter into a verbal skirmish with the student, and then teach the impudent young man a lesson with a strong blow. Ivan Agafonov died. He was 19 years old.

Stanilav Molodtsov

On August 11, 2012, Russian fighter Stanislav Molodtsov decided to have fun in the Crimean bar "Tropican". As eyewitnesses of the incident assured, the athlete, solely out of hooligan motives, decided to "deal with" Alexander Fedorov, a serviceman of the contract service of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The fighter approached the man and hit him in the face of Fedorov. After the blow, the victim fell, hit his head and lost consciousness.

Compassionate bar patrons called an ambulance. The soldier was hospitalized with a head injury and died a few hours later. Meanwhile, Molodtsov hastened to hide.

Fun fact: the fighter was a witness in the case of his colleague Rasul Mirzaev, whom he then described as a reserved and non-conflict person. Now this, at least, cannot be said for sure about Molodtsov himself.

Alistair Overeem

In 2012, professional Dutch MMA fighter Alistair Overeem, a powerful and strong athlete, decided to attack a woman at the Wynn Casino in Las Vegas. The incident took place on January 2. It is not known what exactly the professional did not like. Yes, he himself does not know, believing that he is not guilty of anything.

But this is not the first time that Overeem has allowed himself to let go of his hands and splash out his aggression. In 2009, he, along with his brother Valentin - by the way, also an MMA fighter - took a direct part in a fight with the guards of a nightclub. The forces were unequal: two athletes and seven guards. However, Valentine and Alistair overdid it so much that five of the club's seven law enforcement officers were hospitalized.

Jerrod Wyatt

Everyone was shocked by the crime committed by the American MMA fighter Jerrod Wyatt. The athlete, being under the influence of hallucinogenic mushrooms, decided that a devilish force had infiltrated his friend Taylor Powell. And who, if not Wyatt, needs to save his buddy? Then he decided to expel the demon from the soul of the poor fellow and remove the heart from his body. After the performed procedure, the fighter apparently thought that this was not enough, and burned his friend's heart, and also cut off his tongue, part of his face and removed other internal organs. When the police arrived at the scene of the crime, intoxicated by his success, naked Wyatt was holding an eye and a fragment of Powell's brush in his hand. Forensic experts have established that Taylor Powell saw everything that his friend did to him, since for some time after the beginning of the "exorcism" he was still alive.

Fights without rules amaze many with the power, cruelty, inhuman strength of rivals. However, there is an opinion: the stronger and more aggressive an athlete is in the ring, the more calm and kind he is in life. But in the direction of the main character of our story, such a judgment is fundamentally wrong. We tell you the story of Jerrod Wyatt, one of the most fearsome MMA fighters. She confirms for the hundredth time: drugs are an absolute evil for a person.

D. Wyatt - who is this?

Jerrod Wyatt's biography is not replete with bright victories in the ring, and on the Internet you will hardly find records of his most spectacular fights. Moreover, we note that this wrestler without rules had only one fight in the professional ring!

For other characteristics, it is also difficult to single out Jerrod Wyatt. The biggest MMA fighter is not his case. However, the name of this American athlete was heard by the public for a long time in the first half of 2010. And this is not the fault of his career in MMA. And a terrible crime, the punishment for which for the 26-year-old fighter was the death penalty.

Scary challenge

Before the American policemen, who rushed to the incomprehensible call, a truly eerie sight appeared: the body of a man, on whose face there was no living space, it was literally cut into rags with a knife. The heart and other internal organs were ripped out of the corpse. The person who died such a gruesome death was quickly identified - it turned out to be Taylor Powell, a 21-year-old fighter without rules.

The culprit did not have to look long - he was at the scene of the crime. The brutal killer turned out to be none other than the martial arts master and Taylor's sparring partner in the ring - Jerrod Wyatt. According to the police, at the time of the arrest, the athlete was completely naked, stained from head to toe in human blood. In his hand was Taylor Powell's eyeball.

Exorcism and mushrooms

What happened was explained by D. Wyatt himself. A terrible reprisal against a rival and a friend is the expulsion of the devil from Powell's mortal body. Do not think that Jerrod Wyatt was overly religious, was a member of a sect, or was carried away by satanic teachings. The reason for his terrible act is too mundane.

Gathering in a close circle with friends, the athlete decided to take a cup of a drink made from hallucinogenic mushrooms. As a result of drug use, the consciousness of the soldier became clouded - he was overcome by the obsession that his friend was possessed by Satan and that he could be "saved" from the devil only through this ritual murder.

According to Jerrod Wyatt, he threw the heart of the deceased into the fire, and intended to use other internal organs for food.

According to the witness

The third participant in the "mushroom tea" was a certain Justin Davis. It was he who called the police to the scene of the terrible crime. According to the witness, after taking the hallucinogenic drink, he noticed a strange change in Wyatt's mood. Jerrod began to repeat that he needed to have some kind of tattoo cut out. This worried Davis - he decided to quietly and without suspicion leave the company to call the police.

The sane decision, in fact, saved Justin. But it was in his absence that the terrible massacre took place.

Crime and Punishment

According to pathologists, Taylor Powell's death was due to massive blood loss due to a torn heart. There is an assumption that the unfortunate person was alive for some time after that - he was conscious, experiencing terrible torment.

According to police sergeant Elwood Lee, who was the first to appear at the scene of the crime, Jerrod wielded his hands and a knife in his terrible business. Taylor's chest was opened with this melee weapon - an incision was made more than 45 centimeters long. Then Jerrod Wyatt completed the pseudo-ritual massacre by pulling out the unfortunate's internal organs.

James Fallman, a lawyer for an MMA fighter, in defense of his client, said that the latter, at the time of the crime, might simply not be aware of the consequences of his actions. Jerrod Wyatt's mind was clouded by the effects of taking hallucinogenic mushrooms. At that moment, the athlete was, one might say, in a different reality, where he saves a friend, in whose soul, according to the accused, the devil had infiltrated.

The case was pending in the Del Norte District Court. Jerrod Wyatt was charged with brutal first-degree murder and torture. The last episode is brought up because Wyatt's sparring partner was in terrible agony, living his last moments with his heart ripped out. According to state law, a murderer must answer to the fullest extent of the law for his cruel act, albeit in a dimmed state. The punishment is one - the death penalty.

Jerrod Wyatt, whose name was so popular in the media in the spring and summer of 2010, is by no means a star of MMA fights. Rather, this wrestler who has only accepted one professional fight is the disgrace of the sports organization. Jerrod was justly sentenced to death for brutal murder. This ghastly example once again shows what terrible consequences the use of seemingly harmless drugs can lead to.

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