About sports nutrition. Dymatize Nutrition Super Mass Gainer How to take

Various problems lead people to the gym: the desire to strengthen the body, increase immunity, lose weight, create an attractive appearance. To build a harmoniously developed figure, Super Mass Gainer is considered an ideal sports nutrition - a special set of substances that helps to build up relief steel muscles in the shortest possible time.

What is sports nutrition?

Creating his body, like a palace of bricks, a novice bodybuilder needs to seriously think about what these beautiful forms are made of. Many factors must be brought together to obtain a harmonious result: time spent, money, energy, willpower. The components are purely individual: genes have taken care of someone, and you just need to add muscle a little, and someone will need to build up an almost new body on the backbone, gaining weight or urgently shedding it.

One of the fundamental building blocks of such a complex, patient work is balanced sports nutrition in the form of gainers (translated from English as gain, increase):

  • these are irreplaceable nutritional sports supplements that contribute to the achievement of results in a short planned time frame;
  • this is the basis of a rich cocktail - a complete snack for the athlete!
  • it is an excellent correction of the sports diet.

Supplements are offered as a means to build ligaments and muscles in a short time. The main composition of such food:

  • proteins - the building block of muscle tissue;
  • carbohydrates - energy for good sports training;
  • Protein - muscle recovery after gym work;
  • minerals, vitamins, unsaturated fats - strengthening the immune system, smooth operation of all body systems;
  • enzymes - assimilation of bio-eaters;
  • glutamine, creatine, etc. - increase the overall performance of the body.

Composition of sports supplements

Gainers are:

  • proteinaceous;
  • carbohydrate.

If more than a fifth of the biofood is made up of proteins, it is a protein variant. (Recommended for athletes with a tendency to gain weight from daily carbohydrate meals. The protein option prevents fat loss instead of muscle growth). Accordingly, with a lower protein content, with a higher percentage of carbohydrates, the dietary supplement is called carbohydrate.

Super Mass Gainer Dimatais is a balanced sports nutrition with high bioavailability. With a new effective formula, it contains:

  • glutamine;
  • purified protein - protein;
  • amino acids;
  • lactose - a negligible percentage of ballast.

All this is necessary for the fastest possible muscle growth. Thanks to food enzymes, the drug is easily absorbed and very effective.

Why and how should you take Super Mass gainer?

A balanced diet is a key ingredient in bodybuilding success. Such a composition provides the most acceptable muscle growth and energy for the athlete without fat deposition.

This type of sports supplement, which increases the daily caloric content of the diet, is often practiced by ectomorphs, athletes who are heavily gaining their weight. With systematic exercise in the gym, their muscle mass begins to actively grow. Such sports nutrition is used by athletes, boxers, football players, basketball players - athletes experiencing aerobic exercise. Combining a supplement regimen with a proper diet restores strength, provides energy, and makes it possible to maintain a specific weight gain.

How the Super Mass Gainer is taken: 1-2 scoops of protein are mixed in 0.5-0.7 L of water or low fat milk. Drinks two or three times a day: after training in the morning, after lunch and before bedtime.

Super Mass Gainer - reviews of athletes about the reception

Ruslan. 24 years, 2 months workouts: “The gainer is very good, for 1 month. gained 6 kg, there is not much fat, I will take it. "

Leonid, 32 years old, half a year of training: “Added - super! Mass gainer Dimataise can be mixed with cottage cheese. I gained 7 kg in 3 weeks! "

Ivan is 23 years old, a year and a half of training: “I drank, the taste is normal. Saturates decently, a month easily gained 5 kg. I bought another pack. "

Danil, 29 years old, 2 years of training: “For a year - 30 kg, the result is great! Body-builder!"

Modern sports training is hard to imagine without biofuel, the Super Mass gainer is the most popular, proven sports product. Have you ever used it?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of the Dymatize Gainer.

High quality protein-carbohydrate product is divided into the following types:

By nutritional value

By volume and cost

NameVolume, gThe volume of one serving, gServings Per ContainerCost, rub.
2700 150 18 2400 - 3500
5400 150 30 3300 - 4100
Elite Mass Gainer2700 165 9 2200 - 3000
Elite Mass Gainer4500 334 16 3600 - 5000

Dymatize Gainer Review

More details about each type of gainer:

A group of researchers from the American sports nutrition brand Dymatize are confident that now there will be one less item on the list of priority training tasks for athletes - with the advent of Super Mass Gainer, gaining quality muscle mass is no longer a problem.
The use of a gainer will cover the increased need of the body for calories and building material, triggering the mechanisms of mass gain.

Super Mass Gainer is a high-calorie gainer from the American company Dymatize Nutrition.

The basis of the active components of the gainer is a combined carbo-complex and a multicomponent protein matrix of two forms of whey protein, calcium caseinate. Vitamins and minerals become a good addition to them, significantly accelerating muscle growth and providing a general "supportive" effect on the body.
The proportion of carbohydrates in Super Mass Gainer predominates - 75% of the product's composition falls on them. Energy components differing in chemical structure do not allow glycogen stores to be depleted and support the athlete's high performance during the longest training session.
The use of multiple sources of protein is fully justified from the point of view of maximizing the value of the product. The Complex Protein Matrix provides you with the most complete set of amino acids and provides instant, but at the same time, long-term saturation of muscle tissue with nutrients.

The signature ingredient in Super Mass Gainer is Zytrix Technology, which contains a 250-gram blend of digestive enzymes that facilitate the absorption of calories from the gainer and ensure optimal bioavailability of nutrients.

With Super Mass Gainer, fast metabolism ceases to be an obstacle to gaining muscle volume. You can buy Super Mass Gainer in the Bioman online sports nutrition store.
The perfect solution for gaining muscle mass and creating a chiseled figure is finally in front of you. Discover the world of Dymatize Super Mass Gainer.
Are you a hard gainer struggling to gain weight? Are you one of the people who just can't build solid and strong muscles? No matter how many calories you eat, muscle mass stubbornly refuses to grow? Then Super Mass Gainer is made especially for you. This product is your shortest road to the dream of a powerful figure.

Super Mass Gainer is packed full of calories with over 50 grams of high quality protein and plenty of BCAAs - a powerful blend for fast recovery and maximum growth.
Unlike other mass gainers, this terrific, high-calorie mass gainer contains Zytrix®, a digestive enzyme complex to ensure that the maximum amount of calories and protein is absorbed without harming the digestive system.
Super Mass Gainer is a premium product, the highest quality gainer that gives muscle growth and allows you to keep the achieved results at the desired level. The product contains protein with glutamine and a complete set of essential amino acids. Thanks to its exceptional properties, the mixture enables rapid muscle growth and recovery. Super Mass Gainer Protein Matrix is ​​composed of high quality protein extracted from premium milk and egg whites.

Super Mass Gainer is created using a special technology based on the latest scientific developments in the field of sports nutrition, due to which the body absorbs the maximum amount of protein and calories. Filling with protein and complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index gives the athlete the energy, nutrition and amazing performance they need from the training process.

When using Super Mass Gainer, a stable positive nitrogen balance in the body is ensured, which is maintained for several hours after the product is consumed due to the release of slow and fast proteins at different times. A special mixture of carbohydrates, both simple and complex, makes it possible to nourish the body at an optimal level, correctly directing amino acids to the cells of muscle fibers.
The effectiveness of the Super Mass Gainer has been proven by a lot of research and practice. So if you want a really powerful product, go for Super Mass Gainer.


The dymatize super mass gainer is available in a large package weighing 5.4 kg. Its advantages include (parameters are given based on one serving of the product - 332 grams):

  • high protein content - 52 grams. Not every gainer can boast such high rates. In turn, it is protein that plays a key role in the formation of muscle mass and the construction of new muscle fibers;
  • 1280 kilocalories, which provide the required amount of energy and increase the efficiency of training;
  • 17 grams of bcaa essential amino acids - valine, leucine and isoleucine. Thanks to the action of the latter, muscle fibers are reliably protected from destruction, recovery processes are optimized, immunity is strengthened, nitrogen metabolism and blood sugar levels are normalized. In addition, essential amino acids in dymatize super mass play the role of a full-fledged source of energy and give an impetus to the growth of muscle fibers;
  • creatine monohydrate promotes the release of an additional amount of energy, which will always be useful for full-fledged workouts with a maximum duration;
  • minerals and vitamins help to strengthen the body, prevent catabolic processes and support muscle growth.

The availability of dymatize super mass attracts many buyers looking for a high quality product at a relatively low price. Having bought a gainer, you can safely take it and be sure that the package will last for several months.

Features of the composition

One of the main advantages of dymatize super mass is the richness of its composition:

In addition to the above, dymatize super mass is rich in vitamins A, C, E and D, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, chromium, calcium, pantothenic acid, biotin and other components.

Why Use Super Mass Gainer

  1. Super Mass Gainer contains all the nutrition you need to build muscle mass in one convenient serving.
  2. It is loaded with protein fuels that work directly in the muscles. It's a delicious and convenient way to build muscle.
  3. It comes in a variety of amazing flavors that will delight your taste buds. This is not only a convenient, but also a delicious way to build muscle.


One serving of Super Mass Gainer (334g) gives the athlete:

  • 1,280 calories
  • 8g fat;
  • 70mg cholesterol;
  • 200mg sodium;
  • 500mg potassium;
  • 252g carbohydrates;
  • 50g of proteins;
  • 1g creatine monohydrate.

The gainer also contains vitamins and minerals, natural and artificial flavors, colorings and flavor sweeteners.
As you can see, one intake of a gainer gives you over a thousand calories, so we strongly do not recommend that you buy a gainer if you are prone to gaining subcutaneous fat.

How to use

To prepare a drink, stir 334g of powder (2 scoops) in 500-650ml of water or low-fat milk.
We advise you to reduce the recommended portion of the gainer by 2 times (from 334g to 167g) in order not to overload your digestive system. It is best to drink half of the serving during the day and the other half after training - this is the optimal scheme for ectomorphs.
To enhance the effectiveness of the gainer, Super Mass Gainer should be taken along with other supplements. Dymatize Nutrition recommends taking a gainer along with:

  • BCAA Complex 5050 - for faster recovery and suppression of catabolism;
  • Creatine Micronized - for even greater gains in mass and strength;
  • Gaba - to stimulate the production of growth hormone.

Elite Mass Gainer

The Elite in Elite Mass reflects the direction that Dymatize wanted to give its gamer. Direction to the sports elite, to the limit of sports achievements, to serious athletes. And, I must admit, in many ways Dymatize succeeded.

Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer is a concentrated anabolic nutritional supplement that promotes muscle growth and recovery from intense strength training.

Most weight gainers have the same formula - high in calories + protein. The types of carbohydrates can change, the protein can be combined in different ways, but the essence remains the same. And only a few manufacturers and not all supplements go beyond these banal formulas, sometimes creating true masterpieces of sports nutrition. One such drug, without a doubt, is Elite Mass - a complex anabolic formula.
Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer is a high protein gainer with an extended carbohydrate matrix and creatine.
Let's take a look at the reasons why Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer is one of the best weight gainers available on the sports nutrition market:

High percentage of protein.

  1. Long-acting protein complex (whey protein concentrate and isolate, egg white, milk protein and calcium caseinate), which is additionally fortified with BCAA and Glutamine.
  2. Prolonged Carbohydrate Matrix: Made from the longest linear chain available maltodextrin and very low DE (Dextrose Equivalent) (more than 97% sugar free), waxy maize, oat powder.
  3. Lipid Complex to Help Control Your Metabolism: Sunflower Oil, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), Flaxseed Oil, Borage Oil, CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), Evening Primrose Oil.
  4. Vitamin-mineral complex: Potassium chloride, vitamin A palmitate, calcium pantothenate, vitamin D3, ascorbic acid, D-alpha tocopheryl acetate, sodium chloride, Niacinamide, zinc oxide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, folic acid, biodidin, , beta-carotene, brewer's yeast, chromium yeast with GTF (glucose tolerance factor), spirulina, cyanocobalamin.
  5. Zytrix Enzyme Complex for Better Digestion.

Elite Mass appointment

The main goal of this drug is not just to provide the body with complex carbohydrates and high-quality protein, but to spur anabolic processes in the body aimed at restoring and improving physical parameters. Somehow - the growth of mass, strength, endurance. For this, various paths are used - from affecting the central nervous system to creating the prerequisites for better hormone production.

Elite Mass Gainer is a source of protein and healthy calories needed to increase muscle mass.


First of all, let's talk about calories. Each serving of Elite Mass contains over six hundred calories from complex carbohydrates! This allows the body to receive energy replenishment for a long time without fear of an increase in body fat. Your mass grows "dry", which is very important.

The carbohydrate component is based on the Waxy Maize blend. It includes carbohydrates with different glycemic index. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are quickly absorbed and enter the bloodstream. With a low index - they are absorbed much longer, giving glucose into the blood later.

A competent combination of carbohydrates with different glycemic indices allows you to create a complex that will nourish with energy not only for a long time, but also evenly. Waxy Maize is complemented by a special fat complex called anabolic lipid complex. It includes sunflower and flaxseed oils, medium chain triglycerides, borage and evening primrose oils, and the rather rare CLA (conjugated linoleic acid).

CLA is a nutritional regulator supplement with a pronounced fat burning effect.

There is also an excess of proteins in the preparation - 55 grams per serving. To some, this may seem an excessive amount, because it is known that it is not recommended to take more than 30-40 grams of protein per meal. Because the rest will not be absorbed. But due to the fact that the protein in Elite Mass is represented by many different matrices - from whey isolate and egg white to casein - it is absorbed for a long time. And not a single gram of protein is wasted in vain, each of them will be assimilated and enter the bloodstream with amino acids in due time.
And about amino acids. The preparation contains amino acids BCAA and glutamine, whose anabolic effect cannot be overestimated. Many manufacturers of sports nutrition, talking about the presence of BCAA in their products, are disingenuous, simply informing what part of the amino acids from protein is essential amino acids. And in this regard, it is especially worth noting that in this preparation BCAA and glutamine are presented in pure form, and, therefore, are absorbed instantly.

The gainer includes a useful lipid complex - a source of calories and fat, necessary for high-quality muscle growth.

This preparation also contains the most important energy amino acid - creatine. Moreover, it is included in the preparation in the form of two fractions - the widespread creatine monohydrate and in the form of the most modern creatine cre-alkyne. This allows you to maximize the effectiveness of creatine.
Elite Mass contains one of the best vitamin and mineral formulas available today. In addition to the usual vitamins of groups A, B and others, with the drug you will receive such rare trace elements as chromium yeast with GTF, which is responsible for the absorption of glucose. Plus the proprietary Zytrix blend.

For a single serving, mix four scoops with 450-550ml water or skim milk. It is recommended to take 1-2 servings during the day. On training days, one of the tricks should be one hour before training. During extremely intense workouts, up to 3 servings per day are allowed to gain muscle mass.


Amount of nutrients per serving (4 scoops = 152 g) of product:

  • Calories - 600, Including Calories from Fat - 33
  • Total Fat - 3 g
  • Cholesterol - 70 mg
  • Sodium - 200 mg
  • Potassium - 500 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 81 g
  • Protein - 60 g
  • Creatine Matrix - 5 g
  • Creatine monohydrate - 4 g
  • Creatine ethyl ester - 330 mg
  • Tri-creatine malate - 330 mg
  • Di-creatine malate - 330 mg
  • Glutamine - 2 g

Proprietary BCAA Blend - 500 mg

  • L-leucine
  • L-isoleucine
  • L-valine

Proprietary Healthy Fat Blend - 1 g

  • Natural soybean oil
  • Linseed oil
  • Medium chain triglycerides
  • Zytrex® Digestive Enzyme Complex - 250 mg

Amino Acid Composition Per Serving:

  • L-Alanine 2432 mg
  • L-Arginine - 1389 mg
  • L-Aspartic Acid 5146 mg
  • Creatine - 5000 mg
  • L-cystine - 1217 mg
  • L-glutamic acid - 9378 mg
  • L-Glutamine - 2000 mg
  • L-glycine - 928 mg
  • L-histidine - 1001 mg
  • L-Isoleucine (BCAA) 3300 mg
  • L-Leucine (BCAA) 5437 mg
  • L-lysine - 5030 mg
  • L-methionine - 1135 mg
  • L-Phenylalanine 1812 mg
  • L-Proline - 3548 mg
  • L-serine - 2675 mg
  • L-threonine - 3154 mg
  • L-tryptophan - 842 mg
  • L-Tyrosine - 1851 mg
  • L-Valine (BCAA) 3304 mg

Other ingredients

Protein Blend (Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Calcium Caseinate, Egg White), Carbohydrate Blend (Highest Quality Corn Dextrins from Maltodextrin - 100% Pure Long Chain Glucose Polymers), Natural & Artificial Flavors, Vitamin & Mineral Blend & Blend of fatty acids (potassium chloride, vitamin A palmitate, calcium pantothenate, vitamin D3, ascorbic acid, dialpha tocopheryl acetate, soy lecithin, medium chain triglycerides, sodium chloride, niacinamide, zinc oxide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavic acid biotin, potassium iodide, beta carotene, brewer's yeast, Gtf chromium yeast, spirulina, cyanocobalamin), acesulfame potassium, sucralose.

Some people have tremendous difficulty gaining weight. These are people with a body type - ectomorphs, owners of an accelerated metabolism and decreased appetite; they are constantly on the move, and therefore it is much more difficult for them to stock up on the extra calories and protein needed for muscle growth. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer meets your body's calorie and protein needs with a convenient and tasty shake specially formulated for gaining muscle and general mass.

Super Mass Gainer activates the mechanisms of mass gain, including through L-Glutamine, BCAA amino acids and creatine monohydrate. In addition, each serving contains 250 mg of Zytrix's proprietary and patented Digestive Enzyme Complex to promote optimal digestion and enhance nutrient bioavailability. Do not forget a complete set of mineral elements and vitamins, and all this to accelerate muscle growth.

Scientifically based and proven to be effective, Super Mass Gainer is the most delicious way to achieve your desired fitness and athletic performance.

Mode of application

Dilute 2 scoops in 700 ml of water or milk, then mix thoroughly. Dymatize's Super Mass Gainer is a very concentrated blend, so you only need to take half the recommended dose, 2 or 3 times a day. To achieve maximum weight gain, take three servings of Dymatize Super Mass Gainer daily: the first in the morning, another in the afternoon, and the last at night (about half an hour before bedtime).

A weight gainer is an excellent choice for athletes looking to gain muscle mass effectively. The high effect of the use of this product is achieved due to the thoughtful combination of carbohydrates with proteins, which are absorbed in the body at different rates. The high efficiency of the gainer lies in the fact that its components recharge the cells of the muscle tissue even 4 hours after ingestion.

The use of protein-carbohydrate products of this type allows you to intensively restore the body after physical exertion. As a result, after a hard workout, you will not feel exhaustion, you will always have the strength for new achievements.

Super Mass reliably protects your muscle fibers from catabolic processes during exercise.

Advice! When you are unable to eat a full meal, then a serving of the composition will allow your body to replenish the required amount of trace elements and nutrients. This feature will be convenient for those who have a busy schedule, and therefore do not have time to eat on time. However, this should not be abused.

Advice! The gainer can be diluted both in ordinary water and in juice, milk or kefir. It is important to achieve the perfect consistency, the cocktail should not contain lumps.

Now let's consider the main features of using a gainer:

  • If your goal is to gain muscle mass, the cocktail should be consumed three times a day (after 4-5 hours).
  • On non-training days, the standard dosage is one scoop per serving. On loading days, it is recommended to take two scoops.
  • Best just an hour before classes in the hall and half an hour after their end. In this way, you will ensure the most efficient muscle growth.

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer Video Review

The gainer must solve two priority tasks: effective muscle building and absolute safety for the health of the athlete. When choosing a food supplement, it is necessary to take into account the metabolic rate in the athlete's body, the intensity of the training process, as well as individual characteristics. It is better to give preference to products of world famous brands with a proven track record.

Athletes' opinion

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer is highly popular among professional athletes. Consider a few reviews about him from experts:

  • great taste even if dissolved in ordinary water;
  • ease of use - the regimen is accessible and understandable for a novice bodybuilder;
  • high efficiency, which is maintained even at low dosage;
  • affordable cost with high quality;
  • guaranteed rapid mass growth, the result of which is noticeable already in the first months of admission.

Important! Due to the high popularity of the product, a large number of counterfeits appear. Therefore, before purchasing Super Mass from Dimatize, check the packaging on the manufacturer's official website.


Dymatize Super Mass is an excellent gainer that allows you to quickly build muscle mass while increasing endurance and strength. Thanks to the use of this gainer, you can forget about the "overtraining" effect forever. Correct use of the supplement will allow you to achieve high results quickly.

It is impossible to achieve meaningful results in any business without the application of maximum effort. This statement is most relevant in relation to sports, since in addition to the presence of iron willpower, daily training, correction of the daily regimen and nutrition will be required. If you can influence the frequency of classes in the gym through competent scheduling, then it is quite difficult to fully eat and provide the body with "building materials" based on the usual diet.

In this article we will figure out how to maximize the effect of taking Super Mass Gainer, which today is one of the most high-quality representatives of sports nutrition on the market.

What is the benefit of taking the supplement?

The human body has specific needs for various nutrients, even at rest. An increase in the level of physical activity leads to the fact that an increase in the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins required to maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Following this logic, it will become clear that for muscle growth and building a proportional body, an excess of the above elements is required.

It is quite difficult to pass such a mass of products through the digestive system from which an adequate mass of amino acids and sugar molecules will be extracted. To facilitate this task, sports nutrition was created. Its powdery structure and simple composition is easily digested and absorbed through the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine.

With the help of such a supplement, you can quickly gain muscle mass, increase strength

Regular use of Dymatize super Mass Gainer during intense workouts can achieve the following results:

  • increase body weight due to muscle tissue;
  • increase power performance;
  • recover quickly after long sessions;
  • significantly increase the energy reserves of the liver and skeletal muscles;
  • strengthen the ligamentous apparatus and joints;
  • to meet the needs of cells in trace elements lost during strength exercises.

If you drink a gainer and do not exercise, you can significantly increase your weight in a short period of time due to the strengthened muscles, fatty tissue and water, which will be actively retained in the body.

This method is great for people with an asthenic body type who want to get better and thereby strengthen their immunity.

Features of the composition of Super Mass Dymatize

It is the components of any type of sports nutrition that determine its quality and effectiveness.

Typically, athletes who use this assistive tool to build their own body are interested in the following aspects:

  • compound;
  • quality of components;
  • gainer efficiency;
  • health safety;
  • taste and rheological properties.

For each of the above points, Dymatize's Super Mass Gainer can outperform any analogue.

We can verify this by paying attention to its composition, the features of which are the following points:

  • the protein mass is made up of amino acids of various origins, among them:
    • o casein;
    • o milk and egg proteins;
  • the carbohydrate part mainly consists of complex molecules, they are digested for a long time, providing the body with energy throughout the day, do not contribute to an abrupt change in blood sugar levels and prevent the appearance of fat accumulations on the abdomen, hips and lower back;
  • a full range of vitamins stimulates the activation of anabolic processes;
  • Creatine provides myofibrils with a lot of energy, and also triggers the process of converting fatty tissue into glycogen.

Having analyzed the gainer "Dimatize Super Mass", we can confidently assert that this mixture is the source of a whole complex of elements necessary for the growth and rapid recovery of muscles after exhausting workouts. Thanks to the well-coordinated influence of the components on the human body, classes will become more productive, and the necessary result will be achieved earlier than the deadlines.

Stirring and taste

The days when making a protein or carbohydrate shake was a lengthy exercise that ultimately resulted in a not-too-tasty drink are long gone.

One of the main benefits of dymatize super mass is the richness of its composition

When you buy Dymatize Nutrition Super Mass Gainer, you can choose your favorite flavor:

  • vanilla;
  • banana;
  • chocolate;
  • berry;
  • cake.

Long-term intake of sports food can lead to the fact that some tastes are boring, however, in the case of this product, the choice is wide enough to replace the bored aroma. Making a cocktail is also not difficult, since the powder is easily mixed in milk, water or juice for ten seconds of shaking.

Features of the correct use of Super Mass

The Dymatize Gainer can be a great help in building the desired figure for both men and women. The specialty of this nutritional mixture is the presence of complex carbohydrates, which allows you to provide cells with energy throughout the day.

In order to find the most appropriate weight gainer regimen, seek the help of a dietitian or an experienced fitness trainer.

Each serving of the drink contains more than a thousand kilocalories, their intake at the wrong time of day can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of excessive fluid retention in the body or fat deposits on the sides. The preparation itself is simple, to obtain a cocktail with the correct consistency, mix four measuring spoons of the dry mixture with the liquid selected by the bite. You can get rid of clumps either with a blender or with a regular training shaker. Now let's figure out how to take the Dimataise gainer correctly.

To obtain results in the form of muscle gains, gains in strength and endurance, you must take a gainer correctly.

How to take Super Mass?

The main thing that you need to pay attention to when choosing a cocktail reception scheme is the body type. It is quite easy to determine by the ratio of the width of the shoulders, pelvis and height. People whose shoulders and pelvis are approximately equal in width gain moderately muscle mass, while they practically cannot increase the amount of adipose tissue are called ectomorphs.

For such athletes, the intake of two portions of a gainer per day is shown: the first one half an hour before breakfast, and the second immediately after training.

In a mesomorph, the ratio of the waist of the upper extremities to the hips is the most proportional, it is better for such a person to use the sports nutrition twice on training days and once in between. This tactic will allow you to increase mass due to muscle volume, but at the same time gain a small amount of body fat to provide the body with an uninterrupted supply of energy.

Endomorph is characterized by a massive body structure, such people quickly gain weight. For the most aesthetic and physiological effect, the nutrient mixture should be drunk once a day, regardless of the volume of training.

Contraindications and side effects

Conditions that are a contraindication for the use of a gainer include the following:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction to a cocktail;
  • pathology of renal and hepatic filtration;
  • diabetes;
  • genetic fermentopathies.

The gainer is usually well tolerated by the body.

Usually, this type of sports nutrition is well tolerated by healthy people and does not cause side effects. The only adverse reaction that can develop in people who do not play sports is obesity.

Athletes' opinion

Super Mass Gainer appeared on the food supplements market for a relatively long time and managed to win a wide circle of fans, which is associated with huge advantages over its closest counterparts:

  • who want to give their figure beautiful curves without the appearance of fat in problem areas. A wide range of applications and consistently positive results have led to extremely grateful feedback from customers.
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