Fasting morning jogging reviews. Running on an empty stomach - does it make sense? How to do cardio in the morning on an empty stomach

If you decide to lose weight, then first of all you need to focus on nutrition, since it plays a key role. It is also important to choose meals that are optimal in time. (you need to know what is best to eat in the morning, before bed, etc.)... Today we'll talk about nutrition before and after cardio for weight loss... What is allowed and what is not?

Conventionally, cardio can be divided into two types: high-intensity and low-intensity. Each species is different and burns subcutaneous fat in its own way. Accordingly, nutrition will depend on your choice.

High-intensity cardio- this is when you are doing some kind of physical activity and your heart rate exceeds 150 beats per minute. As a rule, such workouts are very energy intensive and allow you to burn a lot of calories. They usually last 15 - 30 minutes. The duration can vary based on what you are doing. For example, if this is a fast run in the heart rate zone of 165 beats per minute, then its duration can be 15 minutes. And if you take the same run, only in interval mode (acceleration - deceleration), then the duration can be increased to 30 minutes.

High-intensity cardio training uses glycogen as energy. Glycogen is used because you are making the body work very hard and fast. After completing this workout, your glycogen stores are depleted and the body begins to repair them. It will be restored either from food or during the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

Low-intensity cardio- this is when you perform some kind of physical activity, and your heart rate does not exceed 150 beats per minute (ideal heart rate range: 120 - 130 beats per minute)... These workouts use fewer calories than high-intensity cardio, but they use fat as fuel. But, initially muscle fat is consumed. (when you do cardio), and then in the process of recovery (when you rest) subcutaneous fat restores lost muscle fat stores. Thus, weight loss occurs. For maximum effectiveness, the duration of such workouts should be between 45 and 60 minutes. (if you are a beginner, then your duration may be 15 minutes).

Eating well before and after cardio for weight loss will depend on what type of training you choose and when you do it. First, let's take a look at high-intensity cardio. I do not recommend doing this workout in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. The best time to exercise is during the day. Since you are using powerful sources of energy during this workout, eating before cardio for weight loss (1.5 - 2 hours before training) should include proteins + carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will provide you with the energy for a full workout, and protein will serve as a source of quality amino acids.

For example, you can use the following combination of products:

  • durum pasta + beef + vegetables
  • oatmeal + banana + protein shake
  • buckwheat + chicken + vegetables
  • rice + fish + vegetables

As for the nutrition after cardio workout for weight loss, here we no longer need carbohydrates. 30 - 60 minutes after training, I recommend eating proteins + vegetables. Food selection can be the same as pre-workout, only without carbohydrate foods (excluding: durum pasta, oatmeal, bananas, buckwheat, rice, etc.).

Eating well before and after low-intensity cardio for weight loss is a little different. If in high-intensity cardio carbohydrates will help in work, then here they will only interfere. Since against the background of a deficiency of carbohydrates and low blood sugar, fat burning will occur more intensively. This cardio can be done at any time of the day, including in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

If you do low-intensity cardio in the morning, then, accordingly, you do not eat anything before it. Traditionally, this is considered the best time to lose weight, since it is after sleep that your body has a minimum amount of carbohydrates and low blood sugar. After your morning cardio, I recommend eating proteins and vegetables.

If you are doing low-intensity cardio during the day, this is where your diet should be looked at. You can eat carbohydrates 1.5 - 2 hours before training, but after training I recommend concentrating on proteins (meat, chicken eggs, fish, chicken, protein) and vegetables.

If you do low-intensity cardio in the evening before going to bed, then before training you need to eat protein foods and vegetables for 1.5 - 2 hours (exclude carbohydrates)... Accordingly, after training, you do not eat anything and immediately go to bed. During cardio, you burned muscle fat, and now, while you sleep, subcutaneous fat will replenish muscle fat stores. Theoretically, cardio before bed is in no way inferior in efficiency - cardio on an empty stomach, since during sleep, growth hormone is intensively released, which is the best fat burning hormone, and, accordingly, it helps in this matter.

The following can be used as protein meals:

  • low-fat cottage cheese + vegetables
  • fish + vegetables
  • chicken + vegetables
  • seafood + vegetables
  • meat + vegetables
  • chicken eggs + vegetables
  • protein cocktail

Well, that's basically everything you need to know in order to properly compose your weight loss menu, taking into account cardio training. But, if you do not adhere to the basic rule of weight loss “you need to get less calories than you spend during the day,” then manipulating the correct ratio of proteins / carbohydrates before / after training will not help you.


The desire to lose weight is natural, because everyone wants to look aesthetically attractive. To lose weight, people are ready for almost any solution, and one of them is fasting jogging, which is used much more often than interval training. How effective and harmless is running on an empty stomach in the early morning, and what can it lead to?

Running on an empty stomach as a good way to lose weight

This is not to say that doing physical activity on an empty stomach is a bad way to burn fat. On the contrary, such training burns a large amount of fat deposits since the body lacks simpler energy sources such as carbohydrates and protein.

As a result of even a slight load, the process of fat burning begins, and, consequently, weight loss. The physiology of the body is such that after waking up, the blood contains a minimum amount of glycogen (complex carbohydrate), which causes drowsiness in the first few minutes after waking up. And most often it is not coffee that helps to wake up, but sugar, which contains glycogens.

Since the body has a low supply of glycogen in the morning, it will take much less effort to use it and start burning fat than in the evening. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to run less.

Regular morning jogging on an empty stomach will be beneficial for people with a slow metabolism. It is always more difficult for such people to lose weight, because carbohydrates and proteins are consumed extremely slowly. If you run systematically in the morning, the body will rebuild and will be prone to loss of adipose tissue in the morning.

Why is running on an empty stomach dangerous?

If the weight is within the normal range, but at the same time there are deficiencies in the figure in the form of a small tummy or "flabby" legs, then such people are not recommended to run on an empty stomach.

People with low fat in the early hours have extremely low glycogen stores, and in the event of physical activity without replenishment of nutrients, the body will begin to look for alternative sources of energy. One such source is muscle tissue, which is the first to suffer if you run on an empty stomach for people who are low in fat.

What to do? For people who do not have problems with being overweight, but suffer from flaws in the figure, the way out of the situation is to run on well-fed stomach mainly in the evening.

If your # 1 problem is your belly, then use the tips from the article on how running affects. If the problematic part is in the legs, then it will not be superfluous, in addition to running, to use an arsenal of exercises for and, which in a relatively short time will allow you to admire the result.

Personal experience of running on an empty stomach

ADVICE. If you want not to get sick while running, then be sure to drink 200-250 ml of tap water (non-distilled). A glass of water will not add calories, but it will help your stomach and intestines a lot. In addition, a glass of water before jogging is recommended under any conditions.

First what should be considered when running on an empty stomach is hard. If you think that running, having refreshed and on an empty stomach does not make much difference, then this is not entirely true. There really is no difference in the first 1-2 kilometers, but later, when the abdominal muscles begin to get tired, it becomes much more difficult to maintain the pace.

Minor pain in the diaphragm area (upper press), as well as a slight burning sensation, may appear. These signs are not pathological, but indicate that the abdominal muscles are tired. This is the same as pumping the abs at home and when, at the end of the approach, a burning sensation begins to appear in the abdomen. It's the same here.

Second What is worth remembering is that you cannot quit running when the above signs appear. At this point, the body is just starting to consume fat. Try to endure about the same amount as you ran before.

Especially memorable for how you want to eat

Third, and the last thing to remember - it is better to refrain from eating immediately after running. Drink another glass of water and shower. After 15-30 minutes, you can eat a banana, and about an hour later you can eat a full meal, excluding fatty foods from the diet.

If we talk about the results, then personally such a run has a very positive effect on me. Here and training of general endurance and moral-volitional qualities, and fat burning, as a key factor. Judging by the running time, the result will be slightly worse. Average 10 seconds per kilometer at an easy pace.

Cardio training plays a significant role in fat burning. It is believed that fasting cardio not only helps to get rid of fat, but also speeds up this process. On the other hand, during training on an empty stomach, not only body fat is lost, but also muscle tissue. Therefore, it is worth weighing the pros and cons before engaging in this type of training.

Effectiveness of fasting cardio

Fasting morning cardio is considered to be very effective in terms of a person's physical condition. A workout starts a number of processes:

  1. The release of beneficial hormones into the bloodstream due to stress that the body begins to experience.
  2. The effect on adipose tissue of growth hormone and testosterone, which help the body to take energy from fat stores.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism with regular training.
  4. Active work of the endocrine system, which will cheer you up and set you up for the working day.

It is believed that fasting cardio in the morning for weight loss is more effective than training on a full stomach. Another point of view is that cardio does not have to be "hungry" to burn fat. So can you do cardio on an empty stomach for weight loss or is this training aimed at strengthening the heart muscle?

Should you include this kind of cardio in your workout routine?

This directly depends on the purpose of the training. For example, if the goal is only to lose weight, then training will be quite appropriate. During physical exertion, carbohydrates accumulated in the body serve as a source of energy. In the morning, the level of glycogen is minimal, so the body begins to waste fat during training. On the other hand, the body is the last to part with fat. In the beginning, protein will be wasted as energy, i.e. muscle. Accordingly, cardio on an empty stomach contributes to the loss of not only fat, but also muscle, which is not suitable for people who want to gain an elastic body in addition to losing weight.

"Hungry" cardio is not suitable for people who, in addition to morning exercises, plan an evening workout. In this case, it is better to have breakfast in the morning - so the effect of losing weight will be greater, and the load on the body will be more gentle.

Each person can decide for himself whether such training is suitable for him or not. Only an experimental path will help you make the right choice. Try not to eat before training, or, conversely, eat only proteins or carbohydrates and compare the results. The option to which the body responds better and will be optimal, even if it is not suitable for another person.

How to do fasting cardio?

In order for cardio on an empty stomach to bring only benefits to the body, a number of requirements must be met.

Workout time

If the main goal of the training is weight loss, then it should last at least an hour. This is exactly how long it takes for energy supply to occur at the expense of fats, which are the last in the queue for splitting.

As for the regularity, it is better if the training is carried out with short breaks. Otherwise, the body will become accustomed to this regimen, which can lead to greater loss of muscle mass and fatigue. The best option is 2-3 times a week.

Training rules

The main rule of training is not to eat anything in the morning. Shown only regular water, which can be drunk both before and during training. In no case should you replace water with coffee, as many do to invigorate the body. This is fraught with stomach problems. The drink can be allowed 20 minutes after the training.

The second rule is intensity. It should be low. The main thing is to lengthen the workout time, not make it fast and intense. Brisk walking or slow jogging is a great solution for “hungry” cardio.

And the third rule is gradualness. You do not need to immediately achieve an hour-long workout, do everything gradually. Let it be at first 10 minutes, then 15 and so on, until the body gets used to the stress, and they become a burden for it.

  • cardio on an empty stomach is better done in the morning than restricting yourself on food for an evening workout;
  • it is advisable to monitor the pulse: its optimal value should be in the range of 100-160 beats per minute;
  • use or protein;
  • Have a good post-workout breakfast.

Eating breakfast after cardio or not, so what?

Equally important for fasting cardio is post-workout nutrition. Moreover, the questions “what to eat after the training” and “when to have breakfast” are equally important.

It is better to take food not immediately and it is desirable that the proteins "go" first into the stomach. Then, after half an hour or an hour, you can take carbohydrates, since fat continues to burn until the moment they are consumed. The opinion that there is no need to have breakfast at all is erroneous. If the body does not receive food before lunch, then it will decide that the person intends to starve. As a result, the process of fat accumulation will start, contributing to the fact that each subsequent meal turns into the deposition of a fat layer. Carbohydrate breakfast after fasting cardio blocks this process and reduces muscle loss.

Cardio training for weight loss will not be effective without reducing your calorie intake. Therefore, it is important not only when there is, but also what. The table provides a list of foods that you want to consume after your morning cardio.

Pros and cons of fasting cardio

Cardio on an empty stomach causes a lot of controversy: some believe that training is useful, others do not see anything good in it.

Arguments for":

  1. In the morning, due to the reduced amount, the body mobilizes fats. Food intake interferes with this process.
  2. Fasting is at a high level after cardio. As a result, fats are burned for some time after training.
  3. Morning cardio will teach the body to wake up easily in the morning, and will also charge you with vigor for the whole day.

In favor of "hungry" cardio and research scientists who have proven that the effectiveness of cardio for fat burning is higher if you do it on an empty stomach than a full one.

Arguments against":

  1. The effects of "hungry" cardio may not be as expected. Many fatty acids in the body are converted back into fat cells after exercise. Moreover, in most cases, they are deposited in the abdomen.
  2. Intensive morning fasting cardio contributes to significant muscle loss.
  3. During fasting cardio, stomach acid is secreted, leading to serious stomach problems. There is also an increased load on the heart.

Opponents of "hungry" cardio believe that if the goal of training is to burn fat, then it does not matter at all in what conditions it is carried out. The main thing is to follow the law of energy balance. Everything else depends on the preferences and state of health of the student.

Cardio on an empty stomach is a kind of double-edged sword. You need to clearly define your goals and capabilities in order to make the right decision.

Friends, all the good time of the day! I would like to touch on the topic of running on an empty stomach and know your opinion about it. Many of us know that for successful weight loss we recommend jogging in the morning - and even on an empty stomach. But recently I found such interesting information:

The main advantages of fasting cardio:

  1. In the morning, the body has a low supply of glycogen, which means that when you run in the morning on an empty stomach, it is fat that begins to burn;
  2. As soon as you absorb food, insulin is released, which interferes with the mobilization of fats. In the morning, insulin levels are much lower, so fat is burned more actively;
  3. After a morning cardio workout on an empty stomach, fat continues to be burned for some time;
  4. After such workouts, endorphins are released, which increase your mood;
  5. If such training becomes a habit, it will be easier for you to wake up in the morning.
Recent research from the United States has confirmed some of the points outlined above. Research has shown that a pound of fat is burned faster in the morning on an empty stomach than if the athlete was exercising at other times of the day. The amount of fat that an athlete burned after morning cardio accounts for 70% of total energy expenditure throughout the day. In general, there have been many studies on the effectiveness of cardio training in the morning, the results of which have almost always been the conclusion that fat oxidation after cardio training is much faster if the exercises are carried out on an empty stomach. However, a huge number of scientists continue to argue that fasting cardio does not have such an effect on fat burning. The main contentious issue is whether morning exercise has any impact on overall fat loss in the long term. Those. Scientists do not argue with the fact that morning cardio burns more fat, it really is. However, in their opinion, in reality it does not matter at all when and what you burn (fat or carbohydrates eaten per day), the main thing is that there is a calorie deficit. You need to eat fewer calories than you spend - and you will lose excess weight.

I am writing for the first time. It is very interesting to know your opinion on the question.

Regarding insulin in the morning - it seems that it is released more in the morning hours, the body, thus, prepares the brain for awakening. Cardio on an empty stomach - I met the opinion that you need to eat an easily digestible protein before cardio, so that the muscles "do not go into consumption" on a starvation diet, although why exactly protein, what's the difference in the case of "not an empty stomach" before cardio. In favor of fasting cardio - manufacturers of expensive dietary supplements for weight loss in their new products emphasize that their pill blocks the formation of glycogen in the muscles and, thus, stimulates fat burning, it turns out, take a pill and spend energy on everyday activities as if on an empty stomach. A friend works in a pharmacy and the company recently did a training seminar for them, so she offered to try, I refused, I think I can handle it on my own)))

Ira Andreeva wrote:
However, in their opinion, in reality it does not matter at all when and what you burn (fat or carbohydrates eaten per day), the main thing is that there is a calorie deficit. You need to eat fewer calories than you spend - and you will lose excess weight.

Actually, that's all. The way it is.
Ira Andreeva wrote:
In the morning, the body has a low supply of glycogen, which means that when you run in the morning on an empty stomach, it is fat that begins to burn;

In the body, about 250 grams of glycogen is in the muscles, another 100 with something in the liver. Free people walk on blood another 10 grams. Therefore, there is no low supply in the morning. It is another matter if the glycogen depots were not filled earlier. But this happens on low-carb diets.

And so all the same on what you will run - on fat or on glycogen. Negative balance solves everything.

Find out how effective jogging is.

Very often you can find recommendations to jog on an empty stomach. It is assumed that such exercises can speed up the processes of lipolysis. At the same time, there are opponents of this point of view. Many famous bodybuilders practice fasting cardio training, considering it to be very effective.

It is believed that cardio on an empty stomach speeds up the metabolism and also burns a large amount of fat. Today, there is a lot of evidence supporting this theory, but physiologists prefer to use the energy balance theory. She suggests that in order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories per day than you consume. The time of their burning is of no fundamental importance.

If you know in general terms the physiology of the human body, then you will probably agree that the timing of the cardio session is not essential. However, there are reasons for doing cardio on an empty stomach. Let's find out if running on an empty stomach can be beneficial or harmful.

Arguments for Doing Fasting Cardio

To begin with, the body has a small amount of glycogen after waking up. This suggests that the body will have to make the most of fats for energy. In addition, it is important to remember that the release of insulin, facilitated by food intake, slows down the reduction of adipose tissue. The last argument in favor of running on an empty stomach is the ability to speed up metabolic processes, which will allow you to burn more fat throughout the rest of the day.

Scientists have carried out experiments that fully confirm everything said above. For example, the results of a study conducted at one of the universities of Kansas directly support the fact that jogging on an empty stomach accelerates fat burning compared to an evening training session. There are many other studies that support this theory.

However, even so, many physiologists continue to disagree on the benefits of doing cardio on an empty stomach. One of the main arguments that they put forward was the statement. That you can find the results of scientific research that can support almost any theory. The most discussed issue today is the possibility of continuing to burn fat throughout the day after a morning workout.

In this matter, we turn to the opinion not of physiologists, but of experienced athletes, for example, Chris Aceto. This man in the past was a famous bodybuilder, and now he consults popular bodybuilders in matters of proper nutrition. Chris is convinced that there is simply no better way to fight fat than fasting cardio.

Returning to the question of the importance of calorie burn time, here again Aceto is confident that having an effective cardio workout in the morning will have a positive effect on fat burning for the rest of the day.

Here are a few more benefits of a fasting cardio session:

  • The body accelerates the secretion of endorphins, which leads to an increase in your mood.
  • Morning cardio can quickly "wake up" the body.
  • Appetite is regulated for the whole day.
  • The circadian mode is quickly rearranging, making it easy for you to wake up in the morning.
  • You will have free time in the evening, which you can spend with your family or friends.
  • Metabolism increases.

Speaking about the benefits or harms of running on an empty stomach, one should consider not only those calories that were consumed during the cardio session, but also those that the body spends after its completion. This is very important, because after cardio exercise, the body continues to burn fat for several more hours. As a result, after doing a cardio session on an empty stomach, even working in the office, you continue to lose body fat.

However, a very important issue when using cardio training is the need to maintain muscle mass. To avoid wasting muscle tissue, your cardio workouts should not be excessively long. For example, Chris Aceto advises doing no more than half an hour on an empty stomach.

It is also very important to try not to feel hungry throughout the day. Strength training is a very effective way to maintain muscle mass. It is thanks to the combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads that you can effectively get rid of excess weight. Admittedly, running on an empty stomach has enough benefits not to try it in person.

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