Exercise for the shoulder joint exercise therapy complex. Video: Gymnastics for Shoulder Treatment

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is one of the elements of the complex treatment of pathology. Even Aristotle said: "Movement is life." In the case of arthrosis of any localization, this statement works 100%. The disease is typical for people who have crossed the 40-year mark, and consists in degenerative-dystrophic deformation of the hyaline cartilage covering the heads of the bones of the articular joint. The main reason is the deterioration of the blood supply and, as a result, the nutrition of the cartilaginous layers of the joint.


Doctors include therapeutic (exercise therapy) in all therapeutic courses aimed at relieving or alleviating the symptoms of arthrosis. The benefits of such activities are significant:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • lymph flow is normalized;
  • the motor activity of the affected joints increases;
  • muscles and ligaments surrounding the shoulder joint are strengthened;
  • working capacity is restored;
  • the patient has the opportunity to serve himself independently (with advanced arthrosis);
  • muscle atrophy is prevented.

On a note. Do gymnastics or postpone the decision of the attending physician. Some experts, such as Dr. Bubnovsky, believe that it is necessary to give a load even with severe pain. However, the overwhelming majority of orthopedists are inclined to believe that during an exacerbation it is still better not to "force" the joint.

Author's methods

The methods of Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky are especially popular. The theory of micromotions of Dr. Gitt is very interesting for patients with advanced forms - you can practice at least the whole day, with no pain.

Exercises Evdokimenko

Dr. Evdokimenko has developed his own system. Doing it, you can feel significant relief after the first lesson:

  1. Sitting. Raise your good hand, wrap it around your head, placing your palm on your ear from the opposite side. Begin to tilt your head to the side opposite the painful shoulder. Feel the tension in your muscles. Make an effort to return your head to its normal position. Hold this position for 5-7 seconds. Then relax and pull your head a little more away from the sore shoulder. Try to return to normal position again. And again follow the sequence of actions (maximum 5 repetitions).
  2. Sitting. Place the palm of your affected hand on the opposite shoulder. Use your healthy hand to support the patient under the elbow. Begin trying to get your hand over your shoulder, pushing your sore arm under the elbow. Slight soreness is allowed when performing the exercise. Now strain your sore arm, trying to lower it along the body. At the same time, the healthy hand continues to push the patient under the elbow. Remember the feeling. Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the sequence of actions - put your palm over your shoulder a little more, try to lower your hand along the body, not letting it go with the other hand, which rests on the elbow (maximum 5 repetitions of the sequence).

The whole complex of exercises for shoulders according to Evdokimenko, see the video below.

Bubnovsky exercises

The doctor invented special simulators, exercising on which it is possible to return the shoulder joint to mobility. The main message of Bubnovsky is that limitation of mobility is associated with muscle spasm. The latter, like a vice, squeeze the shoulder joint. Blood circulation is impaired, and the destruction of hyaline cartilage is accelerated.

It is clear that not everyone can buy such a simulator, but you can easily come up with a replacement for it - an expander. Every day, through pain, perform the following set of physical exercises (you will need four expander so as not to bother with fixing one at different levels):

  1. Secure the expander at the level of the baseboard. Wrap it around the hand on the side where the shoulder hurts, and imitate sawing wood - put your foot forward on the opposite side, lean on your hip with your good hand, perform forward / backward movements with the patient, stretching and releasing the expander. At the moment of stretching the sports equipment, exhale noisily and make a loud sound "Ha".
  2. Fasten the expander at waist level. Repeat the steps from the previous point.
  3. Attach the expander closer to the ceiling. Pull it towards you, trying to press the brush to your chest.
  4. Take the expander with both hands, step on it in the center with your foot. Alternately raise your hands up and down. Each ascent is accompanied by a noisy exhalation and the sound "Ha".

How to develop a shoulder if it hurts, see the video below.

Gitta exercises

Vitaly Gitt is a chiropractor. His technique is suitable for people with minimal physical training and even bedridden patients. which can rise and sit in bed.

The whole point is micromovements, which by definition can't hurt. Such exercises can be performed both in remission and during exacerbations, at 1 degree of pathology and at 3.

The complex (performed while sitting on a chair) consists of only two simple but effective exercises:

  1. Place your hands on your knees (or thighs). Perform synchronized swinging of your elbows with low amplitude. The number of repetitions - until you get bored.
  2. The starting position is the same as in exercise 1. Raise and lower your shoulders - up / down. Do as long as you have patience.

See how you can independently diagnose arthrosis of the shoulder and what exercises to perform at the same time in the video below.


Some asanas allow you to make good development of the shoulder joints and regain, if not your former activity, then the ability to maintain yourself normally and not scream out every time in pain when trying to put on a T-shirt or comb your hair. There are practically no specific asanas for the shoulders. However, there are many poses in yoga where the shoulder girdle is involved.

Useful asanas:

  • Dandasana or "push-ups from the wall." Stand at arm's length from the wall. Spread your legs a little. Place your palms against the wall. Slowly approach the surface and then push away from it. Keep your palms on the wall. The number of repetitions - start at 5 times, then more. Ideally, you should feel some fatigue after this asana. Contraindication - hand arthritis.
  • Shalabhasana (one of the options). Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, hands below your back are locked in a lock. As you inhale, unfold your chest - the collarbones should be in one line. Force your shoulders back and try to break the lock. Breathe deeply at this moment with full chest. Relax after a few breaths.

See the video below for other yoga shoulder exercises.

Daily warm-up for 5 minutes

Exercise while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and palms on your waist:

  1. Knead the left shoulder, joint, and forearm with your right hand and the right with your left hand. Movements should be soft, but at the same time quite tangible. This will warm up the muscles and prepare them for the next exercises.
  2. Raise your shoulders from the starting position alternately. Do this slowly - there should be no discomfort. Alternate with raising / lowering both shoulders at the same time.
  3. Perform circular movements with your shoulders - simultaneously back (at least 5 times), then forward. Now do the same, but alternately - turn back first the right shoulder, then the left (at least 5 times). Now do exactly the same, but go ahead.
  4. From the starting position, take both shoulders back at the same time, trying to touch the shoulder blades. Hold for 5 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat at least 5 times.
  5. An exercise similar to the previous one, but performed a little differently. From the starting position, first take one shoulder back, then the other - feel the shoulder blades touch. In the reverse order, return the shoulders to their original position. The number of repetitions is at least 5 times.

On a note. Perform the described complex several times a day. Physical education can be done both at home and at work, and even in nature - the efficiency will only increase.

The benefits of gymnastics for shoulder arthrosis can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to improved blood circulation, the joints begin to receive more nutrients, and the quality of the synovial fluid improves. All this together gives an impetus to the beginning of regenerative processes. The doctor decides on the appropriateness of the classes. He also selects an individual complex.

Arthritis and arthrosis are the lot of older and professional athletes

Along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, exercises for the shoulder joint in arthrosis are the fundamental basis of modern therapy for deforming osteoarthritis. In addition to "traditional care" for the cartilage tissue of the affected joint, exercise therapy is designed to teach patients to live and work with this pathology fully, as well as to competently and reasonably combine physical activity with a strict regime of shoulder unloading.

At the onset of the disease, many patients try to choose exercise therapy for themselves when. A video on this topic is quite posted on the Internet. However, sooner or later, everyone comes to the "golden rule" - specific methods of exercise therapy, the amount of effective, and at the same time safe load, must be selected by the attending physician.

Nevertheless, the final result, the patient himself must learn to adequately and in time to respond to the changes occurring in the affected joint.

The rules of physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis:

  • in the event of a pain syndrome, dynamic gymnastics is not performed until it is stably removed with medication and the pathology enters the phase of the subacute period or improvement of the condition;
  • during deterioration, only static (isometric) exercises are performed for arthrosis - tension without movement in the joint itself, which alternates with post-isometric relaxation;
  • with exacerbation, passive (with the help of the other hand), as well as "pendulum" exercise therapy exercises are possible;
  • massage, exercise therapy, including exercise, are prohibited when the body temperature rises above subfebrile and for any disease of an infectious nature (in the acute period).

Important. It is not worth completely isolating the joint from any movement in any case. The price of hypodynamia is the return of the inflammatory process, a rollback to the initial stage of treatment, or a forced operation.

The videos in this article are not published, but along with the exercises, photos with the necessary explanations will be presented.

Morning work-out

The following set of exercises will be a good choice for morning exercises.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Sit as shown in the picture - connect your big toes, all fingers on your hands (as if hugging a ball), put your wrists on your hips. As you inhale, raise your shoulders to your ears, and as you exhale, lower them as low as possible. The number of repetitions (CP) - 8 times.
  2. Place your right hand on your left knee, your left palm on the top of the back of your head. While inhaling, slowly turn to the left, and as you exhale, return to the starting position (PI). Swap your hands and make a turn to the other side. KP - 4 times in each direction.
  3. Keeping your right hand on your knee, squeeze your left palm into a fist and put it behind your back and up. Freeze for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other hand, while when you start a healthy limb behind your back, then massage the area of ​​the shoulder blades with your fist. KP - 2 times.
  4. Keeping the crossed position of the arm and knee, bring the free hand back and massage the coccyx area in a circular motion (palm). CP - 1 time (each for 5-7 seconds).
  5. Connect your fingers around an imaginary sphere, placing your thumbs near your navel. Make 3-5 breathing movements with the abdomen, keeping the volume of the chest unchanged.
  6. Clench your palms into fists (thumbs on top) and place them on your solar plexus. As you inhale, bring your shoulder blades together, and as you exhale, bring your shoulders forward. CP - 8 times.
  7. Place your palms on your stomach. Inhale, and as you exhale, perform a half-turn of the body to the left, while the chin should touch the right shoulder. Taking a breath, return to the PI and repeat the turn to the other side. KP - 4 times.
  8. Cross your arms and self-massage the shoulder (8.1), elbow (8.2) and knee (8.3) joints. Then bend over and massage the left and right ankles in turn (8.4). Make 4 circular movements with your palms in one direction and the other.

Attention! When performing this massage, make sure that the sore arm is located below when crossing.

Complex of dynamic movements with a gymnastic stick

Dynamic remedial gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is done only in the subacute period and at the stage of remission of the disease. We give a photo of several exercises with a gymnastic stick, but before performing them, consult with your attending specialist on the subject of whether you can work with this apparatus.

Warm up

Before doing a set of dynamic exercises with a stick, do a classic shoulder warm-up.

Projectile exercises

On a note. Note that Exercise 4 - Pole Rowing, requires doing both sides.

Isometric exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Movements with static muscle tension can be performed in the acute period of the disease, but only if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to completely relieve the pain syndrome.

Image Description Dosage

Lean on the table with your good hand, and relax the muscles on the sore arm as much as possible.

Make pendulum movements from side to side and back and forth.

Do not forget to perform the same exercise at the end of this complex.

30 seconds + 30 seconds

Stand facing a wall at half an arm's length.

Place your palms on the wall and press down on it, keeping your shoulders motionless.

After straining, barely shake your hands, helping to relax the muscles.

15 seconds

Turn your back against the wall. Lean on it with your palms and push off, leaving the whole body motionless.

For the physically prepared, this exercise can be performed from the starting positions shown in the photo.

After holding the tension, be sure to relax your muscles.

15 seconds

Bend the affected arm as shown in the figure (1). Slowly lift the limb by the elbow with your healthy hand, while transferring the sore palm from the shoulder to the back (2).

Then press down on your elbow, resisting. Next, be sure to perform the following movement

10-30 seconds

Grasp the sore shoulder just above the elbow with a healthy hand.

Pull down and towards you.

Remember that the execution times for isometric stress and extension must be the same.

10-30 seconds

Following the stretching, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the sore shoulder.

Stand at the support and raise the affected arm slightly above the shoulder and to the side (at an angle of 30 °), so that the palm rests against the wall and relieves the load from the affected joint.

Stay in this position until fatigue begins to show.

by feeling

Grasp the wrist joint of the other with one hand.

Slowly move your brush up the arm, and, at the same time, slightly pull the "hanging" arm down.

Perform this movement with the amplitude available to your sore joint, avoiding pain or discomfort.

1 time for each hand

Videos in this article:

Physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is rich in a variety of exercises that can be performed at home. If you need a larger volume of loads, we advise you to familiarize yourself with very interesting exercises, performed both with shells and without, and from various starting positions.

Arthritis and arthrosis are the lot of older and professional athletes

Along with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, exercises for the shoulder joint in arthrosis are the fundamental basis of modern therapy for deforming osteoarthritis. In addition to "traditional care" for the cartilage tissue of the affected joint, exercise therapy is designed to teach patients to live and work with this pathology fully, as well as to competently and reasonably combine physical activity with a strict regime of shoulder unloading.

At the onset of the disease, many patients try to choose exercise therapy for themselves when. A video on this topic is quite posted on the Internet. However, sooner or later, everyone comes to the "golden rule" - specific methods of exercise therapy, the amount of effective, and at the same time safe load, must be selected by the attending physician.

Nevertheless, the final result, the patient himself must learn to adequately and in time to respond to the changes occurring in the affected joint.

The rules of physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis:

  • in the event of a pain syndrome, dynamic gymnastics is not performed until it is stably removed with medication and the pathology enters the phase of the subacute period or improvement of the condition;
  • during deterioration, only static (isometric) exercises are performed for arthrosis - tension without movement in the joint itself, which alternates with post-isometric relaxation;
  • with exacerbation, passive (with the help of the other hand), as well as "pendulum" exercise therapy exercises are possible;
  • massage, exercise therapy, including exercise, are prohibited when the body temperature rises above subfebrile and for any disease of an infectious nature (in the acute period).

Important. It is not worth completely isolating the joint from any movement in any case. The price of hypodynamia is the return of the inflammatory process, a rollback to the initial stage of treatment, or a forced operation.

The videos in this article are not published, but along with the exercises, photos with the necessary explanations will be presented.

Morning work-out

The following set of exercises will be a good choice for morning exercises.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Sit as shown in the picture - connect your big toes, all fingers on your hands (as if hugging a ball), put your wrists on your hips. As you inhale, raise your shoulders to your ears, and as you exhale, lower them as low as possible. The number of repetitions (CP) - 8 times.
  2. Place your right hand on your left knee, your left palm on the top of the back of your head. While inhaling, slowly turn to the left, and as you exhale, return to the starting position (PI). Swap your hands and make a turn to the other side. KP - 4 times in each direction.
  3. Keeping your right hand on your knee, squeeze your left palm into a fist and put it behind your back and up. Freeze for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other hand, while when you start a healthy limb behind your back, then massage the area of ​​the shoulder blades with your fist. KP - 2 times.
  4. Keeping the crossed position of the arm and knee, bring the free hand back and massage the coccyx area in a circular motion (palm). CP - 1 time (each for 5-7 seconds).
  5. Connect your fingers around an imaginary sphere, placing your thumbs near your navel. Make 3-5 breathing movements with the abdomen, keeping the volume of the chest unchanged.
  6. Clench your palms into fists (thumbs on top) and place them on your solar plexus. As you inhale, bring your shoulder blades together, and as you exhale, bring your shoulders forward. CP - 8 times.
  7. Place your palms on your stomach. Inhale, and as you exhale, perform a half-turn of the body to the left, while the chin should touch the right shoulder. Taking a breath, return to the PI and repeat the turn to the other side. KP - 4 times.
  8. Cross your arms and self-massage the shoulder (8.1), elbow (8.2) and knee (8.3) joints. Then bend over and massage the left and right ankles in turn (8.4). Make 4 circular movements with your palms in one direction and the other.

Attention! When performing this massage, make sure that the sore arm is located below when crossing.

Complex of dynamic movements with a gymnastic stick

Dynamic remedial gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is done only in the subacute period and at the stage of remission of the disease. We give a photo of several exercises with a gymnastic stick, but before performing them, consult with your attending specialist on the subject of whether you can work with this apparatus.

Warm up

Before doing a set of dynamic exercises with a stick, do a classic shoulder warm-up.

Projectile exercises

On a note. Note that Exercise 4 - Pole Rowing, requires doing both sides.

Isometric exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Movements with static muscle tension can be performed in the acute period of the disease, but only if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to completely relieve the pain syndrome.

Image Description Dosage

Lean on the table with your good hand, and relax the muscles on the sore arm as much as possible.

Make pendulum movements from side to side and back and forth.

Do not forget to perform the same exercise at the end of this complex.

30 seconds + 30 seconds

Stand facing a wall at half an arm's length.

Place your palms on the wall and press down on it, keeping your shoulders motionless.

After straining, barely shake your hands, helping to relax the muscles.

15 seconds

Turn your back against the wall. Lean on it with your palms and push off, leaving the whole body motionless.

For the physically prepared, this exercise can be performed from the starting positions shown in the photo.

After holding the tension, be sure to relax your muscles.

15 seconds

Bend the affected arm as shown in the figure (1). Slowly lift the limb by the elbow with your healthy hand, while transferring the sore palm from the shoulder to the back (2).

Then press down on your elbow, resisting. Next, be sure to perform the following movement

10-30 seconds

Grasp the sore shoulder just above the elbow with a healthy hand.

Pull down and towards you.

Remember that the execution times for isometric stress and extension must be the same.

10-30 seconds

Following the stretching, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the sore shoulder.

Stand at the support and raise the affected arm slightly above the shoulder and to the side (at an angle of 30 °), so that the palm rests against the wall and relieves the load from the affected joint.

Stay in this position until fatigue begins to show.

by feeling

Grasp the wrist joint of the other with one hand.

Slowly move your brush up the arm, and, at the same time, slightly pull the "hanging" arm down.

Perform this movement with the amplitude available to your sore joint, avoiding pain or discomfort.

1 time for each hand

Videos in this article:

Physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis of the shoulder joint is rich in a variety of exercises that can be performed at home. If you need a larger volume of loads, we advise you to familiarize yourself with very interesting exercises, performed both with shells and without, and from various starting positions.

With arthrosis of the shoulder joint, there are sharp restrictions on the movement of the hands: it is sometimes very difficult to raise a hand high or take it behind the back due to pain. The shoulder becomes, as it were, frozen. Injections with NSAIDs and corticosteroids relieve acute pain and inflammation, but do not improve the mobility of the joint itself. To restore all the functions of the shoulder, gymnastics is needed for arthrosis of the shoulder joint.

Gymnastics for shoulder arthrosis: video, exercises

It seems absurd to treat pain with movement that itself occurs during movement:

Until exercise therapy, except when the shoulder hurts, and everything inside cries out for peace. But it is precisely this peace that can turn out to be destructive.

Deforming arthrosis leads to ossification of the ligaments and tendons of the joint and its overgrowth with osteophytes. In the future, complete fusion and immobility of the joint may occur. In this case, only movement can still save

So what kind of remedial gymnastics are we talking about? Maybe then, not sparing sore joints, do a barbell or swing dumbbells - what could be better for the shoulder?

The fact of the matter is that such exercises are categorically not suitable here:

Therapeutic exercises for the shoulder joint should exclude loads, that is, lifting weights and pumping up muscles is out of the question.

Isometric exercises

During the period of exacerbation, only static exercises are permissible, which cause tension in the muscles of the forearms, shoulder blades, and the radial hand, but the shoulder joint itself should not move or take an axial load.

This kind of gymnastics is called isometric in another way. Its essence is that tension should be combined with relaxation (post-isometric relaxation). The goal is precisely to achieve relaxation, in which the pain passes.

The second version of isometric exercises - they are performed either in a completely relaxed state (a sick hand can hang and swing like a pendulum), or a healthy hand helps the patient.

Examples of static exercises for shoulder arthrosis

Moving the wall

  • Stand facing the wall at a distance of bent at the elbow
  • Press as hard as possible with your palms on the surface of the wall, as if you want to move it
  • At the same time, you will feel tension in the forearm and shoulder girdle, while the shoulders themselves remain motionless.
  • Keep the effort from 10 to 30 seconds then relax

Pushing off the wall

  • We turn our backs to the wall and, resting our palms, try to push off the surface of the wall
  • At the same time, we resist it and remain in place
  • Just as in the previous (and subsequent) exercises, relaxation follows in the final.

Hand holding

  • We grasp the sore forearm with the opposite healthy hand
  • We are trying to move the forearm to the side, while holding it with our hand
  • We put our fingers on the sore shoulder
  • Raise your shoulder up, applying pressure on it with your fingers

"Fist fight"

  • We bend our elbows in front of us, and the hands into a fist
  • We rest our fists against each other and with effort push towards each other

Another option for such a battle with yourself:

"Arm wrestling"

  • We put both elbows on the table
  • We clasp the sick hand with the palm of our healthy hand and try to put it on the table
  • Resisting with a sore hand


  • Lean your good hand on the edge of the chair
  • The other hangs freely and swings like a pendulum

Throwing hands

  • While standing, swing the relaxed sore shoulder joint by turning the torso.
  • The arm is both tied and follows the torso
  • Slowly increase the amplitude of rotation, and at one of the moments, throw your hand onto the opposite shoulder

Shoulder aid

  • Put the hand of a healthy hand on the deltoid muscle of the diseased shoulder, just below the shoulder protrusion
  • With effort we press on the shoulder and take it aside as far as we can.
  • Maintain tension, as in the previous examples, and then relax.

A complete set of isometric shoulder exercises - in the link at the very end of the article.

If you do the exercises correctly, the result will be pain relief and gradual unblocking of the joint.

Gymnastics of "small" movements

Shoulder-blade periarthritis and arthrosis can be a source of long-term pain.

Another way to adapt to these conditions, and still engage in therapeutic exercises, is based on the principle of small, gentle movements, in which the load on the joint is minimal. Moreover, movement in the joint occurs even with such exercises seemingly unrelated to the shoulder joints as ... walking in a sitting position.

If you are interested, then watch the set of exercises from this video:

Video: Exercise therapy for shoulder-scapular periarthritis

Dynamic gymnastics

Dynamic gymnastics for arthrosis of the shoulder joint, in which the shoulder is included in active movement, is performed in the subacute period and during the onset of remission.

This may include the following exercises:

  • Shoulder Raise and Shoulder Rotation
  • Bringing the shoulder blades together
  • The connection of the fingers on the back of the shoulder blade:
    In this case, the hand that is closer to the shoulder blade is placed below it with the fingers up, and the far hand - higher with the fingers down
  • Exercises with a gymnastic stick are also irreplaceable, the complex with which is given in the second video

Doing exercise therapy, one must not forget that it is part of the comprehensive treatment of arthrosis and is effective if used in conjunction with other methods of treatment.:

  • Manual therapy
  • Massage
  • Physiotherapy, etc.

Requirements for exercise therapy for shoulder arthrosis

  • Therapeutic gymnastics is selected by a rehabilitation physician based on a specific diagnosis
  • She should avoid sudden movements and loads that could damage the shoulder joint.
  • Exercise therapy is not performed for pain and in the presence of contraindications

Video: Exercise therapy with a gymnastic stick

This video presents a set of exercises for treating shoulder or shoulder pain.

How to treat a sore shoulder? Treatment of the shoulder depends on what kind of disease is provoked by the pain.

About the most common diseases of the shoulder joints

But there is one universal treatment that works for most people with shoulder pain: physiotherapy.

The exercises in this video are helpful:

Contraindications to the use of "VIPROSAL - B" ointment

Allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- damage to the skin and skin diseases at the site of application of the ointment;
- feverish conditions, increased body temperature;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation;
- a tendency to develop angiospasms;
- severe impairment of kidney or liver function;
- general exhaustion;
- children under 12 years old;
- pregnancy; period of breastfeeding.

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