How to get on the bridge if your hands are weak. Gymnastic bridge and preparatory exercises

VThe gymnastic bridge is a beautiful and graceful demonstration of excellent physical fitness and flexibility. And if you do not succeed in doing this exercise, despite the efforts made, then you should not give up. There are special exercises, the implementation of which will allow you to get up on the bridge in the shortest possible time.

For beginners, before getting on the bridge, you need to do a warm-up - to stretch the muscles of the shoulders and back. It is possible to get up on the gymnastic bridge without preliminary preparation only when its implementation becomes routine and habitual, it will not bring any difficulties.

A set of special exercises

Designed to develop flexibility of the back muscle group. All exercises are aimed at ensuring that the gymnastic bridge does not bring painful sensations, but is performed as easily and quickly as possible.

Exercise one

Lying on your stomach, arms are pulled up. Trying to bend as much as possible, the legs are simultaneously raised with the hands. Keep your knees straight. In each upper position, they are delayed for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise two

Lying on your back, the legs are bent at the knee joints, the arms are extended along the body. The pelvis is raised to the maximum possible height, held in this position for about 5 seconds and gently lowered back onto the back.

Exercise three

Get on your knees so that your legs are spaced across the width of the pelvis. The body is slowly tilted back, bending in the lower back, and the hands touch the heels. In this case, the head must be tilted back, and the back must be bent.

Exercise four

They lie on their stomachs, hold their ankles with their hands. Bending over, they simultaneously raise their legs, chest and head. In the upper position, they are delayed for a few seconds.

Exercise five

Performed on a fitball. They lie on it with their backs, put their feet shoulder-width apart, raise their hands, and then try to reach the floor with them.

Exercise six

It is performed from a prone position. Straight arms are placed at the level of the hips. First, the back is bent back, and then, bending the legs at the knee joints and throwing back the head, touch the toes of the legs to the head. In the final position, you need to linger for 30 seconds.

Exercise seven

At the end of the complex, a bridge is performed from a supine position. First, the arms and legs are bent. Hands are placed as close to the shoulders as possible, and the elbows are pointed up. Then, from this position, they try to stand on the bridge. Legs with hands are straightened and sagged in the lower back.

As soon as there is a feeling that it is no longer possible to bend further, you need to stay in this position for at least two seconds. When the exercise ceases to cause difficulty, it is necessary to complicate it. To do this, the arms are pulled closer to the legs, and then swayed back and forth.

These exercises should be done daily. They will not only allow you to easily stand on the gymnastic bridge, but also save you from problems with the spine. The complex can be performed by absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

Performing a bridge from a standing position

You can proceed to this exercise after you have completely passed and mastered the preparatory complex. It can be performed both at the Swedish wall and at a regular wall. The main thing is the availability of free space.

They stand with their backs to the wall or wall, keeping a distance of about 80 cm from its surface, placing their feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, they begin to lean back until the fingers rest against the wall. To go down, fingers are fingered along the slats or along the surface of the wall until the moment when the hands are on the floor and a full-fledged bridge is made.

For several seconds, they hold the final pose, and then return to their original position. This must be done in the same way as lowering with the fingers of the hands, fingering them along the wall or slats, but already going up.

When the execution of the bridge with a wall is brought to automatism, the exercise can be started on a gymnastic mat. At first, the bridge on the mat is best done with a partner who will support your back for safety.

To make a bridge on the mat while standing, they bend back, hold for a few seconds in the adopted pose, and then smoothly lower themselves onto the bridge. You also need to linger in the last position. To accept the starting position, it is enough to push off the mat with your hands.

You should start making the bridge yourself only after gaining complete self-confidence.

How to get up on the bridge correctly and beautifully

Effectiveness of the gymnastic bridge is given by the correct technique and beautiful execution. There are several common mistakes to avoid:

  1. There is no need to be afraid of losing your balance while walking on the bridge using your back and shoulders. When performed correctly, only the hands should be involved.
  2. Quite often, many do the exercise without transferring their own body weight to their arms, that is, through their back, without using their shoulders. As a result, the arms are too arched, and the bridge is unstable and looks ugly.

The correct bridge is performed with the transfer of weight to the hands. The angle between the hands and the floor should be right. This can be achieved by pre-warming the shoulders. To do this while standing on the bridge, you need to swing back and forth, stretching the shoulder muscles.

How to get on the bridge - Video

How to pump up the ass at home quickly and correctly: a training program 4 ways to quickly remove fat from your hands

The Gymnastic Bridge is a beautiful figure in athletics that demonstrates flexibility and great fitness. Everyone would like to boast of such plasticity, but in practice, few people can learn this on their own. And yet it is possible even at home - there would be desire and persistence. The recommendations of experienced coaches and gymnasts will come in handy.

So, by all means, you want to learn how to get on the bridge, but you do not know where to start. Before moving on to the practical part of the lessons, read the general guidelines.

To begin with, objectively assess your initial data: weight, plasticity, physical fitness. If your body weight exceeds 80 kg, if your back is not flexible and you have never done gymnastics before, you should not rely on the fact that you will get up on the bridge in a week. You will have to work hard for at least a month, or even more.

Check the degree of flexibility in your spine. To do this, attach a mark on the wall at shoulder level.

  1. Stand with your back to the mark. Move one step away from the wall. Bend back in your back. We saw the mark - you are a flexible person and it will not be difficult for you to get on the bridge even in a week with good intensity and perseverance.
  2. Turn your left side, raise your straightened right hand up, try to touch the mark. Repeat the task for the other side.

Choose a set of flexibility exercises. Homework patterns can be different, depending on physical fitness and mood:

  • daily for 15-20 minutes;
  • every other day for 30-40 minutes;
  • twice a day for 15 minutes.

We've put together two videos for you with training courses for beginners from professional fitness trainers. By completing their assignments exactly, you can quickly do this.

Flexibility exercises

To quickly learn how to get up on the bridge, you need to do various exercises to develop flexibility every day. Without them, it will be difficult for your body to accept this position, which, in principle, is unnatural for it.

We warn you right away that most of the exercises are very difficult and will not work out the first time. But with each workout, the muscles will acquire more and more firmness and elasticity.

Warm up

  1. Tilts forward and backward.
  2. Mill.
  3. Turns in different directions.

Shoulder girdle

  1. Rotations with straightened arms: simultaneously / in turn, forward / backward.
  2. Palms to the castle. Straightened arms, down. Lift up, bending in the back and shoulders.
  3. Bend your right arm at the elbow at chest level so that your forearm is parallel to the floor. Rotate the upper body to the left by twisting the spine. Repeat the other way.
  4. Raise the arm bent at the elbow up. Put your forearm behind the back of your head. With the other hand, pull it as far as possible to the side and down. Do the same for the other side.

+ lumbar

  1. The most effective exercise for the bridge is to bend your back as far back as possible, throwing your head back, but maintaining balance. Can be done from a standing or lying position.
  2. Tilts in different directions, forward and backward.
  3. The upper body is parallel to the floor. Palms to the castle. Wave your straightened arms so that they are above the back of the head. Repeat several times.
  4. Holding on to the back of the chair, with straight legs, bend in the spine as much as possible down.


  1. Body rotation in different directions.
  2. The starting position is on all fours. Arch your back up and down at the same time to the maximum, like a cat.
  3. Lying on your stomach, with your palms clasped at the back of your head, bend your lower back as much as possible.
  4. Lying on your stomach, with your hands extended forward, bend backward in the spine in an arc. Do rolling from hips to chest and back.
  5. Lean your palms on the floor, lie on the floor on your hips, bend in the lower back. Tilt your head back, touch the back of your head with your toes.
  6. Kneeling, use your hands to rest on your heels. Sag in the lower back.
  7. In the same position. Perform leg swings, bending in the lower back. Try to see the foot above your head.

As soon as you start to get the exercises, you can make the first attempts to stand on the bridge from different positions - lying, sitting, standing.

From different positions

If most of the exercises from the above-described complex have finally begun to work out for you, it's time to move on to the implementation of our cherished figure. If you are scared, ask someone at home to insure. Most importantly, master the techniques.

From a prone position

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees so that your heels are near your buttocks.
  2. Place your palms on the floor so that they are above your shoulders, and your fingers are pointing towards your torso.
  3. Tighten your leg muscles and forcefully lift your pelvis.
  4. Leaning on your hands, bend in your back, try to straighten your legs.

From a sitting position

  1. Keep your back straight, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor.
  2. Place your right palm back on the floor, turning your torso slightly.
  3. Lean with effort on your feet and right hand, lift your buttocks off the floor. Describe the arc with your left hand, place your palm on the floor, try to stand on the bridge.
  4. To return, you need to repeat all the movements again, but in the reverse order, which is not easier.

From a standing position

  1. Near the Swedish wall, bend back in your back, grab the crossbars with your hands and, turning them over, go down lower and lower. Return to the starting position in the same way. Shoes and the floor should not be slippery, otherwise you may fall and hit the back of your head.
  2. It is easier to do this with the help of an outsider. Just ask someone from your family to support you with two hands (ring) around your waist while you perform the stand. Then it will be enough for him to hold your back with one hand, and at some point he will remove it.
  3. Bend in the lower back (already without the Swedish wall and outside help), bend your knees, move your torso slightly forward.
  4. Straighten your arms and bend back to touch the floor with your palms.
  5. It is even more difficult to get up from the bridge to your feet: you need to move the body forward, bend your knees. Push off the floor slightly with your hands, straighten up. The arms should go first, not the shoulders - this is a common mistake for all beginners.

Hello, friends. How to stand on the bridge from a standing position is not an idle question. There are many nuances in the rules for doing this seemingly simple exercise.

We will deal with them today. And at the same time we will find out why this element is so important for our health.

Important, necessary and useful

You noticed? - in our gyms no one makes a bridge. Train or, pump the press or - it's always welcome. But this gymnastic element is not.

Meanwhile, the bridge is not only and not so much fun from childhood, but quite a serious exercise that

  • increased blood flow to the cartilage tissue, which is located between the vertebrae
  • works the deep muscles of the back
  • expands the chest
  • helps restore the flexibility of the spine

And thanks to this, as a result:

  • reduced salt deposits
  • the likelihood of displacement of the vertebrae is excluded
  • increased lung capacity
  • improves the work and coordination of the joints

When performing the element, literally all the muscles of the body are involved: arms and legs, shoulders and neck, abdominal and chest muscles, knees and hips are working.

In general, the element perfectly strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, which protects the spinal cord - the second most important organ in our body after the brain.

A weak spine is a high risk of injury and displacement of the vertebrae, as a result of a bunch of diseases.

Thanks to the bridge, we stretch very well, and stretching helps to lose weight.

See how much use? So, urgently to the bridge!

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

However, there is no need to rush in this matter, friends. If you are an untrained person, do not be friends with the flexibility of the spine - instead of benefit, there will only be harm. Initially, you need to properly prepare for the element.

And first, let's study

The four rules of the bridge

  • Smooth, deep breathing

The more evenly you breathe, the more accurate your technique is.

  • Straight torso, maximum arched back

At the same time, the muscles are weakened, the emphasis is on the limbs.

  • The pelvis is much higher than the head

If the buttocks are located below the pelvis, or even almost touch the floor, the position is incorrect.

  • Straight arms and legs

If possible, the limbs should be as straight as possible.


This stage consists of one or two stages. You can skip the strength exercises described just below, but it's better not to do it.

Strength exercises

If you have never done this element before, experts recommend that you first train at least your knees, hips, waist and arms.

Do squats, hanging leg raises, push-ups, and abdominal exercises.

And only when you are without shortness of breath, calmly and confidently, perform these simple exercises - move on.

Warm up

Second phase. In no case can beginners do without it.

The warm-up includes exercises for the shoulder girdle, back, and lumbar spine. Including:

  • Rotations with straightened arms in different directions.
  • Tilts of the body with simultaneous stretching in the direction of the tilt of the raised arm.
  • Deflection of the back with the arms raised up in the lock - the body leans forward, the arms - back.
  • Circular body rotation. The back is straight.
  • Exercise "cat" - standing on all fours, arch your back with maximum amplitude up and down.
  • "Crawl under the crossbar" - the crossbar is virtual. Imagine her on all fours. Bend your back, as if trying to crawl under this obstacle.
  • "Basket" - lying on your back, grab your legs with your hands and, as it were, "grow" - raise your legs with your hands up.
  • Swing your legs. Kneeling, alternately swing your leg, while bending your lower back.

We get up on the bridge

Well, now it's finally the turn to start training your back.

And, before doing this from a standing position, you should learn how to climb it.

From a prone position

The technique is simple:

  • Lie on the floor (rug).
  • The knees are bent at the knees, the heels close to the buttocks.
  • Palms at the very shoulders.
  • Leaning on our hands, we bend our backs and try to stand up.

On fitball

Let's call this stage "intermediate". It helps you to better train your back flexibility.

Lie with your back on the fitball. Feet at shoulder level, pull your arms forward and down, trying to reach the floor.

“Intermediate” steps are also kneeling on the bridge or from a large cushion. The rules for their implementation are about the same as in the case of fitball.

From a standing position

And here it is, the moment when we come close to our cherished goal.

There are several ways to do this gymnastic element from a standing position.

Back against the wall

Stand about 80 cm from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your hands up and start leaning against the wall.

Leaning against the wall, slowly go down it with your hands.

Having lowered to the floor, freeze in this position for a few seconds, then rise.

Hope only for yourself

Well, and also on the one who agrees to insure you for the first time.

Already performed without emphasis on the wall. At first, you can lower yourself not to the floor, but to the bed.

The execution technique is the same as in the case of the wall.

At the same time, remember the main rule - you should go to the bridge with your hands. Not back and shoulders. Stretch your arms forward, lowering your torso down.

After reaching the floor, freeze for a few seconds, then rise.

Tip: the closer your legs are to your hands, the better - this is how your bridge is as stable as possible.

Repeat several times.

Warm up and rise from a standing position

By exercising a couple of times a week, you will soon be able to easily get up on it without any help or extra effort.

What to remember

  • The bridge is a great opportunity to train your back muscles, become stronger, more flexible, make joints more functional and remove salt deposits. It is also a great stretch that can help you lose weight.
  • Prepare if you haven't been in physical activity for a long time. Warm up well before doing it. Have a coach, massage therapist, or your friend back up.
  • At the same time, remember that in case of problems with the joints, the spine, as well as other contraindications such as pressure, heart disease, stomach, you should never do such training on your own. In all these cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Do you like this item, friends? Do you know how to do it? Are the tips collected here helpful? Share in the comments! And on this I say goodbye to you. Until next time in new blog articles!

Reading time: 17 min

The bridge is one of the basic gymnastic exercises. If you want to learn how to complete this exercise from scratch, then you will have to go through three important steps:

  1. Improve back flexibility for correct bridging
  2. Learn to get up on the bridge from a prone position
  3. Learn to get up on the bridge from a standing position

Back Flexibility Exercises

The bridge is not only a spectacular exercise that demonstrates your flexibility and fitness, but it is also a very beneficial exercise for your back. Thanks to the regular implementation of the bridge, you can improve your posture, stretch your spine, and get rid of back pain.

The bridge can be performed from a prone position (this will be within the power of both beginners) and from a standing position (this option is suitable for more advanced ones). In order for the bridge to turn out to be of the highest quality and amplitude, first of all, good flexibility of the back and a strong muscle corset are needed. In addition, for a confident stance in the bridge, you need to regularly work on opening the chest and shoulder joints, on stretching and strengthening the quadriceps, and on opening the hip joints.

We offer you a range of exercises to help you improve flexibility in the spine and strengthen your back muscles. If you regularly do yoga or gymnastics, then you can safely skip this stage and move on to mastering the bridge from a prone and standing position. (following subheadings of the article)... But if your body is not yet ready for a full bridge, we recommend that you perform a series of preparatory exercises to improve the flexibility of the spine and strengthen the corset muscles.

The Sphinx is one of the best back flexibility exercises and is very easy to learn. Lie on your stomach, stretch your feet and lift your upper body, resting on your forearms. The abdomen and the entire lower body lie on the floor. Bring your shoulders back, connecting your shoulder blades. Feel the deflection in the spine, do not throw your head back. Hold in the sphinx pose for 40-45 seconds, repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets.

A more complex modification of the sphinx is the cobra pose. In this exercise, you will not rest on your forearms, but on the palms of your hands. Due to this, the deflection in the back increases, which means that the exercise is performed with a greater amplitude. Cobra is a basic exercise for improving back flexibility, which means it will help you get onto the bridge faster. Hold in the cobra pose for 40-45 seconds, repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets.

If you are confident in the cobra pose, then this exercise can be complicated. Remain lying on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor. Bend back and bend your knees. Your task is to touch your head with your toes. Do not tilt the neck back too much, the movement is carried out due to the deflection in the thoracic and lumbar spine. Try to stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets.

Stand in the downward facing dog pose. Grab the left calf or ankle with your right hand, twisting in the spinal region. Lengthen the spine from the tailbone to the crown. Distribute the load evenly on both legs, the pelvis remains stationary. If stretching is not enough for you, bend your knees or lift your heels off the floor. Hold this position for back flexibility for 30-45 seconds and then switch sides. Repeat the exercise on each side for 2 sets.

Lie on your stomach with your arms extended along your body. Lift your upper body off the floor, arching your back. Legs are on the floor, arms are pulled back. Do not tilt your head back, your gaze is directed forward. Please note that the deflection is carried out not only due to the lumbar, but also due to the thoracic spine (middle of the back).

All kinds of backbends, which are performed while lying on the stomach, are an excellent tool for increasing the flexibility of the spine and strengthening. These backbends can be practiced in a variety of ways, including with hands behind the head, with hands behind the back, with arms spread out to the side.

6. Superman pose

Superman pose also improves spinal flexibility and is great for strengthening your back muscles. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended forward. At the same time, lift your upper and lower body upward, lifting your chest and hips from the floor. Do not bend your knees. Hold in the superman pose for 20-30 seconds, repeat the exercise 3-4 times. If this exercise is still difficult for you, then you can lower your hips to the floor and raise only your upper body.

The swimmer exercise will not only help you get up on the bridge, but also qualitatively strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. To do it, lie on your stomach with your arms extended forward. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time as high as possible, hold this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement to the opposite side. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side.

Cat Pose is one of the simplest yet most effective exercises for developing back flexibility. To do it, get on all fours with your knees and palms on the mat. While inhaling, bend your back as much as possible in the spinal region, without straining your neck and lower back. As you exhale, round your back, feel relaxation in your back. Repeat 10 times in 2-3 sets.

It is advisable to perform the child's pose during the entire workout for developing back flexibility, as well as after completing the bridge. This exercise relieves stress on the spine and helps to relax the back. Hold the baby's pose for 30-40 seconds and move on to the next exercise. It is enough to take the child's pose once every 4-5 minutes, but you can do this more often if you feel the need.

If you are new to the sport, do the above exercises for 2-3 weeks (4-5 times a week) before moving on to the practice of doing the bridge. You should not immediately try to stand on the bridge if you are not confident in your abilities. Awkward movement can cause injury to an untrained back.

Lying bridge

If you can easily perform the exercises presented above with a good amplitude, then you can immediately go to the practice of the bridge from a prone position. Good natural back flexibility, athletic background or young age are beneficial when practicing gymnastic exercises.

How to bridge from a prone position:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees.
  2. Place the palms of your hands near your head, with your elbows facing the ceiling.
  3. As you exhale, stretch upward, pushing out your pelvis and fully straightening your elbows.
  4. When you feel that you cannot bend further, linger in the pose of your limit.
  5. If possible, correct the position of your legs by placing your feet closer to your palms.
  6. Lower yourself gently to the starting position without making any sudden movements.
  7. To begin with, linger in the bridge for 5-10 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 30-60 seconds.

Important things to know about the bridge:

  • When performing a bridge, distribute the deflection over the entire spine. It means that you must bend not only in the lumbar spine, but also in the thoracic spine.
  • To bend in the thoracic region, you need to stretch your chest forward. This will help relieve pressure from the lumbar spine and properly distribute the load on the spine.
  • Try to gradually reduce the distance between your palms and feet to make the bridge more flexible and amplitude.
  • The smaller the distance between the arms and legs, the more stable the bridge will be.
  • During the bridge, look at the ceiling, not at the floor, do not create tension in the neck.
  • When performing the bridge, your arms should be fully extended, so at first it is advisable to perform this exercise in front of the mirror in order to control the correctness of the execution.

Compare correct and incorrect execution:

  • During pregnancy and immediately after childbirth
  • In the presence of a hernia
  • For problems with blood pressure and cardiovascular system
  • For eye diseases due to increased eye pressure
  • During an exacerbation of diseases of the spine
  • After eating (within an hour) and immediately after waking up
  • It is better not to get up on the bridge without and on an unheated body

If you feel pain in your back while doing the bridge, it is better to stop the practice of this exercise for a while. Continue to work on strengthening your back and developing its flexibility by following the set of exercises from the beginning of the article. Gradually, your body will be better prepared to perform a quality bridge.

It is believed that a bridge with straightened legs is safer for the back. This position provides an even distribution of the load in the spinal region, better opens the thoracic region and reduces pressure on the lower back. However, in this position, it will be difficult to work on reducing the distance between the palms and feet for a more flexible bridge.

We recommend trying different leg positions and observing the sensations in your back. Do not forget that to evenly distribute the load and deflection in the chest (and not just in the lumbar), you need to stretch your chest forward.

How can you complicate the bridge?

If you stand firmly on the bridge, you can make it harder. We offer you several bridge modifications that engage additional muscles and help you push your limits.

The tiptoe bridge is a more difficult position in terms of maintaining balance and exerting stress on the leg muscles. This position will help you engage the muscles of the lower body even more during the bridge, including the adductors, quads, etc.

To perform this modification of the bridge, extend your straight leg up. The difficulty of the position lies in maintaining balance on three limbs, instead of the usual four.

An even more difficult option for maintaining balance in the bridge is to grip the opposite foot with the hand. This option will be useful for those who want to develop a sense of balance and coordination, as well as further increase the flexibility of the back.

Be careful! Do this exercise only if you are completely confident in your abilities or with another person's safety net so as not to lose your balance and fall.

This type of bridge can be achieved if you gradually reduce the distance between your feet and arms. Of course, such a position in the bridge is not available to everyone. But if you have good natural flexibility or a gymnastic background, then a super flexible bridge will be up to you.

Standing bridge

If you do not want to stop there, then the next step on the way to fully mastering the bridge exercise is to learn how to get into it from a standing position.

You can proceed to mastering the bridge from a standing position only when you confidently perform the bridge from a prone position. If your bridge is not completely stable from a prone position, or you are unable to fully straighten your arms and open your chest, then continue to do the approach exercises and improve your body position in the bridge.

First stage: deflections to the wall

Stand with your back to the wall a short distance from it. Legs are shoulder-width apart, arms are lowered, heels are firmly pressed to the floor. The muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are tense. On the next breath, bend back, place your hands on the wall. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Push off the wall and return to the starting position. Gradually, you can try to go lower, increasing the deflection in the spine.

Stage two: the bridge against the wall

After enough practice of the previous exercise, when you are safely leaning back with support, you can move on to the bridge against the wall. Stand with your back to the wall a short distance from it. As in the previous exercise, bend over backward, place your hands on the wall. Walk slowly down the wall to the floor.

At first, you can only go down the wall, without returning up to the starting position, if it is still difficult or uncomfortable for you. Constantly practicing the bridge against the wall will allow you to perform this exercise more confidently each time. Move away from the wall gradually and use it only as a safety net.

Stage three: bridge with safety net

For this exercise, you will need a family member or companion to back you up. Ask the belayer to support you on the lower back, and with the other hand to support the belly. In the process of mastering the bridge while standing, it is very important to overcome the fear of leaning back into the bridge. It will be great if the belayer will help you both during the deflection into the bridge and during the return from the bridge to the standing position.

Stage four: chair bridge

This exercise will bring you even closer to confidently performing the bridge from a standing position. To do this, you will need a stable chair or sofa. In this exercise, it is important to understand that the higher the chair, the easier it is to get up on the bridge. Therefore, you can start the exercise practice from a higher sofa and end with a low bedside table or platform.

Fifth stage: standing bridge

After completing all the previous exercises, you can move to the bridge from a standing position. Do the bridge slowly, controlling every movement. Try to look down between your hands to notice the floor in time. At first, it may be difficult for you to return from the bridge to a standing position, so we recommend that you use the help of a belayer or lean on a wall.

In order to feel more confident in the early stages of doing the bridge yourself, place pillows under your back. It will be psychologically easier for you to descend into the bridge if you know that you have protected yourself from falling onto a hard floor.

Do not rush and force the load in the process of mastering the bridge. This is a difficult exercise for beginners, so be patient and get ready to practice regularly if you want to stand up and down on the bridge.

Who hasn't dreamed of standing on the bridge, demonstrating their flexibility and plasticity ?! Almost all. What is the problem?! Let's go through all the necessary exercises together with the help of this article, step by step, that will prepare our body for this. Don't give up on your dream! Dream, take care of yourself, your body and you can easily achieve the desired results.

Exercise and!

The gymnastic bridge looks very nice from the outside and you will soon be able to show off your flexibility and excellent physical shape.

Before embarking on the bridge, you need to stretch the muscles of the back and shoulders, that is, do a warm-up. Later, you will be able to do the bridge quickly and without much preparation, but for this you need to make this exercise familiar and routine for you. For beginners, a must.

So, in order to quickly and painlessly learn how to perform a bridge, you need to master special exercises that develop back flexibility very well.

Exercise number 1... Lie on with your arms extended upward. Raise your arms and legs together, while arching as much as possible. Keep your knees straight. It is necessary to fix the position for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise number 2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and straighten your arms along your torso. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, hold for 5 seconds and gently lower yourself onto your back.

Exercise number 3... Kneeling, place your feet hip-width apart. Slowly bending back, reach your heels with your hands. The back should be arched and the head tilted back.

Exercise number 4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands. Bend over by lifting your head, chest, and legs. Hold for a few seconds.

No. 5. Fitball bridge. Lie with your back on the fitball. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, and raise your hands and try to reach the floor.

Exercise number 6. Lie on your stomach. Place your arms straight at hip level. Arch your back. Now your task is to touch your head with your toes, bending your knees and lifting your head. Try to hold on for 30 seconds.

Exercise number 7. Bridge from a prone position. Lie on your back. Next, bend your legs and arms, place your hands close to your shoulders, pointing your elbows up. Now try to stand on the bridge from this position, straightening your legs, arms and arching your lower back. When you feel that you cannot bend further, hold the pose of your limit for a couple of seconds. When you're good at this exercise, make it harder by moving your arms as close to your feet as possible. Sway back and forth.

Do these exercises every day. If you have one, you will quickly forget about them, if you are not lazy, and soon you will be able to easily get up on the bridge no matter how old you are.

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