Yoga challenge for two - strengthening the body and relationships. Pair yoga

Yoga for two is not only beautiful photos, but also a great practice for relaxation, training and strengthening relationships - what you need for a pleasant sports leisure. Oriental practices help to calm down, find contact with a partner and build deep and trusting communication. Isn't that what every couple strives for?

Most often, yoga poses for two are looking for partners who do not have enough joint sports: smooth movements and positions of bodies that support each other are literally created to achieve harmony, this is their difference from yoga poses for one. Flexibility permeates all areas of life - through yoga poses for two, people learn mutual understanding and compromise.

However, couple practices are a way to find powerful contact and intimacy between two people in any relationship. Poses for two can be built together with friends, relatives, children. Contact is an important part of any relationship, and by practicing together, you can better understand loved ones. The main difference between yoga and other effective fitness workouts is to achieve harmony.

Even if you can't curl up like one of the mysterious oriental hieroglyphs, you can definitely laugh together. And it brings you closer. Well, in order to engage not only in fun, but also with benefit, we have prepared for you brief instructions on poses for pair yoga, pictures and many useful tips. Forward!

Yoga Poses: Exercises for Beginners

Do you want to quickly get close to a new person or deepen your current relationship, return a spark to it and feel like a partner again? Invite him to a yoga class for beginners, whose unusual poses will provide you with a boost of vivacity, fun and confidence. To start classes, experience is absolutely not needed - just remember that you should listen to your body and not make sudden movements. Also, do not eat heavy food before starting classes. The best option would be light vegetarian dishes.

Paired breathing

Start by sitting opposite each other.

Tip: the degree of contact is a purely individual matter. Focus on your own comfort, do not try to overcome yourself and avoid pain.

    Relax the body and arms, if desired, lean on the hips or knees. Feel the contact with the partner, his back in contact with yours. You can close your eyes. Feel your partner's breathing, smooth, deep and unhurried inhalations and exhalations. Gradually enter into a "counter-breathing" rhythm with the other person: when he inhales, you exhale, and vice versa. Continue the exercise for three to five minutes.

In yoga for two, the importance of this pose for beginners is obvious - this is the easiest and most gentle way to feel each other, to find inner contact. It is recommended to start all sessions from this position. Those who practice pranayama can bring additional elements of proper breathing.

The twisting position is a logical continuation of the first asana. You start by sitting back to back in the lotus position. Then do the exercise as follows:

    Listen to each other's breathing for a few minutes, relaxing and adjusting to contact. Inhale, at the same time raising your arms up and straightening your spine. As you exhale, gently turn to the right. Place your right hand on your partner's left knee and your left hand on the outside of your right leg. The person you are exercising with mirrors the movement, also turning to the right. Hold the position for three to five breaths, then exhale smoothly, returning to a level landing. Repeat the movement to the other side.

Raising your arms, imagine that the lower part of your body is rooted into the floor, and the upper part from the waist is like light branches of a tree striving for the sun. Do not strain your back, instead focusing on your fingertips.

Turning stimulates the process of detoxifying the body, so practicing this asana is especially useful during detoxification. And this playful asana can set the tone and mood of your communication with a partner for the whole day.

Couple Yoga Poses: Taking it to the Next Level

This stage requires some stretching and stability, but don't be alarmed: there is nothing difficult in it. We have prepared for you yoga poses for two in pictures, so that before starting the exercises you can carefully consider them and prepare for the exercises.

Stand face to face. Feet hip-width apart. This exercise is included in the list of asanas for beginners. It is done as follows:

    Inhale and stretch your arms up. Lean forward, bending at the hips until your palms touch your partner. Continue moving until you touch the entire surface of your arms from elbows to palms. Lean your weight on each other through touching hands and relax your chest and stomach. Hold position for five to seven breaths and exhalations. Finish the exercise by slowly approaching each other, unbending the torso and lowering the arms.

Watch your back and do not slouch while moving. The correct position of the body when performing this pair yoga pose, see the pictures. And don't forget to hug at the end!

This exercise will help you open and relax your shoulders and chest, our energy center. It is also very beneficial for the back and spine.

You will understand the name of this pose by looking at the pictures. The figures of people really become like trees touching crowns. And here's how to make "two trees":

    Stand side by side, turning in the same direction. Connect your right hand with your partner's left hand from elbow to palm in an inverted T shape. Slowly transfer weight to your right leg. The companion simultaneously mirrors your movements. Raise the other leg, bending it at the knee and resting on the inner thigh of the supporting limb. Hold the balance for five to seven breaths. Relax. Stand up straight again, and then repeat the exercise, switching places.

Keep your balance by keeping your center of gravity in the right place. Namely - do not lean forward or backward, keep the center of the body above the supporting leg. Learn picture yoga poses for two to see how the pros balance.

Balance exercises will help you focus and also relax your thigh muscles. And, of course, there is no better simulator for trust and the ability to be a support for a partner than this pair yoga pose!

advanced yoga poses for two

If the usual pair poses already seem easier than ever to you, and the yoga poses for two in the pictures have ceased to amaze - it's time to move on to complex exercises. Be careful and listen to your body! Advanced asanas require a good stretch, but you don’t have to force yourself right away and try to achieve the ideal the first time. Remember yoga is not about pain. Yoga is about relaxing and unlocking your body's full potential.

Looking at yoga poses in pictures for two, you can make sure that the "double mountain" is not so difficult. By performing this asana, you can effectively shine on the beach or in collective outdoor yoga classes.

    Both partners start in a knee-elbow position, one behind the other. Raise your knees and elbows off the floor, leaning on your palms and feet. Raise your pelvis, straightening your back and legs so that your figure takes the form of an inverted checkmark. The participant in front, slowly moves backward, resting his feet on a partner. Finding an emphasis in the other person's lower back, freeze and relax. Maintain the position for five to seven breaths. Slowly and smoothly lower yourself to the floor.

The role of the “base” mountain is best given to a partner with a lot of weight. This is especially true when you are doing yoga with your child.

It is important to constantly communicate with your partner during this paired yoga pose. Asana should be comfortable and stable. It straightens the spine, improves communication and enhances intimacy between people. After performing this complex technique, eat a couple of spoons of honey with walnuts. A treat will help restore strength.

This is the best asana for stretching at home. One of the exercises that you can’t do on your own is yoga for two. The poses in the pictures will help you figure out what the ideal result should look like, but it’s worth going towards it gradually, especially if your lifestyle is mostly sedentary. It is worth noting that this pose perfectly helps to lose weight without diets and strong physical exertion!

This pose is done like this:

    Sit opposite each other and extend your legs in a V-shape so that your knees are even and your feet are touching with your partner. Extend your arms to each other. You need to hold on not with your palms, but with your wrist in your wrist. Inhale and stretch your spine as much as possible. As you exhale, lean forward. Your partner at this time leans back, helping you stretch. Relax all the muscles, remaining in this asana for five to seven breaths. Release your hands and return to the starting position. Repeat, switching roles.

Tip: all movements of the asana should be done as smoothly as possible to avoid sprains or other muscle injuries.

Doing this exercise will help you calm down, as well as deepen your sense of caring and responsibility for your partner.

Having overcome this rather difficult exercise, as a reward you will realize all the pleasure that yoga can bring. The poses for two in the pictures will help you understand the details of this asana, and our instruction is to do it the first time. Go!

    Sit comfortably across from each other with your knees bent and your toes touching. Gently but firmly grasp each other's hands. Begin to touch with your feet, gradually pulling your knees towards your chest. , begin to slowly lift and straighten your legs. Hold the position for five to seven breaths. Relax and gently lower your legs back to the floor.

If you can’t lift both legs at once, try doing it sequentially. And don't lose your sense of humor! This asana works on the energy base of the body.

If you wish, you and your partner can challenge yourself for a week, learning a new asana every day. At the end of the week, you will have an impressive set of asanas that you can train already in the complex, finding more and more pleasure in yoga for two. Keep the poses in the pictures in front of your eyes so that you can perform the exercises correctly. And remember that after performing complex asanas, you need to relax well: take a bath with sea salt, listen to relaxing music.

A few more poses that will help diversify your joint activities, give an unusual load, bring together and have a little fun. Spending time together will strengthen existing relationships, and working out in a group with strangers can make new friends. Try to learn these interesting and very useful asanas.

Halasana - double plow

Helps to get rid of pain in the back, abdomen. Partners lie on their backs with their heads to each other, arms stretch out and wrap around each other's shoulders. Then one of them raises his legs at a right angle, gradually rounding the spine, directs his legs to his palms. The other does the same, laying his legs on top. Remain in the asana for several breaths, but do not allow any discomfort to the friend. If there is discomfort, carefully come out of the pose. If everything is in order, then change so that everyone can stretch better.

Dandasana and inverted dandasana

The first one sits in Dandasana, and the second, standing with his back to him, puts his feet at his knees, bends over and wraps his arms around his partner's shins. Then the lower one puts his hands up, and the other puts his feet on his palms and straightens his arms. The first, holding a comrade by the shins, stretches his arms above his head and fully straightens his arms. The one who is at the base of the figure should make sure that the partner has a comfortable position. In case of the slightest discomfort, it is necessary to report it.


The lower, stronger partner lies on his back, raises his legs and arms perpendicular to the body. The upper one is laid with the pelvis on his feet, with the palms of straightened arms, leaning on the palms of a friend. The pose is difficult and requires some practice. Well, if there is a third person who will insure. If both of you have enough strength, then you can switch places. Such an asana, in addition to skill, requires trust and the ability to be a support to someone who needs support, and by doing the exercise, you can learn to rely on your friend and learn to be a reliable rear for your friend. In this way, married couples can learn mutual trust, which is not often found today.

Cobra with double deflection

The pose strengthens the deep muscles of the back and abdomen. One of the couple lies on his stomach, legs together. The second stands over him, placing his feet on the sides of his hips. The standing one takes his pair by the hands, bends back, introducing him into the cobra pose. Then you need to change positions. Come out of the asana slowly, gradually unbending, do not throw your partner’s hands abruptly. Remember that all movements in yoga should be smooth.

Steam Natarajasana

Facing each other, the couple extend their left arms above their heads and join hands. Both raise their right legs behind the back as high as possible and hold them with their right hands. It seems that the pose is very easy to do, but try to stand in it for a while, you will feel that it is not so easy. An excellent asana for balance, you can support a friend, and he you, besides, you will strengthen your legs and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Yoga poses for two: what is important to remember for beginners

After completing any of the exercises, return to a relaxed neutral position - lying on your back. It is called Shavasana, or Corpse Pose. Quite an ominous name, isn't it? This position is one of the easiest and at the same time difficult in yoga. The key to its proper execution is the absolute relaxation of each muscle. Do not think and focus on the present moment, using it to deepen the newfound connection with your partner.

Tip: Let your hands touch while you lie in Savasana. Exchange energy and just enjoy the touch of a loved one.

Joint Eastern practices will help you put aside differences and learn to work together towards a common goal, improving your communication and paying attention to each other's bodies. Yoga poses in pictures at first will help you do everything right. And over time, you will feel confident enough to practice asanas based on your own feelings. To maximize the benefits of yoga for the body, drink chamomile and ginger tea after exercise, because it is a great mood booster!

Listen to yourself and your partner, don't do things that make you or him uncomfortable, and stay open to each other. So you will always quickly find contact even outside of class: mutual understanding is exactly what yoga brings to life together.

This practice, which has survived to this day, has undergone many changes. Yoga is a fusion of the spiritual and physical components of harmony, originating in India. Recently, such a direction as a yoga challenge for two has gained popularity, which contributes not only to the physical strengthening of partners, but also to their relationship. In this article, we will look at the yoga challenge for two.


This practice helps to build a trusting relationship with a partner, as well as achieve harmony with your body and emotions. Yoga challenge for two can be called acroyoga and trust yoga. The yoga challenge for two is about learning to trust and support both in body and spirit.

Where to start? First of all, it is worth studying the training pictures: a yoga challenge for two always begins with a theory. It should not be overlooked that for this type of practice you will need comfortable clothing that does not hinder your movements. Your body needs to breathe, so choose clothes made from organic materials. If you study the pictures and photos, a yoga challenge for two almost always provides for the presence of two rugs, which can be combined into one to perform paired exercises. If you decide to practice a yoga challenge for two, the poses in the pictures will undoubtedly come in handy. After studying them, you will be able to perform simple poses even at home.

Use music to help you relax. Yoga challenge for 2 people is best performed to relaxing music, for example, to the sounds of nature or classical music. You can also use mantras to make your movements relaxed.

A person tends not to follow the breath during asanas, however, breathing is one of the fundamental elements in this practice. People who decide to do paired exercises should focus on breathing, performing asanas at least at first. If this seems difficult to you, then we recommend taking a couple of lessons with a professional trainer.

Asanas and effect

So, you decided on a challenge for two, photos of asanas can be easily found on the Internet. The poses for the challenge have different variations: for example, there are those for which special preparation is not needed, while others require months of daily practice. The simplest are the following two asanas:

  • Pashchimottanasana. This challenge pose has the alternative name "airplane". To perform it, the first participant must sit down and stretch their legs. He bends over and rests his stomach on his hips. The second participant lies on their back to the first, keeping their legs straight, feet remain on the floor, and arms extended overhead. In this position, you need to be from 3 to 6 respiratory cycles.
  • Navasana. Participants should sit opposite each other, stretching out their arms and touching the partner's hands with their hands. You need to connect the feet, and cross your arms around each other's wrists. Participants should raise their legs up and straighten their knees as much as possible. You should stay in this asana for no more than 5 cycles. As in the previous asana yoga challenge for two, photos of the Navasana pose are easy to find on the Internet.

This practice is a great opportunity to build a trusting relationship with a partner. So, you can perform some challenge asanas at home, photos of poses for beginners can always be found on the Internet. Photos during the challenge will be especially useful at the first stage; in addition to photos, it is recommended to take a couple of classes with a trainer.

The fact of rapprochement with a partner during the performance of paired asanas will be undeniable.

Together on the rug - where to start?

As with traditional yoga, you will need comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement, preferably made from natural materials and two yoga mats. If at least one of the partners is not practicing yoga for the first time and is confident enough that he can control the safety of the second, you can practice yoga poses for couples on your own, for example, using video lessons or photo materials.

Special music will help you tune in to a joint lesson - it can be mantras, sounds of nature, just light pleasant instrumental music. It is better to watch a video or photo beforehand and study paired yoga poses so that a novice partner understands what is ahead of him.

But if both partners belong to a group of beginner yogis, in this case it would be better to trust a professional instructor, it is even possible to take several individual lessons.

The effect of paired yoga

Pair yoga is not a panacea for relationships, but a definite plus in building trust and rapprochement

In addition to the positive effects of traditional yoga, yoga with a partner has a number of advantages and nice bonuses. The fact of rapprochement with a partner during the performance of paired asanas will be indisputable. Development and strengthening of trust in a couple, a sense of security.

You should not approach the practice as family therapy - the poses for pair yoga will certainly bring you closer, but if there is a conflict in the couple, then it is better to postpone the lesson until it is resolved.

The mood should be positive, the partners should experience positive and unclouded feelings for each other, both should be comfortable and pleasant to be next to each other. For those couples where both partners have not practiced before, doing paired yoga poses will be a great start - supporting a loved one in a new endeavor will give confidence and emphasize the desire to practice. Watching a video with asanas performed by two people is already before the first lesson - this will give inspiration to beginners, there will be a desire to learn and repeat.

The structure of pair practice

For single beginners, this asana is not given immediately, while in pair yoga, partners almost do not have to balance

The practice of paired yoga poses is often called lazy yoga - as you can see from the photo and video, this type of yoga for beginners does not require such physical effort and muscle preparation as traditional yoga. All poses for couple yoga are performed in a relatively relaxed state, they are more focused on stretching than dynamic asana complexes. At the same time, one of the partners is often passive, led by another partner, who gives his body a certain load and controls the asana with the help of a photo, video or instructor.

You can start the exercises in a completely relaxed state, although a little warm-up will not hurt. The spirit of rivalry or competition will have to be put aside - this has no place in paired yoga, watching videos of performing asanas in pairs, you can see that partners complement each other, and the last thing this practice will become a competition. Over time, the couple will move to the next stage - a deeper emotional and spiritual unity, when there will no longer be a literal alternate division into the leader and the follower. Both partners will simultaneously perform asanas on an equal footing, while complementing and supporting each other.

Entering the third stage of pair practice, the partners will achieve complete physical harmony, the performance of asanas will be improvised, the poses will be selected mechanically and intuitively, the couple will dissolve into each other and become one in the asana.

Watching a video of pair yoga, where partners have achieved perfection, gives aesthetic pleasure to beginners and gives an incentive to their own development.

Listening to our breath - what you need to know?

Pay attention to breathing should be from the very first and even a simple lesson. Without observing the technique of proper breathing, the entire practice of yoga runs the risk of being ordinary physical education - the meaning of the flow of energy will be lost. Initially, it will not be easy to observe the necessary combination of inhalations and exits regarding the asanas performed, but if you do not leave this moment without attention, then soon it will be brought to automatism.

In pair yoga, in addition to your breathing, you also need to control and feel your partner's breathing. Before starting asanas, you can try to breathe synchronously, adjust to each other. Over time, breathing in a pair during yoga practice will become almost unified.

In theory about practice

Most pair yoga poses originate in. Basically, having a partner makes it easier to perform asanas, since the load is shared between two. For example, such a pose as Pashimottanasana is a technically simple asana. Performing it alone, the yogi sits on the mat, stretching straight legs squeezed together in front of him, and smoothly lowers his body down. If the asana is performed by two, then the second partner stands behind the seated one, and, resting his hands on his back, helps him to stretch.

Asanas in pair yoga cannot be performed through force, and if the seated person feels pain or discomfort, then he should let his partner know about it.

A good example of a couples pose would be Navasana. Partners sit opposite each other, hold hands and, resting their feet, stretch their straight legs up, approximately at the level of their faces. Here, partners help each other at the same time, maintaining mutual balance.

Paired practice of asanas is a great way to get closer to a partner and take the path of self-knowledge, physical development and harmony of body and soul together. You can start studying pair practice both by video lessons and with an instructor in the hall. Guided by the simple rules of classical hatha yoga, observing elementary safety precautions, listening to your body and the body of your partner, you will be able to completely plunge into the world of mutual harmony, energy exchange, and the disclosure of your potential.

Paired asanas are beautiful, graceful, emphatically plastic. Watching a video with a recording of pair practice, it seems that you are watching a dance - a capacious composition of plastic movements performed in their endless interconnection.

Hello my dear readers and blog guests! Yoga is one of the oldest and deepest practices in the world. It is a special Indian teaching about the inseparability of the external and internal principles in any person. Today, this powerful spiritual practice is already known everywhere. It is recognized in every corner of the globe. Such popularity is explained by the fact that such a philosophical doctrine helps a person to realize his place in the world, teaches him to behave in various difficult situations, and allows him to stay young and healthy. Those who practice it feel extremely strong and are always in a good mood.

The benefits of yoga for two

Yoga is very popular among people for whom their personal relationships are very important. The fact is that the complexity of the movements in it is such that when they are performed, mutual and very reliable support is required. It generates mutual trust and brings couples very close. In addition, people in the course of classes get used to rely on a partner. They have confidence that in a difficult moment a shoulder will always be substituted.

There are a very large number of yoga options. Recently, its double version has been the most popular all over the world. It implies that all exercises are performed together with another person. If the partners are of different sexes, then such a set of movements contributes to their close rapprochement, the exchange of sexual energy and the coordination of their emotional and physical principles.

Such asanas are very suitable for spouses with great experience who decide to improve their appearance and physical fitness. These people already know themselves and their capabilities quite well. They are already accustomed to the most difficult joint activities. They are able to compromise, obey each other and understand that it is necessary to constantly take care of a partner. It will be very useful for beginner couples to master these skills, which are given with difficulty and many years of practice, while doing yoga exercises for two.

The joint execution of movements helps to completely correct the course of internal processes in the body of both partners, achieve amazing body flexibility, and improve overall health. Asanas help a person to calm down, relax, increase overall tone, strengthen self-confidence and achieve mutual understanding with others. In addition, such pair yoga classes are extremely beneficial for health, mentality, improving physical fitness and stabilizing relationships.

It is advisable to carry out such exercises with pleasant, relaxing music. She will set you in a positive mood from the very beginning and create a shade of intimacy. Partners should feel completely free. There can be no stiffness or embarrassment.

To begin with, it is advisable to conduct, for example, a joint meditation, dance a mod to a slow melody, or just talk about life and love.

You can’t rush anywhere, you need to take enough time to study. This is important not only for spiritual physical communication, but also for the safety of both partners. Yoga movements are quite complex and should be performed carefully and slowly.

Therefore, you need to remember some very important rules:

  • you should start doing the exercises in a good mood, in complete peace with yourself and in agreement with each other;
  • it must be remembered that asanas are done with complete relaxation of the muscular apparatus;
  • the purpose of the exercise is stretching;
  • a man should take on the maximum load;
  • when performing exercises, a woman completely obeys him;
  • the movements of the couple are carried out harmoniously;
  • partners try to do the asana in such a way as to achieve mutual harmony;
  • exercises are performed only if both are in good health.

Requirements to start a yoga class for two

Asanas are best done:

  • those who have only recently met and are planning to live together;
  • couples who have largely lost the power of feelings after many years of marriage;
  • partners who restore love relationships after a temporary break;
  • people who are looking for new sexual experiences;
  • athletes who strive for excellent physical shape.

Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the exercises must be performed with extreme caution, protecting each other from injury or muscle strain. This is especially true of such movements, when the balance of partners is closely dependent on mutual support.

Classes should be held regularly. Therefore, you need to coordinate your work schedules in advance so as not to go astray and not upset your partner. In the event that this cannot be done in any way, you need to wait for a time when it will be possible to spend leisure time together.

It is advisable to try not to be offended by another person if he occasionally misses classes for good reasons.

Yoga for two is extremely useful in that it is possible to perform asanas of increased complexity. With support, the body responds better to stretching, and the likelihood of injury is much reduced. One partner does not allow the other to accidentally fall and at the same time he is able to give his movements an additional load.

It is important to consider that people should:

  • take a shower before exercising;
  • dress in clean suits;
  • by the level of training to be approximately equal;
  • be in good physical shape;
  • to help each other;
  • not cause pain or discomfort;
  • change position while performing asanas.

For pair yoga, you need to have light and spacious cotton training suits, special mats for each partner separately, a video recorder or a book with instructions. You can also attend special preparatory courses.

Yoga poses for two with a photo

For beginners, the following exercises can be suggested.

Airplane. The man lies on his back, stretches his legs and arms up. The woman is placed on his palms and feet. Her upper limbs should remain straight. In the future, she carefully pushes away from her partner, and he also carefully tries to keep her. Fix thirty seconds.

Double sandwich. People sit facing each other and touch their feet. Then they lean in and hug tightly. Each tries to reach with his head to the knees of the other. Fix sixty seconds.

Double dog. The man stands up straight with his legs slightly apart, then bends over at a ninety-degree angle. The woman puts her upper limbs on the floor, not far from him, and she throws her legs on his lower back.

Inverted triangle. Partners stand up straight, facing each other. Raise upper limbs. Fix for thirty seconds. Then turn your head and torso as much as possible to the right side. The hand is placed on the floor next to the foot. The left foot should be turned to the left.

Boat. Sit on the mat and touch your feet. Raise the lower limbs up, slightly spreading them at the same time. Feet should touch and hold hands at the same time.

Headstand. You need to stand at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. Roll over on your head. Fully straighten up and touch the feet with a partner.

Sipping. Sit opposite with feet touching. For the upper limbs begin to be attracted.

Trikonasana. Partners stand next to each other. One leans to the side, the other leans in the opposite direction. Fixed for forty seconds.

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana. Lie on the floor with your heads to each other, take your hands together. Both need to slowly raise the lower limbs at a right angle. Fixed for thirty seconds.

Pashchimottanasana. Sit on the floor, touch your feet. Hold hands and try to pull away from each other as far as possible. Fixed for thirty seconds.

For accuracy in performing yoga for two, it is first advisable to watch a video together or carefully study the illustrations in a book. Otherwise, in the presence of fear, anxiety or self-doubt, it will not be possible to achieve complete muscle relaxation. In addition, the complexity of the movements will not bring pleasure from their implementation.

Features of yoga for two

You should immediately understand that it will not work right away to achieve successful exercise. Therefore, you need to be patient. This will more than pay for itself.

People engaged in this spiritual practice feel younger, healthier and stronger. They begin to think about the meaning of life, about the peculiarities of relationships and about their place in the world.

Pair yoga can bring benefits that no other physical or intellectual activity will give. Her movements:

  • improve health;
  • increase the flow of oxygen into the body;
  • normalize the work of the heart;
  • improve mood;
  • stabilize the work of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • normalize the activity of the nervous system;
  • improve attention;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • create a sense of closeness;
  • eliminate the lack of bodily communication;
  • develop responsibility;
  • increase trust in each other;
  • allow you to make peace after a quarrel;
  • give a common hobby;
  • help you spend more time together
  • show a new spiritual joint practice;
  • enhance feelings for each other.

Such classes will provide an opportunity to perfectly know and feel the character of a partner. Complex movements will allow you to assess the degree of his reliability, courage, ability to take care of loved ones. They will demonstrate his openness, emotionality, and a sense of humor. Getting people to know each other will give them an excellent opportunity to get close, make strong friends, and achieve mutual understanding.

Partners begin to realize their inner essence much better, they cease to be shy, they trust more. Asanas help them get rid of excess negative energy, replacing it with positive. A person who allows another to perform an asana insures him, becomes closer to him. As a result, muscle and nervous tension completely subsides, and the relationship of both partners improves dramatically. They are rapidly progressing in a positive direction.

Thus, doing yoga for two will not only help you improve yourself, but will also help you build a strong and reliable family. Classes will undoubtedly contribute to the close rapprochement of a man and a woman, their full bodily contact, and will also make it easier to move on to intimate contacts.

In addition, such classes will allow you to have fun together, improve your physical shape and once again make sure of the beauty and dexterity of your chosen one. See you soon!

If you have long dreamed, with the support of a partner, to feel the power of balance, test the capabilities of your body, or simply go beyond the usual, then this type of yoga is just for you.

Yoga for two involves performing asanas (body position in space) with a partner, whether it be a spouse, friend, child, or your yoga mat neighbor. Why not a chance to improve relationships with a loved one or find a new friend who holds similar views?

Interacting with a partner, we overcome our complexes and fears, free ourselves from psychological and energy blocks in the body, which are a serious obstacle to development. In particular, people with an introverted psychotype are uncomfortable being in the company of an outsider, and it seems impossible to trust him and allow him to enter his personal space. Therefore, before you come to a yoga class for two, think about whether you are ready to leave your comfort zone and how this may affect you.

We are accustomed to immersing ourselves in our inner world during class, and a seemingly unusual practice for most of us allows us to learn to feel, understand and respect other people, take responsibility for them, thereby eradicating signs of egocentrism in ourselves. The knowledge of yoga through joint practice should be based on a harmonious trusting interaction with each other.

It is also worth getting rid of the feeling of rivalry, which leads to unreasonable criticism of the partner, envy, because you came to help him, expecting similar behavior in return. In addition, the high level of preparation of your partner can serve as an incentive and motivation for you.

If we are talking about physical contact, then your partner, when performing asanas, is able to increase the depth of your inclination, increase the deflection, help maintain balance, improve coordination, and also improve stretching - accordingly, the quality of performing asanas increases significantly, and the chance to master previously inaccessible asanas also increases. . At the same time, it is always worth controlling your feelings, the force of the load, as well as the feelings of your partner.

Like any other kind of hatha yoga in its physiological aspect, yoga for two is aimed at improving the general condition of the body. Deep study of all muscle groups, development of strength and endurance, increased immunity, self-discipline - this is only a small part of what yoga can give.

And we invite you to move from theory to practice and rebuild a few yoga asanas for two with our teachers.

Supta baddha konasana(Lying Bound Angle Pose). Asana has a tonic effect on the urinary system, kidneys, prostate gland, and also relieves leg fatigue after prolonged exercise.

Detuning: one of the partners lies on his back, bends his knees and connects the feet, placing them as close to the crotch as possible. The pelvis is tightly pressed to the mat, the arms are extended along the body or behind the head. The second partner sits facing him, and, holding the partner's feet with his knees, places his palms on the inner surfaces of his thighs, exerting controlled intense pressure.

Supta Padangushthasana(Pose of gripping the big toe from a lying position). The asana stretches the hamstrings and hamstrings, relieves stiffness in the hip joints and relieves back pain.

Detuning: one of the partners lies on his back, the pelvis, shoulders and head are firmly pressed to the mat. The second partner, applying pressure and pressing the right leg of the first to the floor, pulls the left leg to his body.

When performing the second variant of Supta Padangushthasana, the partner who builds it up grabs the big toe of the left foot and takes it to the side. The second partner, holding the right thigh of the first on the mat, puts pressure on the inner surface of his left thigh, trying to lower his leg to the mat.

Pashchimottanasana(Pose of intense stretching of the western (back) surface of the body. Asana tones and strengthens the abdominal organs, has a beneficial effect on the heart, endocrine and central nervous system.

Detuning: one of the partners sits on the mat with a straight back, stretching his legs and directing his feet towards himself. Evenly stretching the back from the coccyx to the top of the head, due to rotation in the hip joints, the first partner goes into an inclination to the legs. After that, the second partner places his palms on the sacrum of the first and gently stretches his back from the sacrum towards the waist.

Another option for adjusting the asana can be a position in which the partners sit with their backs to each other and when the first partner fixes the inclination, the second leans back, performing a backbend.

Cervical-thoracic deflection. The asana opens the shoulder joints, chest and improves blood circulation in the chest area.

Detuning: one of the partners kneels down and, keeping the hips perpendicular to the floor, tends to lower the chin to the floor, arms extended forward with palms down. The second partner is behind the first and, putting pressure on the shoulder blades, tends to lower his chest closer to the mat.

Adho Mukha Svanasana(Downward facing dog pose). Asana helps to strengthen the legs, increase their flexibility, and also relieves general fatigue, tension in the neck, shoulders, and wrists.

Detuning: one of the partners gets on all fours, placing the palms shoulder-width apart, and the hips hip-width apart. Resting his palms on the floor, the first partner puts his feet on his fingers and pushes the pelvis up, straightening his legs. The second partner places his feet on the palms of the first, thereby pressing them more tightly to the mat, and places his palms on his shoulder blades, directing the partner’s chest to the hips.

Upavista Konasana(Position of an angle from a sitting position).

Detuning: one of the partners sits on the mat with a straight back and spreads his legs, maximizing the distance between them. Stretching up behind the top of the head, the partner, rebuilding the asana, due to rotation in the hip joints, goes into a forward inclination. The second partner places his palms on the level of the sacrum of the first and stretches his back.
